Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 584 A Kun, you are a bit powerful

Chapter 584 A Kun, you are a bit powerful
On a new day, when Dr. Zhao returned to the Kyushu Building, he had already produced the sub-camera script of Resident Evil 1.

Last night, he was not idle while waiting for the Ghost Marshal Yang Sangkun to recover his strength.

This kind of thing is easy to handle.

When Maddie Bowen came to watch, the more she watched, the more surprised she said, "This heroine..."

Does this heroine take up too much weight?It seems that she is the only core character in the whole film, and the others, whether male or female, are supporting roles.

Big boat is at least Jack and Ruth, Resident Evil?
Dr. Zhao nodded with a smile, "That's right, you are the core, this is the main heroine, but if you want to act well, besides acting skills, you also need to strengthen your movement training."

Fortunately, it can be opened and hung up. No matter how cool and handsome the original Alice is, Dr. Zhao can improve the physical fitness of Maddie through traditional court riding.

He couldn't make McGrady Bowen super strong in the blink of an eye, but he worked slowly and meticulously, and he saw people's hearts over time, and there was always improvement.

Once McGrady Bowen's physique surpasses that of ordinary people, acting and filming special effects?That's naturally how handsome it is, Hong Kong Island's action special effects are already leading the world, and there is a heroine with a strong physique...

By the way, he also has the extraordinary potion from the Assassin's Alliance Mutual Aid Association, but that kind of potion needs to be divided into people during training, so you have to choose someone with a strong innate heart rate.

And during the special training, the extreme training method was too cruel.

How does the League of Assassins train people?If you find that your heartbeat can break 1 or [-] in one minute, and you have potential, then no matter if you are a white-collar worker, a student, or a pork guy, they will tie you up and beat you in various ways, leaving you covered in cuts and bruises, fractures and stab wounds Potluck.

Unable to bear it any longer, I soaked it in the extraordinary potion, and the wound was healed.

Keep beating.

This is how you train your boxing skills. If you don’t want to be beaten and want to fight back, you will be abused over and over again in the cruelest beatings. The same is true for training cold weapon fighting. The knife will pierce your palm and cut your body with bruises. You will not know how to dodge the counterattack. Then keep hurting.

Train your reaction, agility, balance, etc., stand on a tall building, push you down the stairs when you are unsuspecting, and let you survive on the roof of passing cars downstairs.

Under this cruel training mode, talented people will either be tossed to death, or tossed violently. In a few weeks, a student, a fat house, or something can be trained to be a super killer.

Maddie Bowen's heart rate is 60 to 100 per minute, which is in the range of normal people, but if Dr. Zhao wants to give her a wave, he can still do it. With the help of Lei Pi and the magical buck teeth, it can be done.

Didn't Fox get struck by lightning a few times, and his heart rate increased from 330 to 450?

But it seems that there is no need to be tortured so desperately.

I often drive a boat to improve step by step, and cultivate immortality in happiness, which is also very stable.

The strength he wants to cultivate is just to be able to shoot the most beautiful action and fighting scenes in filming, that's enough, um, it's enough to train McGrady to be a champion of routine performances.

After McGrady left, he checked the affairs in Los Angeles. Cheng Yingsi and Farranti Clayton, two super bad guys, made the move together. The Fox Insurance Group was not only facing a huge compensation of hundreds of millions of knives to pay.

The stock price also plummeted all the way.

That kind of fall is not just a matter of tens of thousands of people being bald together, but also frequent operating errors in the Fox Bank Group, such as the tens of millions of dollars in cash in a rich man's account, suddenly distributed to tens of thousands of ordinary people, Even if each person only takes a few thousand knives on average...

This kind of thing didn't just happen once or twice, but more than a dozen similar thunders exploded within a few days, let's not talk about how those rich people who were split up and Fox Bank fought each other.

How the rich use legal weapons to defend their property also needs more time to ferment. In a short period of time, the biggest impact is that depositors are crazily running on the cash flow of this bank!
Not only did Fox's stock price plummet, but it also had to sell some properties to maintain the situation.

During this process, Dr. Zhao made a lot of short selling, which was more than 5 million dollars.

This kind of money is very expensive.

Time passed by, and it was almost lunch time. As soon as Dr. Zhao walked out of the Jiuzhou Building, he accidentally saw a young man who looked like a fool in the window of a car passing by on the road in front of the building. He had a mustache and was bound and escorted.

The young man was in the process of being escorted, struggling with anger on his face, "Let go of me, I am a heavenly master, and I came to Hong Kong Island to catch demons!"

One of the two youths escorting him couldn't help but smile, "That's right, we're sending you to catch a demon."

The other nodded again and again, "That's right, Miao Yi Miao Tianshi, we promise to send you to a place where there are many monsters to catch, so you can catch them to your heart's content!"


The box-shaped escort car had the words Qingshan Mental Hospital written on the outside of the car.

Zhao Xueyan, "..."

Although the box-shaped escort car is still more than 30 meters away from Dr. Zhao, and the door is closed, but considering his current 15 times strengthened physical fitness, it is normal to hear the content there.

When security guards drove his Bentley, Zhao Xueyan got into the car and caught up with the escort car.

Miao Yi Miao Tianshi?Catch a demon?

He thought of the horror story "Angels Catch Daughters". The story was about the demon girl Piaohong, who wanted to collect the soul of a simple boy born at zero hour everywhere. It is said that as long as she collects 100, she can become a human forever and live forever. Destroy, do whatever you want.

Miao Yimiao, the celestial master who has been chasing and killing Piaohong, wants to stop her from committing crimes, but Miao is a little unlucky because she is always one step late. When he arrives, Piaohong has already absorbed all the souls of simple boys .

In a night chase in Thailand, Piaohong had absorbed 98 spirits in total. In a big battle, Miao Yimiao was seriously injured. Piaohong also escaped, hid in a mahjong tile, and was brought back to Hong Kong Island .

Miao Yimiao chased Lai Hong Kong Island... As soon as she came in, she was sent to a mental hospital because of poor communication with the customs.

Customs felt that he looked too much like a bad guy, so they called him to the office for inspection. This guy not only kept saying that the celestial master was catching monsters, but also carried a lot of contraband.

In this story, Miao Yimiao is old and miserable!Either he was caught by the customs, or he was caught by the police after he managed to escape, and finally he was handcuffed on the hospital bed by the police. When he couldn't move anything, he was sucked dry by Piaohong.

Coincidentally, Miao Tianshi was also born at zero o'clock, so far he is still a pure boy, and has never touched a woman in his life.

"Why do I not believe it? If you suck 100 boys, you can live forever and do whatever you want? This popularity is a bit illogical."

"But it doesn't matter. Maybe in the story of the celestial master catching the female cadre alone, the setting of Piaohong is very powerful, but in this big mixed world, heaven and hell exist, and there are all kinds of angels and demons in the west... She relies on sucking the stronger one. How can you be so strong, witch?"

After a while, Dr. Zhao accelerated suddenly and pinned the escort car of the mental hospital with a Bentley overtaking car. When Zhao Xueyan got off the car, all the drivers and the escort car of the mental hospital had already got off, and they all looked at Mr. Zhao in surprise and suspicion.

Thanks to Mr. Zhao's blessing, the number of Bentleys on Hong Kong Island has skyrocketed. It may not be Mr. Zhao who drives a Bentley these days, but isn't this near Tsim Sha Tsui, or near Kyushu Building!

Amid the astonishment of several people, Dr. Zhao stepped forward and took out his business card, "I'm Zhao Xueyan, let go of the person in the car that you controlled, he is a serious demon catching master, you have never seen a ghost or a demon, That’s just luck, it doesn’t mean those don’t exist.”

The driver was shocked.

The two escorts were also stunned.

But two seconds later, the escort still ran to release Miao Yimiao, with a very good attitude and tone, apologizing in various ways.

Miao Yimiao was very generous, and casually exposed this trivial matter before jumping off the driveway, "You saved me? Thank you."

When he stretched out his hand, Dr. Zhao also signed in.

"Ding, sign in Miao Yimiao successfully, reward one hundred Hong Kong dollars, the host can claim it at any time."

Mr. Zhao’s smile became a little more flat. Forget it, 100 yuan is 100 yuan. Last night, Yang Sangkun, the marshal who cleaned up the ghost, also signed a hundred Hong Kong dollars. He almost wanted to suppress this evil ghost, maybe The reward is the portable space or the merits of humanity.

However, considering that Yang Sangkun's ghost skills similar to the magical brush Ma Liang are a bit strange, it is better to send them to Alcatraz Island to be raised first. Kyushu Films needs special effects workers like him.

It seems that my luck is a little bad.

No, it may be that Miao Yimiao is too weak, not to mention that he is always late to catch Piaohong, and even Piaohong was assisted by the Hong Kong Island Mental Hospital and the police to kill him... It must be that Miao Tianshi himself is too weak.

The banshee Piaohong is actually quite beautiful in her incarnation, and she seems to be the largest in Hong Kong, but when Piaohong absorbs his soul, she deliberately makes herself ugly and disgusting to death.

"Tianshi catching monsters? This is a good thing, but if you are alone and can't handle monsters, you can also find more helpers. There are still many high-level people on Hong Kong Island, such as Feng Laosi, Zhong Fabai and even Sha Taujiao." The head of the village, Li Huan, is pretty good."

After shaking hands, Dr. Zhao pointed Miao Yimiao with a smile.

It’s not easy for the guy in front of me to be a good person. He’s unlucky like in the track of the celestial master catching female cadres. It’s too dark, but Zhao Xueyan’s participation means that the future has changed. If he speaks, which policeman in Hong Kong will come back to do it? Miao Yi Miao?
Miao Yimiao was also stunned, "Huh? Where are those experts you mentioned? I came here this time to follow the demon girl Piaohong. I was always a few steps too late after chasing her for so long. It seems that I really have a little bit of strength. Difference."

Zhao Xueyan said cheerfully, "Feng Lao Si is a policeman, and he also opened a drug store in Tsim Sha Tsui. As for Zhong Fabai... Forget it, you can go to Li Huan first, who is said to be the descendant of Zhang Tianshi."

In the original story, Li Huan, the village head of Shatoujiao Village, is a good descendant of Zhang Tianshi, who can pinch and count.

After twelve hours, the spell will automatically dissolve.

In the process, you also become very easy to do that, which is more powerful than eating all kinds of tonics.

This is much stronger than the Maoshan Taoist priest Li Jin in the story of the senior brother bumping into a ghost. After all, he always opens the altar and asks the patriarch to give him a gift. The ghost knows how long the patriarch will pay attention to him, so that he can do everything. long time.

Li Huan is different. As long as the talisman is drawn well, ordinary people without magic power can successfully cast spells if they know how to chant the mantra and whoever they pray to.

Speaking of this ability... the defect is nothing more than the preciousness of the talismans. It doesn't just need ordinary paper and pens. Whether the painting can be successful depends on the state of Li Huan himself.

But this matter is indeed the strength of others. If the news spreads, I am afraid that Uncle Huan, the nonsensical village chief, will become the guest of countless rich people.

However, Li Huan is not Piaohong's opponent, and he has to call Li Huan's senior brother to join forces with Miao Yimiao's demon-slaying sword in order to kill Piaohong.

If it wasn't for Dr. Zhao who had signed in a long time ago with a little magical power, then Li Huan would have been worthy of a wave of rewards, and there is no rush now.

Miao Yimiao was overjoyed, "Thank you, thank you so much, I don't know who you are? In the future, whenever you need it, feel free to call me."

Speaking of this, he took out a business card, saw Dr. Zhao took it, and Miao Tianshi said again, "It is said that you have helped me so much, I should treat you to a meal and thank you, but the situation is urgent, if you let me If Piaohong harms two pure boys, she will live forever and her strength will increase dramatically, I..."

Zhao Xueyan waved his hand, "Go, justice is more important."

Seeing Tianshi Miao take a taxi with his big suitcase and leave, Dr. Zhao looked around with a smile, he was really curious about the strength of the red...

Of course, before the souls of 100 pure boys were dealt with, Piaohong's strength was just like that, and she was killed with just a few slaps.

Piaohong is still hiding in the mahjong of a certain boss, right?
That boss is the boss of the company where the heroine Cheng Shouren works in the story. Even if he hadn't paid attention to that company before, if he looks for it now, he will definitely be able to find it easily.

What was he doing going out at noon?By the way, I just left the building to go to Stanley.

Ghost Marshal Yang Sangkun is still in Stanley. After his ghost power is exhausted, if he wants to recover quickly, he needs to inhale yang energy. May be blackened.

There are so many scum in Stanley that it is not a pity to die, it is the best place to raise Yang Sangkun.

It's not a bad thing to meet Miao Yimiao as soon as you go out.

Don't be in a hurry to play mahjong, after all, in the original plot, Piaohong hid in mahjong for many days.

Even if the butterfly effect in this world may cause Piaohong to escape from the mahjong game ahead of time, there will be an accident if he arrives late, and Piaohong will disappear... But Dr. It's not that difficult.

The other bosses are suppressing the underworld and the white ways, and now Mr. Zhao is really a ghost.


After a while.


In an empty basement, Gui Jianchou looked at the two duels in the middle with a look of amazement... that one was the vampire Xiaosha, and the other was the licker monster from Resident Evil.

It has been a long time since the vampire's chicness has been strengthened, but at this moment, compared with the licker, it is still easily injured, and it is hit from time to time, until Brother Xiaosha became anxious and took two machetes and two knives to do things, relying on the agility of the vampire Wait until the licker is finally killed.


A licker that he beheaded and ran out of the painting, when Dr. Zhao smiled and handed over a new painting to Marshal Yang Sangkun, with five lickers on it? ?

Xiao Sa directly dropped the two swords and knelt down, "Master Yan, I can't do it anymore, one can only kill, two are difficult, and three together I will definitely kneel."

Yang Sangkun also said in surprise, "Master Yan, in fact, I may not be able to activate five such monsters at once, maybe it is possible, three is the limit."

Mr. Zhao said in a speechless voice, "It's only three? Akun, you're a little too stupid. I expected you to activate an aircraft carrier from the painting for me."

Similar to Ma Liang's ghost technique, he can just draw whatever he wants. He even thought, should he draw a Titanic to let Akun try the water, but this guy is so imaginary?

Gui Jianchou looked at Master Yan in horror, what a good idea.

Qiu sir gave a thumbs up resolutely and solemnly, "Master Yan is tall!"

Yang Sangkun said blankly, "What is an aircraft carrier?"

Dr. Zhao said cheerfully, "Now let you see the aircraft carrier, Hong Kong Island does not have any, but I still have two Titanic, let's go, I will take you out to have a look."

When the crowd of ghosts arrived at the pier in Tsim Sha Tsui... Looking at the huge group of mobile buildings floating in the sea, Akun knelt down directly, "Master Yan, this, I really can't do it, it's not that I don't want to do things for you, it's this... ..."

He is an evil ghost who can kill Happy Buddha back and forth, a fierce ghost, but isn't that Happy Buddha is too watery, it's just a backdoor Buddha.

The ability of Ma Liang, the magic brush, can make tigers and elephants and even Wu Song in the painting, he can do it, and three or four lickers can be burst out, you can also try, this kind of huge steel giant ship?
Even if he becomes ten times stronger, let alone this thing, can he create an ordinary yacht by magic?Speedboats are hanging.

The next moment, Yang Sangkun was still puzzled, "Master Yan, such sophisticated and exquisite mechanism parts, operation modes, etc. are too advanced. I'm not sure if I can make something that is actually usable."

Dr. Zhao waved his hand, "Don't think about it. In terms of subtlety and precision, the structure of the human body is infinitely stronger than these. You can even stimulate animals and humans. It is too trivial to activate mechanical creations."

"Cultivate your abilities well in the future, I'm really waiting for you to become a pillar!"

Akun really underestimates himself. You say that a speedboat represents the all-round improvement and evolution of the industrial system. It is as small as a screw, and countries that have not reached a sufficient level cannot afford it... This is the crystallization of technology. Far from being comparable to ancient swords and guns?
too amazing?
Don't worry, the human body is much more sophisticated than these, and the two are not of the same order of magnitude.

After Akun is promoted, let alone hope to create a special effects ship like the Titanic, let's talk about the underground fortress in Resident Evil, can't we do it?As long as Mr. Zhao can draw it, there is hope for Akun to do it.

Kyushu Films like that, it is true that its special effects dominate the world, leaving Hollywood hundreds of streets behind.

It's nothing more than... Akun wanted to improve to that level, but he didn't know that it would take a year of the monkey to achieve it.

In terms of value, Yang Sangkun, the marshal of ghosts, is much more advanced than that happy Buddha, and he is also much stronger than Xiaosha and other vampires, or even ordinary ghosts.

A treasure similar to the nature of the magic brush Ma Liang.

The next moment, he looked at Xiaosha, "Take Akun to meet Zhang San, Li Yaomin and the others, and let everyone have a symposium to study how to improve Akun's ability."

"One ghost can't do it. If everyone brainstorms, there is still hope to overcome the difficulties."

(End of this chapter)

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