Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 601 The Demolition Force Is Extremely Spectacular

Chapter 601 The Demolition Force Is Extremely Spectacular
On a new day, Dr. Zhao was walking on the roof of the police headquarters building, and solemnly said to many figures who were busy, "Hurry up, we must pay attention to anti-aircraft weapons, not only the medium and large caliber anti-aircraft guns must be stored on the roof , anti-aircraft missiles."

"Several nearby buildings will also be constructed!"

Dr. Zhao has been promoted, not only as the Assistant Chief Superintendent of the Los Angeles Police, but also as the Assistant Director, second only to the Director of the Mediterranean Sea, and also the newly established "General Commander of the Fighting Decepticon Front Alliance".

The commander of this alliance can mobilize a group of elites selected by the police, CIA, FBI and even the military.

All kinds of heavy weapons and high firepower are being drawn from the surrounding area.

It can be said that under the condition that the source of fire under the Hoover Dam is not in trouble, Los Angeles, an international metropolis, has gradually developed into a military center.

Fighter planes, armed helicopters, armored vehicles and tanks can be seen everywhere around the police headquarters building.

Apart from selling Starscream, he can have the power he has now, but he also contributed to the magical powers of the back door Buddha and two victories.

Speaking out, a stunned Gasak giant destroyed the large military base in Qatar, which is enough to witness the horror and perversion of King Kong, but Dr. Zhao has arrested Bumblebee and Starscream successively...

Who can refute his authority?
Not to mention the presence of Starscream, as long as the threat is in place, almost any kind of information can be pressed at the right moment.

What is the right moment?Dr. Zhao felt that it was appropriate, and that was appropriate.

While he was giving orders, Mikaela in uniform was like a little secretary accompanying him, looking at Mr. Zhao's handsome face with admiration... Women always have strong admiration, no, in fact, most men often have admiration. mentality.

The stronger the sense of power and authority that Dr. Zhao possesses, the easier it is for people to fall into fangirls and fanboys.

While a group of professionals were busy sweating, Captain William Lenox, the military representative, came along with the CIA leader, FBI leader and defense consultant Galloway.

A few meters away, Galloway said, "Mr. Commander, isn't this too exaggerated?"

As far as the naked eye can see, there are more than 100 anti-aircraft guns with a caliber of more than 20 mm on the roof of this building.

There are also a lot of anti-aircraft missiles, and they are almost armed like hedgehogs.

Accompanying Galloway's words, the head of the CIA and the FBI were also full of provocation and provocation. After all, they were the CIA and the FBI, and they were suppressed by the police in the alliance. That feeling was too unbearable.

If they hadn't really had no record to refute, they would never have agreed to be led by Mr. Zhao.

Dr. Zhao glanced at Galloway contemptuously, and said disdainfully, "You are just a consultant, you know nothing about war."

Galloway frowned, "You..."

Dr. Zhao took out a folder from Camilla's hand and threw it at Galloway's face, "I'll talk about the rest after I understand it."

Galloway went back to the fried hair, seeing Dr. Zhao's expression of being convinced by him, he still suppressed his anger and took out the file to watch.

Starscream's latest confession.

That is the Decepticon King Kong hidden on the moon. Under the guidance of sound waves, they can accurately strike any target on the ground of Amei's house through meteorite landing.


Even a moving aircraft carrier while sailing at sea can be struck precisely through the meteorite cabin.

The most advanced aircraft carrier, with three or four precise strikes from the meteorite cabin, can sink you dry.

Dr. Zhao has known this information for a long time. After all, in the story of Transformation 2, the airborne Decepticon sank an aircraft carrier and a large number of fighters just by landing on the earth, which is a very powerful scene.

Although the world's Internet, mobile phones, and telephone systems have been captured by the King Kongs and turned into waste, as long as the Decepticons need it, Sonic can control satellites, including military satellites, and monitor Amei's house at any time.

For this wave of action to rescue Starscream, how the Decepticons who are already on the earth are going to make trouble, Mr. Zhao is not clear for the time being, anyway, the soldiers will block the water and cover it up.

But he also murmured a little, if three or four meteorite pods hit the General Administration building... Dr. Zhao would definitely not be afraid, any one of them would transfer the supernatural power, and the hard steel meteorite in the flesh would also be the Decepticon King Kong being killed.

But ordinary police, including the FBI and CIA, have died a lot, and it seems inappropriate. At present, they are all under his command.

After Galloway, William Lennox and others finished reading the statement together, they were all in a cold sweat.

"Damn! This is simply a dimensionality reduction blow!"

The head of the CIA was furious, and he glanced at the various anti-aircraft weapons again while cursing, and suggested, "I'm afraid these are not enough, and we can also have more anti-aircraft missiles on the ground."

William was also sweating and suggested to do more and do it faster.

This kind of dimensionality reduction strike is very annoying.

Galloway was so angry that he fanned the wind with a file, "Damn it, why are these monsters targeting our sister's house? It would be nice if the battlefield was set in an island country..."

After all, this is only 2007, and the Olympic Games that attracted the attention of the world have not yet been held, so during this period of time, most of the world's views on China are still in the last century.

Island nations are different.

There is still something.

Although Zhao Xueyan felt that his words were not too outrageous, he still complained, "Going to the island country is fine, as long as the source of fire and the Decepticon leader Megatron are sent to the island country, then the Decepticons in the world and even the moon will It will only attack island nations by airborne."

In the case of Starscream's big revelations, the detective in District [-] couldn't bear the pressure, and confessed to the current Los Angeles high-level executives about the incident under the Hoover Dam.

Mr. Zhao's words immediately made Galloway, "..."

He really wanted to yell at him, do you really know how to chat?

How did this outrageous guy with low EQ capture Transformers twice?
However, Dr. Zhao turned his eyes at this time, and fixed on a beautiful figure who just came out of the elevator in the distance, about 1.7 meters tall, and a red dress, very short, black silk, and high heels.

A head of brown-blonde long hair flutters with the wind while walking. Although the little secretary next to him, Mikaela, is already a top-notch beauty, the beautiful figure who walks in is only slightly inferior, with an appearance of more than 8 points and 5 points. The school belongs to the school belle.

It is the Los Angeles Police Headquarters. Before Mikaela joined in, if that person appeared, he would definitely belong to the police.

When Dr. Zhao stared at that person, the others quickly turned their eyes away. Mikaela took a look and yelled at the vixen directly in her heart, while Galloway, William and others, no matter whether they were married or not, how old they were .

Most of the reactions are also eye-catching.

Of course, those who can preside over the situation here will not lose their composure by being attracted by the beauty casually. After a few glances, everyone looked at Dr. Zhao again.

Mr. Zhao is the boss, the commander-in-chief of the alliance!

After the girl walked directly here, Zhao Xueyan stretched out his hand and said, "What's your name?"

The beauty shook hands with Mr. Zhao cheerfully, "Alice."

"Ding, if you successfully sign in to Alice, you will be rewarded with a hundred dollars, and the host can claim it at any time."

Zhao Xueyan was speechless. Fortunately, he raised his expectation a little bit, but the reward was really low. The other party just came out, and when he walked out of the elevator, he recognized that this was not the college female classmate of the hero Sam in Transformers 2. ?

The hermit warrior in the Decepticon can turn into a human tongue monster and tail monster.

All the King Kongs I encountered before, except for the bumblebee, which is a bit nonsensical, only cost $[-], and the other rewards are very good.

Disappointed, Dr. Zhao nodded, "Okay, you will be Galloway's secretary from now on."

Galloway was caught off guard and almost broke his waist, "My secretary? Why... well, you and I can do it too."

He is the assistant of the Grand Commander, representing the Black Palace. He has been ridiculed and suppressed since he came here. In fact, he has been very unhappy. Of course, this is not to say that Dr. Zhao made things difficult for him.

He is a role model for all kinds of suppression against Autobots!

Mr. Zhao suddenly threw a new secretary at him. He was quite puzzled, but such a beautiful secretary is not bad for playing with the unspoken rules. As for whether it is sugar-coated or not, he doesn't care so much.

Alice, "..."

Alice was also quite speechless. She listened to the laser bird's order and turned into a human to spy. It is very convenient to enter the gate of the police station. With her transformed appearance, it is still difficult to contact the high-level human beings. No way.

But she lied to the police below, saying that she was a friend of Commander Zhao, and she made it all the way up.

The original purpose was to be confused by the beauty trick, and wanted to find out what weapon Mr. Zhao had in order to defeat Starscream, but he was dumped to the middle-aged man Galloway as soon as they met?
Looking at Mikaela next to Mr. Zhao, Alice suddenly smiled and said, "Your Excellency Commander, I'm curious how you defeated the alien who robbed the citizen's house last time."

Dr. Zhao stepped back tactically and walked not far away to pick up an M242 Viper 30mm chain cannon, "Use this, do you want to try it too?"

"The Viper cannon, whoever uses it will know, it's okay to use it!"

William Lennox looked dumbfounded, "Damn..."

Others are standing behind a fixed turret to control the big poisonous snake, or behind the turret on an armored vehicle. Mr. Zhao picked it up directly, fixed it on his waist and pulled the trigger with one hand, aiming at the muzzle of the super long barrel...

This pose is a bit handsome!
Of course, at the same time as the shit, William has quickly dodged out of the range of the gun, and the CIA leader and the FBI leader have also done the same.

They were all standing together before, but now Dr. Zhao is aiming at Alice with the Viper cannon. They didn't think Mr. Zhao would really fire the cannon. Using such a thing to target a person, the picture is too beautiful.

They are action elites, instinctively avoiding the muzzle.

Alice, "..."

Only Galloway, who was of the literary school, was instinctively frightened, still smiling wryly, "Zhao, don't look here, this..."

If it goes off, will I be blown up right away?

The bullets of Barrett's heavy sniper are basically 12mm caliber, and the Viper cannon is a 7mm cannon.

Alice sneered and shrugged, "Your Excellency, this joke is not very funny..."

Dr. Zhao fixed the gun barrel firmly, with a serious expression, "I'm not joking."

Alice flashed behind Galloway in an instant, and quickly stretched out a long metal tongue from her mouth to wrap around Galloway's neck. A tail with long thorns was also torn out from under the short red dress, and it was thrown out two to three meters long and wrapped around Galloway's neck. The waist of the head of the CIA.

"Wang Defake?!"



Screams rang out, and the head of the CIA was like a weak little beast. While struggling to get away, he tried to pull out the gun at his waist, but he couldn't.

His gun was caught by Alice's long tail. After trying twice, Alice's tail stabbed into the opponent's thigh unceremoniously, and blood spattered.


It was William and the FBI boss who fired, but their pistols hit the metal tail and the bullets just bounced off.

The Viper cannon just hit the middle of the long tail with one shot, and the two-meter-long metal tail was directly smashed into pieces.

Alice backed away screaming, moving quickly with her long tongue wrapped around Galloway's neck as a meat shield.

Galloway struggled, to no avail.

Dr. Zhao smiled, "Mr. Galloway, would you like me to help you with a few shots? Don't worry, this little Transformer will be gone with just one or two shots!"

Hearing this, the head of the FBI rolled his eyes wildly.

With the power of this big poisonous snake, while killing the humanoid, it is estimated that it can also call a hearse for Galloway and cover the national flag at the same time.

As for Galloway himself, he couldn't speak at all, his neck was strangled and he was almost suffocating.

William Lennox, "To save"

Facts have proved that Alice, a hermit warrior, has no effect on ordinary bullets. When she rolled up Galloway as a meat shield to defend against Dr. Zhao's attack, the busy elites in other directions on the rooftop also found something wrong. Start shooting Alice in the back.

Small calibers are useless.

I dare not use a large caliber, for fear of directly killing Galloway.

This is the assistant of the Grand Commander.

The crowd looked at Commander Zhao, he was the first brother in the fight against the Transformers Alliance. Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Mr. Zhao stopped shooting with an angry yell, and ran forward with the big poisonous snake, grabbing the muzzle in front of him, the terrifying handle of the gun He swung it and hit Alice on the back.

It fell with a hammer.

Alice, who was originally nimble and quick while wrapping Galloway, couldn't dodge being hit in the waist, and flew straight up...

Her tongue also retracted into her stomach all of a sudden, and Galloway was smashed into the air by the way. When the two of them took off, Mr. Zhao dropped a big poisonous snake, caught Galloway and pulled him down to the ground.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Mr. Zhao picked up the body of the Viper cannon again, and threw it at Alice for the second time.

When Alice fell to the ground screaming, she could no longer maintain her human transformation, revealing her true face, a King Kong man like a female Terminator TX.

Dr. Zhao stepped forward with a smile, and aimed at Alice with the muzzle of the cannon again, "It's too bad that you want to sneak into our General Administration at your level."

Until then, Galloway's hog-killing screams sounded from the rooftop. On the contrary, William Lennox, the head of the FBI, and even the head of the CIA who was stabbed all looked at Mr. Zhao in disbelief, "Commander Officer, how did you find her?"

Following the train of thought, Commander Zhao obviously recognized the Transformers Decepticon at a glance, so he pushed her to be Galloway's secretary.

Dr. Zhao was speechless, "Of course it's the detector from the seventh area. Didn't the agent from the seventh area say that how to determine whether there are non-biological aliens nearby is just to measure the index with the detector."

In fact, he really doesn't have a detector in his hand.

He lied casually, and looked at the two big bosses of the FBI and CIA who were still very unconvinced before, "At your level, I think you have seriously hindered the alliance."

"It's fine if you can't find the Decepticon in disguise in time, but you're such a softie if you show up? You don't rely on bragging to get the upper hand?"

Forget about William, he is not in the ranks of his talk. After all, from 1 to 5, this sister's soldier has always been very positive.

During the speech, a group of younger brothers came running, and Dr. Zhao ordered everyone to torture Alice... Like Starscream, dismantling the arms and legs is still worth selling.

Dr. Zhao's transforming police car, after incorporating the medical skills of the Autobots, can restore Starscream who has lost arms and legs, and then continue to sell the second wave.

Speaking of Transformers, it is indeed a bit unbelievable, all kinds of dismantling, assembly and resurrection, etc... As long as there is the support of the fire source energy block, they have unlimited lives.

While Dr. Zhao was thinking, the leaders of the CIA and the FBI had already blushed and left, and even let the younger brothers carry Galloway away. They were not convinced before, but now they are not convinced this time. When they suddenly met Alice, this It's too much of a blow to their mentality.

Although William Lennox was not ridiculed, this one was still a little embarrassed. His performance just now was not much better than those two, but he did not leave in a hurry, but tried to be placed by Dr. Zhao. The serpent on the fixed turret has switched off its cannon.

After several attempts, he failed.

This thing is so long and heavy, it's not difficult for you to let it operate on a fixed turret. It's like a rifle in your hand to hit the target. It doesn't have enough strength and stability.

It's already amazing for Barrett's heavy sniper to be held in his hand and shoot a burst of rifle fire. The big poisonous snake... This is the difference between 12 caliber and 5 caliber!

The names have changed from guns to guns.

William is not short. With a height of more than 1.9 meters, he is seven or eight centimeters taller than Dr. Zhao. However, he tried a few times and always felt that his muscles were useless. Could it be that he used to practice all the time?In Chinese language, it looks like a silver wax gun head?

If he can shoot steadily like Dr. Zhao with the Viper cannon, he will really have the confidence to have a fight with King Kong. Of course, he can beat Alice, but he can't beat the dizziness that invaded Qatar and defeated them.

Vertigo is a rocket launch at close range, and it will be fine if you shake your body.

The 40mm caliber rocket launcher just shakes its body... Not right, the advantage of the 30mm cannon is that it can be fired continuously when it is buckled, and dozens of rounds can be fired continuously at the same part?

After a while.

Dr. Zhao heard the report that Optimus Prime was waiting for the Autobots to come and wanted to discuss something with him. Dr. Zhao decisively took Mikaela down.

The two parties had just talked for a while in a pleasant atmosphere, when Galloway in a wheelchair was pushed in by the head of the FBI, and Galloway said anxiously, "Zhao, the purpose of the Decepticons is to put Earth terraformed into Cybertron."

"Let the world's machinery become Transformers. These Autobots are not credible. Don't fall for their tricks!"

Even the head of the FBI nodded in agreement.

Optimus Prime hurriedly said, "No, we Autobots and Decepticons are different, we only want peace and beauty."

Galloway looked disbelieving and even sarcastically said, "How could I be so stupid to believe you? After all, you are a King Kong. Instead of helping your kind, you are willing to help us humans, which are alien races to you?"

Throughout the several King Kong movies, whether it is Galloway or others, they will always do this kind of operation, all kinds of suppression and expulsion of Optimus Prime who fought for them to save the world time and time again...

Dr. Zhao was too lazy to waste saliva with Galloway, and asked curiously, "Why are you still in a wheelchair and still so noisy?"

When he hammered Alice before, he took advantage of the shock to Galloway, so it wouldn't make him so exaggeratedly crippled, but the shock in his waist made it difficult to walk for a while, and it took a few days to recover.

Galloway, "..."

Mr. National Security Advisor from the Black Palace was really hurt by this sentence. Seeing this, the head of the FBI originally wanted to say something, but he didn't want to speak.

He also couldn't bear the poisonous tongue from Dr. Zhao.

Dr. Zhao waved his hand and said, "I'm the commander-in-chief, hold back any opinions you have, wait until the day you sit in my position, and then go make a fuss, now, get out!"

Galloway's face changed back and forth, and the expressions and colors were all very exciting.

In the end, he was aggrieved and let the head of the FBI push him away.

He was afraid that if he couldn't bear this tone, Dr. Zhao would order the Los Angeles police to use force.

After all, this is the general administration building, and the most members of the alliance are the police.

Without the annoying flies, Dr. Zhao looked at Optimus Prime and the other Autobots, "I am different from those guys, I believe in your Autobots, but, Optimus Prime, I have a suggestion, you can take care of it." consider."

Optimus Prime had a calm expression, "What suggestion?"

Dr. Zhao took a sip of coffee, "That's it, I heard a new secret from Starscream. Have you heard of Fallen King Kong?"

Optimus Prime shook his head blankly, and the Autobots such as Bumblebee also expressed their ignorance.

General Manager Zhao said, "In your ancient Cybertron, there were seven leaders who possessed the power to destroy stars and transform the energy blocks of the fire source. The key is to build a giant machine matrix, and then use the leader module to ignite the machine matrix. Your current fire source is also transformed from a star."

"In this way, if one fire source is exhausted, destroying the stars will continue to maintain the evolution and development of Cybertron, as well as the fire source and the Transformers family. The seven leaders once agreed that they will never destroy the stars in the galaxy with living planets. star."

"But the Fallen King Kong betrayed this agreement and wanted to destroy the sun above the earth. The other six chose to seal the leadership module, and used their remains to cast a tomb to seal the leadership module."

"It's hidden somewhere on Earth."

"The Fallen King Kong is the master behind the Decepticons, and Megatron is just a pawn of the Fallen King Kong. Starscream first said that the fire source detonated all the cars and planes on the earth, etc., and evolved into the Cybertron planet model. Superficial plan."

"Whether Megatron or Fallen King Kong's ultimate goal is to destroy the sun or the earth and rebuild Cybertron, but because of the existence of your super leader, Fallen King Kong has been hiding behind the scenes just now."

"Only when you are dead, will the Fallen King Kong have the courage to show up..."

"I believe in your determination to help mankind. How about you fake your death and see if the fallen King Kong dares to jump out to do things, or you fly to the moon to get that old silver coin?"

Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and Tinhide were all stunned.

The sacred objects of the co-authored King Kong family were transformed from stars?

The leader of the Decepticons who has been fighting with their Autobots for who knows how many years, is there an old silver coin master behind him?Too, too afraid of Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots, so he can't hide it all the time...

After being dazed, Optimus Prime said in a daze, "So I'm so powerful?"

After fighting back and forth for so many years, he wasn't afraid of Megatron at all, but he could scare the biggest boss among the Decepticons so long that he couldn't hide for so long... Pushing Megatron to make trouble at the front desk?

Tens of seconds later, Optimus Prime said awkwardly again, "Fake death or something, probably won't have much effect. Since he hasn't been able to hide for so long, I'll go to the moon to find him and try."

Dr. Zhao also rubbed his forehead, "I'm afraid that he will run away after hearing your name. If he keeps wandering in the universe and no one can catch up with anyone, it will be embarrassing."

"There is also a bounty hunter in the universe who is in confinement. He has been chasing your figure and wants to hunt you down."

Confinement is the big villain in the fourth part. According to the original trajectory, it will take about seven or eight years or more to come to the earth to hunt down Optimus Prime, but now Brother Zhu flies to the moon, and the fallen King Kong escapes... Chasing and fleeing Whether you will encounter confinement in space is hard to say.

"Your strength is one-on-one, whether you are against the fallen King Kong or confinement, I think you can win, but in case of two-on-one in space, once you die in space, it will be embarrassing. Even if the earth is dead, it is a fake death. It can also help you revive."

"If something happens in space or on an alien planet, it's more difficult to resurrect, and we can't help you."

The ambulance listened for so long, and said with a surprised face, "Fallen King Kong is Megatron's teacher, the leader of the Decepticons in the previous generation or in the history books, I believe he is very powerful, confinement..."

Where did the confinement come from?How dare a hunter hunt Optimus Prime?Brother Zhu is the idol-level leader of everyone in Autobots.

Dr. Zhao waved his hand and said, "Don't underestimate the confinement, Starscream broke the news, that guy is the super warrior created by Quintana, the God of Life who created Optimus Prime, and hunting Optimus Prime is the order of God of Life. "

"That Heavenly Venerable also wants to destroy the earth, and use all the essence of the earth, including creatures, to recast Cybertron."

"Look, so many hidden old silver coins are all after you, Ah Zhu, are you a little excited?"

"There is a super spaceship in confinement, which was the brood spaceship used to build your King Kong family. Now it has been transformed into a large prison by him, and a large number of heroic King Kong lives have been imprisoned. Azhu, you are already his last hunting target. .”

Optimus Prime has received such a series of revelations in such a short period of time, he is really a little... Excited, or a sense of honor? ?

At the end of the thought, Optimus Prime affirmed, "I will first unite the Autobots, restore your compromised communication systems such as the Internet or mobile phones, and first compete with the Decepticons in the field of electronic communication."

"As for those despots who want to destroy the earth and the sun, I will fight one by one. Freedom is everyone's right. The 70 billion human beings on the earth should not be victims of ambition."

When the Autobots started to get busy, Mikaela Baines, who had been listening to everything, said in a low voice, "Zhao, why do I think it's weird, these Autobots are really willing to help us humans fight? it's wired……"

Dr. Zhao shrugged and said, "You want to say that she is a King Kong woman? It's similar to the fact that there is a rape in our human beings? In fact, the nature is different. Cybertron was destroyed in a civil war and fought for millions of years. What do you think? When you think about it, killing and destruction are everywhere, lasting for millions of years..."

"Even if the Decepticons are really allowed to destroy the earth and rebuild Cybertron, if the civil war continues, it won't be long before it will fall into destruction."

"The earth and billions of human beings have been destroyed, and it is only a continuation of life, which has no fundamental meaning. Therefore, Optimus Prime's Autobots are not betraying King Kong, but firmly anti-war, respecting any The right of a group to live."

"As far as the interstellar hunter I said was confined, the number of races he captured and imprisoned, I don't know how many species, there are tentacle monster groups."

Mikaela was speechless.

Millions of years of war?It has been spent in destruction and killing... Oh my God, if World War I and World War II were maintained until now, only for 100 years, I am afraid that there will be no human beings on the earth long ago.

After being speechless, Mikaela suddenly found a blind spot, "Tentacle monster?? Hey... so strange."

Dr. Zhao straightened his police cap and said with a smile, "Don't think so much, call the police and catch King Kong!"

Through Alice's mouth, I learned that the laser bird and the confusion have arrived in Los Angeles, and even the stun and the surfboard have arrived, and they are secretly planning something.

After all, Decepticons such as cars and excavators do not move fast, and they need to wait a long time to wait. Decepticons that change into helicopters are much faster.

Then there is no need to wait at the police station all the time, it is also possible to take the initiative to arrest a wave of police.

Alice came to test, and even wanted to use tricks?Isn't this sending meat into the tiger's mouth?

After a while.

More than a dozen armed helicopters roared up, flying towards a certain skyscraper where the Laser Bird and other Decepticons were hiding.

In just one or two days, even if many people voluntarily evacuate Los Angeles, it is impossible to become an empty city. There were too many human beings living here before, but when the helicopter passed by each block, it was obvious that there were at least fewer people than before. More than half.

Those who stayed in Los Angeles and haven't left are mostly staying at home and dare not go out at will.

When he reached the destination area, Dr. Zhao directly grabbed the communicator and spoke, "The demented Decepticons hiding in the building, this is the Los Angeles police, you are already surrounded..."

Before he finished speaking, shells were fired from the 32nd floor of the building.

Dr. Zhao was very steady, manipulating the 30mm Viper autocannon fixed in Wuzhi, firing one after another. While the armed helicopter was shaking, the flying shells, missiles, etc. were exploded one by one in the air.

Countless elites were stunned.

Compared with the rocket launcher, the biggest advantage of the 30mm Viper is the rate of fire. No matter how the bazooka rocket launcher is loaded, it must fire one, and continue after loading.

This is the ability to hold the trigger and fire one hundred or even two hundred shells continuously within one minute!
During the continuous attacks, the police, CIA, FBI, and military alliance formed more than a dozen armed helicopters, which have already controlled the heavy rain of shells and swept across the 32nd floor.

The house demolition is extremely spectacular.

(End of this chapter)

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