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Chapter 653 Are you looking down on Wang Duoyu in Xihong City?

Chapter 653 Are you looking down on Wang Duoyu in Xihong City?

How Du Bureau's car quietly ran to Xihong City, the brother unit next door, the Jialin police did not have a clue from the afternoon to the evening of the investigation.

This is about to become a supernatural event.

Of course, the degree of spirituality is not high. Mr. Zhao parked his car on the side of the road in the outskirts of Xihong City. There are no cameras within 300 meters. He took the national highway last time... There are not many cameras on the national highway. But when a new cycle starts and everything is cleared and restarted, it is impossible for the relevant cameras to be in stock.

Theoretically, if you do not take the national highway, but take various county roads and township roads, and then detour to deliberately avoid surveillance roads, there is a chance that you will not be filmed all the way.

Du Ju rubbed his temples and said, "Forget it, I've wasted a lot of time. It's strange that my car appeared in Xihong City, but the car is not broken, and nothing is lost in it. Let's put it down for now." Bar."

"Everyone go back and rest."

In the urban road monitoring hall at the moment, there were quite a lot of interrogators. Most of the policemen nodded or stretched their waists to get up following Bureau Du's words.

At this moment, a figure ran from outside the monitoring hall, "Bureau Du, Captain Zhang, there is a situation. Just now the 110 Reporting Center received a call to the police, saying that someone was violently collecting debts, and it was suspected that they would kidnap the debtor's wife and daughter." , and threaten the debtor with the life of the other party’s wife and daughter.”

A group of policemen who were about to take a rest changed their faces.

Bureau Du and Zhang Cheng, including several criminal policemen, quickly walked to the 110 report center, and listened to the detailed conversation records of the alarm call again.

Zhang Cheng was still listening to the record, Du Ju said, "Xiao Wang, what is the situation of the reporter?"

The operator quickly said, "He didn't intend to introduce much at the beginning, he only said that his surname was Jiao, but we identified the reporter's name as Jiao Xiangrong based on his mobile phone number, a migrant worker who went to work in the city, and worked in a construction site before. "

"When I lost my job due to an accident at the construction site, I have never had a job. I used to live in a rented garage in Gangwu New Village. Now, because of the Gangwu New Village Neighborhood Committee's rectification of the garage rental incident, I took a bus to the west of the Yanjiang Bridge this afternoon to join my friends."

"The landlord who has contacted Jiao Xiangrong, in the other party's description, Jiao Xiangrong is usually an honest and hardworking person. He saves his daughter's tuition and living expenses all day long. The landlord underpaid part of his rent arrears and the rest..."

"The suitcase he used to move today was given to him by the landlord. By the way, when Jiao Xiangrong called the police, he asked him if this kind of behavior counted as a righteous act. If it is true, is there a reward for being brave?"

Director Du had a general understanding, and then looked at Zhang Cheng who was listening to the conversation with the earphones. After waiting for a few minutes, Zhang Cheng put down the earphones and said, "Jiao Xiangrong was on the No. 45 bus and heard a conversation between a suspected lender and his subordinates. Did you call the police?"

"What is Li Fengtian in Hasong City, he lives in a funeral home and manages the cremation work. He usually kidnaps, kills, cremates, destroys corpses and wipes out traces, and also works part-time to harvest organs..."

"Collect debts for Haojiang Gambling King?"

Their Jialin City belongs to one of the most southeast cities in the mainland, and it is not too far from Haojiang, but it is one of the most southeast cities in the mainland. Hiring a killer would not make you go to Hasong City in the northeast, right?

Zhang Cheng circled the information in his mind again, and said with a frown, "Jiao Xiangrong's description of calling the police is a bit true, not like it's fake, but the information he released is a bit too much and too messy, with a lot of things related to debt collection." Irrelevant content, the debtor He Hejun, who was harassed on the bus a few years ago and forced girls to get off the bus was hit by a car accident, manipulating the Internet to change public opinion... is too deliberate."

Bureau Du stared at him for a moment, then retracted, and sat down to listen to the conversation.

Zhang Chengcai looked at Xiao Wang, the operator, "Contact Jiao Xiangrong, I want to talk to him face-to-face. Also, he mentioned the case of Wang Mengmeng's death in a car accident on the No. 45 bus five years ago. Let's see if there are any relevant files."

Xiao Wang just nodded.

I saw a policeman running over with a file, "Captain Zhang, I found it. It is true that five years ago a Jialin Normal University student named Wang Mengmeng was on the No. 45 bus in the middle of the Yanjiang Bridge, forcing the driver to break the rules." The case of parking and being hit by a subsequent vehicle."

"However, the case has been closed early. It is positioned as an ordinary car accident. The bus company has signed a compensation agreement with the family of the deceased."

It is impossible for the reporting center to have only one person on duty. Xiao Wang went to hang up the line and ran to report to Bureau Du and others.

found it……

Zhang Cheng frowned and took the file. Based on his more than 20 years of experience in the police force, he instinctively felt that there was a big problem with this case, and it was not a matter of ordinary debt collection, illegal and violent collection.

Still the same sentence, a big debt collector can't collect money, so it doesn't make sense to talk so many extraneous things in public.

"Contact the Hasson City police and ask them to help find out if there is a cremator named Li Tiantian who works in a funeral home."

"Contact the bus company to find out who is on duty and where the driver is at the No. 1 bus at around 40:45 p.m., and then investigate how many people were on the bus at that time, and who heard the call from the debt collector. The more monitoring sections, the bus monitoring, and the monitoring section with Jiao Xiangrong's boarding and disembarking information, the better."

"Only Jiao Xiangrong was the only one in the car during the discussion about the black and evil incident at one o'clock in the afternoon, and the police didn't call the police until after 11 o'clock?"

With just a few words, not only the operator of the 110 call center got busy, but also Jiang Feng, Yu Lei, Ye Qian and other police officers from the criminal police team rushed around.

For debt collection and debt collection, they often encounter similar cases, such as various campus loans, routine loans, online loans, etc., and there are many related black and evil incidents.

But ordinary debt collection and debt collection are not at the same level as kidnapping, cutting off organs, selling them and then incinerating them!


Twenty minutes later.

In the big office of the criminal police team, the crowd was still busy drinking coffee or strong tea, Ye Qian ran over grabbing a piece of information, and whispered, "Bureau Du, it's really a big deal, Jiao Xiangrong took that No. 45 bus today, The driver was Wang Xingde, the father of Wang Mengmeng, who died in the accident at 45:[-] p.m. on the same bus five years ago."

"Called to the bus company. Wang Xingde asked for leave after driving the No. 45 bus to the end. The monitoring equipment on the bus was damaged."

"At present, Wang Xingde's whereabouts are unknown. His phone was originally turned off."

Du Ju was taken aback, "No wonder the debt collector brother talked so many off-topic things that have nothing to do with debt collection, especially focusing on describing the cause of Wang Mengmeng's death... Then He Hejun found it?"

"Old Zhang..."

When she looked at Zhang Cheng's position, she realized that there was no one there.

Jiang Feng got up and said, "Boss Du, the master went to talk to Jiao Xingrong."


When the sky gradually brightened.

A group of police officers from the Jialin City Bureau who had stayed up all night gathered at the conference table again. Zhang Cheng had already posted many photos, including text descriptions, on the small whiteboard in front of the table.

"We investigated overnight and found that many of the bus incidents were related to the deceased Wang Mengmeng five years ago. Her father resigned more than four years ago and came to Jialin City to apply for the driver of the No. 45 bus. In the past few years, there have been opportunities for promotion and transfer. Pushed them all away, but insisted on driving the No. 45 road."

"This is Tao Yinghong, Wang Mengmeng's mother. She used to be a chemistry teacher and now works in a factory. She stole some explosive compounds according to her work convenience, including online shopping records."

"Judging from Tao Yinghong's getting in and getting off the car, it is not ruled out that the things she is carrying are suspected to be homemade bombs, because there are traces of explosives left in the taxi garage where Tao Yinghong lived before."

"The clues have been integrated so far. I suspect that Wang Xingde and Tao Yinghong may want to blow up the car today. Today's No. 45 bus will also drive to them at 1:45 pm, the same time that Wang Mengmeng died five years ago. The cross-river bridge where the daughter died was detonated, and the phone conversation with the debt collector brother actually changed their minds."

"I talked to Jiao Xiangrong carefully. He was very afraid of the big debt collector in the car, and he lowered his head and didn't dare to look at it. But out of the corner of his eye, he saw Tao Yinghong return to the seat and play with the pressure cooker, dismantling some things, like Old model old phones, and some leads."

It's not that Zhang Cheng, the criminal policeman, is so good.

It is a combination of various information clues, which is too straightforward!
During the overnight investigation, Tao Yinghong spent several months squatting on the 45th bus, harassing passengers and drivers looking for bus sex abuse, which made a large number of passengers dissatisfied, drivers hid when they saw her, and the police went to mediate many times.

Wang Xingde used to be a large truck driver from out of town, so why did he come here to drive the 45 road, and he didn't change his salary or promotion.

The most important thing is that Tao Yinghong experimented with homemade bombs in the rented garage of Gangwu Xincun. One of the explosions accidentally caused a fire.

It wasn't for this reason, Jiao Xiangrong, who called the police today, didn't need to pack his bags and leave Gangwu New Village to join his friends.

The police went to Tao Yinghong's rented garage in the middle of the night and found traces of the explosion and some residues of explosive compounds. They investigated everything about Tao Yinghong overnight, whether it was stolen at work or online shopping records...

Just check it out.

In addition, the surveillance cameras on the bus were destroyed, but the surveillance cameras at each platform were still there. She boarded the bus at Gangwu Xincun Station, carrying a pressure cooker.

When a debt collector told the cause of Wang Mengmeng's death, Tao Yinghong quickly got out of the car with a pressure cooker and disappeared. Wang Xingde, who had never been absent from work for more than four years, immediately asked for leave and disappeared!
At that time, Jiao Xiangrong and Tao Yinghong, the Bomb Auntie, were sitting parallel across the corridor, and they were both seated by the window. During the in-depth conversation between Zhang Cheng and him, in various chat memories, I really vaguely remembered a scene of Auntie Guo dismantling the bomb. .

All kinds of evidence and clues have been gathered to this point, not to mention Zhang Cheng, ordinary criminal police can analyze some suspects.

When Zhang Cheng gathered here, even if he stayed up all night without sleep, all the Jialin policemen still felt their scalps numb and panicked.

Homemade bomb?The bus exploded?

They really didn't expect to experience such a terrible case in a daze.If it really exploded at 1 p.m., how many people would have been killed or injured?

After the horror, Du Ju said, "Did you find Tao Yinghong's pressure cooker? Where is Tao Yinghong now?"

Zhang Cheng took a big sip of tea, "Jiao Xiangrong and other passengers got off the bus at West Yanjiang Road Station. It can be seen from the monitoring screen that they were panicked when they got off the bus, and they even felt like they were going to survive a catastrophe. One of the network anchors The most obvious."

"However, Tao Yinghong sat for two more stops. We have mobilized several teams of people to investigate the place where she got off the bus. Together with the local police station, we should be able to find clues."

"As for Tao Yinghong herself, she bought a high-speed rail ticket to the capital yesterday afternoon, arrived at the station at three o'clock in the morning, and then disappeared..."

"According to her previous phone call records, she indeed contacted Li Fengtian in Hasong City in Northeast China! So it may be that she transferred to Hasong City in the capital, but with her ID card, no further detailed information was found."

Du Ju frowned, "Is it true that the debt collector brother said he kidnapped and cremated Li Fengtian?? What about the debt collector's information?"

Zhang Cheng posted a few photos on the small whiteboard again, which were the monitoring of Mr. Zhao, Xiao Heyun, and Li Shiqing getting off the bus at the city library station together.

"According to Jiao Xiangrong's description, this young man in flip flops, big pants and short sleeves is the big debt collector, but starting from the library station, all the monitoring along the way can only take pictures of his back, not his front face, even the side view. No face."

"This is a terrifying thing. Even with my more than 20 years of experience in the police force, if I am not familiar with the relevant road monitoring system, I will definitely not be able to do this."

Director Du frowned and said, "When Route 45 crossed the bridge, did all the passengers come back? Let them do the puzzle..."

Zhang Cheng shook his head, "I had an in-depth conversation with Jiao Xiangrong. He said that the other party was too imposing, and he was just talking to his brother. That kind of ignoring life, cruel and tyrannical temperament scared his mind to go blank. The more frightened he was, the more specific impression he had of the other party. more and more blurred."

"It's the same with the network anchor. The other party described that when the big bill collector snatched his mobile phone and threatened him, he was like walking on the road and was suddenly awakened by the sound of the horn. In a blink of an eye, he saw a big truck speeding towards him. It's like bumping into him... there is no other impression except instinctive fear."

A group of policemen looked at each other.

It's all in the middle and late 21s, with all kinds of monitoring systems and puzzle technologies so developed, can you still be stumped by a single appearance? ?
Zhang Cheng coughed lightly, "Of course, if Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun are found, the situation should be different. The other passengers have only had brief contact with him, and the time to face the big bill collector can only be counted in seconds. Li Shiqing is different from Xiao Heyun. They are long-term relationship."


Xihong City.

When a taxi arrived and Mr. Zhao got off with Xiao Heyun and Li Shiqing, he opened his mouth and looked at Xiao Heyun, "Pay, who will pay if you don't pay?"

Xiao Heyun, "..."

After a few seconds of bewilderment, he grabbed his phone and scanned the code.

Then, Mr. Zhao walked to the breakfast shop on the side of the road, "What are you doing in a daze, haven't you been looking for investment? I'll introduce you to an angel investor today. With your talent, if you meet him, you have to invest in him no matter what." Tens of millions, let you develop games."

Old Xiao continued to be confused, "Really, it was very difficult for us to find investors in the past. My partner Liu Peng didn't know how many times I begged my grandpa to tell my grandma to talk to investors..."

President Zhao beckoned, "Relax, this investor is different, that's really different."

Are you afraid of not finding investment?Is this looking down on Wang Duoyu of Xihong City?

Li Shiqing quickened her pace and followed, "Hey, we really don't care about Uncle Wang and Aunt Guo? They're messing around."

Mr. Zhao smiled brightly, "Xiao Li, what is your dream?"

Someone has already called the police, and the police have almost gathered the information that should be compiled. The scrapped pressure cooker bomb that Auntie Guo discarded after getting off the car was almost found.

In this era of fried chicken and big data, Mr. Zhao doesn't need to worry much.

Even after Mr. Zhao reminded them, Wang Xingde and Tao Yinghong had only awakened a little bit of anti-reconnaissance technology, but it would not be long before they were caught.

Li Shiqing was dazed for a while, and asked uncertainly, "Being a teacher?"

Going to normal university does not necessarily mean that you can only be a teacher after graduation, but she really hopes so.

Zhao Xueyan frowned slightly, "It's not bad to be a teacher, but with such a dream, it's hard to get money from Wang Duoyu. Forget it... just me and Lao Xiao."

"Eat first, Lao Xiao, I'm not bragging, the top 3A masterpieces in Europe and the United States have to invest tens of millions of dollars, right? Are you sure you only need a few million or tens of millions to get it done?"

"As long as you dare to hate, it's not hopeless that investors will throw you hundreds of millions this time."

Xiao Heyun shivered, "No, brother Zhao, how could I delay the release of a 3A masterpiece? I have never developed a game that can be sold on the market before, and I don't have any successful experience. On the contrary, I was unknown after it was released, and the experience was quickly stopped. A little……"

If not, why would he, a game architect, need to seek investment in Jialin City with such a low profile?
With this experience, it is difficult not to get investment.


After a while.

When the three of Mr. Zhao arrived at the Wencheng Castle Hotel in the garden and castle style of Xihong City, and saw the welcoming guests, Mr. Zhao said, "I came to find the richest man in Xihong City, and I want him to invest in something that will benefit the country and the people and change the times." s project."

Yingbin smiled and asked Mr. Zhao and his party to wait in the rest area. Mr. Wang was still asleep.

Mr. Zhao waved his hand and said, "You call the richest man, and tell me that I want to start a football club and win the World Cup championship. Such a good investment project, if you miss this place, it will be hard to find."

The welcome was shocked.

Both Xiao Heyun and Li Shiqing stared at Mr. Zhao inexplicably in shock, a little... collapsed, are you sure you won't be beaten out by someone sent by Mr. Wang?

Fraud should also conform to basic logic.


Hasson City.

Two men and one woman arrived at a crematorium wearing jackets or shirts and slacks. They took out their police IDs and asked some questions. The staff member who was questioned suddenly said, "You said that Li Tiantian is our crematorium. many years."

"He rarely communicates with people. He should be in the boiler room now. He stays there when he is free. He is a very lonely person."

The leading policewoman asked curiously, "Does he have any family or friends?"

The staff member shook his head, "I don't know much about it. He has been working here for a long time. He walks alone and ignores others. He has never seen any friends looking for him. Shall I take you to the boiler room?"

The policewoman nodded.

She is Lin Qi, the captain of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Hasong City Bureau, and following her are old detectives Lao Song and Xiao Li. The three of them will appear here, naturally because they received a request for assistance from Jialin City Bureau to investigate Li Fengtian. .

According to the news from Jialin's brother unit, Li Fengtian, the crematorium's cremator, may be a professional killer, a ruthless person who specializes in kidnapping, organ harvesting, killing and cremation. He may also be involved in a kidnapping case. Of course, this information Whether it is true or not needs to be investigated by Hasson's side.

There is a name and a general work unit.

So finding out Li Fengtian from the vast it difficult?If Li Fengtian is a courier or food delivery person, problems such as duplicate names are enough for people to spend a lot of time investigating.

Can crematoriums be cremated chemically?
The Hasong Criminal Investigation Detachment investigated all the crematoria in the city. There were some with the same name as Qiang Penglei, and Li Tiantian was the one in front of him.

The three criminal policemen followed the staff all the way to the boiler room. When they arrived, they saw a middle-aged man with a mustache in a ragged coat, eating a lunch box and looking at his mobile phone.

The staff greeted with a smile, "Old Li, some comrades from the police are looking for you to understand something."

Li Fengtian raised his head and smiled honestly.

Captain Lynch glanced at Lao Li quickly, and smiled, "Hi, Li Tiantian, I'm Lin Qi from the Municipal Criminal Investigation Detachment, I have something I would like to ask for your assistance to understand the situation..."

"Do you know a lady named Tao Yinghong?"

Li Fengtian put down the lunch box, shook his head, "I don't know."

When Lynch continued to speak, Lao Song and Xiao Li were stepping forward. Li Fengtian suddenly grabbed the ashtray on the table and rushed to Xiao Li's side. When the ashtray fell down, Xiao Li's head was broken. blood flow.

When Lynch grabbed the handcuffs in exclamation, and Lao Song tried to subdue Li Fengtian with his grasping hands, Lao Li decisively took the ashtray to exchange injuries for injuries, quickly dealt with the two of them, and then casually grabbed his clothes and wiped the blood.

He took a deep look at the staff member who brought the police, and ran away when the other party fell in horror.

He can say that he doesn't know Tao Yinghong now, but once the police apply to investigate his call records, they can find out that he and Tao Yinghong have communicated more than once. The main reason is that Tao Yinghong, who knew his phone number, called and harassed him again and again.

Talking about kidnapping, harvesting organs for sale, etc., and said it was introduced by Brother Huo, played the voice recording of Brother Huo introducing him, and made various offers. Li Tiantian was instinctively tempted. I heard that the location is in Jialin City?
You are located in one of the most southeastern cities, what do you want me to do in Northeast Gadari?
It’s not that he was introduced by an acquaintance, so it’s impossible to discuss business with strangers on the phone, but Brother Huo is familiar with him, Ha Song is a big money lender, and he has asked him to do things more than once, including killing people, picking up debtors’ big waists to pay back money, etc. .

Of course, the process is also black talk, not so straightforward.

Mr. Zhao can rely on artificial intelligence to hack Aunt Guo and others' mobile phones at will, not only to locate but also to retrieve call records, and even eavesdrop like Fengyun Li.

Occasionally give a little hint or help.

But none of this is legal.

Even if the police want to obtain the call records of citizens, they have to go through legal procedures, obtain the approval of the relevant person in charge, and carry out the execution with legal documents.

It is only the initial investigation and evidence collection, and the police cannot retrieve the records at will.

But now the police came to the door and asked him directly if he knew Tao Yinghong?Li Fengtian was very speechless, this is so well exposed, the call records are black words?Do you really think the police don't understand anything?
Assaulting the police now?He couldn't care less about anything else.

Li Fengtian did it to make it easier for him to break the law, but he heard that having fingerprints would be bad for him, so he used sulfuric acid to destroy the werewolf who had fingerprints on his hands many years ago!
"Damn Tao Yinghong, what did you do to order me too?!"

At this moment, Li Tiantian wished he could stab Tao Yinghong to death. Where is Tao Yinghong?First go to Lao Huo to question him!

(End of this chapter)

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