Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 591 This damned sense of substitution!melancholy!

Chapter 591 This damned sense of substitution!melancholy!
Taking a quick look at Matthew Pierce, who was in charge of the situation in the small auditorium, he shook his head in a daze, and then Jennifer seized the opportunity to move. Pu threw out a knife again.

Knocked out Jennifer.

When he looked again at the press card he held up to Dr. Zhao, Ivanka said anxiously, "We are really hostages. My father is Te. I don't know if there is a Pu. Haven't you heard his name?"

Matthew, "..."

As an elite FBI in New York City, he has of course heard the name of that tycoon. This does not mean that the other party's financial influence and other super explosions, mainly because the relatively high-profile one is very different from the daily style of ordinary tycoons.

I like to play guest roles in movies, go to playboy with girls, publish books, etc...

What kind of magazine is Playboy?The guy is proud that the rich man is on the cover of this kind of magazine.

After looking Ivanka up and down, Matthew said speechlessly, "I believe you are hostages, but I always feel that the way you get along with these gangsters is a bit weird."

How can there be a kidnapper and a hostage who get along so well, sitting together watching a movie, BBQ?Can you be serious!
He has also experienced so many things, and he is almost overwhelmed by these methods.

Dr. Zhao shrugged and said, "You still didn't understand what I said before. Fran Hammer led a team to kidnap and control the hostages. He blackmailed the military in order to recover the honor they deserved for the elites who died in battle abroad. Get pension compensation for their families."

"For this, he didn't even want his own title. He is not too old. If a 46-year-old major general colludes with other senior officials to get promoted and get rich, the major general is definitely not the end."

"In order to protect his subordinates and seek justice, he doesn't want anything."

"Such a person, do you think he will hurt our innocent hostages??"

Under Dr. Zhao's righteous words, Matthew Pierce said he was ashamed, and he suddenly felt a little ashamed. The 46-year-old major general, shouldn't this frankly have a bright future?

Isn't he more handsome than the captain of Amei's family in the comics if he did the things in front of him?
And now, Matthew is cooperating with other people to suppress them!
Dr. Zhao continued, "Why did you join the FBI?"

Matthew said decisively, "For the ideal!"

Zhao Xueyan, "What is the FBI Creed?"

Matthew still did not hesitate, "loyal, brave, and upright!"

Dr. Zhao, "Is logging tired important?"

Matthew's eyes lit up, showing unprecedented warmth, "Of course, no matter what pressures or difficulties I encounter in my work, logging is my last refuge."

Dr. Zhao spread his hands and said, "Look, every elite like you who fights for Amei's family, no matter what they encounter, logging is their strongest fortress and recuperation place, but after they sacrificed their lives for the country."

"The members of the loggers who lied and deceived them at will have no honor or pension. Are you angry?"

Matthew, "..."

Matthew took a deep breath, took out a pack of cigarettes from the fainted Mike, and lit it, "Stop talking."

Speaking of the various elites who died under Fran Hammer, put yourself in the shoes of the FBI front-line agents and they have the most common topics.

This damn sense of substitution!Melancholy!
If there is a Fran Hammer among their FBI superiors... Isn't that the greatest FBI idol?
When something in him suddenly collapsed, Dr. Zhao patted Matthew Pierce on the shoulder in relief, "Fran Hammer is also fighting for his ideals, and he has no intention of harming us hostages at all. In this case, Let's not talk about watching movies and having BBQ."

"Drinking beer and singing songs can also get along well."

Dr. Zhao felt that if things went on like this, maybe Matthew Pierce would be turned against him, and he would not seriously carry out the purpose of this mission.

Or there is still a chance to jump back and help Fran Hammer.

At worst, pretend to be arrested and hand over the battle uniform...

If Fran Hammer had a battle suit, would there be even more trouble?

Still the same sentence, from the perspective of Zhao Xueyan, a Chinese with a Hong Kong ID card, whether he succeeds or fails, Dr. Zhao is a melon.

As for the high-level members of Amei's family, even if they were extorted hundreds of millions of dollars and transferred them to hundreds of elite family members who died in battle as pensions, it is impossible for them to admit that they died while performing certain missions, and those missions cannot be made public...

To be public is to declare war on this or that?

From this point of view, Fran Hammer still held the top a little bit.

After a while, watching Matthew Pierce drop his cigarette butt and climb out of the window again, Ivanka stared blankly and said, "Are we free?"

She is a little confused.

The hostages, kidnappers, and rescuers FBI, when they met Dr. Zhao, always went astray inexplicably, and the situations in her impression were not the same.

Dr. Zhao smiled and said, "Is it free? But it seems that we have not lost our freedom. You have been kidnapped for so long. Your father should know. Do you want to call back to report that you are safe?"

Ivanka said blankly, "Didn't it mean that there is a mobile phone signal jammer on board, so our personal mobile phones can't get out?"

Dr. Zhao reminded, "You can try online contact."

Ivanka shook her head, "Forget it, he was fascinated by the vixen, and divorced my mother..."

Dr. Zhao is speechless. It seems that the relationship between this little girl and her father is not as good as imagined. Not to mention that the middle school girl is in the rebellious period of her life, just that special real estate tycoon who is very serious. Color the cover of a magazine, and she is proud of it.

From the point of view of being a big rich man, Mr. Zhao is not a good person, but he also can't understand certain ideas.

What kind of color magazine do you let Hong Kong Island, let alone publish the cover of Mr. Zhao, just try to publish the cover of Mr. Li, Mr. Guo, etc., who will accept it?

The next moment, Dr. Zhao asked curiously, "I remember that you came to this cruise ship to chase stars, or I heard from others. Has she been kidnapped? How is the situation now?"

Ivanka was surprised and said, "That's right, it was Paris who told me to be locked up here, and she called me on the way out, my God, she must have arrived earlier than us, and she is also under control. "

"Shall we ask? Paris's family is a hotel tycoon."

When they were in the lobby on the first floor, Dr. Zhao didn't know Paris at all. As for Ivanka, she didn't see clearly whether the dozens of people had her friends in her panic.

You said that she and Dr. Zhao used to eat Western food alone at the bar counter... attracting attention?
Who knows on which floor Paris was caught.

When they were first controlled in the lobby on the first floor, they were all found by the gangsters on the first floor and deck.

Dr. Zhao squatted down and pinched Jennifer and Mike a few times. The two unconscious guys woke up quickly, then screamed and got up screaming...

"What about people?"

"What about the FBI?"

When Mike and Jennifer found out that FBI Matthew had disappeared without a trace, they hurriedly asked.

Dr. Zhao shrugged, "Knocked you all out and left. You see, everyone is actually a person who can communicate and communicate very well. There is no need to kill you too bloody. After he subdued you, he didn't hurt you."

"It seems that I still have a lot of respect for Fran Hammer. Even if I obey orders, it may not really hurt Mr. Fran Hammer."

Both Mike and Jennifer were a little speechless.

Dr. Zhao said, "Ivanka has a friend who may also be on the control list. Her name is Paris. Do you know where she is being held?"

Jennifer directly grabbed the communicator to contact her companion, hung up the phone after 2 minutes and said, "The third floor."

"Except for the two of you, the controlled crew or hostages, all the men are being held in connected guest rooms on the second floor, and all the women are on the third floor... Except for confiscating their communication tools, we have not abused anyone."

The hotel-style guest rooms on the cruise ship have the same nature as the row cells in the prison.

When Dr. Zhao expressed his desire to take a look, Mike also hung up the phone and said, "Your Excellency Hammer said that no one has formally attacked their headquarters, but he also found some strange figures with some thermal imaging surveillance equipment. The Ministry is on full alert, Jennifer, take them there, I'll go to the headquarters to have a look."

"So far, we are the only two who have personally witnessed the strength of those little supermen."

Jennifer nodded.

A moment later, when Jennifer took Dr. Zhao and Ivanka to the row cabin where the hostages were held, she soon saw a dozen elite men and women cruising around with loaded guns and wearing body armor.

When Dr. Zhao and Ivanka arrived at a certain cabin, they saw the five little girls imprisoned in the room, ran in and said in surprise, "Paris, it's great to see you!"

A little girl who was shivering and sitting next to the bed with a few little girls jumped up in surprise, "Ivanka, you..."


The flashing light was on, and the two girls of Ivanka who were hugging each other, and other surprised girls, including Jennifer in the corridor, and several elites from far and near looked at Dr. Zhao in bewilderment.

Dr. Zhao was very stable in the typhoon, showing a smile with eight teeth, "There is nothing to be surprised about. It is rare to experience the joy of being kidnapped. How can we not take pictures as a souvenir?"

Ivanka, "..."

Ivanka was the first to realize that, indeed, this was the first time in her life that she was kidnapped by gangsters, and she got along very happily during the process, eating, drinking, watching movies and BBQ together.

She quickly turned around and patted her sleeves, and adjusted her makeup, "Take a better picture of me, hey, Jennifer, do you want to stand beside us with a gun and put on a cool pose?"

Jennifer's eyes began to crooked again, and she whispered incredulously, "Where did you get the camera?"

Dr. Zhao said with a smile, "As a reporter, or a reporter of a multinational media group, how could I not have a camera?"

"Go, take a photo together as a memory. Whether you are in jail or fleeing around the world, having a photo like this proves that you have been to New York!"

Jennifer was about to cry.

How can you speak so harshly? The question is, has she really faced the anti-killing of a superman-level FBI agent, and her chances of success or failure for this operation... Is going to jail the best choice?
She always felt that the kidnapping of hostages for extortion was becoming more and more dishonest.

Dr. Zhao happily rushed to more than a dozen corridors and said, "Who would like to take a few photos... No, it's Meimei's daily selfie, which is convenient for self-appreciation or for everyone to share. You can try it."

Jennifer started complaining crazily again in her heart, you must be talking about the posthumous photos!
According to the perverted fighting power of those little supermen, they really fought in an all-round way, instead of staring at the VX gas bombs that could be fired at any time...

This corridor, including her, is probably posting posthumous photos!
Jennifer was just complaining in private, but a male elite not far away was yelling, "Damn, I have tolerated you for a long time, you little boy!"

He also swung his fist amidst the scolding, as if he was about to come.

This is one of the few elites who watched Dr. Zhao eating potato chips and Western food in the lobby on the first floor. If it wasn't for Fran Hammer's various orders, they really, couldn't have been so polite.

Let Zhao Xueyan roam freely.

Dr. Zhao's expression remained the same, but he just raised his camera, "You have endured me for a long time, why don't you bear it anymore? You will gradually get used to it."

Good guy, Jennifer has a feeling that she can't bear to look directly.

The elite men who were just punching and posing as if they were about to hit someone were completely enraged. Do you really think they are kind people?Illegally entering other countries and regions and causing all kinds of bloody crimes will have constant war-damaged companions!

When he started to run, Jennifer exclaimed, "Stop, Justin!"

While talking, Jennifer also jumped in front of Dr. Zhao. After all, this Asian boy may be very dishonest, but he did help them a lot.

There were exclamations in the open passenger ship warehouses on both sides of the corridor, under the watchful eyes of other white elites who were either stern or watching.

Justin quickly ran over a distance of more than ten meters. In the defensive posture of Jennifer's fighting posture, he suddenly changed from furious to excited and polite, and then knelt down on one knee, grabbed a ring and offered it with both hands, "Jennifer , I have liked you for a long time, marry me."



All kinds of chaotic voices disappeared at once, and everyone except Dr. Zhao was dumbfounded.

Dr. Zhao took a photo of this classic scene with a very calm expression.

This is the supernatural power he learned from a girl named Rachel Green before he met Ivanka when he came to New York this time.

Marriage proposal, spending a little human merit will make the target initiate a marriage proposal to someone nearby who has a certain emotional foundation in the fastest time. If it succeeds, it will immediately evolve the wedding scene through human merit. If it fails, it will be like a sad defeated dog. The howling faded away.

Rachel Green, he knew it was the original Bai Fumei in Friends, the runaway... Facing Justin who rushed forward before, Dr. Zhao really didn't need to use humane merits and supernatural powers to deal with him if he wanted to arrange him.

Dr. Zhao is also just curious, purely curious, the marriage proposal is successful, and the merits of humanity evolve into the wedding scene. These are several meanings.

Is it possible that even if Fran Hammer's headquarters has already started to annihilate, it will be involved in this wedding? ?

The click sound woke up the messy female soldier Jennifer, but the girl broke down even more, "What's going on?"

You came here in a rage, looking like you were going to beat up Dr. Zhao to vent your anger. I was already mentally prepared and in a posture to be accidentally injured by you. What do you mean by suddenly kneeling down and proposing marriage? ?

The dozen or so security elites who were originally stern or optimistic, suddenly someone cheered, "Promise him, Jennifer!"

"So Justin likes you, haha~"

"Why did you propose so suddenly? Was it stimulated? It's true. This time, we may not have many people who can leave alive."


They are all old subordinates of Fran Hammer, and many of them have fought side by side for many years. Regardless of their mentality in previous battles, this time they know that they are blackmailing the military with His Excellency Fran.

He betrayed Amei's family.

The risk is far from comparable to the previous illegal invasion of other countries.

In other words, maybe half of the ten people are mentally prepared to die here. In this tense and exciting environment, if Justin can't bear the pressure, what kind of love will he want to express before he dies? normal.

Amidst the laughter of the gangsters and elites, Jennifer couldn't fix it all at once.

Is this a pure accident, or was Justin prepared and planned?Otherwise, how do you explain the ring on his hand?

But she didn't like Justin!

Even if she went crazy before she died, she would not choose Justin, this is not her style.

Resisting the urge to vomit blood, Jennifer refused, "Justin, I'm sorry."

The onlookers became quiet again, and when their expressions changed, Justin let out a sad wail. The desolation and sadness in the wailing sound really touched the audience's sadness and tears.

However, after Justin got up and walked a few steps with a back full of sadness, under Jennifer's increasingly embarrassing confession, Justin suddenly changed his momentum and rushed into a cabin room where several celebrities were imprisoned.

Kneeling down to one of the sweet beauties, "Rachel, I have liked you for a long time, will you marry me?"


A certain beauty who was proposed for the second time screamed and jumped up and hid back. Jennifer, who was still embarrassed and embarrassed, said, "???"

She had a pretty face that was close to the seven-point level, and her veins were twisted and twitching. Are you just playing an old lady with you?
When she ran to the cabin with a dark face and saw the proposed object clearly, well, Jennifer asked herself that she was a seven-point girl and still a little below the standard, but the sweet girls inside were really above eight-five percent.

Even the other party's clothing, temperament, etc., also left Jennifer a lot behind.

Dr. Zhao is a little messy, a marriage proposal failed, this is 1 point of humanity merit has not been used up, so it is continuing to exert its effect?

There seems to be some truth to it, there are a lot of things that can be done with 1 point of humane merit, and Justin can't just add an extra ring out of thin air, run a few steps and say a few words, and it will be completely exhausted.

And Rachel, and the scream before that?It seems that it is really Rachel Green, the daughter of the runaway daughter?However, Dr. Zhao is not sure whether Rachel is currently running away from marriage or after running away from marriage.

While Dr. Zhao was thinking, Ivanka had already ran out of the guest room, and pointed at the chickens and dogs in the other room with a strange expression, "What's going on?"

Zhao Xueyan laughed, "Maybe it was the indulgence and madness before death?"

The supernatural effect is still limited to proposing to someone who has a certain emotional foundation. As an old comrade in arms, Justin's first proposal to Jennifer is very reasonable and logical, but... Rachel Green?Are you sure it's not just for sex?

Well, love at first sight is also understandable.

(End of this chapter)

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