Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 571 Medicine, medicine, lower blood pressure for me!

Chapter 571 Medicine, medicine, lower blood pressure for me!

On Hong Kong Island, the metropolis is still bustling under the night.

As soon as Tian Can brought Tina to a certain nightclub, he took a sip of the drink and planned to sing a song, but his face changed drastically, "No, there is something wrong with this drink!"

After finishing speaking, he ignored Tina's bewildered expression, sat down and worked hard to expel the medicine that entered the body and exerted its effect quickly.

However, although his Heavenly Immortal Art is powerful, in the face of various high-tech crystallizations hundreds of years later, especially when there is no shortage of some black-tech drugs, the effect can only be said to be so-so. Losing consciousness, Tiancan quickly said, "Call Mr. Tang quickly, I've been plotted against..."

Before Tina had time to do anything, the door of the private room was pushed open, and MI6 boss David Cruise, along with special agent supervisor Robert, and the little beauty Amy, a comrade-in-arms who had sailed with Tiancan, came in together.

All three were armed with live ammunition and wearing body armor.

When Tiancan's eyes flashed a fierce light, David Crews hurriedly said, "Rong, we found out that someone from Amei's family wanted to do something against you, first use drugs to get you, and then smuggle you to A-mei family, control you."

"We're here to protect you!"

"Don't worry, on Hong Kong Island, even if Mr. Zhao doesn't say anything, as long as he is a friend recognized by our MI6, he will never watch you have an accident."

Tian Can's murderous intentions did not dissipate, and he asked in confusion while expelling the medicine, "Amei's house?"

He has been in the WTO for a long time, and of course he has a certain understanding of the general situation of the world. The most powerful overlords in this world are Amei's family and Big Bear.

He didn't offend any sisters either.

David Cruise looked at Amy with a bright smile on his face, and Amy explained coquettishly, "Don't worry, more people are already controlling the situation, the one who drugged you is still trying to smuggle you out None of them can escape."

"When you catch them, you can interrogate them yourself to find out if they are true or not."

"We have also notified Mr. Zhao."

Thinking of this, Amy reminded, "You will not forget the last time on the streets of Tsim Sha Tsui, when there were three black suits who wanted to surprise Mr. Zhao, you came forward and defeated one of them... that is the elite agent of Amei's family."

Only then did Tian Can say in astonishment, "I really forgot about this."

Originally, I thought that I had nothing to do with my sister's family, so there was a co-authorship?That time with Li Hua and Li Chi, a few white men in black suits, did you meet one of the biggest official organizations of Amei's family?

Then it was reasonable to be raided and drugged this time. I should calm down... Calm down, he was the number one master of the Mongolian Evil Sect in the era of Kublai Khan and when Mongolia swept across the Eurasian continent!

A certain aspect of the world's first!

Since you are number one in the world, or a big devil of evil ways, the reason is naturally that I can bully you, and you blackmail me?That's not right.

When Tian Can's heart was boiling with anger, David Crews explained again, "Rong, your martial arts are really incredible. As far as I know, the person who did it this time should use the most advanced and efficient anesthesia. Even an elephant, after drinking a cup, will completely lose consciousness within ten seconds and be at the mercy of others."

"Are you still awake now?"

A minute or two had passed since Tiancan drank that glass of wine.

Tian Can smiled wryly, he could still think rationally now, but it was a struggle, he found that the things he drank this time were completely different from some ancient Mongolian sweat medicines and the like.

Holding on, he finally relaxed when he saw Tang Niu stepping in, and lost consciousness after dozens of seconds.


When Tiancan woke up, he found himself lying in a hotel bedroom, Tina was there, and Tang Niu was also there. Tiancan smiled at Tang Niu with a black face, "Thank you, Mr. Tang, how long have I been in a coma?"

Tang Niu said calmly, "Half an hour."

Although Tiancan failed to drive away the medicine, he failed completely. At least, he woke up within half an hour of the medicine that could make ordinary people lose consciousness for more than [-] hours.

Yun Gong felt his lower body, and Tian Can went down to the ground in relief, "Thank you again Mr. Tang, and Mr. Zhao, I never thought that I would be pecked by birds instead of hunting birds all day long."

"However, MI6 is so kind to save me..."

At these words, Tang Niu laughed and said, "MI6 should have noticed the FBI's plan and layout a long time ago, and then stood still, waiting for you to be recruited and come out to gain your favor."

"Otherwise they wouldn't have arrived so coincidentally, and almost caught all the FBI in one go."

"Or, it's not that MI6 didn't think about controlling you and transporting you back to London. It's just that it's afraid that it won't be able to do it, so it treats you in a way that has always been nice."

The various martial arts of MI6, including the boat technique, have already cried for several times, why not use it?Isn't he afraid of completely offending Tian Can with a strong failure?
It's not that they don't have the confidence to deal with Tiancan alone, but they are worried that Dr. Zhao will intervene.

Tian Can's face became even more fierce, "Even if I don't check for the tricks for a while, it's not so easy to completely control me. I can kill them if I teach them just a little bit."

MI6 has dealt with him many times, especially regarding the training and learning of the art of boats. He repeatedly proposed various new conditions, but he refused them all.

A long-term monopoly is much better than one or two deals.

He understands the truth.

Tian Can didn't think that even if he was caught and captured, and the other party used all kinds of torture to extract a confession from him, he would succumb.

This time, even Tang Niu became serious, and took out a pill, "This was found from the FBI, try it..., I tried it, my martial arts can't handle this drug to extract a confession. "

Tian Can stared at Tang Niu blankly, took the pill and swallowed it.

After a while, facing Tang Niu's questions, he would answer whatever he asked, with the ability to confess involuntarily...

Tian Can couldn't help but exclaimed in horror, "What the hell kind of medicine is this?"


at the same time.

Zhao Xueyan was also holding some kind of pill in the Kyushu Building, which was defined as a high-tech product of Veritaserum... with a dazed expression on his face.

The effect of such a miraculous veritaserum is far beyond his level before crossing, and it is a black technology. However, he has long been mentally prepared for this kind of black technology. After all, Zhao Xueyan got it from the trickster A Dong Skill, honest heart.

He has also used it many times, and once he uses it, he will have questions and answers, and the target cannot be held at all.

Who is Adong?In the competition between the future and the prank expert Gu Jing, the trump card means are the honest bean paste bag, the lie bean paste bag, a high-tech product of Amei's family in the 90s.

When he saw Ah Dong, he thought that it would take some time before he saw honesty or lies.

Now he remembered that he had overlooked one point. In the 90s, honesty, lie, bean paste buns, and ashamed wave lollipops were all sold on the market and were used by ordinary people to trick them.

Even at that time, not everyone could easily buy it, was used by secret agents.

The miraculous tuxedoes of Amei's family have now been researched into semi-finished products, and the veritaserum, which is far more powerful than the honest bean paste buns and ashamed wave board candies, has also been finished products, which is really not surprising.

If Tiancan is caught, with this kind of black technology Veritaserum, he will answer every question, let him train a large team of supernatural beings for the FBI or other elites, even if it takes time, maybe the time will not be short.

However, the forces in Amei's territory cooperate with other black technologies, and the accidental crystallization of gods and demons, such as stopping the remote control in time, will always be a problem.

Fortunately, fortunately, Dr. Zhao has always been very stable, let's just say this time, even if he didn't get the news in advance, let the FBI transport Tiancan away, control him and run to Amei's house, he is already on Tiancan's body Set over.

Knowing that he is lost and controlled, a simple magical power can make Tiancan reopen the situation!
The first time I saw Tiancan was the righteous positioning of the sky, the sky thunders landed, hit, no matter how he was controlled and taken away, just brush up a hero and three gangs, clear grievances and so on, and Mr. Rong will be able to get high.

Thinking about it this way, it's better to let the FBI transport Tiancan to Amei's house.

Go, those bosses hiding in the anti-nuclear bunker, will they meet such a magical person as Tiancan up close with their own eyes?Show off your superiority?At that time, you can easily fight back and cut a wave of leeks.

You thought you had caught a good treasure, and happily ran to watch and plan how to use this good treasure, and in a blink of an eye... the big devil swept away!
It's a pity that the FBI's house-stealing act just failed, and it was completely defeated. When will it be launched next time, I don't know yet.

After a while, Dr. Zhao didn't think so much anymore. He got up and went downstairs, intending to drive to Sister Lei's house. It's not that Lei Zhilan can't come to Kyushu Mansion, she can come and live at any time. Tonight is her party at home. He invited Cheng Leer and others, and after drinking too much, he called and said he missed him.

When Zhao Xueyan was standing under the awning of the Kyushu Building, before the people from the security department drove the car from the garage, a Bentley came from afar. The crab that broke the glass of the passing car.

In the driver's seat is a brown-black-haired ghost girl who is in full bloom and looks quite black and straight with white moonlight.

"Mr. Zhao, your car has been repaired."

The ghost girl arrived in the car, and after getting off the car, she smiled at him, very sweet and like Bai Yueguang.

Zhao Xueyan asked curiously, "Now the employees of the car repair company are all so beautiful?"

This face is still very familiar, and this time Bentley will be sent to repair the car because it was conspired and attacked by someone while driving out, and it was damaged a little bit, but Dr. Zhao himself has been driving to transfer magical powers, he He was unharmed, and the assassin was killed.

It's nothing more than the various hot spots sent by many tycoons from Amei's family, and they hang up again.

Guimei stretched out her hand generously, "I came to Hong Kong Island from my sister's house to pursue my dream of being a star. I want to be an actor, but I haven't applied for it yet. I have watched a lot of car repairs by the elders in my family since I was a child. I know a little about this, so I am here temporarily. Part-time job at a car repair company."

"It is my honor to have the opportunity to deliver a car to Mr. Zhao."

Dr. Zhao shook hands.

"Ding, sign in to Tracy Bowen, and you will be rewarded with one hundred Hong Kong dollars. The host can claim it at any time."

After casually chatting with McGrady to encourage her star dream, Dr. Zhao planned to drive Bentley and leave. As for McGrady?

There are so many Kyushu Films blockbusters, and when one of them is waiting for arrangement, isn't there still a shortage of heroine candidates?It's not bad to let her be a back-up and play a few supporting roles first.

However, when he walked to the side of the Bentley and opened the door, he realized unexpectedly that this was not his Bentley!
The feeling when opening the door is completely different!

At first glance, it looks exactly the same as the Bentley before the accident, but the materials are actually different.

has a problem?
But he didn't have any abnormal sensations. He was pointed at with a rifle from a distance before, and his strong physique would have a warning response. With the ability to transfer... Even if he was armed with an Apache and aimed at him with hellfire It's a sign.

Going through all the Tracy Bowen stuff in my head again, this chick has problems too!
When McGrady saw him before, he was trying to act graceful and energetic on the surface. In fact, he still had various small emotions such as nervousness, restraint, and panic. He didn't hide it well, but Dr. Zhao thought that the other party knew about him. Instinctive nervousness, restraint, and panic after power and status.

No problem, Dr. Zhao is the owner of Kyushu Film Industry, facing an actor and starlet who has dreamed of Hong Kong Island Film Industry from his sister's house?An attitude can determine the other party's career prospects.

No matter how natural an ordinary person tries to behave in the face of a big man who can determine your destiny, it is difficult for ordinary people to be perfect.

Is it not a normal reaction to be nervous, restrained or even afraid, afraid of not performing well and leaving a bad impression, and being sentenced to death by an impression?

He felt just now that the little girl Maddy seemed to be afraid of his power and influence, afraid of offending him, but wanted to make a special show, and tried hard to make a good impression, so she had all the previous gestures.

Realizing that the car has been changed, McGrady Bowen's previous image, emotions, etc. were subverted again.

Not in a hurry to get in the car, Dr. Zhao looked at Maddie Bowen with a smile, "Shall I take you back?"

He remembered that Tiancan had just been attacked more than half an hour ago, and he was still regretting that the next attack against Tiancan should be later... After all, the FBI layout also needs to consider a lot, such as losses?

Now good fellow, is the attack on Tiancan just a cover? Is the real target of the FBI or his true self?
Maddie Bowen was stunned for a moment, then quickly smiled, "Isn't that too much trouble for Mr. Zhao? A big man like you..."

Laughing, she quickly walked to the passenger seat, opened the door and sat in.

When Dr. Zhao got into the car, this ghost girl, Maddie Bowen, took the initiative to come over and help him pull and fasten his seat belt.

During the process, because of the movement of possessing the body, Mai Di, who looks pure and white, showed some slippery scenery.

Zhao Xueyan wondered, wasn't it an attack, or a beauty trick? ?

When starting the car, he asked curiously, "Where do you live?"

Maddie Bowen smiled and said an address, in a good-grade hotel near the sea in Tsim Sha Tsui.

After a while, when we arrived at the hotel, McGrady took the initiative to invite Dr. Zhao to sit up and sit down...

It looks like a beauty trick!

If it's just like this, even though Maddie Bowen is really outstanding, not much worse than Donna Quintana, but Dr. Zhao didn't follow the habit of eating the sugar coating and returning the shells directly.

They all agreed to go to Lei Zhilan's house.

It's not the first time he has faced a beauty trick or something, and there are some things that are not urgent.

Seeing this, Maddie Bowen smiled again, "Mr. Zhao, I have something nice in the guest room. You will be interested in it."

Dr. Zhao said cheerfully, "It can't be you, can it?"

McGrady shook her head, "Of course not. Mr. Zhao must be used to such a vulgar fan like me. There are so many beauties in the Kyushu Group, and many of them are no worse than me. I have never heard of anyone Mr. Zhao has his eyes on."

"I'm talking about another kind of baby."

Dr. Zhao became even more curious, "Really? Then I can go and have a look, don't let me down."

Maddie Bowen said pleasantly, "Of course not, I guess Zhao will reward me well afterwards."

While talking and joking, Dr. Zhao got out of the car and entered the door, and entered a relatively spacious sea view suite with her, the floor is not high, the third floor.

After entering the door, McGrady Bowen quickly threw off his high heels, and walked barefoot to pour wine, "Mr. Zhao, baby, why don't you have a drink first?"

Zhao Xueyan nodded.

Wait for the other party to pour a glass of champagne and hand it over, smell it... This is not pure champagne, there is something in the wine!

Dr. Zhao was surprised. He first used drugs to attack Tian Can, and now he sent Bai Yueguang's first love girl like Maddie Bowen to use her beauty tricks to drug him?
Do you want to drink? ?

Narcotics, or poison-killing drugs?

Just about to ask Maddy Bowen honestly, Maddy walked towards a suitcase with a smile, "Mr. Zhao, the baby I'm talking about is the most advanced car stealth technology. I also know a lot about the car."

"But my family does not run a car repair shop. In fact, many of them are engineers in the field of car manufacturing. It took a lot of money to get this most advanced car invisibility data from Amei's family."

Car stealth data technology? ?Anti-radar scanning kind of stealth?That kind of technology is actually useless for car dealers.

In fact, I have not moved my honest heart until now, that is... when I was thinking about the Tiancan incident, I regretted that I didn't send Tiancan away. I went to the base camp of Amei's house to pretend to be a wave and then transformed into a devil to cut the tycoon leeks.

Half an hour later, I encountered such a calculation. Dr. Zhao thought that he could come to Hong Kong Island for a while?try?

He used to easily go to the streets to chat with beautiful girls, fishing to attract pawn gunners one by one. If he pretended to fall, it is estimated that all the pawns sent by the tycoons to the whole Hong Kong would move.

When they think they have succeeded, they are cheering wildly, and then they get up and give them a fatherly smile, which is too comical.

With the ability to transfer, the damage of Hellfire anti-tank missiles can be transferred away. Before he drank champagne, he planned to be honest, because he was afraid that it would directly poison and kill people, so as not to drink it in one gulp, and do things on the front line The people were all killed.

There are still many layers between the frontline work and the black hands behind the scenes.

The magical skill of slapping is capable of making a lot of slaps, but before going to the mainland to pretend to be an investor, Bill, who is currently suffering from frostbite, can get a magic tuxedo black technology mask to protect himself. I guess those bunker tycoons in Amei’s family must definitely There is also a hand.

The deterrent power of the slap magic skill has plummeted.

When he was thinking about it, Maddie Bowen came over with the information and said excitedly, "Mr. Zhao, this does not refer to anti-radar stealth, but like camouflage, the color of the car's appearance changes with the surrounding environment. Change to achieve invisible technology similar to the naked eye."

Dr. Zhao was in a daze, "This is completely different from anti-radar stealth. What do you want?"

These are really two concepts!

Does this world even have such technology?But in retrospect, it seems that in the 007 story, there is a supercar that can be invisible and load a lot of firepower.

It was running on ice and snow, almost perfectly invisible to the naked eye.

He even pushed a 007 Bond girl from London to work on Hong Kong Island... Then MI6 has related similar skills, which seems to be basic skills.

Maddie Bowen said pleasantly, "I want to become the world's top star, and my elders also know that Mr. Zhao is involved in a part of the auto industry. He wants to cooperate with you to establish a brand new car company. Mr. Zhao To decide everything, they only need a small part of the shares, ordinary wealthy people will do, not just ordinary scientific research experts.”

Dr. Zhao looked at the information that McGrady handed over, but couldn't understand... He is really a layman on cars.

McGrady took the initiative to take a sip of the champagne in Dr. Zhao's hand, and wanted to drink with him in another way to celebrate...

Okay, not a narcotic, not a deadly poison, what would that mean?
Dr. Zhao pushed Maddie Bowen away and watched her spit out some champagne in all kinds of panic and bewilderment, but also swallowed some.

Then the medicine started to work.

He didn't move, Maddy Bowen was beautiful, but the water was a bit deep in here, Sao did one set after another, and he watched Maddy break himself in the guest room.

Zhao Xueyan was so speechless, the new boat drove itself!
"Forget it, is this just a few automotive engineers and scientists wanting to get on board, or the FBI's tricks, just ask."

Ren has not used his honesty until now, isn't he just looking for an opportunity to see how many fish are behind him?
But Bai Yueguang's first love face acted in front of him, it was too weird.

There should be no FBI...

Just when Dr. Zhao felt that he was thinking too much, and thinking in a wrong way, he heard something, and went to bed quickly, pulling the quilt to cover him and McGrady.

Bai Yueguang cried, and whispered, "I won't play anymore, you bastards are too bullying!"

Dr. Zhao asked curiously, "You call this a game?"

Maddie Bowen cried even more mournfully, "My parents, including my aunt, and my cousins ​​were all arrested. So many people's lives were in their hands. They were caught by the FBI and the police, and then others threatened me to approach like this. You, what can I do?"

He hasn't moved his heart yet!

This is Bai Yueguang breaking the pot after she collapsed, she is not a fool, she is like that, Dr. Zhao just stood a few meters away calmly watching the show with all his clothes the beginning of this episode was exposed!
The target of the assassination knew the truth early on, and watched her drive him?This blow is really cruel.

Zhao Xueyan said unexpectedly, "I thought you were an agent."

Maddie Bowen cried even more desperately, "I study the media, and my dream is to become a great reporter. Why did you find me, just because I am beautiful? I became a puppet manipulated by you?"

Her voice is not too low, but... it doesn't hinder her, and she is not afraid of being heard by people who are approaching outside. You are reasonable, and she is using a lewd, cheap and intransferable drug. It would be strange if there is no sound after being hit.

Just don't let the outside world hear the details.

Dr. Zhao turned on the TV before, and it was playing a program. After all, she turned on herself just now, and her voice was quite loud.

Zhao Xueyan moved his honest heart, and after questioning, the girl didn't feel anything wrong, after all, she was in the moment when her mentality completely collapsed and she confessed...

Until, some misty smoke quietly appeared in the room.

Only then did Zhao Xueyan confirm that it was those guys who planned to do things while he and Bai Yueguang were sailing, or even when they were not sober, and continued to drug them.

McGrady Bowen wants to become a star, what car high-tech materials, and some engineers want to join him, all are fake.

He has never met a first-time acquaintance in his life, just such a bizarre way of meeting.

"Mattie Bowen, who reads the media, dreams of being a reporter with a sense of justice who hosts and exposes injustice in the world. Could it be the one in Blood Diamond?"

The story of blood diamonds is a civil war in a chaotic country in Africa in the 90s. All kinds of murders caused by diamonds are happening every day. McGrady went to uphold justice for his ideals. He wants to use the power of public opinion to do something for ordinary Africans and strive for peace and peace. free.

Good guy, this is a breakdown of belief and belief hammered by the tycoons ahead of time.

Although in this link, Dr. Zhao tortured her quite severely, and it was still a key link...but he didn't feel honest at the time, and he didn't know that it was a pawn being manipulated.

He thought it was a secret agent.

Although Maddie Bowen looks familiar, there are still many stories related to her. Dr. Zhao didn't read many stories before traveling.Same name in Blood Diamond?The background she described is completely different from the opposite.

In the final analysis, those who make moves are too coquettish, can't you choose voluntary ones?It would be nasty to use these completely irrelevant innocent schoolgirls.

He didn't believe that Amei's house was so big that they couldn't pick out a few useful and voluntary chess pieces.

McGrady Bowen himself was emotionally excited, but was blown by the misty smoke full of anesthesia effect, and quickly lost consciousness.

After thinking about it, Dr. Zhao decisively took her into the storage space... The storage space is anaerobic and cannot hold a living person?Isn't there an oxygen bottle!

Then he undressed and began to pretend to sleep.

After more than ten minutes, someone walked in wearing a gas mask. When he saw Zhao Xueyan, he was ecstatic, "Quickly notify the higher-ups, it's done!"

"First use Tiancan to make a surprise attack, and immediately find an opportunity to deal with Zhao himself after failing. He really lowered his vigilance..."

"Let me search first, where did he park the remote control?"

After the door was closed again, several figures contacted the outside with equipment, and some searched for...

After searching, someone asked in surprise, "Where is Tracy Bowen?"

"I don't know, but it was inconvenient for us to leave any monitoring and eavesdropping equipment before. It's hard to say whether Zhao will enter the hotel or whether he will be tricked by China and the United States. It will be bad if we are found to have those."

"Don't talk about stalking, some directions where he can observe his position, even if it is a few kilometers away, his men may notice something abnormal and call the police."


Several people discussed it, and were surprised that there was only one Dr. Zhao in the room, but they couldn't discuss it.

There are many things planned for this operation, but it is actually a matter of luck whether to act or not... No one knows how far it will go.

Do you think this is the first act?
Give me a break.

Even the vehicles that Le Huizhen, Lei Zhilan and others often ride in, with bombs on them, or ambushing people on the left and right, waiting for a surprise attack and kidnapping, have already planned n times!

None of them worked.

For example, if they install bombs, people don’t ride or drive when they go out. If they use other methods to track kidnappings, they will be stuck in traffic jams, and they will be lost in various accidents in a blink of an eye.

Trying to deal with Lei Zhilan and Le Huizhen who are so cruel, and the plan to deal with Zhao Xueyan himself?That is what makes people worry about gains and losses, so this action, although it has many layers of weird cover-ups.

No one knows how far it will go.

They just feel that the time is almost up, so they come out and try their luck.

Who would have thought it would be so smooth?

After a while, they couldn't find McGrady Bowen in the past, so they gave up. Several people looked for the remote control, but they couldn't find it...

Someone said decisively, "Do you want to kill it directly?"

The underground emperor who dominated East Asia and Southeast Asia, lying on the bed wearing only a pair of boxers, looked like he was being slaughtered by them, several people couldn't suppress their excitement.

But this proposal was immediately rejected, "You want to die, he has so many good things, who doesn't want it? Stop the remote control! Facing the armed Apache and Hellfire, who can escape the remote control, who doesn't want it? "

"What he has is the resources of longevity and rejuvenation!"

A female voice suddenly sounded excitedly, "Let me check further."

Dr. Zhao, "..."

this is not OK.

Another person refused again, "There is no time, withdraw immediately! His people may find something unusual at any time, hurry up!"

"Fortunately, on the surface of this incident, he and the beauty went back to the hotel together. We should have a certain time to arrange escape."

During the exchange, two people in the crowd carried Dr. Zhao quickly and left. No one helped him to dress, and they carried him away wrapped in life.

Sea view rooms along the coast, jump out and go directly to the sea, the boat has been waiting for a long time.

No matter how much this plan requires luck, every mission plan must have perfect means of evacuation.


My sister's house.

In a certain anti-nuclear bunker in Los Angeles, Kyle Rosen, who was wearing a thick mask, excitedly said to the left and right after receiving some news, "Drug, medicine, lower my blood pressure quickly, haha, hahaha ..."

Zhao Xueyan fell?
Controlled by their people, he took the speedboat in a coma. Kyle Rosen, who had been depressed and weeping almost every day, was so excited that he almost wanted to eat a few more bowls of rice.

As for the various routines, why is it that the person performing the beauty trick is not an elite agent, but an innocent little white?Isn't this afraid that the elite will be exposed as soon as they show up?

Dr. Zhao himself is also the combat power of a super soldier king. The vision of combat power is there. The more elite, the kind of person who has received special training and mastered various disguises, including acting skills, etc., in front of Zhao Xueyan's level of combat power. The easier it is to pass through and be suspected.

Just send an ordinary, clean and innocent person to Bala, and those who have not received special training are more likely to succeed.

You said that Maddie Bowen was threatened to act like that, and his acting skills are not good?

When ordinary people come into contact with super tycoons, it should be all kinds of conflicts, contradictions, and even funny emotional gestures. They want to seize the opportunity, but are afraid of offending the big boss. They are cautious and pretend to be calm...

Those without acting skills have flaws, and those with acting skills may not be able to grasp it just right.

If Dr. Zhao's follow-up is not stunned today, it means that one chess piece is abolished and another one will be found, or Dr. Zhao is not interested in McGrady, then the car stealth technology she sent out can be real.

(ps: After coding [-] characters, I am checking for typos. Hey, the screen is black. I haven’t seen it in a long time. I just remembered that my WPS has been turned on and automatically saved when I restarted~ It’s a relief.)
(End of this chapter)

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