Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 617 Zhao Guo really can turn ghosts into people

Chapter 617 Zhao Guo really can turn ghosts into people

Southern Capital.

Dr. Zhao looked at the rushing Qinhuai River. There were as many ships in the river as crucian carp crossing the river, and most of them were heading towards the Yangtze River.

He was considering whether to set Zhao's capital in Nandu.

If Hangzhou is positioned as the capital of the kingdom, the location in the era of great navigation is indeed a bit too far. Zhao Guo has all kinds of support provided by him, and the scientific and technological strength is currently the number one in the world. Hangcheng and Hangwan are too close to the sea. .

The south is different. Although it is Linjiang, there is a river road of about 300 kilometers after all. Whether it is Shanghu County at the mouth of the sea, or many cities along the river, they can all exist as fortresses.

Guard against enemies from the sea.

In addition to the easy improvement of the defense force, the location of Nandu is also good, and all kinds of water and land transportation can be built to extend in all directions.

The capital city in the north is not bad, but in the era of great navigation, the southern capital was built as a royal city, and it was easier to face the South Seas and the Pacific Ocean.

While His Highness King Zhao was thinking, in the Qinhuai River channel in front of him, a sailing boat was rushing forward, and accidentally bumped into another merchant ship while driving, and there was the sound of falling into the water and cries for help.

It sounded like it was a woman who fell into the water.

But the sailing ship that collided ignored these things and hurried forward.

On the merchant ship, there were also people calling for help, but no one went into the water for a while, and even the merchant ship itself was urged not to worry about it so much, and to sail quickly.

Zhao Xueyan was a little speechless, still stepping on light work and flying 30 meters, like a white lightning arrived at the merchant ship in an accident, then jumped into the water, and picked up the woman who fell into the water.

When he stood on the deck again, a figure quickly ran over and hugged the woman who fell into the water, "Miss, how are you, is there anything..."

The woman who fell into the water coughed a few times and spit out some water before thanking Dr. Zhao with a panicked expression, "Thank you, my lord..."

On the deck, several sailors glanced at it, and then continued to steer the ship northward.

There are also people who are urging the boat to drive faster, so as not to delay their escape time...

That's right, most of the boats on the Qinhuai River like crucian carp crossing the river were local tyrants and evil gentry, scholastic circles and other upper-class people in the feudal era who fled to the north.

It was His Royal Highness Zhao Wang who caused the frenzy of running away!
The 30 army swept across half of the south of the Yangtze River, and southern Fujian, western Jiangxi, two lakes, and eastern Guangdong were all under Zhao Wang's soldiers.

The administrative system of Zhao State is covered by Huaxia-style supernatural powers, and the grassroots civil servants trained are in power. If the grassroots civil servants are good, they will be upgraded...

There is no soil for the local tyrants and evil gentry or the feudal scholastics to live on. Coupled with innovations at all levels from the fields to the machinery factories, the property of the local tyrants and gentry is being confiscated like wheat, and then rented out to all the common people in Jiangnan at [-]% of the land rent. .

Under such circumstances, a large number of people fled northward or westward with waves of gold and silver, and even a large number of people fled southward in eastern Guangdong and southern Fujian.

If King Zhao wanted to, he could order his soldiers to keep an eye on these local tyrants and evil gentry.

However, his vision is not so superficial. A year ago, the fire and bombardment of Edo caused the Edo shogunate to collapse, and the island country also had a lot of gold and silver. jewelry.

In fact, it is not enough for Zhao Wang's mining team to dig a few more shovels in the mountains of gold and silver.

His high-efficiency burying shovel is temporarily rewarded to let soldiers dig mines. The efficiency is not an ordinary explosion.

Besides, in this era, there are still big gold and silver ships crossing the Pacific Ocean, and the navy goes south to grab a wave. Isn't it more refreshing than robbing the fugitive gentry in Zhao Kingdom?

Because it was a large group of escapees, some people on the river rushed to sail, bumped into other boats and even knocked people into the water...but they continued on their way as if they didn't see it.

The other merchants on this merchant ship also ignored those who fell into the water, and just wanted to run faster, which is basic practice.

Dr. Zhao waved his hand while the woman in the water was thanking her, "You're welcome, I suggest you go back to the cabin and change your clothes first to avoid typhoid fever."

The girl in the water gave a wry smile, not knowing what to say.

Dr. Zhao asked curiously, "Why, the merchant ship doesn't allow you to change your wet clothes?"

The girl who fell into the water shook her head helplessly, while her maid explained, "Originally, it was only a merchant ship chartered by our two families coming from the south, and along the way, dozens of family members from various prefectures flooded up. Disperse to other ships, only me and the lady are left."

"It's also a resting cabin now, with seven or eight people living together...although they are all female relatives..."

She stopped explaining.

I understand everything I understand.

Before the rise of Dr. Zhao in this era, although it was neither the Ming nor the Qing, the customs and so on were somewhat similar to those of the two dynasties. Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism was still very popular.

Miss Qianjin who grew up in this environment?Even the Xiangxian family is very careful to avoid suspicion. Basically... that is, everyone is fleeing, and there are not so many people who are constantly attracting attention in the chaos.

If there were many relatives and friends of the woman who fell into the water on the boat before, and she was carried by Dr. Zhao, a strange man, and flew onto the boat, even if it was to save her life, it would be equivalent to a large-scale death of the drowning girl!
Dr. Zhao was speechless, "Then I will save people to the end."

After speaking, he hugged the waist of the person who fell into the water, including the shoulders of the servant girl, and after performing a few ups and downs of lightness kung fu, he reached the shore. While moving at lightning speed, after several more ups and downs, he had already arrived amidst the screams of the two women. In an empty house.

Putting down the two girls, they smiled and said, "It's quiet now, and there aren't so many outsiders. Just find an empty room and change your clothes."

The girl who fell into the water was dumbfounded, and the maid also screamed, "Our salute is still on the boat..."

Dr. Zhao conjured a package out of thin air, which contained clean clothes for replacement.

After the drowning girl and the maid stared at each other for a while, they still opened the package and chose a set of clothes to change.

Standing in the empty house, His Royal Highness Zhao Wang was also a little speechless. He didn't expect to rescue a familiar face and a sign-in reward.

The moment he entered the water, the system reminded him that Mei Sanniang had successfully signed in, rewarding the supernatural painting skin... The painting skin consumes human merit, and the specific number depends on the situation. Under the effect of supernatural power, the drawn humanoid coat, including facial features, can easily Covering others, like changing clothes, allows the target to change appearance at will.

He has an impression of this story, the most beautiful ghost Mei Sanniang.

In that story, Mei Sanniang was already a ghost when she was killed by her husband. She went back to seek revenge. The imperial censor from the official to the dynasty.

Wang Anxu succeeded in marrying Chen Yuehui after killing Mei Sanniang in order to gain the power of his father-in-law. However, Xiao Chen didn't end well. Later, Wang Anxu tried to kill Chen Yuehui in order to marry the princess.

Lao Wang is the standard contemporary Chen Shimei.

He actually met Mei Sanniang who was still alive...the other party was still alive, and he had painted skin supernatural powers?It seems that this supernatural power, meaning, well, it still makes sense.

Although it is said that the supernatural powers of transformation from Chen Dawei, the green-headed ghost, are not bad, and even the palm prints and fingerprints can be changed exactly the same if you want to change, but this is not too many skills to overwhelm you.

During the waiting time, Dr. Zhao casually arrived at a stone table in the courtyard, conjured up wine and drank it.

After Mei Sanniang and Xiaozhu, who had changed their clothes, walked out, Dr. Zhao waved to the two women. Mei Sanniang, who looked eighteen or nineteen years old, walked over with a blushing face and saluted, "Thank you again, my lord, but ..."

All her family fled north, and her fiancé Wang Anxu's family also fled north.

Now that she is a weak woman and a maid, she is suddenly taken captive to this strange house in the southern capital city. This young man who saved lives is taller, taller and more handsome than her fiancé Wang Anxu, so he can't use force on her, right?
Shouldn't be.

In fact, in the Daliang Dynasty, unmarried people like her already belonged to old girls. Unfortunately, Wang Anxu lost his father three years ago and needed to observe filial piety, which delayed the marriage. Wang Anxu can be regarded as a young talent. Not only a scholar, but also the chief case in the county.

In the previous marriage of the two families, the Mei family was the top gentry in the county, and Wang Anxu was regarded as the top gentry.

But precisely because of his status as the chief trial case in this county, he was doomed to observe a filial piety for three years and was watched by many people.

Unexpectedly, the three-year filial piety period is coming to an end.

Another state of Zhao rebelled, swept across the provinces in a short time, and the gentry circle fled. This was... too sudden.

Dr. Zhao listened to what Mei Sanniang said, but she blushed afterwards and didn't know what to say. Wang Zhao said with a smile, "Don't worry, although you are pretty, I'm far from being able to rob people's girls."

"It was when I saw you before, watching another catastrophe in your life, that made you come to the city and want to talk to you."

At present, the original Nandu City is also full of gentry and officials fleeing everywhere, and there are many abandoned yards, which saves a lot of beggars and refugees.

Mei Sanniang's eyes widened, "Is there a calamity in my life? What calamity?"

King Zhao nodded, "You shouldn't be married yet, right? But you have a marriage contract? This catastrophe happened to your fiancé..."

In order to climb up, he was beaten to death by Wang Anxu, who was better than his father-in-law.

It is more appropriate to jump out of this pit.

Mei Sanniang was dumbfounded, while Xiaozhu jumped up in fright, "How do you know that Miss has a marriage contract? Can you figure it out?"

Before that, they had been living in the west of Ganxi, and had never been to Nandu, nor had they met Zhao Xueyan.

Open your mouth even if it comes out that there is a marriage contract but no marriage?

His Royal Highness Zhao waved his hands and said, "If you continue to go north to find your family and husband, not only you, but your family may also be dragged down to death by Wang Anxu."

"Also, this is a catastrophe in the original fate. Now that the fate has changed, it is even more difficult to say."

Mei Sanniang asked dumbfounded, "What fate change?"

Dr. Zhao took a sip of his wine, "The dynasties have changed, and the northern regions are probably in turmoil. With your beauty, if you are not careful, you will fall into the hands of bandits on the road, and you will be robbed and killed as Mrs. Yazhai."

"It's like just now, when you fell into the water for no reason, how many people on the same boat will save you except you, the maid?"

Mei Sanniang is not stupid, but shocked, dizzy and cranky. She is also from a scholarly family, and she understands a truth. all know.

In the original trajectory, when she is killed by Wang Anxu in the next few years, she will become a painted ghost... Hasn't this happened yet?

Xiao Zhu was also shocked, "Yes, miss, we are separated from the master and wife now, and the servants are not is very dangerous."

The Mei family was a wealthy gentry from a certain county in the west of Jiangxi, but outside that county, it was an inconspicuous and transparent one among the various fugitive gentry circles gathered in various provinces.

Otherwise, the boat chartered by the two noble gentry would not be squeezed in by female relatives from other counties, prefectures, and even provincial-level gentry circles, so that Mei Sanniang would have to share a small cabin with the maids of five or six noble gentry families .

After being dazed for dozens of seconds, Mei Sanniang smiled wryly, "Thank you for your advice, my lord. I can't repay you for saving my life..."

Zhao Wang waved his hand before he finished speaking, "You can actually think about it and stay in the southern capital. In the current state of Zhao, women are not restricted from taking the civil service examination. You can try it. If you pass the exam, you will become an official." The civil servants under Zhao Guo's government will not easily encounter all kinds of messy things."

Mei Sanniang became dazed again, "I'm going to take the civil service exam? This... this..."

Born in a scholarly family, she fled with many gentry families. She has seen and heard too much news along the way, but she knows what a civil servant is.

Isn't it the official Xu of Daliang?

However, in the state of Zhao, there is no class difference between officials and officials, and almost all officials start from officials.

She knew the news, and heard that countless people began to pay attention to the recruitment of civil servants. After all, in theory, this could allow low-level officials to have a chance to become ministers and even prime ministers.

For the former Daliang, this was definitely a major event that pierced the sky, such as the corruption of gentlemen and the non-existence of the three cardinal principles, but Zhao Guo...

The former noble gentry had a right to speak in the face of the unparalleled Zhao Guo.

His Royal Highness Zhao smiled again, "What are you still doing stupidly? The rise of the new regime is the best time for the grassroots to change their destiny. Now go to the magistrate's yamen to sign up and receive training. It won't be long before Zhao Guo sweeps the west and north, everywhere There will be vacancies."

"Then those who have been trained in the first few periods are full of vacancies for promotion."

"As long as you are willing to learn and do it, who can stipulate that you will not have the opportunity to try for the county magistrate or magistrate in a few years?"

Now the bureaucratic systems that go straight to the provinces are all the civil servants who were first irrigated by the humanitarian merits of the Hangzhou government office and county office. The best learners and the best are the management.

Poor efficiency is the base.

But there is no doubt that filling the vacancies of the new five provinces at once, even including the new imperial capital of Nandu...manpower is far from enough.

It is also necessary for Dr. Zhao to re-develop new Chinese-style speed supernatural powers in various places and establish special training institutions.

As for the cost of humanitarian merit?

King Zhao tricked the black Rakshasa in Jigong's story out of the underworld and into Guoqing Temple. The sign-in reward is very hip, only 100 squares of portable space, and he was killed on the spot, and got 2000 humanitarian merits.

365 points can make a yamen institution a sacred place for learning for one year.

Black Rakshasa can also be regarded as having made great contributions to the founding of Zhao Guo and sweated blood and sweat.

Mei Sanniang, "I...I...I'll try??"

what can she doI can only try this first. After all, she was separated from her family, and she even lost her salute. The girl who had never been out of the county in the first half of her life, suddenly wandered in Nandu with no relatives.

Zhao Wang's advice to her was already a very friendly and reliable choice.

Zhao Xueyan smiled and took out a money bag, "There is 100 taels of silver in it, I will lend it to you first, and I will talk about other things later."

After he finished speaking, under the watchful eyes of the two women, he stepped on light work and disappeared.


half year later.

After the Southern Capital, which was undergoing various constructions and renovations, was established as the new capital of the State of Zhao, countless upstarts from the six provinces gathered here.

This is also one of the most prosperous commercial centers in Zhao State.

Mei Sanniang, who was wearing a smart sweatshirt, rode a bicycle to go to work as soon as she went out. She had been trained in a county government office for a month. A member of the newly established Ministry of Education in the Imperial Capital.

Now he has become a section-level inspector.

Her main job is to inspect the situation of various elementary schools, middle schools, etc. that are under construction near the imperial capital, and then report to the higher authorities.

With outstanding performance and hard work, Section Chief Mei was allowed to enter a certain training office for the second time to practice martial arts in a supernatural state.

The Zhao State system needs all kinds of talents too much now, and there are many cases where female civil servants are used as men, but King Zhao will not treat them badly.

All kinds of magical supplements, delicious ingredients, and even martial arts rewards are basic benefits.

A large number of people also live in flats, and there will be more welfare resources during the holidays.

When Chief Mei Ke arrived at the 20-storey Ministry of Education by bicycle along the smooth concrete road, he first went inside to sign in before going out to continue running to school.

Just at the entrance of the hall, a figure stopped her with a smile, "Xiaomei, do you have time? Let's talk for a while?"

Mei Sanniang's eyes lit up, "Chu Li, tell me, my work is not in a hurry."

This is also an old acquaintance in the ministry, her direct superior, this is one of the female secretaries who worked in Zhao Wang's palace, transferred out.

Li Chu is not very old, just in his 20s. He smiled and took Mei Sanniang's hand and walked to the corner, "The empire is about to take the Lianghuai River. At that time, you can also let it go out for exercise. If the situation does not change suddenly, you You can go to Jianghuai County to be a deputy county magistrate."

Mei Sanniang was stunned and shocked for a moment, but she quickly stabilized her emotions and said strangely, "This is too fast..."

Speaking of which, she shook her head again, "No, in fact, with our national strength, we could have won the entire other provinces in the south of the Yangtze River, including Beishang."

"I mean, I'm only half a year old, and I'm the deputy county magistrate??"

She is not yet 19 years old.

Since he is the deputy county magistrate, the rank must also be mentioned, deputy director?
Li Chu nodded and said, "You should still be in charge of education after you go, and you have accumulated some experience in this area. Our pursuit is to let all children in China, as long as they are in our territory, go to school for free and read more to understand the truth. "

Speaking of this Mei Sanniang got excited again, yes, the old society turned people into ghosts, but Zhao Guo turned countless ghosts into people.

Let the whole people have enough food and clothing, let all children read and write for free, strive to make all patients seek medical treatment in time, and let the elderly take care of themselves...

The heaven on earth described by Rulin is roughly like this.

With emotion in her heart, Mei Sanniang expressed excitedly that she must work hard, and then she said embarrassedly, "Li Chu, didn't I ask you to use your strength to help me out? I fell into the water in the Qinhuai River half a year ago. It’s only because of Engong that we have today.”

"But I didn't know his name at the time, and I didn't know who to turn to if I wanted to repay my kindness. I contacted several police stations in the capital city and made some sketch puzzles, but I still haven't found the whereabouts of my benefactor..."

Li Chu couldn't laugh or cry, this silly girl, Miss Li is one of the secretaries who came out from Zhao Wang's palace, of course she already knew who Mei Sanniang was referring to as benefactor.

It was nothing more than that after reporting it, that person put the matter on hold.

No response.

But judging from the fact that the king sent her to the Ministry of Education as Mei Sanniang's boss, this girl is still being watched.

There is one thing to say, as far as Mei Sanniang's appearance is concerned, she can almost compete with the princess, and her figure... Although Princess Fu has been nourished by the enhanced version of Shiyin Nuwa wine, she has long said goodbye to the extent that she can't afford A. The level of invincible players in the 21st century.

But Mei Sanniang's figure is actually... B is still a bit worth seeing.

She felt that this man might one day become one of the concubines.

Otherwise, Zhao Wang is so busy, why pay attention to a mere section chief?Still send her to look after?Zhao Guo's system is currently in a period of rapid development, and the civil servant system is generally relatively pure.

But there is a saying, people change.

If it weren't for the resume of her female secretary who was born in the palace, I don't know how many people would have set their sights on Mei Sanniang.

Thinking of this, Li Chu smiled and said, "Your benefactor has not disappeared yet, but I have good news to tell you that your parents' whereabouts have been confirmed."

Mei Sanniang was overjoyed, "Really, where are they? Are they safe now?"

Li Chu nodded, "You don't need to worry about your personal safety, but their situation is not so special. Your parents wanted to join a classmate in a certain county in Jianghuai. "

Mei Sanniang's expression changed back and forth, Li Chu smiled and said, "That county is where you are going to take office."

Chief Mei, "...!!!"

In such a comparison, if he hadn't chosen to stay in the capital and accepted the arrangement of En Gong to enter the civil service system, but continued to look for his parents, what would have happened?
Li Chu said again, "Your fiancé who had a marriage contract has also disappeared. He married an official's daughter in the capital of the Liang Dynasty. He is now a Hanlin scholar in the old system. Your parents sent their servants to the capital to ask for help. Arrange for someone to beat the servant to death."

Chief May, "???"

Well, in fact, she didn't have any feelings for Wang Anxu. The social background of the Liang Dynasty, the orders of her parents, and the words of the matchmaker were all that matter.

Even if you see it, you have to look at it from a distance.

In this case, if it is still the daughter of the old gentry's mansion in the Liang Dynasty, naturally it doesn't matter. Marry a chicken as a chicken and marry a dog as a dog, but after half a year of various New Deal shocks.

In the past six months, I have seen countless children clean up and walk into free schools to read and write... That kind of shock is more shocking than anything else.

She can only sigh with emotion once again, the original choice was too correct.


Zhao Guo attacked again after half a year.

An army of 80 was dispatched by land and water, with the goal of capturing the entire south of the Yangtze River, including the Huaihe River and Huaihe River.

Zhao Xueyan still let go of the shopkeeper when it came to the land acquisition and management after the war, and left the professional work to professional people.

At this moment in the palace of the imperial capital, he unexpectedly looked at Fu Yuechi and the young maid behind her, "Is this another change?"

Fu Yuechi gave him a coquettish look, "I've changed so many people and I don't see you touching anyone. I'm almost dead."

"You're interested in this?"

Dr. Zhao's combat effectiveness is so abnormal, and he has all kinds of wonderful abilities. It is said that only Yuechi can bear it, so he really can't bear it.

A sudden increase in skill is useless, as soon as the boat is launched, the flood will be released.

She changed countless maids who wanted to find helpers, but after changing so many times, Dr. Zhao has always turned a blind eye, and did not leave a bunch of helpers when doing things like other emperors in ancient times.

Fu Yuechi longed for a few more sisters to save her.

This was the first time in the past two years that King Zhao paid attention to the maids around her.

Dr. Zhao was speechless, and waved to the new maid, "What's your name?"

The little palace maid came forward obediently and saluted, "Go back to the king, little girl Lu'er."

"Ding, it's true that Lu'er is successful in signing in, and the rewards are mediocre. The host can claim them at any time."

Plainness is true, it consumes human merit, although the specific amount depends on the situation, under the effect, no matter whether life is tiring, difficult or plain, the goal will be happy and strive hard towards the ideal.

This supernatural power is also a bit interesting. All kinds of money worship in the 21st century are sweeping everything.

When he first saw Lu'er, he thought it was the charming sister-in-law in the battle against gangsters, but now he was sure that it was Xiao Lu'er from the story of Xin Shi Siniang in the story of Strange Women in Liaozhai.

Xin Shishiniang is actually more beautiful, but she is a fox demon. She did too many evils in her previous life, and she specially seduced married women and caused other people's families to be destroyed. It is immortal.

Then she met a Feng Sheng who loved her madly. After the two came together, the little fox demon suddenly realized that Zuixin Qiudao owed her husband too much in the matter of husband and wife, so she found Lu'er as a backup.

He didn't expect that Lu'er, who was supposed to be taken away by the fox demon, would come to his palace.

Well, even the most beautiful ghost Mei Sanniang in the new Strange Tales of Liaozhai was transformed into a human by his Zhao Guo, so it's not surprising that Lu'er from Strange Women in Liaozhai comes here.

This was originally a big world with heaven and hell, although the tree demon grandma and Xiaoqian were against Fu Yuechi and others.

When it comes to other Liaozhai stories, it's normal for other people to pop up.

He is not interested in messy fox ghosts and the like, and is a staunch humanitarian.

A while later, when Dr. Zhao went to take a bath, Fu Yuechi dragged Lu'er in together. No matter how this sweet and cute court lady in front of him was accidentally noticed by King Zhao, he still had to seize the opportunity to pull his comrades.


ten days later.

A certain county in Jianghuai.

Seeing Zhao Guo's soldiers enter, the circle of noble gentry in the county has long been empty, and Mei's father and Mei's mother, who are in their forties, are so excited that they burst into tears.

"King Zhao is here, and I finally have a chance to be a man again."

Mother Mei also sighed excitedly amid tears, "It's all your fault. Back then, King Zhao's troops marched into the west of Jiangxi. Why did we run away? Even if we handed over the fields, we wouldn't be in such a mess like we are now."

Their Mei family was originally a top gentry in the county. As long as they cooperate and listen to the arrangements with peace of mind, even if they lose their land, shops, etc., they can still keep their money to live on, and even make money in business.

At present, the gentry and gentry who have not been able to escape in time in the state of Zhao are all welcoming the new environment in this way. I heard that there are still a few businessmen who seized the opportunity and really made a fortune.

Although the business tax is heavy, it can't stop the flow of gold and silver.

The Mei family is miserable!

Not to mention that the daughter is lost and her whereabouts are unknown, the future son-in-law who was very fond of and valued before is also Chen Shimei.

Here they were deprived of all their family property, wealth, etc., and became beggars. Several concubines of Mei's father were robbed, some fell into the hands of other big men as concubines, and some went directly to brothels up.

But after all, there used to be a gentry, and when they sent their servants to inquire about Wang Anxu's whereabouts, Wang Anxu killed them directly and didn't come to Jianghuai to look for them. They didn't know at first... but there were other gentry who came here to make fun of and satirize them.

After being reduced to a pair of middle-aged beggars, Mei's father regretted how miserable the Mei family's current situation was.

But fortunately, King Zhao finally broke into Jianghuai.

They at least understand one thing. In the territory of Zhao State, as long as they are able to walk with hands and feet, the government will take the initiative to help you find a job, arrange work and do things, and if you have a job, you will naturally have food, clothing and shelter.

Can't afford a house or rent it?The government also has a large number of low-rent housing dedicated to the displaced persons.

With Mei's father's literacy background, it is not difficult to find a comfortable job in Zhao State.

Crying and crying, Mother Mei thought of her good daughter again, and she cried even harder, complaining as she cried...

Until, an exclamation sounded from the street, it seemed to be her daughter's voice?

Mei's father and Mei's mother raised their heads in a hurry, and they were dumbfounded at a glance.

Who else could it be if it wasn't their daughter Sanniang?From the name, one could tell that she was originally the third eldest in the family, but the eldest and second, one died young and the other married far away, originally they could go home once a year.

When Zhao Wang swept the six provinces before, he also ran around separately, and there has been no news of it so far.

Now, Sanniang, who was thought to be dead, or whom she would never see again, actually appeared here in smart attire, with a group of male and female guards or something?
This is a group of men and women riding bicycles, and they all came to office with Deputy County Magistrate Mei.

There is no need to describe too much about the scene where the separated relatives reunite after a long absence.


Half a day later, it was night.

Mei's father and Mei's mother walked into Mei Sanniang's unit in a daze... Now Lianghuai has just changed his surname to Zhao, and has not yet built various new residences, low-rent housing buildings, etc.

But as the fourth in command of the county, Mei Sanniang's temporary residence was originally the garden of a wealthy gentry.

She can also be assigned a secretary at this level, there is a work secretary and a life secretary.

Watching several secretaries and civil servants going to the education department, helping to clean up the facilities of the new home.

Father Mei said in confusion, "Are you really a deputy county magistrate? Is this here?"

Of course he knew that the New Deal was being implemented in a single county in the state of Zhao, and there were no official posts such as county magistrate, master boss, county lieutenant, pawn, etc. in a county, and it was the county magistrate with several deputy county magistrates.

The same is true at the prefectural level. The general judgment, defense, etc. are all cancelled, and all aspects are under the jurisdiction of the deputy prefect.

In his few months of being a beggar, he never dreamed that his daughter, who had never left the door, would become a county magistrate of the New Dynasty before she was 19 years old?In the future, you may even have the opportunity to try the prefect and provincial bosses?

At least this channel exists!

(End of this chapter)

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