Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 613 I have a big plan to rebuild my home

Chapter 613 I have a big plan to rebuild my home

When Xiahou Shouwei sent someone to call Yan Chixia.

A few streets away from the Garrison Mansion, and seven or eight hundred meters away, Fu Liu knocked on the door and pushed in after hearing the voice, "Miss, I found out, that extremely handsome white horse It belongs to the Garrison."

"Second Miss probably fell into the hands of that guard Xiahou, what should I do?"

Fu Yuechi tried to tame the BMW last night, she was the first to rush to tame the horse, and the rest of the Fu family also followed...

Follow it and lose it.

General martial arts masters really can't track BMWs long distances.

Everyone in the Fu family was also quite speechless. They arrived at Muhua Mansion to try to rob the prison car and save people, but they lost a second lady before the battle started?

That is the notorious executioner, the big traitor in the circles of shilin and gentry!The most brutal tyrant in the five counties of Muhua's prefecture.

Fu Liu said again amid Fu Qingfeng's awe-inspiring expression, "I also heard some news that the guard Xiahou himself is a top expert, and in the past five months, the circle of scholars and noble gentry has launched no less than 20 assassinations against him. "

"Those assassins, as well as the masters hired by the gentry from places other than Muhua, didn't cause any trouble."

Fu Qingfeng sighed helplessly, "Then we can only ignore Yuechi and save my father."

While talking, there was another knock on the door, and a familiar voice sounded outside the door. Fu Qingfeng decisively let the other person in.

A young man entered the room and said, "Miss, Uncle Six, Ah Fei has already inquired about your lord, Zuo Qianhu, who is escorting your lord, will arrive at Zhengqi Villa by tonight at the latest."

Fu Qingfeng was overjoyed, "Leave the city immediately!"

"Wait until we rescue father, we are going to fight this Xiahou Shouwei."

A Fei is the guy with the best lightness kung fu in this group, known as Caoshangfei, unfortunately, even Caoshangfei chased Dr. Zhao's BMW last night, but lost it.

Fu Qingfeng knew that his sister was very beautiful, even prettier than her, but at least according to the information they inquired, no matter how notorious Xiahou Shou was in the circle of scholars and gentry, he was actually in the circle of ordinary people...

It was named after Xiahou Qingtian.

That one also likes women, but he only married one wife and one concubine. Many maids in the defense mansion can testify that he is a gentleman who loves beauty, and he gets it in a proper way.

So I don't worry about my sister falling into the defense mansion and being sacrificed in a short time.


almost in time.

Dr. Zhao wore a scholar's uniform, with a sword hanging from his waist, and left the defense mansion like a scholar traveling, followed by Fu Yuechi.

Miss Fu asked suspiciously, "Is it coming out now? Only you? Are you not worried about me escaping?"

Dr. Zhao smiled and said, "I've said it all, I'm staying with you for one night to let you know who is the real culprit who wanted to kill your father."

"You can leave anytime you want."

Fu Yuechi gritted his teeth and probed in a low voice, "Are you the king of rebellion who wants to rebel?"

It feels so exciting.

She dared to follow her sister and a group of servants to rob the prison van, she just wanted to save her father, she didn't think about rebellion or anything.

Unexpectedly, Xiahou Garrison, who was considered by them to be a big traitor before... No, he is now Admiral Xiahou!

Admiral Xiahou even called Dr. Zhao his lord, and Xiahou's obedience to Dr. Zhao was definitely not an act.

She really didn't expect that the Dafan Wang turned out to be a handsome man who looked so young.

Dr. Zhao was speechless.

Too lazy to answer her words.

His original intention was really not rebellion. It is said that in the feudal era, being an anti-king, or even being an emperor, when it comes to entertainment and enjoyment, etc., is not as comfortable as he is in Hong Kong.

If he really rebelled, why did he only train more than 1 troops comparable to Yue's army... If he rebelled, he would just bring in 47 AK1s with enough bullets, and these [-] people could easily sweep all the troops in Daliang.

Seeing that Dr. Zhao ignored him, Fu Yuechi said excitedly again, "Hey, where are you going now? Doesn't a big rebel king like you go out without guards, isn't he afraid that the court will encircle you?"

Only then did Zhao Xueyan reply, "Go meet some interesting people."

Speaking of the protagonists and supporting roles in A Chinese Ghost Story 1, except for Ning Caichen who signed his hips and 100 coins, whether Yan Chixia, Xiahou, Xiaoqian or even the tree demon grandma, they are all very good.

2 inside?He has cultivated three years of pure internal energy from Fu Yuechi, which can be automatically integrated into any type of energy.

Originally accumulated more than 32 years of skills, all of a sudden can be 35+.

That's not bad.

Then, Zuo Qianhu, Zhiqiu Yiye and even Fu Qingfeng and others should also have a little expectation.

As for the big villain Purdue Cihang?The two were in the same room before, and Dr. Zhao didn't take the initiative to sign in, but he was not in a hurry, and there were many opportunities when they fought.

After all, this is ancient times. It is not just that you can shake hands with anyone you meet. Handshakes are not popular in this era. As for pats on the shoulders, I guess he will try it before, and Pudu Cihang can fight him.

Zhao Xueyan is definitely worthy of Purdue Cihang, as long as he uses the teleportation power, if Purdue Cihang is exhausted, that big monster will only seriously injure himself.

But it's not... He hasn't decided yet, should he kill Pudu Cihang, or arrest him and control himself to use it?
After staying in Muhua Mansion for five months, what Dr. Zhao wants to complain about most is the dilapidated and dilapidated transportation infrastructure in this era. To all kinds of excrement, garbage and so on.

When it rains it literally smells like hell.

The air quality is better only in the neighborhood of rich people and powerful families.


Not to mention, the deformed police car can still run occasionally, and the Paramount Predator can probably crush a bunch of them if it walks around.If you kill Pudu Cihang, there will probably be a wave of good rewards, but if you catch it, control this big centipede to split mountains and rivers, and become the backbone of the infrastructure corps in the feudal era, it is still very valuable.

If there are no big monsters of all kinds, he will consider building a few Transformers for infrastructure construction, such as talking to Megatron, Starscream, and Stun, as long as they are friendly, the group of Decepticons Would not refuse such a good thing.

Even if he was not suppressed by him, Shockwave and his pet Diamond Demon, who were hiding somewhere, were also the backbone of the infrastructure.

It's just a matter of going back and forth.

But the centipede spirit doesn't seem to be bad either.

Its efficiency in breaking ground is also leveraged.That guy has harmed so many people in A Chinese Girl's World, so he just negotiated a 21-year infrastructure contract to atone for his sins, and it is also atonement for the development of feudal infrastructure to the Chinese model of the [-]st century.

He didn't even kill the banyan tree demon grandma in Guobei County because the old Heishan demon didn't come to the world that night and didn't give him a chance to sign in.So keep grandma, maybe one day I can catch Montenegro.


After half an hour.

On a cliff in the south of Muhua Mansion, Dr. Zhao saw Zuo Qianhu and his party who were escorting Fu Tianchou. His expression was calm, and Fu Yuechi beside him was excited, "It's my father, these thieves... ..."

Fu Yuechi cried excitedly, and even more so wished he could fly down the cliff and draw his sword to fight with Zuo Qianhu and his party.

After all, Fu Tianchou before he was escorted was the Minister of the Ministry of War, one of the top three bosses, and he always had a dignified and dignified appearance. This image with messy hair and prison uniform in the prison car, Too much has changed.

Dr. Zhao said with a smile, "With your level, you still want to sneak attack Zuo Qianhu? You can't even beat my horse. You go up to deliver food."

Zuo Qianhu is known as the strongest Qianhu on the surface of the earth. In the original story, if the giant corpse from Zhengqi Villa did not cause trouble, the Fu family probably would not be enough to kill him alone.

The little monsters under the thousand-year-old centipede's command are also cut one by one, and the cuts are super hilarious.

However, the giant corpse in Zhengqi Villa was easily killed after Dr. Zhao arrived... Otherwise, the group of Fu family members who were guests at the villa last night would have been seriously injured.

Suppress the giant corpse and reward 300 humanitarian merits.

The merits rewarded by the giant corpse are used to cultivate super rice, wheat and other crops, and to cultivate various magical medicinal materials, which have not been spent yet.

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Fu Yuechi's reaction, he grabbed the opponent's shoulder and jumped down.

On a cliff more than 100 meters high, Dr. Zhao performed lightness kung fu and brought Fu Yuechi down like a banished fairy. Under the anxious guard of Zuo Qianhu and his party, and under the stunned gaze of Fu Tianchou, he landed smoothly.

The techniques from the modern Tathagata God's Palm are very abnormal. Even Li Hua, who has only ten years of skill, can jump from a [-]-story building and play like flying.

Dr. Zhao, who has 35+ years of superb internal strength, can also play with Yunluo's lightness kung fu by a small amount.

It can only be said that the martial arts and light skills in that story are much stronger than the martial arts in A Chinese Story.

Of course, martial arts in A Chinese Girl's World doesn't really matter, what matters is various Taoism, Buddha, magic, and so on.

Fu Yuechi was shocked. It was more than 100 meters high... Even if she had light skills, she would have a broken leg if she jumped directly from this height, or she would fall to her death.

Under the watchful eyes of ordinary officials, Zuo Qianhu quickly walked out, "Who are you?"

Dr. Zhao said calmly, "Don't be afraid, I'm not here to rob the prison van, I just want to chat with you."

Zuo Qianhu was a little confused, "What are you talking about?"

Dr. Zhao said with a smile, "Have you ever thought about taking Fu Shangshu to take the water route instead, and go to the East China Sea first to avoid waves?"

Zuo Qianhu was even more confused, "Why did you take the water?"

Zhao Xueyan explained bluntly, "I know that there is a big monster who is eyeing Fu Shangshu and wants to kill him, but it is not clear whether he passed by here and killed Fu Shangshu, or came straight to him."

"The big monster is very strong on land, not to mention Zuo Qianhu and you human masters, even the experts in the cultivation world, it is difficult to deal with it, so... I am also curious that if you go to the sea, what will the big monster do? What will happen."

In the two stories, why did the national teacher of Purdue Cihang come to Muhua from the capital?Did he come here for the purpose of killing Fu Tianchou, or did he have other purposes... When he saw Fu Shangshu, he would kill him and then do other things?

Centipede is very strong on the ground.

But if Fu Shangshu takes a boat, enters the Qiantang River along the Muhua River, and then goes to Hangzhou Bay to go to the sea, how will the national teacher of Purdue Cihang choose?Chase or not?
Zuo Qianhu, "..."

Fu Tianchou, "..."

After looking at each other in blank dismay, Zuo Qianhu said, "Thank you for your kindness, my lord. I will definitely take strict precautions to protect Mr. Fu's safety."

Dr. Zhao pointed to a group of ordinary officers and soldiers with a smile, "You are not afraid that when you meet that big monster, all these soldiers who went south with you from the capital and then came from Fujian Province will all be killed? They also have families. Well, they are the pillars of the family, if they die, what will those family members do?"

Officers and soldiers, "..."

What should I do if I suddenly want to seriously thank this strange visitor?
They are really the pillars of the family. If they die like this, what will happen to the rest of the orphans and widows?
Of course, Dr. Zhao doesn't care about the life and death of those evil officials who eat Naka and want to beat the people to death, but in the two stories, Zuo Qianhu is still a very moral and righteous Qianhu.

It is estimated that the soldiers brought out by him would hardly have the opportunity to beat the people to their bones.

By the way, it is basic exercises.

Zuo Qianhu was in a bad mood, a little messy.

He is excellent in martial arts and is never afraid of death or danger. His subordinates...

Amidst his confusion, a certain hundred households who had been on alert all suggested, "My lord, this young master's martial arts is outstanding, and he is definitely the top powerhouse today. He shouldn't lie to us if he has nothing to do?"

Facing a stranger who suddenly appeared, what he said... believe it or not?

What Dr. Zhao showed before is definitely in today's world. He can rank among the top three in lightness kung fu, and he also has an appearance and clothes that are either rich or expensive.

Everyone instinctively felt that this should not be a scam.

The other general flag was shaken and said, "Master Qianhu, we are not far from Muhua River, and it is not troublesome to change to the waterway."

Zuo Qianhu, "..."

Dr. Zhao patted Zuo Qianhu's arm, "I sent the news, you can think about it."

"Ding, sign in to Zuo Qianhu successfully, and you will be rewarded with a flying knife, which the host can receive at any time."

The flying knife, within the range of the host's line of sight, flies and slashes at any target at will, regardless of the various writing methods of flying 8 or Hui, it is all determined by the host's will.

Good guy, is he worthy of being the strongest thousand households on the surface?This flying knife can be waved freely like a magic weapon flying sword. The problem is that I don't know how the material and sharpness are.

If it is not sharp enough, it is not as good as a Barrett heavy sniper or a Viper machine gun. Although it has enough flying speed... its lethality is not afraid of being too small. After all, Barrett and the machine gun are also Relying on the terrifying speed to show off its power.

However, the material is not good, and it will dry out if the speed is too fast.

After thinking about it, Dr. Zhao grabbed Fu Yuechi's arm and flew away with lightness kung fu. Not only could he fly, but he could fly fast, and more importantly, he was chic and handsome with a gorgeous posture.

Baihu and Zongqi took a few glances, and after being shocked, they quickly said, "Master Qianhu..."

Zuo Qianhu was in a mess in the wind.


On the other side, after flying through a jungle and landing, Fu Yuechi said excitedly, "Hey, why did you just leave, I haven't talked to my father yet."

Dr. Zhao said with a smile, "If the main purpose of Purdue Cihang's trip from the capital is to kill your father, you will only die in vain if you save him."

Fu Yuechi was shocked, "Although I still can't figure it out, is that national teacher really a monster? Can a monster be a national teacher? What exactly does he want?"

Zhao Xueyan did not hide it, "Destroy the Great Liang Chaotang, let the collapse of the Great Liang become history, and then refine the luck of the dynasty, and transform the dragon into a soaring. Therefore, any capable ministers and powerful generals and pillars of the Great Liang are his targets to kill. Any corrupt officials, Even the rebels are his comrades in arms."

Purdue Cihang also has a movable Purdue Hall, which is already filled with the corpses of various high-ranking officials.

It is said that this group of high-ranking officials went south with the national teacher... Shouldn't the imperial court be in the middle of a mess?All kinds of memorials gathered from places to the court, and no one handles them all?
Fu Yuechi was stunned and didn't know what to say.

After dozens of seconds, she asked curiously, "Then why did you save my father? Only before Purdue Cihang gave you the military power of the entire Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces..."

Dr. Zhao ignored her and extracted the flying knife from the system. As soon as he got it, he couldn't help shouting in his heart, "Flying knife, what does Zuo Qianhu's flying knife look like?"

Now what the system brushes out is a Tang Dynasty horizontal knife. The handle of the knife is made of unknown material. It feels very good to hold it, and the blade is pulled out from the scabbard with a choking sound. The slender and sharp blade has been opened. There is a dazzling sense of brilliance underneath.

Such a long horizontal knife, you tell me it is a flying knife?

Under Fu Yuechi's staring gaze, Dr. Zhao waved his hand, pierced out with a horizontal knife, and cut through a big tree with a diameter of about 20 centimeters more than [-] meters away, just like cutting tofu...

The trunk of the big tree swayed and collapsed, and he beckoned again. The horizontal knife flew back in the air and fell into Dr. Zhao's right hand.

"Not bad!"

The flying knife generated by the system is still very sharp and strong.

Then he hung the flying knife on his left waist. On the left waist was the No. [-] sword in the world, and below it was a flying knife that flew randomly... the shape is a bit fierce.

Miss Yuechi was also fluttering in the wind.

When she saw Dr. Zhao for the first time, she thought he was a handsome boy, and the sword hanging on his waist was probably just an ornament.

Who would have thought that Dr. Zhao's martial arts would be so brutal and domineering, it would frighten people to death.

But it seems that only such a powerful man can make Admiral Xiahou's kind of super vicious rebel respectfully call him the Lord?Can it stand that handsome and magnificent horse?

in the afternoon.

Purdue Cihang Guoshi received the report from his subordinate Xiaoyao, escorting a group of officers and soldiers of Fu Tianchou, they went east by water along the Muhua River, and wanted to enter the Qiantang River, and suddenly frowned, "Why is this Zuoqianhu back?" thing?"

"What is it to walk by water for no reason?"

As a fine centipede, he actually... the centipede itself is not afraid of being submerged in water, although it also breathes through the trachea, a terrestrial animal, but it can use the buoyancy of water to float on the surface of the water.

Common centipedes are generally not afraid of flooding.

But the body size of His Majesty the National Teacher is too big. If it is in the river, it is okay. Once it enters the sea, it can only float with the help of monster power.

He left the capital and went south this time, really not because of Fu Tianqiu alone. His purpose was to finish the capital and develop the local government. Officer, let's kill a wave.

When you encounter corrupt officials, give them encouragement.

When you encounter rebels and the like, you can easily upgrade a wave.

Just like promoting Xiahou Shoubei to Xiahou Admiral, he took the big beam with him and stamped it, and it was filled with the imperial decree of promoting or suppressing the crime model, leaving only his name.

Walking around the territory of Daliang, he didn't believe that Daliang would collapse soon.

Fu Tianchou was the one who planned to kill Fu Tianchou when he learned that he was being sent to Muhua Mansion.

The other party suddenly changed to the waterway and stopped coming to Fucheng, which is a bit embarrassing.

"Take my decree and ask Zuo Qianhu to send Fu Tianchou to me."

After thinking for a few seconds, he still gave the little demon an order.


almost in time.

On the Muhua River, Fu Qingfeng, Fu Liu, A Fei and a group of people were staring dumbfounded at a strange ship rapidly approaching them from behind.

To put it bluntly, it is a yacht crystallized by the most advanced technology in the 21st century. It is nearly [-] meters long, more than ten meters wide, and has three decks.

Among other things, what about the sail?It doesn't even have a sail, but it travels fast on the river, as fast as a galloping horse on land...

This is really quite different from the riverboat that Fu Qingfeng and his party took.

But as the strange ship approached, Fu Qingfeng stared suddenly, "Is it Yuechi?!"

Fu Liudu was shocked and said, "Why is Second Miss on this strange ship? That man... from the Garrison Mansion?"

When the 21st century yacht and the [-]th century sailing boat passed by, Fu Yuechi waved and shouted to his sister excitedly.

The distance between the two boats was more than ten meters, but Fu Qingfeng still used his lightness skills and stepped on the yacht on the water.

The same goes for Fu Liu and the others.

Dr. Zhao just watched calmly and did nothing.

Standing on the deck, feeling much more stable than a wooden boat, Fu Qingfeng saluted Dr. Zhao curiously, "I don't know who the young master is? If my little sister Yuechi offends me, please try not to take offense. "

"As long as we can pay, we can compensate."

Dr. Zhao said calmly, "I don't expect her to pay anything. She can leave whenever she wants."

Fu Yuechi also explained excitedly, "Sister, don't get me wrong, Mr. Zhao didn't control my personal freedom, and he helped us a lot. If it wasn't for him, Zuo Qianhu and others wouldn't have escorted my father to go to Hangwan by water."

"There is a big monster that is very powerful on land and is eyeing on father, trying to kill him."

Fu Qingfeng and his party were also a little confused, but they accepted it much faster than Zuo Qianhu. After all, Fu Yuechi is one of his own, so can he still lie to them?
After roughly accepting these, Fu Qingfeng and his party thanked and appreciated Dr. Zhao one after another. Then, after Dr. Zhao could see Zuo Qianhu taking a boat a few kilometers ahead with his naked eyes, he slowed down the yacht and kept the same boat as Zuo Qianhu. Waiting for a considerable speed, move forward.

This ship was brought from the Transformers plane in the 21st century. The control system... is to allow the artificial intelligence of the transformed police car to split into a subsystem for intelligent driving.

Although it is said that if the centipede spirit of the national teacher catches up with it in the sea, its strength at sea will be limited for a while, but once the centipede spirit with profound mana smashes and sinks any wooden passenger ship, the people on board will be even more dangerous.

He went out for a wave and got a yacht.

As for the people in Daliang World, seeing such a strange ship, why are they surprised and they need an explanation?No need.

As the boat was walking, Dr. Zhao waved to a figure on a horse on the left bank, standing still and looking out, "If you are interested, brother, why don't you come on the boat and talk about it."

Just by looking at the shape, you can tell that it is Zhiqiu Yiye.

Zhiqiu Yiye's eyes also brightened, and he stepped on the boat with light work, and then walked around curiously, looking around, "Wow, this boat is so beautiful, it seems to be made of metal? Such a heavy metal boat, How did you run on the water?"

Dr. Zhao walked over with a smile and grabbed Zhiqiu Yiye's arm, "Don't worry about these trivial things, I heard that there is a warlock from Kunlun who is subduing demons and demons. From the news I heard, it seems to be Your Excellency?"

"Ding, sign in Zhiqiu Yiye successfully, the reward skill Tudun, the host can claim it at any time."

Earth Dungeon requires physical strength to activate, and it can make the host's body run under the ground like a fish entering the water. The speed and efficiency are linked to the host's physical fitness.

Reinforced concrete and concrete are also soil. Concrete roads and even rocks are all under the power of earth dungeon. When traveling underground, one can naturally perceive directions such as east, west, northwest, and the environment above the ground.

The new skills are amazing, and Dr. Zhao is in a good mood.

Zhiqiu Yiye was also overjoyed, "Have you heard my name? Am I already so famous?"

Speaking of this, Zhiqiu Yiye said excitedly, "It's fine before entering Muhua, I can occasionally have a chance to clean up little ghosts and monsters, but since I was in Muhua, I have been idle for many days, it seems The environment here is really nice.”

Dr. Zhao said with a smile, "Isn't it easy to subjugate monsters? As long as you stay on the boat for a while, you may encounter all kinds of monsters."

"But before subduing the demon, you have to eat and drink enough to have strength."

"Come on, there are a lot of food, drinks and drinks on board, you can eat whatever you want."

He has already gone to the Transfiguration Plane once, and he crossed it while standing on a yacht with the boat, so he has plenty of supplies. After all, after he left, the Qiannv Plane is frozen in time...

After a while, foodies were everywhere on the first deck, and while attacking all kinds of top delicacies that Dr. Zhao brought from the 21st century, Dr. Zhao said to Zhiqiu Yiye, "Brother Zhiqiu, your chance to subdue the demon has come. "

Zhiqiu Yiye was startled, and immediately looked around energetically, "Where is it?"

Even Fu Yuechi, Fu Qingfeng and the others were shocked, because they hadn't seen many monsters or ghosts in their life.

I am still very interested in how the world's masters subdue demons and eliminate demons.

Dr. Zhao smiled and pointed to a figure galloping on a horse a hundred meters away on the left bank, "That's the little demon under the giant centipede."

While speaking, teleportation was activated, and the galloping little demon came to the deck of the yacht with a swish.

"Who..." The little banshee was shocked at first, and then frowned after seeing Dr. Zhao's figure clearly, "Why are you?"

When Purdue Cihang went to deliver the imperial decree to Xiahou Guard, the little banshee also followed Purdue Cihang into the hall, and met Dr. Zhao once. Afterwards, she also heard from Pudu Cihang, the centipede ancestor, that Dr. A gang of rebels did a good job, promising a lot and so on.

Because of this, she was suddenly transferred to the ship through the air, so she didn't explode immediately.

Speaking of which, Dr. Zhao also doesn't know why a large group of demons are all women around the old national teacher... But it doesn't matter, as long as it can be used.

Seeing that Zhiqiu Yiye was suspicious, Dr. Zhao asked, "Is she pretty?"

Knowing Qiu Yiye, "..."

Confused, but he's not zero EQ, he didn't see through the identity of the little demon, and he couldn't feel the demonic aura, so he nodded, "It's pretty."

Little demon... Although the little demon has helped the ancestor of the national teacher to do various important things, but he has already transformed into a form, and he also has his own wisdom and logic.

Look at Zhiqiu Yiye, and look at sisters Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi on the deck. She is suddenly a little flustered by these words. Her human form can be considered beautiful standing next to the sisters of the Fu family?
This guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes seems to have a bit of vision.

Dr. Zhao looked at the little banshee again, "Is he handsome?"

The little banshee nodded with a coquettish smile, "Young Master is indeed pretty."

When a group of people watched in a daze, Dr. Zhao shot out two beams of light, one into Zhiqiu Yiye's body, and the other into the little banshee's body.

Without waiting for the crowd to react, he smiled, "You two are a match made in heaven, why don't you be together?"

Right now Zhiqiu and the little banshee are in a coma.

Fu Qingfeng quietly pulled Fu Yuechi down, "What's the situation?"

Dr. Zhao is poisonous, right?Didn't you say that you can subdue demons and eliminate demons?Why did they say something together all of a sudden...

Fu Yuechi was also a little messy.

I can't figure out what kind of thinking logic this is, but Zhiqiu Yiye quickly sobered up and looked at Dr. Zhao vigilantly, "What did you do to me..."

Dr. Zhao waved his hand, "Don't panic, it's a good thing for you. I played two true love amulets before, which are a pair. Of course, the one you got is the main amulet, and it has no effect on your intelligence. The one in this little banshee is the child." Talisman, after the effect erupts, she will fall in love with you with all her heart."

"Willing to do anything for love."

Zhiqiu Yiye was messy at the tenth level, "Why didn't I know there was such a talisman? Isn't it subduing demons? How could you do such a thing?"

Dr. Zhao explained with a righteous face, "Brother Zhiqiu, it's just surrendering the demon, and you don't have to kill it to surrender. If you can make this little demon work hard for the people and do good deeds, wouldn't it be true?" Isn't it a good thing?"

"I have a big plan, such as renovating all the roads, bridges, cities, etc. in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces. The roads will be smooth and spacious, the bridges will frame all the Qiantang water system, and the cities will be built without dust. Is this a good thing?"

"If the people do the corvee, it will definitely bring a lot of pressure and hardship to the people, but if you let a group of banshees who love you do this kind of thing, wouldn't it be a great kindness?"

Killing and setting fire to the golden belt, repairing bridges and paving roads without corpses.

Building bridges and paving roads can be juxtaposed with murder and arson, which is enough to prove that for ancient China, repairing bridges and roads was a difficult problem.

With those words, a group of ancient people were shocked.

Fu Yuechi said in disbelief, "Isn't this equal to rebuilding Jiangsu and Zhejiang? It will benefit tens of millions of people in a province?"

Dr. Zhao nodded, "Yes."

"Now we'll see if brother Zhiqiu is willing to sacrifice, and use love to influence a group of little banshees. There are still a bunch of my true love talismans."

The thousand-year-old centipede essence is the backbone of the infrastructure for rebuilding China's homeland, but a group of little banshees are actually not bad.

I have a talisman, a talisman of true love, which was obtained by virtue of humane merits. Against the thousand-year-old centipede, even if Dr. Zhao recites the mantra silently in his heart, it may not have much effect.

It's different with the little banshee...

After all, Zuo Qianhu, a strong martial artist, could kill several of them.

Knowing Qiu Yiye, "..."

Fu Qingfeng, "..."

Not to mention that Zhiqiu Yiye was in a mess, even Fu Qingfeng was not much better.

What is this about subduing demons and eliminating demons?

Dr. Zhao said again, "Brother Zhiqiu, sacrifice you alone to benefit the whole world. If you don't mind meeting monsters in the future, the True Love Amulet can also be used on male monsters. How can we not only rebuild Jiangsu and Zhejiang? We can rebuild China. .”

Zhiqiu Yiye was in a hurry, he was in a hurry, and ran towards the shore stepping on lightness kung fu.

(End of this chapter)

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