Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 624 This Change Has Never Been Made Before

Chapter 624 This Change Has Never Been Made Before
How about the Head & Shoulders advertising blockbuster, Dr. Zhao was very... deeply impressed by this film.

He has read a lot of stories before traveling, but in terms of coquettishness and bizarreness, this one is called the story of evolutionary crisis on the surface, the core? !
This is probably a meteor falling from the sky, and it landed in a desert near Glen Canyon, Arizona, where Amei’s family lived. The meteorite block that fell at the end was about a few meters high, and a deep pit more than 20 meters deep was smashed on the ground.

Then the crazy evolution started.

Exponential evolution means that the first power of 2 is 2, the second power is 4, the third power is 8, the fourth power is 16, and then 32, 64, and 128 evolve like this!

The evolution history of the earth itself, from single-celled organisms to multi-cellularity, took about [-] million years, and the alien life brought by the meteor from space only took one or two hours to complete.

The evolutionary history of the earth needs one or two billion years to change naturally, this one only takes a day or two.

From the moment the meteor fell from the sky, it only took three weeks. What was originally a bare meteorite has turned into a tropical rainforest-like ecological environment of animals and plants. All kinds of exotic animals are somewhat similar to the earth, but very different. plant.

Within the fourth week, primate creatures similar to intelligent monster orangutans evolved and appeared in groups...

On the first day the meteorite fell, the police took over the area, and two professors from Glen Canyon Community College went to collect samples of the meteorite. They just knocked a small piece from the big meteorite, and then the matter was discovered by the official senior officials of Amei’s family. Know.

Quickly build a military base to block the area.

The base of the military is to set up various cameras and monitoring equipment in the underground space at a depth of 30 meters below the ground. They set up a large camp on the surface and use elevators to go up and down.

However, in the fourth week, the primate monster orangutan has been able to intelligently destroy all monitoring equipment and counterattack the ground.

When adult men, including elite soldiers, faced monster orangutans, they slapped one with their paws and kicked one with their legs. It was like a martial arts master abusing a child.

But they only have wood and bone weapons, and they will be killed by Amei's guns.

Relying on weapons, the military temporarily took control of the surface base, but they never dared to go down easily again.

You thought this was the end?No, the military sealed off the ground, and the ecological circle brought out by meteors and meteorites from the sky is to open up a piece of space from the ground, which is giving birth to all kinds of monsters, breaking through the ground and escaping from the encirclement of the military.

It hasn't even entered the fifth week, and there are already dead dinosaurs all over the ground near Glen Canyon in Arizona.

The reason for the death of the dinosaurs was that they were killed by the oxygen of the earth after rushing out of the surface. Once those alien creatures escaped from the various alien clouds and mist circles created by meteorites, they would die when they came into contact with oxygen.

But among the groups of dinosaurs that died, the last fetus-type dinosaur that asexually reproduced and spit out from the stomach has been evolving exponentially, and the evolution can adapt to the oxygen environment.

In a few tens of seconds, he changed from a broken womb to a carnivorous dinosaur with a height of two or three meters and the ability to spread its wings and fly...

If you don't use hot weapons and firearms, killing adult humans is like a tiger killing a sheep.

The scientific evolutionary speculations in various evolutionary crisis stories all show that this alien ecosphere, calculated from the moment when the itching dragon appears, will capture the entire Glenn Canyon in three days, Arizona in a week, and two months. My sister's empire, which has been established for more than 200 years, will become history.

Then there are the rest of the planet.

The military general and the governor were anxious, and decided to open fire with all their strength, killing all alien life with batches of incendiary bombs. After all, the previous few times, guns could kill intelligent monsters like orangutans and flying dinosaurs.

At this moment, the two protagonist professors were kicked out of the official system. When they ran back to the university to discuss the solution, they accidentally discovered that a single cell in the first small sample taken by the protagonist had not evolved because it had been frozen all the time!

The other protagonist threw out a match, and after encountering the fire, people were stunned to find that the single cell turned into a monster like a large vine within a few seconds.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the meteor meteorite containing extraterrestrial life has not been able to obtain a heat source or a fire source in space, so the meteor has been flying randomly and aimlessly, entering the earth's atmosphere, rubbing, and catching fire.

The switch of life evolution was ignited when it fell.

The military's incendiary bomb program...

As expected, the military's incendiary bomb attack directly destroyed the ecological circle of various animals and plants underground, but the local area has an exponentially crazy development and evolution, which is as big as a mudslide and a mountain of meat. monster.

The ability to open mountains and crack earth is comparable to that of Pudu Cihang, the thousand-year-old centipede spirit.

Then it wants to split and evolve, from one such big monster, to two, and then to more.

At the most critical moment, the protagonist came to the conclusion that human beings are carbon-based organisms, and what they are afraid of is the element arsenic, and various compounds composed of arsenic are basically poisonous. For example, arsenic trioxide is arsenic.Various other pesticides and herbicides also contain arsenic compounds.

Alien life is basically nitrogen life, afraid of selenium.

In particular, the opponent's evolution is too fast and terrifying, because it is fast, and the efficiency of being poisoned to death when encountering selenium compounds will be countless times more efficient than humans taking poison.

Where can I get a large amount of selenium compounds to surround the earth and guard Amei's house?Head & Shoulders, anti-dandruff shampoo, the main ingredient is selenium sulfide.

Mr. Zhao didn't read this story before time travel, he read it with relish in the first and mid-term, until Head & Shoulders rescued the world at the end, he was dumbfounded in shock.

The man who walked away with lightness kung fu said on the phone that there might have been primate creatures over there?

If a monster-like gorilla appears and starts to confront the military, it means that it's not too long before the military uses incendiary bombs to attack meteorites.

Thinking of this, he nodded to Li Mochou, "Go to Arizona."

The flying police car that had just disappeared reappeared, Mr. Zhao took Master Mo Chou into the cockpit and set sail.

a few hours later.

Watching a group of soldiers from Amei's family run away with their legs, or escape from the core zone of a certain desert in various vehicles, there are also various private helicopters and cars escaping from the core zone.

In the center of the core zone, there are octopus-shaped Roshan debris flows, spreading to all sides. It is said that it looks like an octopus, but the general structure is similar. It is a huge Roshan in the center, extending to the left and right. Branches, light red color animal skin.

Any meat mountain is as tall as a three or four story building, with octopus-like tentacles tens of meters long.

Dr. Zhao was speechless. He remembered that Head & Shoulders saved the world in this story. In the original story, several protagonists discovered the fatal flaw of this thing. The big fire truck stocked up with Head & Shoulders, and then poured it into the chrysanthemum of the first Roshan monster... …

It's gone.

The world is at peace.

Now there are 8 pieces of this octopus-style meat mountain!

What about the protagonist group?What about Head & Shoulders?
Mr. Zhao suddenly thought of the butterfly effect... The protagonists are two university professors and a female epidemic expert.

They are all highly educated people. You said that Glen Canyon Community College is not a famous school but a fun school?The first male protagonist, Eric Kane, was a colonel-level researcher at Amei's Army Research Institute before entering the community college.

A new type of anti-epidemic vaccine was developed, and one vaccine abolished 14 soldiers.

Side effects include stomach pain, severe diarrhea, memory loss, facial nerve paralysis, temporary blindness, incapacity, and more.

That's how he became the super villain that many soldiers in Amei's family wanted to shoot him, and he ran away from the community college.

Will such highly educated cutting-edge talents go to learn Chinese characters, study medicine, and practice martial arts in the world that Dr. Zhao has transformed?Once he runs away...

Who is going to fight the situation here?
Theoretically, the runaway male protagonist, Professor Kane, has been monitored and tapped by the Pentagon to tap his phone, computer, etc. after he ran away. He was the first to take away the alien life samples before the military learned of it and came to control it. .

He ran far away... No matter how far he ran, the meteorite here was discovered by the police on the first day, and then the abnormal evolution rate will alarm more people sooner or later, such as the dinosaur corpses covered all over the ground under a small hill?
Considering this, Mr. Zhao doesn't care so much.

Watching from above with great interest.

After all, this place is a desert. Those who are running at the moment are either the military or state officials, or various private organizations, and there are no ordinary people.

While watching, he found that the large crowd was fleeing from all directions, but there were also a few figures, relying on weapons or light skills, rushing towards the eight octopus-like Roshan monsters.

"The power of the sky and the earth? Brother Yan, the Caucasian woman below is still the inheritance of my ancient tomb!"

In the cockpit, Li Mochou didn't think too much about it. She occasionally followed Mr. Zhao to the underground world and hunted down various monsters.

The eight Roshan monsters below look a bit hideous and disgusting. In fact, it is estimated that King Kong can be hammered to death one by one.

When she found a Caucasian woman in tight clothing in the south, about 30 years old, leaping seven or eight meters, like a butterfly wearing flowers trampling on fleeing soldiers or passing vehicles, and quickly approaching a Roshan monster, Mo Chou Shitai's face There is a smile on the face.

Mr. Zhao nodded with a smile. Just as he was about to say something, he saw a young man with a length of 40 meters in the west rushing towards a Roshan monster as if flying in a straight line. He had a Chinese appearance and two swords on his back. A tentacle of Roshan monster trampled on it again and reached the top of Roshan monster's building-like head.

Grab a pair of knives and cut off a few pieces of meat, put them in a special backpack, and go away like a sharp arrow being shot.

Gentleman wins? ?

Wang Bao, Aji's cholera Dongying, and Liansheng all planted flags in Dilumbia. He also knew that there was a gentleman from the Hongle Club, who led the club to develop rapidly in California.

This is Arizona?Arizona borders Black Mexico in the south, and across a river in the east is the land of California.

If it's something like Genshin Katsuki's appearance in the new family law story...not sure what, but other characteristics of that guy? ?For example, there is no Adam's apple, the skin is delicate and soft, etc.?

This damn is Sheng, the leading gentleman of the Hongle Society who has practiced the Sunflower Collection!
That's right, Yue Buqun, the Four Great Martial Arts Celestial Masters, on the surface only teaches the Quanzhen-Huashan lineage of martial arts, which is also the second largest faction of martial arts in the world at present, and it is full of black and white.

In private, Headmaster Yue didn't know how many copies of the evil sword manual and sunflower book were randomly scattered.

Perhaps this is obsession.

Ever since Mr. Zhao "leaked the secret" to him and learned that in the future where he did not encounter Xianyuan, he would not hesitate to cut himself off in order to revitalize Huashan, but it was nothing. division.

In private, he occasionally has his tricks.

Gentleman Sheng was able to lead the Hongle Club to skyrocket in California. In addition to the original foundation of the club's power, the most important thing was to be ruthless enough to himself.

Talent is also strong, he is the strongest in all the sunflower-exorcism system.

And Thailand, besides the Chinese Hmong, is the country where the top powerhouses are most likely to rise to the top.

With the strength of the Seven Sons of Heaven, they did not dare to squeeze too hard on certain drug lords and warlords, and the protection fee was relatively low.

"These guys have completely messed up the evolutionary crisis story..."

A thought flashed through my mind, I saw an armed helicopter hovering at low altitude a few kilometers away, launching dozens of missiles to attack the 8 Roshan monsters in one breath, regardless of whether there was anyone there or whether they would accidentally injure anyone.

All kinds of explosions were flooding, and in the dust, Zhao Xueyan saw with his own eyes that the eight Roshan monsters were torn apart, cut, and burned by the bomb...

Then began a new round of crazy evolution.

A big Roshan monster was blown off with a tentacle, but the broken tentacle stump several meters long, encountered fire and heat sources, and grew exponentially rapidly, and turned into a brand new full-tentacle Roshan monster in just a few seconds.

The other situations are similar to here.

After the bombed stumps flew across, not only did the number of Roshan monsters stay the same, but they frankly changed from 8 to 30+.

Mrs. Mo Chou was stunned, "This... how is this possible... Isn't there a theorem of energy conservation?"

The military general and the governor of Arizona, who had fled for more than ten miles farther away, were also dumbfounded. The first incendiary bomb attack failed, but made the alien monster stronger and more terrifying.

After all, among those comprehensive plant and animal ecosystems, the strongest alone can be killed by rifles and the like.

The size of the Roshan Monster, not to mention the rifle, the bazooka can't cause too much area damage, so it switched to missiles.

So do missiles...

The Roshan monster has changed from 8 to 30 plus, and in the evolution of various jumps, splashes and splits, it has killed at least hundreds of fleeing soldiers or officials.

Every Roshan monster is also at the level that is not afraid of oxygen, tearing the earth is at the same level as Pudu Cihang.

Shocked, Li Mochou hurriedly turned around, "Brother Yan, how do we deal with this kind of monster?"

Mr. Zhao stroked his chin and said, "Why don't you try feeding garlic, purple sweet potato, and konjac?"

Li Mochou, "..."

The teacher is a little messy!

This kind of monster that can't even be killed by modern missiles, and is getting more and more bombed, feed garlic and purple potatoes?Do you want to be so nonsensical?

Even though she saw that the former gentleman with a sunflower head was able to easily cut the flesh of this Roshan monster with a knife, she still felt that even the bombs would not kill her, and the broken limbs would quickly turn into new monsters.

It was in a mess, and Mo Chou suddenly exclaimed and pointed to the west.

In the short time there, Gentleman Sheng, the leader of the sunflower, had already traveled several kilometers and boarded an armed helicopter. Before the helicopter took off, he saw the flesh and blood that he had originally packed in the box burst open and filled the box at once. up the helicopter cabin.

Push out all the gentleman wins.

This kind of monster is directly stimulated by fire and heat. It takes a few seconds to transform from a stump several meters long to a new one. Long, several meters wide monster.

Gentleman Sheng did not encounter a heat source, but with the passage of time, it is normal for the exponential evolution to fill the cabin with a new level of efficiency.

A few kilometers away, Sunflower Faucet Gentleman God stood a few meters away from the helicopter with two knives on his back, staring blankly at the transformed monster, not knowing whether to stay or go.

Mr. Zhao also said speechlessly, "You can come forward and try to turn the tide. As far as I said, just try it and you will know."

In the Head & Shoulders advertising blockbuster, because selenium sulfide is the main ingredient of anti-dandruff shampoo, pouring it into these monsters will have lethal power.

Plants such as garlic, konjac, purple sweet potato, kudzu root, and cordyceps are actually rich in plant active selenium, and these plants should not be less lethal to alien monsters.

Plant active selenium itself is an important component that directly prevents and treats more than 40 diseases in five categories such as cancer and diabetes.

And it indirectly participates in the prevention and treatment of various human diseases, even more, hundreds of them.

Selenium deficiency can cause a series of lesions in the heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, hands, eyes, mouth, nose and even the brain.

If you make a connection like this, you will actually understand that the original scientific speculation on the evolutionary crisis occupied Arizona in a week and destroyed Amei in two months, but it was actually too fast... War is not that scary.

For example, alien monsters such as orangutans and flying dinosaurs need to eat during evolution. Whether it is eating people or eating various animals and plants, as long as they absorb a certain amount of selenium, how fast they evolved before, the efficiency of being poisoned will be greatly improved. surge.

"I won't show up, you go and try? During the preparation period, you can deal with it by freezing the temperature first."

As for Mr. Zhao, why didn't he directly strike and kill, and earn some humanitarian merit by the way?Some of the monsters here are far from the point, the point is... the few weeks since the meteorite from the sky landed.

How many people, how many alien life forms were secretly taken away from here, and where did they take them!

If you don't figure this out, the current scene of Glen Canyon can bloom all over the world at any time!
He lives on Hong Kong Island, and he is separated from Amei's house by the Pacific Ocean, so he heard someone who practiced his own lightness kung fu talk about this place in a phone conversation!

It is enough to witness how many opportunities there are for things to be stolen.

Perhaps the situation on the other side of the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean is not very serious. Amei's house is estimated to have really become a moderately hard-hit area.

Li Mochou thought about it, and was a little eager to try it out. When she left the cockpit, she would float to the military command area of ​​Amei's family like a fairy with her light kungfu. Of course, she was invisible in the early stage of the process, and she would only reply when she arrived at the destination. The deity's appearance, appeared.

Of course, she couldn't fly a few kilometers in one breath, and she landed and bounced again many times midway.

When Li Mochou appeared, Russell Woodman and the governor of Arizona, who were rushing to vomit blood from the army, all had their eyes lit up and came to ask for help excitedly.

"Tianshi Li, please save Arizona!"

"These monsters are too terrifying to understand."


Russell Woodman was barely able to stand, and the governor knelt for help.

Only then did Fairy Mochou speak, "The incendiary bombs and missiles you used to attack are not only ineffective, but also counterproductive. Have you ever thought about using cold to deal with these monsters?"

The governor stood up abruptly, and stayed there for a few seconds in disbelief before yelling for the secretary to call.

Li Mochou said again, "Also, assemble and transport a batch of garlic, konjac, purple sweet potato and other agricultural products, including kudzu root, cordyceps and other medicinal materials, the more the better!"

Russell Woodman was stunned in the mess.

After being dazed for a few seconds, he weakly asked for instructions, "Tianshi, we don't need these things for now, right?"

Li Mochou raised her finger to the more than 30 Roshan monsters, "They need it."

No matter how messy, Russell Woodman and the Governor ordered people to go and raise money as soon as possible.

After a period of time, seeing more and more huge groups of Roshan monsters splitting up in the wilderness desert, there were hundreds of them, except for Li Mochou, all the army and official members of Amei's family assembled, all of them were like Lin Mochou. Doomsday.

Another batch of helicopters arrived, dropped a large number of liquid oxygen cylinders, and the cylinders fell like rain... There was no need for any sharpshooters to blow up the cylinders. After these cylinders fell, hundreds of giant meat mountains between blame.

The monsters collided with each other and crowded, bursting a lot of steel cylinders.

This is the same strength as the mountain cracker and the thousand-year-old centipede.


The cold air is sweeping around the Roshan Group!
The boiling point of liquid oxygen is minus 183 degrees Celsius. This is a desert. The temperature during the day is ridiculously high. The temperature changes drastically. The liquid oxygen leaked from hundreds of steel cylinders not only freezes hundreds of monsters into sculptures, but also quickly compresses them. body.

Seeing the huge bodies of the behemoths shrunk visibly with the naked eye, breaking and shattering while shrinking, Russell Woodman and His Excellency the Governor jumped up and shouted wildly.

Then continue to evacuate backwards with a large force.

You didn’t see the original helicopter that dropped the liquid oxygen cylinder. Because the flying space was relatively low, it was only more than 200 meters above the ground, and it was directly frozen by the cold current that shot up into the sky and fell.

Of course, this loss is no longer a worry for the general and the governor. If they find a way to deal with the monster, the attack can continue, and they won't be as embarrassed and overwhelmed as before.

Li Mochou was too lazy to wait any longer, and said again, "Wait until you find an opportunity to feed the various agricultural products and herbs I mentioned earlier to the monsters that are not dead yet."

After speaking, he ignored the bewilderment and doubts of the crowd, and disappeared with light work.

Russell Woodman was shocked, "Kudzu root and cordyceps are all very popular herbal medicines, and they can solve these monsters by feeding and throwing??"

Your Excellency the governor is also very messy, "These two are fine, I just think that garlic can also kill monsters? Isn't that the legendary evil spirit?"

This is too nonsensical. According to scientific predictions, there is a chance to wipe out the crisis of Amei’s family, but it can be solved by garlic, kudzu root, etc.?


Los Angeles.

In the middle of a bustling neighborhood, the basement of an unopened bar.

When a metal cage was lifted to hide its appearance, a dog-like animal in the cage, but with two deer-like heads, appeared in front of a group of people.

Many people were shocked on the spot. A white young man couldn't help exclaiming, "Fuck, what kind of monster is this? Does it have no butt?"

This deerhound-like monster has its head growing one after the other, that is, one body connects two necks, two heads, and four legs.

The messy colors are painted all over the body in a strange form, which looks like a strange and mysterious beauty in the chaos.

Seeing the shock of his companions, a smug white man couldn't help laughing, "I bought this from a lieutenant for 50 dollars. Now, should we kill it and cook it for a taste?" smell?"

"Anyway, I think this kind of monster should taste good."

The white man who spoke out first said in astonishment, "Kill it and eat it? Ben, are you serious?"

Ben shrugged, "Look at its teeth, which are the characteristics of herbivores. They don't have canine teeth. Can't they be eaten? This guy grew from birth to the present state in one day."

"It's hard for me to imagine how amazing the energy is in it."

"It is difficult for us white people to get great medicine or food. If we don't find shortcuts, we will only be left further and further away by those Chinese!"

While speaking, Ben quickly drew out a long sword, stabbed it into the front of the double-headed deer dog, and then stabbed the back of the dog after a bit of agitation.

Then he ordered the younger brother to pull a few people to try it, and he started to slaughter and divide the two-headed deer dog monster.

All kinds of nourishing herbs, even food, elixir, etc. in this plane are naturally spread by Mr. Zhao here, and Ah Zi likes to exchange those for other resources the most.

Fang Jing, Li Mochou and Headmaster Yue also got some, but the latter two were to nourish their planes of origin.

Originally, the strong Chinese had the advantage of starting a few years ahead, and occasionally got some such great supplements...

When Amei's military discovered the underground alien ecosystem in the desert outside Glen Canyon, many people were throwing away all kinds of supplies.

Time is limited, and it is less than 10 days from the complete ecological chain to today's large-scale incendiary bomb attack.

But ten days is not short.The only difference is that ordinary people in the general military do not dare to go directly to take risks by themselves. If they dare to go down, they are all masters.

The master got the first batch of goods, dare to eat it by himself?It's better to sell some money and find someone to help them be a guinea pig.

The Los Angeles wild dog gang that Ben works for is one of the guinea pigs.

After a while.

Ben just placed the cut meat steak on the hot iron plate, accompanied by a sizzling sound of water vapor transpiration, the originally cold flesh and blood exploded with a bang.

A few steaks that were originally the length and width of an adult's palm turned into four monsters with heads standing upright that were more than two meters high, each with more than a dozen tentacles.

There's nothing wrong with it. A single cell in a petri dish can be ignited by a match and then evolve into a large vine potted plant. This steak... also has a new evolution mode when it encounters fire.

Startled, Ben grabs his pistol and bang bang bang kills a monster.

Bullet shooting is fine. Bullet shooting kills monsters. In fact, it is a penetrating injury. There is no fire and the temperature is not high. It is like a bullet shooting into the human body. Not to mention causing the body to burn. Burns are not common. This is similar to missiles. Attacking a big Roshan and exploding are two different things.

The center of the missile explosion generates extremely high temperature and pressure, which can ignite surrounding objects.

Amei's military can kill the monster orangutan with a gun. Originally, the protagonist of the evolution crisis can kill a flying dragon with a gun. It is not surprising to kill a weak octopus-like Roshan monster here.

And there is a Roshan monster that is getting bigger, and it has collapsed the iron plate that originally held them, and the fire below...

Not only is it burning, it continues to expand rapidly, but it also flings the charcoal fire to the surroundings during the expansion, igniting other objects, thus triggering a bigger flame.

The wooden furniture, beds, etc. in the basement of the bar were all ignited.

Ben and the rest of the wild dog gang were screaming and fleeing quickly, or were covered in flames before they could escape, and were torn apart by monsters like tearing apart the ground.


Las Vegas.

In the gorgeous Desert Star Hotel, several men in suits and leather shoes were smoking cigars or cigarettes, puffing and looking at a withered plant on a certain table.

It was like a huge pitcher plant, with seven or eight strong gray grass paths spreading out from the grass roots, but above the grass path, there was a big mouth like a piranha, which could hold a human head in one bite, with a Similar to the sharp teeth of canine and feline animals.

Someone exhaled a smoke ring and looked at the brown-haired man on the left, "Kevin, is there really alien life? Is this the alien plant you bought from Arizona? This thing does look a bit creepy."

The brown-haired Kevin laughed, "Yes, I bought it three days ago. I have already removed a stem and flower and sent it to the laboratory for research. Everyone, do you want to share the rest? We are an alliance Well."

"To add flowers to one diameter, all you need is one Baoyuan Pill, which improves one year's skill."

The blond-haired Anthony was stunned and cursed, "How much did you drink? You wouldn't be so drunk if you paired it with a peanut. Do you know what the current market price of a Baoyuan Pill is? There is often a price but no market."

You Kevin can spend money to go to the base under the protection of the Arizona military to buy things... can't we?

I didn't know there were alien life forms there before, but now that I know, money matters?

Kevin stood calmly, and flicked the cigarette in his hand like a flying stone towards Anthony. With a wave of Anthony's hand, the cigarette butt fell on the alien flower.

Kevin was furious, "Pu Jie, why did you throw the cigarette butt at me?"

Before he was in a hurry to clean up the cigarette butts, he saw that Qihua, who had been lying dead for several days, suddenly bulged up in the place where the cigarette butts were covered by the open flame, and it was still spreading to the surroundings visible to the naked eye.

In just a few seconds, the bulging light red packet became seven or eight centimeters in diameter.

Kevin was no longer angry, and asked in surprise, "Why is this happening? Even if the cigarette butt is lit for paper, it won't burn so fast, right?"

Anthony pressed his anger, staring at the light red packet that was still growing and getting bigger, "No, before it hit the fire, it still had a pure plant appearance and feel, but this small packet, I feel like the skin of meat..."

"What the hell is this?"

Kevin is overjoyed. Yes, there is still a difference between plants and animals. Can animal skins and plants have the same external texture?Could it be that Anthony's unexpected throw of his hand on the street brought him a new opportunity?

The flowers have been in his hands for several days, and there has never been such a change before.

Surprised, he quickly tore off the strange flower that was already igniting, walked further away, grabbed the lighter and set it on fire.

(End of this chapter)

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