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Chapter 643 Ah 7, how could the master lie to you?

Chapter 643 Ah Qi, How Could Master Lie to You
When Lin Xiaodong, the former gangster boss, turned into a pit fighter, the capital city.

Three months after Lao Duan resigned, the capital had already returned to its former glory. Except for some wealthy families who experienced various ups and downs, life of ordinary people continued as before.

Leng Qingqiu was walking on the street wearing the school uniform of Joan of Arc, and was rushing to the school calmly, when he saw two gray military uniformed soldiers suddenly appearing in front of him, one carrying a long rifle and the other holding a cigarette.

The gray military uniform holding cigarettes not only blocked Leng Qingqiu's path, but also had a smirk on his face, "Little sister, go to school? Do you want my brother to accompany you?"

Leng Qingqiu's face was ugly, and he didn't answer but just took a detour.

The gray military uniform holding cigarettes continued to block the road, while the gun-carrying man smiled more frivolously, "No wonder people say that the capital is good, and if you meet a little girl on the street, they are so happy. I don't know how much blessings the Anhui Department enjoyed in the past. Now it's finally our turn."

After all, the former Anhui Clan has been in power since 17. After a few years, the order at the grassroots level is still relatively stable.

Many of the direct lineage and allies of the allies who had just entered Zhili and captured the capital were dazzled by this bustling world when they first entered the capital.

And there is one thing to say, Leng Qingqiu, who is wearing a middle school uniform, is really the pinnacle of his life just because of his appearance, I feel pitiful and lovely.

Leng Qingqiu scolded coquettishly, "What do you guys want to do? If you do this again, I will call the police!"

The gray military uniform holding the cigarette laughed even louder, even leaning forward and backward, "Call the police? Okay, haha~"

Calling the police or something is like a joke to these soldiers who entered the capital with guns.

While laughing, the gray military uniform was still brazenly reaching out to grab Leng Qingqiu.

At this moment, a cold light flashed, and the laughing gray military uniform turned into a howl of misery, and he retreated in embarrassment with his hands clasped. During the retreat, blood spattered down the sky.

There is also one more person in front of Leng Qingqiu.

When the other gun-bearer was startled, and full of fright and anger, he went to pull the rifle, and each of Xinduo raised his hand, like a butterfly piercing through a flower, with an afterimage, and pressed it a few times on the opponent's body. .

The gun bearer also howled and backed away, bleeding profusely.

It wasn't until this moment that Leng Qingqiu looked inconceivably at the extra volunteers, "It's you??"

She recognized it. Isn't this Jin Yanxi who harassed her and followed her many times when the Anhui Department hadn't stepped down?That son-in-law whom Mr. Zhao called modern Jia Baoyu? ?

At this moment, Jin Yanxi, even though he was wearing a suit and leather shoes, looked like a young man at first glance, but his complexion gave off an inexplicably feminine and alluring feeling.

Like... Like what, Leng Qingqiu thought for dozens of seconds but couldn't figure out how to describe it.

In her astonishment, Jin Yanxi smiled coquettishly, "It's me, I'll make it easy for you once, and if you encounter such a thing in the future, you will have to rely on yourself."

There is one more thing he didn't say, this time he continued to follow Leng Qingqiu secretly for a while, and suddenly intervened when he encountered injustice... It could be regarded as a memorial to his lost youth.

Countless thoughts flashed through her mind, and Jin Yanxi smiled again, "Don't you know the Ninth Master from the Ma Bandits?? The next time you encounter something like this, if you don't want to be harassed by this kind of gangster, you'd better report it to me." Let me know the name of that Zhao Jiuye."

Leng Qingqiu was confused, "What kind of gangster, Zhao Jiuye?"

Although she had met Zhao Xueyan and acted as a guide once to help him find a certain telephone exchange in Beijing, it was Mr. Zhao who came forward to stop Jin Yanxi from harassing her.

But Mr. Zhao's background, she doesn't know, doesn't know.

The bandits... are well-known internationally at present, but for a Leng Qingqiu who is still in a girls' high school, she really has never heard of them. After all, the bandits have never made trouble in the capital.

As for Jin Yanxi, it was different.

I didn't know Mr. Zhao's identity at the beginning, but now, I already knew it. After all, he died of a relapse in Jinquan, and the Jin family in Nuoda was scattered, and all kinds of people took the remaining wealth and scattered.

In fact, he also went to Bai Xiongqi, wanting to take advantage of his childhood friendship with Bai Xiuzhu, and take advantage of Bai Xiongqi to live another life...but Lao Bai refused.

Lao Bai also severely mocked and beat Jin Qishao.

Then he gradually learned that Bai Xiuzhu had also become Zhao Jiuye's conservatory maid, and Bai Xiongqi sent it to her on the pole.

For this, Jin Yanxi is not very sad. Ever since he met Leng Qingqiu, he has no feelings for Bai Xiuzhu himself. It is reasonable to do so.

At most, Jin Qishao can feel the changes in the world.

Under Leng Qingqiu's doubtful question, Jin Yanxi smiled, a little hilariously, "So you don't know? You don't know anything, it doesn't matter."

The next moment, seeing two men in gray military uniforms take out whistles from their pockets and lay on the ground whistling, Jin Yanxi took a step, squatted down and stared contemptuously at the two bloody gray military uniforms, "Remember, It was Jin Yanxi who hurt you today."

"If you don't accept it, you can let Lao Cao come to me to avenge you."

After finishing speaking, under the horrified gaze of the two gray military uniforms, Jin Yanxi jumped onto the top of a courtyard wall on the left with a flash of her body, and disappeared after a few flashes.

Even though it was broad daylight and in broad daylight, the speed and efficiency with which Jin Yanxi left was still so frightening that the gray uniform was shaking.


After a few minutes.

A few streets away from where the incident happened, in a private room on the second floor of a restaurant along the street, the Huoyun evil god, who was still unkempt and looked completely different from Jin Yanxi, was munching on roast chicken when he saw Jin Qishao pushing the door And enter.

Huoyun Cthulhu said impatiently, "Boy, isn't it just a matter of an inch or two? As for worrying so much?"

"You are a peerless genius who is unique in a million. Now that you have cultivated the Sunflower Book, in this chaotic world, there is definitely a great achievement waiting for you to create. If you give up that one or two inches, the sea and the sky will be brighter, and the dragon will return to the sea."

"Come, let's eat together."

Huoyun Cthulhu was found by Mr. Zhao from the Abnormal Human Research Center under the jurisdiction of Niubuluo, Sanankang Province in August, and then gave him a roll of sunflowers and asked him to find an old beggar.

With the strength and ability of the evil god, he traveled to China in the past two or three months, but the old beggar was not found, but more than a month ago, he met Jin Qishao, who was in a mess and extremely frustrated, in the capital.

After meeting Jin Yanxi, the evil god called him a good guy.

I have some thoughts of accepting the other party as the successor, but after thinking about it, I don't want to spread the toad skill and the like, and the sunflower is good.

Things went as Huoyun evil god expected. In just one month, Jin Yanxi, who was originally Jia Baoyu's son, quickly stepped onto the road of a master when his family was in decline and had nothing to do.

Ah Xing, the one-of-a-kind martial arts prodigy who practiced the Tathagata palm, also practiced it when he was a child. From childhood to adulthood, after he was beaten and seriously injured, he would continue to practice the Tathagata palm unconsciously. It lasted for many years before he broke Scenes of coming out of the cocoon and turning into a butterfly.

But Jin Qishao repairing sunflowers is really...

His current strength is still not enough to slap Huoyun Cthulhu, but that kind of improvement efficiency is really a little surprise in the world!
Accompanied by Huoyun Cthulhu's words, Jin Yanxi sat down quickly, grabbed a pot of wine and drank half of it, and then squinted at Cthulhu, "Master, I always feel that you deliberately lured me to let me cultivate sunflowers, you Didn't fix it... Am I being fooled?"

Huoyun evil god gnawed on the roast chicken even more happily, "What do you know as a child, I am so enthusiastic about helping you become stronger, how can I be called a fool."

The evil god met a good seedling in the martial arts world, and wanted to pass on the mantle, but he fell in love with Sunflower instead of teaching Hama Kung Fu. How to communicate with the good seedling?
This is a question of the benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom.

He has been in the world all his life, why is he called the evil god?Isn't there a saying, there are only wrong names, not wrong nicknames.

Cutting directly without the consent of the other party is of course a bit too much, and he is also afraid that the other party will be overwhelmed by the blow and sink completely, so all kinds of temptations, inducements, and letting Jin Yanxi take the initiative to cut is the best policy.

Swallowing a big mouthful of chicken, Huoyun Cthulhu grabbed a pot of rice wine and drank a lot before comforting him, "Axi, forget it, I'll call you Ah Qi, don't worry, Sunflower is such a miraculous martial art, With your innate talent, you may not be able to restore those one or two inches if you reach great success in your cultivation, even with my master as your advisor."

"It's just an inch or two, why should it be so serious?"

Jin Qishao was so angry that he crushed the cup.

Once a noble son of a wealthy family, when Lao Duan was in power, his father was No. [-], and he was the most precious rich young man in the golden mansion... Once he was reduced to a humble little person like dust, all kinds of gaps were too exciting, and this Under the guidance of the evil god, he cut it on impulse.

If there is no great expert like Huoyun Cthulhu to help him recover quickly, let alone become an expert in this month, it is hard to say whether he can live a normal life.


The problem is that I have become a master, but I found that the master of the evil god is different from him, it is another kind of martial arts, and the opponent is still healthy and normal?

If it weren't for the fact that he was far from being able to defeat the evil god, he might have the urge to kill his master.

Swallowing his drink, Jin Qishao looked at the street view outside the window, inexplicably recalling the passionate youth, it seemed that he would never come back.

Seeing this, Huoyun Cthulhu immediately put down the jug and said, "Ah Qi, don't be discouraged, how could Master lie to you? There are ghosts and gods in this world, and there are masters outside the world. I have seen them before. One day, I will help you find that One or two inches, it's really not hopeless."

"And I heard that there may be a spring of immortality in Shangri-La. It seems that if the first emperor can find that spring, he can be resurrected and achieve immortality. How can we talk about an inch or two? I have searched for it before, but I can't find it. I found it, but it won’t be too difficult for us to join hands as master and apprentice in the future.”

Jin Yanxi suddenly rolled her eyes wildly, with an expression that you don't think I'm easy to deceive because I don't read much.


Li Mansion in Shanghai.

Mr. Zhao looked at Lu Yunsheng, who was visiting again, and at a beautiful antique in his hand, and asked in surprise, "The Eye of Shangri-La? Can this thing find the Fountain of Eternal Life?"

Lu Yunsheng nodded with a smile, "Yes, Master Jiu, at least that's what those archaeologists said, so as soon as this thing was transported to Shanghai and entered the museum, I bought it at a high price and gave it to you, Master Jiu."

President Zhao, "..."

What the Eye of Shangri-La, the Fountain of Immortality, isn’t this something from the outrageously ridiculous Mummy 3 story?

That story happened in the 20s. It is said that this object was stolen from the Shanghai Museum by a foreigner in 40, and then someone with a disturbed conscience entrusted a certain couple to return it to the Shanghai Museum.

And then... the resurrection of the mummy of the First Emperor?A good Emperor Shi Huang was hacked into a three-headed dragon? ?
How many foreigners ran to save the world with pistols?
In the story of The Mummy 3, all kinds of basic logical errors are everywhere. In the era when the First Emperor ruled the world, the most treasured library in the world was in the snow area?You are kidding me.

Before the Tang Dynasty sent the princess to the snow area, that place was known as a cultural desert.

After looking at the Eye of Shangri-La for a while, Mr. Zhao said with a smile, "You did a good job in this matter, and I will accept it."

In Lu Yunsheng's great joy, Mr. Zhao recalled that it was only 1920, not to mention The Mummy 3, even the story of the first part hadn't unfolded yet.

No matter if it's the third part or the first part... What's wrong with every big boss?In the third part, the first emperor was hacked into shapeless by foreigners. Even in the first part, who did the love-crazed Imerton provoke?

Well, Imerton wants to resurrect his lover, so using a certain female archaeologist as a human shield is a bit evil, but isn't it because the female archaeologist resurrected the other person after reading the Black Book of the Dead?

In the final analysis, it was Imerton who was sleeping in the ground, and a group of foreigners coveted all kinds of treasures buried with him in the cemetery, so they ran to hunt for treasures to revive Imerton.

It is a basic practice for foreigners to take things without asking questions. It seems that in the third part, a group of foreigners hired people to dig the Mausoleum of the First Emperor...

After thinking about it, Mr. Zhao is not very interested in the story of the mummy. What about the treasures in it?Not much interest.

Speaking of treasure and wealth, whether I have a connection in the Niu Niu Finance Department, or a cash cow that can plant real Japanese yen at will?Which is not more efficient than digging a tomb?

Instead, he thought it would be more cool to throw Imerton's pyramid, or the resurrected Emperor Shihuang, at Amei's house for a few waves, and plan something to start the country there.

Of course, it's still early, and there's no rush to do that.

After thinking about it, Mr. Zhao took out a cheat book and said to Lu Yunsheng, "Old Lu, although you three tycoons are not good people, but you can pick a general out of lame people, you still have integrity and a good bottom line. This book will be rewarded to you." is you."

"If you don't understand, you can ask more questions and learn more. As long as you put your heart into it, sooner or later you will be able to rely on this book to shine."

Lu Daheng has done a good job, so reward him with a book on the true explanation of naturalization in the big day.

It is said that in the plane of King Kong Datiantian Island, Mr. Zhao also disseminated the true understanding of the Great Sun Naturalization, but that plane only has martial arts masters, good players, and there are no immortals, Buddhas and ghosts. look.

This plane does not lack all kinds of monsters and ghosts, and the true solution of Xiu Da Ri's naturalization... It must be another look.

He somewhat expected that if Lu Yunsheng cultivated a good skill, what kind of combat power he would have when facing monsters and ghosts.


Time to enter 21.

When I went to the Shanghai Lu Mansion, when a group of archipelago national soldiers were driven away by the flamboyant Green Gang gang members, the arrogance and domineering of the gang members, even many citizens were stunned and longing to watch, Huang Quanrong and Yuan Xiaojun arrived outside the mansion together, and were captured by the housekeeper. Then lead to the inner house.

While walking, Yuan Xiaojun couldn't help trembling a little timidly, "Master Huang, if we don't pay attention to the islanders like this, will it cause future trouble?"

Huang Quanrong smoked a cigar and smiled lowly, "What are you afraid of, the island countrymen can't take care of themselves now."

That's true, it is said that the current number of elite bandits in the entire island country has exceeded [-]. Apart from the big battlefield in Tokyo, there are also many bandits making trouble in other first-class industrial cities.

Not only the gangsters, but also many low-level citizens of the island country, who couldn't survive and smashed and robbed along with them.

Don’t think that after World War I, the island country is a real first-class power, and fighting against the Republic of China means that adults, adults and children are invincible... This is definitely a super illusion. Even the island country that won Ludong broke out in 1918 and swept tens of millions. Human meter commotion.

That is, too many low-level people cannot afford rice, which has triggered a super riot between the proletariat and the capital and landlords.

It has only been two years, and all kinds of grievances and entanglements are far from disappearing completely. Besides, since 1920, so many gangsters have entered the country, and they are always robbing grain merchants and burning granaries.

The time lasted until the beginning of 21, when more than 10 gangsters rioted on the islands, and tens of [-] of the newly re-emerged rioters held firearms funded by the gangsters and set off a prairie fire.

Compared with the current Republic of China, the biggest advantage of the island country is the navy.

The bandits and pirates cut off the Malacca route again...

It is not an exaggeration for the current island country to say that the water is in dire straits, and the powder keg will explode at the slightest touch.

Under such circumstances, there are still all kinds of gang members attacking the soldiers of the island country in Shanghai at every turn, and there is a financial collapse?
In October, the Shijian bandits who rose from the three southern provinces had arrived in Shanghai and handed over a large amount of yen to the three tycoons and the Gaul consul Pierre Cardin to transfer and launder money.

Until now, Shi Jian has taken away millions of yen from the Bank of Japan and wealthy businessmen one after another, and the three gangs of tycoons have also laundered money very well.

Huo Bin?The people from the island country in Shanghai can't beat the bandits headed by the three tycoons at all.

Because every now and then, when I’m about to shoot a film with guns and cannons, I find that I have a bunch of Johnny Wang brand guns for no reason. They can’t fire or kill people. Then the guns they hold are not as useful as the machetes in the hands of the Green Gang. make.

The current island country is just an air of great powers, but it is actually retreating steadily.

It's not that Yuan Xiaojun, a tycoon, doesn't understand these things at all, it's just that the time is too short...he hasn't turned this corner in a short time.

How could he have imagined that in just a year or so, the islanders who could drive away the Prussians and occupy the Jiaoji Railway and East Shandong would decline to such an extent.

The two were talking and laughing while walking, and finally saw Lu Yunsheng in the inner house. Yuan Xiaojun swept Lu Yunsheng's head unexpectedly, "Yunsheng, what's the matter with you? It's sunny, what kind of hat are you wearing in the house?"

Although another winter was coming in January 1921, the temperature was good today, and Lu Yunsheng was still wearing a thick black top hat in the living room? ?
Huang Quanrong stared at Lu Yunsheng's top hat in surprise.

Lu Yunsheng, "..."

Looking at the two old men, he was silent for a moment, and then he took off his top hat. Then, Huang Quanrong and Yuan Xiaojun almost spit on the spot.

Lao Lu, who was originally handsome and calm, is definitely a handsome uncle when he goes out. Now he has no bald head. What's even more weird is that on the top of the opponent's head, there is a golden one, like Gold bumps like pearls.

Not only that, but on both sides of his bald head and on his forehead, there are also three golden bumps that look like golden pearls.

(End of this chapter)

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