Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 609 Opening the stage to face the Pangu Heaven Opening Axe?

Chapter 609 Opening the stage to face the Pangu Heaven Opening Axe?

Michael Harden was suffocated by fright for a while, he was not sure whether this matter was true or not, he suspected that Dr. Zhao was playing him, but this kind of matter can be investigated.

If Dr. Zhao played him, wouldn't he be afraid to find out the truth?

It is easy to check if it involves a multinational consortium like the Sanchuan Consortium, and important figures in the core family?At least at the level of the Nova Group, it is not difficult to find out the news.

Not afraid to check?Is it true?

It's really more scary.

When Michael was speechless, Dr. Zhao said with a smile, "Come on, Michael, let me introduce you to a friend, Peng Hao, a patient suffering from chronic myelogenous leukemia. Under the treatment of the Chinese decoction formula, his condition has been greatly improved, and he may even be on the verge of recovery."

"Isn't that good news?"

"Once enough herbs grow in my medicine garden and go to the market, your Glenin will be quickly eliminated."

"So what you said just now, reducing China's Glenin supply will not have a big impact on us, and we will be eliminated anyway."

Dr. Zhao knew that only his specially cultivated herbs were effective and could cure leukemia, but the outside world didn't know! !

You know he doesn't know, it's just poor information.

His tens of acres of new medicinal materials base is in the suburbs of Shanghai, and the growth of medicinal materials is thriving. As long as the people from Nova Group visited the medicinal garden, they confirmed that patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia could really be cured by this Chinese decoction formula.

There were only two paths before them.

One is to suppress Dr. Zhao, take away the medicine garden, put it on the shelf without production, and continue to rely on the monopoly of Glenin to cut leeks around the world.

But it doesn't work!
No matter how deep they have been in other medicines in the past, even the artemisinin invented by Tu Youyou has been controlled by Nova and other pharmaceutical giants for [-] to [-]% of the profits. What is really left to Huaxia and Tu Youyou is the production of raw materials...

It is because pharmaceutical giants such as Nova have many international layouts and deep routines, which can make people fall into the trap if they are not careful.

This is also the same routine and nature as brands such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi Swallow, Killing Tianfu, and Laoshan in Hong Kong.

This way and method is really unreasonable for Dr. Zhao!
If it doesn't work, there is only the other way out... Before Dr. Zhao's new drug from the medicine garden and the Chinese soup formula completely swept the world, seize the time difference and reduce the price to promote Glenin.

This is the most fundamental reason why Dr. Zhao is willing to meet Michael Harden to discuss price reduction.

When Dr. Zhao introduced Peng Hao, because he spoke English, Peng Hao looked confused, but Michael screamed, "Impossible, this is impossible!"

"Chronic myelogenous leukemia is terminally ill..."

He was stunned by the news, dumbfounded, a box of 4, a Huaxia patient donated 48 RMB to Nova a year, how much is one hundred, one thousand patients?

Such a bountiful source of wealth, could it be cut off by other new drugs?

This is absolutely worse than the news that Zhao Lizhong was imprisoned and awaiting trial, and Baixiang's generic drugs flowed into China.

With the same smile, Dr. Zhao said in Mandarin, "Peng Hao, have you saved all the inspection reports before switching to decoction? Originally, I was looking for a chance to have a comprehensive physical examination to confirm the curative effect."

"Since Michael, the president of Nova Asia Pacific, is here, let him have a good experience of the power of our Chinese medicine."

"After confirming the therapeutic effect of Academician Li's formula, Glenin still wants to sell 4000 a bottle? After a year or two, it will be swept into the garbage dump, let alone [-], and the genuine medicine will be sold in China for [-] a bottle." bottle, that is, to scan the wallets of patients who are not supplied in time in our medicinal material base."

Peng Hao nodded hastily, "No problem."

He also understood Dr. Zhao's operation. The prescription is fine, but the key is the medicinal materials. The medicinal materials are not enough, we have to wait...

When the medicinal materials are sufficient and Glenin is no longer necessary, the price will really plummet.

In the following period of time, the price of Glenin may be cut in half.

In other words, even selling 4000 a bottle can make some money for Nova Group, 500 cost, 4000 a bottle is also a [-]% profit.

Peng Hao thought it was amazing that he actually participated in the process of rewriting the history of medicine?What an honor.

after one day.

Michael Harden observed Peng Hao's reports before and after taking the Chinese decoction formula, and several professional doctors from Nova Group and international authority on chronic myelogenous leukemia rushed over, but no matter how he looked at it.

There is only one result.

It's just that Peng Hao, who has taken the Chinese decoction five times, has almost reduced the immature white blood cells by [-]%. Without so many immature white blood cells, if he doesn't suppress the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow, there will be no other symptoms that are spreading through the blood. up.

And Peng Hao's heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, blood vessels, meridians, bones, etc. are all nourished by Chinese herbs catalyzed by various humane merits, and become extremely healthy.

This... There are still some immature white blood cells in his body, which have not been completely eliminated, but according to this trend, as long as he takes the Chinese decoction several times?Healed!

The experts are going crazy, Michael Harden, the Asia-Pacific president, is in a hurry to get angry!

"Fake, it must be fake..."

If this is true, Glenin's big source of income would be completely cut off. Cutting off one's wealth is like killing one's parents... Well, Michael thought of Yamauchi Jun from the core family of the Sanchuan Consortium.

When that guy was actually being treated for a dog bite in the Shanghai Hospital, the CIA came forward to contact Huaxia to discuss how to extradite Yamauchi Jun back to Amei's house to accept legal sanctions.

Dr. Zhao is not bragging!

Call the first brother of the CIA, it's really done there, this is so magical!
The theft of state secrets is a big basket, and you can put anything in it. In Michael's unbelievable low voice, Dr. Zhao smiled and patted Michael on the shoulder, "Michael, in fact, Jun Yamauchi stole the state secrets of my sister's family. It's not that I framed him, he just entered my medicine garden and stole things."

"Those latest medicinal materials are the latest varieties optimized and improved by combining cybertan black technology. They are new drugs that can cure chronic myelogenous leukemia."

"Using cybersecurity technology, improved to this extent, can completely replace Glenin, and may even cure all other cancers in the future. If he steals such things, isn't it stealing state secrets?"

Michael Harden was stunned again, "Cybertan black technology improves our earth's medicine??"

Dr. Zhao nodded, "Yes, look at hybrid rice. Before Academician Yuan, many experts in the scientific community concluded that rice is not suitable for hybridization at all. Anyone who studies hybrid rice is a dead end and has no future."

"Academician Yuan can develop the best hybrid rice without the help of Cybertron technology. Isn't it reasonable for us to use Cybertron technology to optimize and improve new and better medicinal species?"

"Don't forget, a little guy in the Decepticons can hack Amei's national defense system in about ten seconds, and can paralyze the Internet, mobile phones, and wired telephone systems around the world. This black technology is only in the computer field. , which is far more than our earth's many times."

"With such powerful and advanced computer technology, it is unreasonable to be able to get more powerful and comprehensive Chinese medicine varieties just by calculation?"

Even though Dr. Zhao emphasized the rationality over and over again, Michael Harden was still a little bit broken. He somehow felt that what Dr. Zhao said made sense, and his logic chain was very clear.

But, but, he still doesn't want to accept it, wants to reject this logic!

Dr. Zhao ignored him, turned around, walked to the corridor not far away, picked up the phone, and called Academician Li Weidong.


In Beijing, Li Weidong, who was working, was interrupted by the ringing of the phone. After he connected, he straightened up after a few words, and said in disbelief, "Are you kidding, Xiao Zhao, the set of medicine I gave you before can cure chronic acute leukemia?"

"This kind of joke..."

"What? There's already an example that's about to happen? I'm going to Shanghai right away!"

When he hung up the phone and rushed out, he rushed out of the door, and Li Weidong stopped and looked suspicious. That Xiao Zhao was lying to him, teasing him?

How could he not know the effect of a certain prescription prescribed more than a month ago on chronic myelogenous leukemia?better than nothing!

This is not his own judgment, but a group of industry leaders and authorities in the field of Chinese medicine have been called, and everyone's unanimous judgment is better than nothing.

In the blink of an eye for more than a month, you told me that it can be cured, and there are patients who are about to be cured?

As for who Dr. Zhao is and where he came from, Li Weidong doesn't know. It's just an old friend who is very familiar with and has many friendships. He called him to meet Dr. Zhao quickly and talk about something.

When Academician Li stood in a daze at the door, a young man in the big office also came quickly, "Teacher? What happened?"

Li Weidong's tangled brows were frowned into king characters, and he finally said, "Book a ticket to Shanghai, the fastest."

Then he went back to the office and called the old friend who introduced him to Zhao Xueyan. He wanted to inquire further about Dr. Zhao's identity.

The prescription I prescribed is better than nothing to cure chronic myelogenous leukemia? ?

The sun didn't come out from the west today.

But the last thing Dr. Zhao told him in the previous phone call was, Academician Li and the Cybertron Decepticons have invaded the earth, so why can't there be some miracles in the world?
This also left Academician Li speechless.

Yes, aliens have invaded the earth at present, and there are all kinds of magical operations to suppress the Decepticons, whether it is the shock of black people carrying coffins, or the Ganges River sweeping away Decepticons across the Pacific Ocean, or the suspected Five Fingers Mountain of Tathagata Buddha...

The world is so exciting, who stipulates that no miracles can happen?


After a while.

Dr. Zhao and his party were walking on the streets of Shanghu, and saw that there was a good flow of people at a noodle restaurant on the side of the road. He smiled and said to Michael Harden and several foreign experts, "Come on, I'll invite you to eat noodles. After eating noodles, Michael you Let’s discuss with the headquarters about Glenin’s future sales volume and pricing.”

This Xunzi noodle restaurant not only has a good flow of people, more than 20 meters away, Dr. Zhao can analyze that it is very authentic Qishan Xunzi noodles just by his sense of smell.

Michael nodded in a daze, but Mikaela laughed and said, "Brother Yan, at least he came all the way here, just to eat a bowl of noodles."

Dr. Zhao said nonchalantly, "It's not bad if we don't invite them to prison."

In the prison cell, Zhao Lizhong was already waiting to eat. This group of pharmaceutical giants who bribed leeks all over the world, he couldn't believe that under the stimulation of the magic medicine garden, they dared to order such outrageously high prices to cheat patients.

You said that without knowing the truth, Dr. Zhao's medicine garden has not yet become popular, and you are taking advantage of the last time to make a big profit, and then frantically increase the price of Glenin all over the world?This is unrealistic at all, the pricing is so dark, if the price is raised crazily...

In addition to making patients all over the world hate your Nova pharmaceutical brand, the officials of various countries are not fools, let alone whether they will seriously investigate and deal with your bribery issue, just say favoritism, do not focus on intellectual property patents, and relax generic drug manufacturers The production of generic drugs can kill you.

Didn't White Elephant announce the legalization of the imitation version of Glenin a few years later?

There was an imitation version before, and then there was Dr. Zhao's magic medicine garden, and the magic prescription made by Academician Li Weidong.

Glenin's price will plunge in the future, and it is inevitable to cut in half.

If this stimulation is not enough, Dr. Zhao will spend dozens of points of humanitarian merit to rebuild a medicine garden of hundreds of acres, once it reaches that scale.

Traditional Chinese medicine combined with Transformers Cybertron computer technology may not be able to allow Huaxia on this plane to find opportunities to cultivate new varieties of medicinal materials by relying on technology and coercion.

Dozens of hundreds of acres of finished medicinal materials can also be used for scientific research, and the cyberspace technology is so advanced...

Even if he left this plane completely.

It's not that there is no way left.

While Dr. Zhao was happily eating authentic Qishan saozi noodles, the phone rang, and it was his dog-legged subordinate Gerald Crawford in the Los Angeles police station.

"Boss, Optimus Prime contacted me and said that he accidentally learned about the former seven ancient leaders, and six of them left a leadership module hidden somewhere on the earth."

"Once the leadership module can be retrieved, there will be a high probability of resurrecting Yu Natural Enemy. They Autobots want to revive Yu Natural Enemy, the former leader."

Dr. Zhao suddenly realized that Azhu was finally fooled by the Decepticons. It was not a bad thing. If the natural enemy was not revived, the collection of more than 100 teleportation plants would not be complete, and there were only five teleportation pillars left in the spaceship where the natural enemy was.

The leadership module, this thing has no value and meaning to Dr. Zhao.

"I see, when Yu Tiandi is resurrected, please remember to let me know."

To protect against natural enemies, isn't it just a blow from the umbrella, that's all there is to it?
He's not worth any more than Megatron.


late April.

The price of Novaglenin in China has plummeted to 2 a bottle, but there are still few people interested in it. The influx of Baixiang version of generic drugs is getting bigger and bigger, and it can't be suppressed.

On the other hand, there are more and more mature medicinal materials in Dr. Zhao's medicine garden, which have been regarded as treasures by countless Chinese medicine authorities. Variety too.

After all, the meaning and value of the various new varieties introduced by Dr. Zhao are really too great.

Of course, Dr. Zhao is no longer in Huaxia, but in the Lincoln Memorial on the west side of Amei's National Plaza.

Under the twilight of the night, he watched from a distance as Yu Tiandi was manipulating the five teleportation pillars, including the most core control pillar, causing teleportation ripples under the night.

When Yu Natural Enemy activated the teleportation column and planned to link with the moon to transmit, Optimus Prime suddenly rushed to the incarnation of King Kong, "Stop, no, Yu Natural Enemy!"

Yu Tiandi didn't even look back, he calmly said "forgive me", and officially started the instant transmission.

At the same time, Dr. Zhao couldn't see it, but he could guess that there must be a mobilization on the moon. There are actually hundreds of Decepticons buried under the moon, including various Cybertron spacecraft.

When Royal Enemy left Cybertron, he had already betrayed the Autobot camp, and he came here planning to use the earth to restore Cybertron to its glory.

It's just his betrayal, the Autobots don't know about it.

This time, he was brought back to Earth by Optimus Prime six years in advance. Although the Royal Enemy did not have the cooperation of Megatron, Starscream and others, and did not shoot Tiepi to escape...but he still has a big move.

The big trick is to start the teleportation, and bring hundreds of Decepticons and spaceships on the moon.

With the assistance of a large number of Decepticons and spaceships, even without the help of Megatron, a large city can be swept away, and a Decepticon Earth base can be built, and then Cybertron can be introduced into the Earth's atmosphere to enslave billions of Earthlings Go rebuild your home.

Even in the story of Transformation 3, when Royal Enemy started this stage of the project, Megatron just became a background person, acting as a conspiracy commentator, and then... when Royal Enemy was about to kill Megatron in the end, Megatron was transformed into 3 women The main character, Carly Spencer, used her mouth to instigate rebellion, just attacking the natural enemy.

The natural enemy revived by the leadership module will change to behave like a 3rd, which is too normal. At most, after visiting the suppressed Decepticons such as Megatron, Starscream, and surfboard, you should be more vigilant .

Just as the teleportation array was operating stably, Optimus Prime looked sad and pained.

Dr. Zhao decisively launched an umbrella strike.

The dark night was suddenly torn open in the sky, and the Taotao River fell from the sky, sweeping away the natural enemy in one roll.

Fighting against natural enemies, like Megatron, directly gains 5000 points of humanitarian merit.

Then, one by one, group after group of Decepticon Autobots, Airplanes, including various spaceships being piloted...

The protective umbrella continued to exert force and strike. Under Optimus Prime's dumbfounded, the river that was about to recede in the sky hit you one after another.

Subsequent Decepticons and spaceships had just appeared on Earth before being swept away.

"A dozen or so, or twenty or thirty, damn it, I remember that there are hundreds or thousands of Decepticons on the moon, and the accumulation is quite impressive!"

Dr. Zhao didn't care about the sporadic small Decepticon rewards at the beginning, but recalling the large number... this is too pleasantly surprised.

An average of 20 points is one, and a thousand points is 2 merits.

After all, this is the Decepticon group that slaughtered Chicago with a population of several million into ruins!
The umbrella attack continued in surprise, Dr. Zhao looked up at the sky, and wondered, what appeared this time was the water from the Ganges River?But it’s not like that, all kinds of garbage and dirt, including floating corpses, are common in the Ganges.

So the smell of the river water is not ordinary.

The big river that emerges now is not so dirty.

With the continuous system prompts, he knew that there was another big wave.

The sky returned to calm when the last Decepticon and the spaceship were swept away. Dr. Zhao took a quick look and found that the natural enemies and various small Decepticons had provided nearly 4 merits.

This is almost equal to half of what he achieved in the plane of Nurse Dai Qingrong.

But it doesn't seem to be surprising that there are non-Han human beings who have been affected by Dr. Zhao's butterfly effect in the plane of Nanny Rong. If those people become miserable, their humanity merits will be deducted.

The original track of this big wave of Decepticons attacking Chicago is the massacre of human corpses everywhere in Chicago. Millions of people may not die, but almost [-]% of them will definitely die. Transfer the cancer of an ordinary person to scum, and accumulate a little.

How many people did he save this time?

He currently has more than 14 humanitarian merits.

When he left with a pleasant surprise, Optimus Prime stared blankly at the sky that had returned to normal, with a messy face.

what is this? ?

The former master and idol, Yu Natural Enemy, actually wanted to join forces with the Decepticons to make a big deal, and just after doing it, he was suppressed by the abnormalities on the earth?

To send Transformers head? !

almost in time.

Huaxia, the middle reaches of the Yellow River.

In the morning, a certain tourist attraction was full of people, and there were people playing everywhere, and was suddenly startled by various exclamations.

"Is there something in the Yellow River?"

"What monster..."

"Fuck, Transformers? There are so many, and what are those? Alien spaceships?"


A cry of exclamation caused more people to look at the Yellow River in the scenic area, and then the commotion and boiling sound caused by this area became louder and louder.

Not to mention the natural enemies, the former leader of the Autobots who were about ten meters high, and the thousands of Decepticons who came across the sky, most of them were also seven or eight meters high.

The spaceships, small ones, are a little bigger than armed helicopters, or about the same size as Wuzhi. The large spaceships are different, like giant whales floating in the water, with a height of several floors and a height of hundreds of meters. length.

Batch after batch of extraterrestrial war beings or giant beasts bubbled in the Yellow River, and then were swept up and sank, flowing downstream...

The countless tourists who were stunned quickly took photos and videos, and some people took boats to go down the river.

If a normal person suddenly sees these sights before the sights of the Three Kings of the Ganges appear, they will only be terrified.

The three King Kongs have long been becoming the fifth caste, Huang He suddenly showed his power, and he didn't know where so many King Kongs came from, so calm down.

It must be that some fairy god or the mother river of China is showing its power to suppress the aliens who invaded from outside.

Floating in the water of the Yellow River, the Royal Enemy was also quite speechless, dazed, suspicious of King Kong Sheng, he has been resurrected for almost a month, and naturally he also visited the Ganges Three King Kong, Megatron at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain, and chased black people The coffin-carrying global waves, the elusive Starscream.

He knew that this earth was not as weak as he had imagined.

But after finally planning a big move, it suddenly happened...

Forget it, it is estimated that the Fallen King Kong who is still hiding on the moon will not dare to come down again in the future.


XNUM X Year X NUM X Month.

More and more CML patients have been cured by new varieties of medicinal materials in Dr. Zhao's medicine garden, which has exceeded three digits.

A certain prescription prescribed by academician Li Weidong is also famous all over the world. After watching King Kong, everyone has their eyes on the medicine garden in Shanghai.

But not many people know that Dr. Zhao has already opened two large medicine gardens in two provinces in China, one with 500 mu and the other with [-] mu.

Engaged in a wave of natural enemies and the moon party, making nearly 4 people's merits and virtues. The cost of ripening a batch of one thousand acres is only 100 points, which is drizzle.

As time goes from September 9th, which is the Mid-Autumn Festival in 25, it is getting closer and closer.

Dr. Zhao is a little nervous. If there is no Jupiter kiss moon spectacle on Hong Kong Island this year, then we have to wait another year.

Although in this plane, he is like a dragon returning to the sea, but this is not the way of traversing, the time difference, the speed of flow, etc., the specifics are not too sure...

Finally came the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Dr. Zhao appeared on Chunfeng Street, Huayuan, Hong Kong Island. When he arrived near the small wishing pit, he saw the astronomical spectacle of Jupiter kissing the moon in the sky, and he was pleasantly surprised to jump in at the best moment.

The next breath.

When Dr. Zhao stabilized his body, he was already standing on the plane of Hong Kong Comprehensive!

Check the flow of time. This is still the Mid-Autumn Festival in 1994. Just a few tens of seconds have passed since he crossed over...

"Good guy, I've been there for 6 months in a few tens of seconds."

"The crisis of annihilation has been eradicated several times."

"If you don't bring Mikaela in the portable space, next time..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing a perfect-level traversal journey and starting a journey of ten thousand realms."

The journey of ten thousand worlds, once a month, opens the door of a new time and space plane, based on the Hong Kong comprehensive plane, the time flow speed of the new plane is tens of seconds in the Hong Kong comprehensive plane, and the new plane may be several months, but wait for Zhao Xueyan When attempting to leave a new plane, the timeline of that plane stops.

It doesn't go from stagnation to flow until he enters again.

"I almost ignored it, my system is still the check-in system of the heavens!"

This reward made Dr. Zhao silent for several minutes before recalling the full name of the system.

He co-authored it because he used to only stay in Hong Kong Zong. Even if he found an opportunity to travel, such as taking the plane of Qing Rong, he didn't go there by himself. It was because Chu Yuan was wandering there that he never opened a new plane. .

once a month...

"Speaking of which, Mikaela can go back again. I used the wishing well to go back to Hong Kong, and the quota once a month hasn't been used yet."

Once a month, starting at 1 o'clock on the 0st, after 12 o'clock on the night of the end of the month, you use it, you will travel once, if you don't want to travel, if you stay in Hong Kong, it will be automatically updated to the next new plane and new world up.

In the new world after he left, the timeline stopped.

It's not bad to use this month's opportunity to send Mikaela back to the Transformers plane.He is mentally prepared to take her to live in the Hong Kong TV drama world, but one thing to say, what about Michaela's father?
This girl has a good view of family and family.

Besides, Dr. Zhao didn't explain the existence of the Hong Kong Comprehensive Plane before putting her to sleep today. After she fell asleep, she would enter the space with the oxygen bottle and it would be gone.

Hong Kong is the root, and the new planes he has traversed, the ones he has been to are the fixed positions, and he can enter the next time at any time.


After the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Dr. Zhao from the Hong Kong comprehensive plane is familiar with and misses everything here on the top floor of Kyushu Bank Building, when he saw Ruan Mei approaching with a smile, "Brother Yan, Jurassic Park is about to be released, do you want to attend the premiere?"

Mr. Zhao was in a trance. Others thought it was just that they hadn't seen him for one night, but in fact it had been more than half a year.

There are too many good things in the portable space.

There is also a wave of skills and supernatural powers.

"I won't go, let's arrange it normally, mainly because the supply and sales of toys are all over the world."

The Zhao family's various company groups and so on, food and drink are the first class, the media film industry has swept the Asia-Pacific sister Europa, and the banking and financial investment are comparable to Jardine Matheson and HSBC.

Even the toy manufacturing that happened along the way, is estimated to be able to achieve a good sales performance.


Mobile phones, personal computers, etc. are actually very profitable.

In the past, Amei's family from the Hong Kong comprehensive plane mastered various black technologies, and everything seemed to be good, but compared with Mr. Zhao, who had the support of the Transformers plane?
The deformed sword cannon in his hand is estimated to be able to beat the high-tech system of Amei's family.

He's not just a transforming sword cannon in his hand, the source of fire is also there, and the transformable police car is also there, which is comparable to the artificial intelligence of Iron Man Rijavis...

However, he hasn't received the same type of flying machine that he spawned from Starscream, and he hasn't received any optimized technologies such as Decepticon medical treatment, firearms manufacturing, and improvement that have been spawned from various other Decepticons.

His carry-on space is still too small. Originally, he accumulated more than 1000, and suppressed roadblocks to add 100. Later, while waiting for the Mid-Autumn Festival, he occasionally went to the Yellow River to kill a few ordinary Decepticons from the moon. Shifang?

At present, he has accumulated more than 2000 cubic meters.

so what? 10 meters long, 10 meters wide, 20 meters high...that's 2000 cubic meters.

It is not difficult to put a car in such a space, even if it has been refitted and assembled.Adding another aircraft and various modifications involved, it is a bit crowded.

What's more, the space needs to store all kinds of materials at any time.

After discussing this topic with Sister Ruan, he didn't care about the premiere anymore, but felt that he would go back to the Transformers plane and kill another wave of Decepticons?

His various umbrella strikes, gaining merit is a form, and killing anomalies also has another kind of reward.

Just like the barricades, the sign-in barricades are transformed police cars, killing 100 cubic meters, and not conflicting.

After a period of time, with the proficiency and familiarity with various tasks, Dr. Zhao eased over the alienation brought by the new plane.


After a few days, he adapted to everything in Hong Kong Comprehensive.

It was only a few days later, and as time entered October 10, he was prompted by the system to find information about the new plane, and he had a good time.

I almost forgot that this first time travel is the Mid-Autumn Festival, which is September 1994, 9 in the Gregorian calendar.

After researching in the dark, Dr. Zhao discovered the plane information, and there was no reminder, "I don't even remind you, why do I think it's unreliable?"

"What if when time travels to the past, Pangu opened the sky, and Pan Dashen kills me as one of the three thousand demon gods with one axe?"

The first time he used the wishing well to cross, it was not with the help of the system. At that time, he didn't think so much. He only thought that, like Chu Yuan, if he made a wish, he would have the opportunity to reach a certain plane or time period.

Now that the system has opened the plane, what is the most unlucky start?
Even if the physique and energy have evolved to a non-human level, with all kinds of supernatural powers, such as teleportation...but if you encounter Pan Dashen's ax at the beginning, can teleportation be reliable?
(End of this chapter)

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