Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 563 Mr. Bill's situation is still optimistic

Chapter 563 Mr. Bill's situation is still optimistic

When a TV station in Tokyo broadcast a reporter's interview, eight killers gathered in the living room of a coastal villa in the port area, making a mess of the originally clean and tidy villa. Empty wine bottles, garbage bags, and takeaway food were everywhere boxes and more.

Seeing a certain psychiatric hospital forcibly arresting someone on TV, a red-haired boy in the crowd stood up angrily, "Baga, what Suzumura said is true, there was no petrochemical transportation explosion at all last night." , that is someone carrying a machine gun and fighting the helicopter, firing at each other!"

"We are all witnesses, how dare those adults, how dare they turn black and white like this?!"

In the roar of the red-haired boy, the other blond girl was also dumbfounded, whispering with shattered views, "So Suzumura is mentally ill? This is mentally ill..."

Of course, no matter whether the red-haired young man or the blond girl, they are all of authentic Japanese descent, and they are all the second and third generations of the Helai group in the Shinbashi area of ​​Minato.

It can be said that in the original He Lai group, He Laijian was able to become a big gangster in the famous Xinqiao side. He formed a drag racing party by himself. The big organization tried to subdue him, but he kept refusing. It is thanks to him that he can continue to play. This wave is two or three generations old.

The second and third generations who have idle toothaches and have nothing to do, drag racing, pick up girls, rob and seek excitement, are currently in this villa, represented by the red-haired boy Shota Ono. Billion dollars.

Converted into Hong Kong dollars, it is also a wealthy family with assets of more than one billion. Shota Ono is the youngest son of the family. He is rebellious and arrogant. He always feels that he goes to school step by step. One of the drag racing boys.

Nana Kuraki, a blond girl, is the granddaughter of the president of a large law firm. The elders of her family are well-connected and acquainted everywhere in the judicial circle of Tokyo.

Another example is a silver-haired girl, Aya Hashimoto, whose family is not only a banker, but also a small landlord in Tokyo. After the Plaza Accord, she bought land and houses in the Tokyo circle...

When they were first frightened last night, they originally ran away in one breath, as far as they could run, and even ran away. At the most terrifying moment, they only wanted to go home to find their mother. When they were almost home, they lost their self-esteem I had an attack, and felt ashamed to be scared to go home to find my mother.

You contact one and I contact one, eight eighteen or nineteen-year-olds, who don't want to live a good life, only think about all kinds of tossing and making guys, and they gather in the Ono family villa in front of them, all kinds of drinks and food.

After drinking too much, everyone was less afraid and panicked. In the second half of the night, everyone was still discussing and discussing with excitement. Such a big event happened in Tokyo, such a perverted attack, and the citizens of Tokyo after dawn. To what extent will it be frightening?
Will someone cover up the real inside story?
Will these witnesses be the minority who grasp the truth?
Who is the real identity of that handsome guy who is riding a motorcycle and shooting a helicopter with a machine gun?Why did he dare to look cool and handsome like that?
Boys and girls in the past always felt that adults in suits and leather shoes, with traditional and solemn makeup, were outdated, old and decadent, and they decorated themselves in colorful, colorful, and gorgeous ways.

But witnessing Dr. Zhao's kind of violent man holding a six-barreled machine gun and masturbating a plane, he was really blown away. That kind of excitement has never been experienced in this life.

It turns out that in the world of adults, there are also things that can scare them to pee and collapse.

The degree of stimulation far exceeds that of drag racing and robbery countless times.

Compared with what Dr. Zhao did last night, they ride motorcycles every day, act as bag snatchers on the street, and hide from the police for a while.

So dizzy and dizzy until now, it was dawn, and I turned on the TV to watch the news. Sure enough, what shit did I see that the transport helicopter was not operating properly, and the petrochemicals exploded?
This is perfectly fooling people.


They really became the minority who grasped the truth.

But when the camera shifted to the scene where Suzumura, who revealed the truth to the camera and reporters, was forcibly sent to a mental hospital, the mentality of the second and third generation rebellious men and women burst again.

In the world of grown-ups, there are not only cruel and cruel images of the Bodhisattva of Compassion in his hand fighting the helicopter, but also black and white, distorted right and wrong to this point?
Suzumura, who was mentally ill, was a drag racing gangster like them, and he was stimulated with them last night.

During the subversion of the Three Views, a group of boys and girls were still whispering and marveling, and the sound of cars and door openings sounded outside the villa. The man glanced left and right, pinched his nose and said, "Shota, you idiot... you are here, you were also present at the petrochemical explosion near Xinqiao yesterday?"

This is Shota Ono's older brother, Masada Ono.

Shota Ono straightened up immediately, "What kind of petrochemical explosion and air crash? It is obvious that someone was shooting an armed helicopter with a machine gun..."

Ono Masuda strode forward, slapped Shota on the left side of the face, making him turn half a circle on the spot, Ono Masada slapped him again on the back of the head, and made him turn back again, Masada blushed and said coldly Said, "Petrochemical Big Bang!"

"I'll just say it once now. If you spread any rumors to the outside world, which is not conducive to uniting international friends and businessmen, the family will immediately send you to a mental hospital and stay there until you mature. Do you understand?"

Even the elder brother used to look down on his younger brother and look down on him, but it was the first time for Xiangta to meet such fierce and cold eyes, which scared him to a cleverness, and he nodded instinctively, "It was a petrochemical explosion and an air crash."

Masada Ono then took a light breath, looked to the left and right, "Nai Nai and Xiao Cai are all here too, so it's easy to handle, let's all talk together, if everyone doesn't want to be mentally ill, or something funny like you He Laijian, the team leader of He Lai, turned into a scorched corpse like that, remember last night was an air crash caused by improper transportation of petrochemicals."

A group of boys and girls, "..."

Tens of seconds later, Nana Cangmu, a girl from the judicial family, tilted her head and said, "Majesty Chang, is the handsome guy who flew the plane last night still alive?"

"You won't die in the battle, will you?"

A group of non-mainstream killers looked at Nana Cangmu one after another, what do you mean by this?
Ono Masada took a deep breath, stared at Nana Kuraki for a few seconds, and said, "Of course that person is alive, that's great, a few Apaches with Hellfire can kill him? It's too fantastic."

The Ono family is a moderately wealthy family with assets of more than one billion Hong Kong dollars. They are a member of the electrical appliance manufacturing industry. They didn't know much about it... But this time, a core member of the family was directly involved. The audience!
That's the one above, someone took the initiative to greet them, and asked them to tell the children at home not to talk nonsense, otherwise, don't blame us for not giving ourselves face.

This group of children are also from the upper class, and they are not the same as ordinary people, they are their own people.

Shamate Lingcun was able to go on live TV, tell the truth to reporters and the camera, and then was forcibly taken away by the mental hospital, which is obviously an active wolf trick.

After all, what was witnessed at the scene last night was not one or two groups of people.

Let’s say that the Apache that Dr. Zhao shot down for the first time was two kilometers away from him, and the second and third were four or five kilometers away!
How many people in the dark have already noticed that the helicopter is flying?How many people have seen the bullet rain and fiery snake tearing the night sky in the dark night?

There may be many witnesses and insiders, and it is not very convenient to come to the door one by one, so let someone who clarifies the truth come out first, and then go mentally ill.

Then whoever is talking nonsense will continue to be mentally ill.

There are many mental illnesses. People who have never witnessed the truth are normal and healthy people. Don’t believe the official explanation, but believe the nonsense of a group of mental illnesses?

That's the truth, everyone understands it.

Don't understand?See a doctor immediately, or increase the dose.

After being told something by the superiors above, knowing that it was Dr. Zhao from Hong Kong Island, Masahiro Ono couldn’t stand the power of his own complaints. If a few Apaches can kill Dr. Zhao, Mr. Zhao from Hong Kong Island?
That world-class consortium like Jumu Car, after being chased and killed by Dr. Zhao's lackeys for thousands of miles, still aggrieved and took the initiative to take the initiative to serve Dr. Zhao in beauty pageants around the world?

Those Omi ghosts are just stupid.

Mr. Zhao can overcome the suppression of the mother... Even if it is a temporary suppression instead of a permanent one, it is far from anyone's ability to handle it.

Ono Masada didn't say too much, and told a few people not to get involved in these things, pretend to be blind if you should, and pretend to be stupid if you should, mainly to tell Shota Ono, and then left.

People are gone.

The eight boys and girls were excited again.

Nana Kuraki, who was the most excited, said, "Is it all right? Listen to Maharaja Chang's tone, is that handsome guy still a super hero? I have decided that I must find an opportunity to dedicate myself to such a hero after I have raised Fatci for 18 years." .”

The boys stared blankly, while the banking girl Aya Hashimoto glanced at Nana Cangmu disdainfully, "Just you? What qualifications do you have..."

Speaking of this, Aya Hashimoto couldn't help but stand up straight. Although she only has a face in her [-]s, she is definitely tall, slender, and has a good figure.

In order to pursue excitement and novelty, this is a good girl in the banking industry who went to drag racing to play. However, compared with the scene I witnessed last night, there is also the correct way to open the new world today.

The bank girl almost felt dizzy when she recalled Dr. Zhao's handsome face.

Mu Qiang is a human nature, and the island people's Mu Qiang logical relationship...

Boys, "???"


Jumo City, Aichi Prefecture.

Jumu and He were also drinking tea when they saw their elder nephew Jumu Daxiao knock on the door and walk in, "Uncle, latest news, CIA brother Harrison Grillo is dead. It seems to be a member of the South Korean branch." The way of being killed by a nightmare ghost, a tragic death."

Ju's mother and Ye Yi's hands froze for a moment, and couldn't help but smile wryly, "Yesterday's air raid, we actually received the news a little earlier than Zhou Chaoxian. Sister's house."

"Aiming at the intelligence inside Amei's family, the CIA is earlier and more accurate than we know, which is very reasonable."

"But... but died like this?"

"Do you think Zhao will transfer his anger to us?"

Jumu Daxiao smiled wryly, "I don't know."

They did know about it earlier than Chairman Zhou, but they didn't rush to report it... In the end, it was just being convinced by Dr. Zhao once. Now that they have the opportunity to sit back and watch the battle between dragons and tigers, wouldn't it be nice to watch him from the sidelines?

After all, it was the armed Apache carrying hellfire and other explosive firepower to attack Zhao Xueyan.

What if it succeeds?

Who knew that the three Apaches would be defeated so quickly, so vulnerable...

In the silence of raising his mother's filial piety, Jumuhe also rubbed the back of his head and muttered, "Accurate news, there must be a hellfire explosion in the place where Zhao stood, and the two dead CIAs and a drag racing gangster are the best!" evidence of."

"How did he walk out of the explosion center unscathed??"

That is a Hellfire with a price of [-] knives a piece, and it is also one of the highest military masterpieces of Amei's family. Most people still have no way to buy it.

Dr. Zhao was bombed by such a terrifying weapon, and it couldn't hurt him, that's outrageous.

"I know he's good at fighting, he's good at fighting, and he has some extraordinary powers... But there's no reason why he can resist Hellfire. It's an anti-tank missile that can tear through 140 cm of armor!"

When Jumuhe was also muttering something and always felt that the logic was illogical, Jumu Daxiao tentatively asked, "Stop the remote control from time to time?"

"Even time can be stopped. As long as you stop before the explosion, escape in time and then undo the time stop again, you can evacuate without injury."

Although there were some passers-by near Dr. Zhao's battle, no one witnessed how he survived the explosion.

Without sufficiently advanced instruments and equipment, when the smoke and dust of the big explosion covered a large area, normal people could not see anything with the naked eye.For an explosion of that level, people with a radius of tens or hundreds of meters would have been dizzy and unconscious from the impact of various shock waves.

As for the two who fired the missiles?There are various instruments and equipment on Apache?Don't be kidding, their Apache was transferred by supernatural powers. It exploded with Zhao Xueyan, and the time difference was at most a millisecond.

Jumu Kazuya, "..."

This is really a reason and explanation. When the time-stop remote control is in the hands of some gangster, the outside world is far away. If you put a cold gun on you, you will hang up. With such a threat, the gangster will be killed. The tycoon takes control.

Do things for the tycoon.

But the same remote control, in the hands of different people, can indeed play a completely different role.

It is impossible for him to believe that a person can have a hardened steel Hellfire anti-tank missile. If the physical body is so strong, will you still give others a way out?It is much easier to understand when you stop the remote control.

After all, this is a black technology from Amei's family, or the remote control of the gods and demons.

Time can be suspended, which makes no sense!

What's even more unreasonable is that such a magical remote control was actually taken by a New York gangster to rob a bank, and the beautiful woman rented a house from time to time and went in to do whatever she wanted. It was too... violent.

Death deserves more than guilt!
After the little gangster failed to attack Mr. Zhao with the remote control, it would be unacceptable not to die. As long as he is a rational and ambitious person, he should spit and scold that scum!
Well, how Mr. Zhao survived and avoided the Hellfire missile can be explained by using the time-stop remote control. After the train of thought was straightened out, Ju Muhe was still under a lot of pressure, "We didn't communicate in time, in case we were implicated... "

His mother Daxiao tentatively asked, "Are you ordering a batch of Master Zhao's instant noodles, cola, mineral water, etc.? Then you are supporting a campaign fee for Kosuke Fujita, who is running for the governor of Tokyo?"

This is spending money to buy peace, and the method is a bit crude, but Ju Muhe also didn't know for a while, what else could they do to euphemistically beg to let her go.

Harrison Grillo was dead.

The position of the CIA's first brother stationed in the island country is vacant again. I heard that several first brothers died in South Korea one after another. Up to now, the positions have been pushed back and forth with each other, but they just don't want to take up the post.

How do you do things without a brother?The position is vacant first, and the following trainee agents, agents, senior agents, agent supervisors, assistant agent supervisors, agent supervisors, etc., can be sent in batches first.

Then, in the absence of major events, commanding a wave of calls across the ocean?

Jumuhe was also a little dumbfounded, "It's nothing to spend money, it's not a pity to spend a small amount of money, but what the hell, Kosuke Fujita is a Chinese, a bastard who was sentenced to life imprisonment in Stanley! We support him running for governor, and we always think it's too funny gone."

The mother-in-law shrugged helplessly, "Anyway, there is Tokyo, and we are Aichi Prefecture. Without our support, his winning rate is not small."

Jumuhe was also speechless, and my heart was so tired.

It feels like there is no passion anymore.


A few hours later, Shanghai.

Dr. Zhao walked out of the airport in a refreshed outfit, took a taxi casually, and rushed to the vicinity of the guest house where Bill Fox stayed.

This crooked guy came here to protect himself with the power of the mainland in the name of investment... Of course, Dr. Zhao wants to let him further display his glory and enthusiasm. Investors who come to the mainland of China do not mean that they cannot be messed with, they have privileges.

It's just a normal way, such as asking Trump, Situ Haonan, Dongguan Tsai and others to kidnap people?That would definitely accidentally injure officials, or accidentally injure the public, just like what a CIA man who confessed said last night.

When Bill Fox arrived in the mainland, he didn't need to apply for the government to send someone to protect him. As long as he was surrounded by deputy high-ranking officials and big shots, it was equivalent to being protected by the mainland police in a disguised form, sending a loudspeaker to do things?

Putting aside the issue of luck, Trumpet itself is actually only an ordinary elite in terms of skill and marksmanship, and this level of eliteness was improved by giving him the Huaxia magic power hanger.

Before opening that hanger, the speaker was a scum, a street gangster.

It all depends on all kinds of luck to rise up. The opponent takes the initiative to catch the bullet with his body, and passers-by help him block the gun and so on.

This can be fun in Tokyo or at Amei's house.

However, it is inappropriate for ordinary citizens and police officers in the Mainland to help you block bullets and take the initiative to catch bullets with your body!

Bill Fox himself is also a legitimate businessman with no evidence of a crime on the surface. Even though he sent someone to airstrike Dr. Zhao last night, there is no evidence.

Deportation is not easy without evidence.

But in the final analysis, Dr. Zhao wants to deal with him, there are many ways, nothing more than a trip to the mainland by himself, set a position and play slowly, and try to make him spend money happily under all kinds of torture and pain.

In the Fox family, two powerful figures, Aaron and Matt, were kidnapped, and a group of secondary figures came to power...the impact on the group is not great. When dealing with Bill, we should try to let him spend money and spend it on meaningful things. more handsome.

It only took three or four hours to fly from Tokyo to Shanghai. Dr. Zhao just put on makeup and came here with a false certificate. It’s not right. This is a real certificate officially recognized by the Tokyo Metropolitan Metropolitan Government. At this level, it’s a quiet and reckless wave. It's so easy.

Why didn't the deity come in person?Wouldn't this lower the suspicion of the outside world? If he came to Shanghai openly, he would disappear after walking around, and Bill would start to suffer from various diseases, and the outside world would doubt him to some extent.

It is estimated that many people in the outside world know that he has certain supernatural powers, but the disease transfer has not been revealed much.

Camouflage and hide.

"The last time I was asked to pretend to come to the location, it was Eiji Tsukamoto, the useless one. The big package is still very good, and it is worth having."

Arriving near a certain guest house, looking at the fast-moving modernization of the streets of Shanghai, Dr. Zhao randomly chose a high point that was four or five miles away from the certain guest house, and observed it from a distance, waiting for less than 10 minutes , saw Bill through the window.

"Ding, is it possible to activate the supernatural disease, so that the normally healthy Bill Fox will start to become sluggish forever? If activated, the host will increase 5 points of human merit."

When the system prompt sounded, Dr. Zhao was shocked, what happened?
The widow's supernatural power is that when he went to the capital last time, he met Zhu San, a small gangster who caused trouble. He was the leader of the gangster party who robbed the Huaxia and Maoxiong International trains in the Moscow operation story.

The two-way effect of the widow's disease, the positive meaning is to turn all kinds of defective pathological men into fierce fighters, fierce generals, and the reverse effect is to be forever and forever sluggish, consuming different human merits according to the specific situation.

The system prompts that Bill is normal and healthy. If he deducts a little bit or adds a little bit to make him wither forever, he will not be curious. He will add 5 points at a time...

He used to transfer terminal illnesses to Zhu Tao, Tsukamoto Eiji and others, but only a little at a time.

Dazed for a second, Dr. Zhao decisively chose to use it. 5 points of humanitarian merit are still very good, and it can make him physically hard again. Two and a half Hellfire anti-tank missiles, which cost [-] knives thing.

"Ding, do you want to transfer Hosun Abe's mid-term motor neuron disease to Bill Fox, if you continue to transfer, it will increase the host's humanitarian merit by 1 point?"

"Ding, do you want to transfer Li Wanghai's ankylosing spondylitis to Bill Fox, if you continue to transfer, it will increase the host's humanitarian merit by 1 point?"


After two more reminders, Dr. Zhao quickly transferred.

This is to go to a hospital in Tokyo at random before coming here, choose two more suitable targets, and take the disease with you.

Abe Xun is an ordinary migrant worker from the 996 island country. When the head of the family was in his 30s, he was diagnosed with ALS. His wife and daughter almost went to sea to save the family. Li Wanghai is a Chinese student...

The random ones were all people that Zhao Xueyan had never remembered, but when he met them, they were real people, so he helped him casually.

Then he should look up the information, why the normal and healthy Bill became always depressed forever, and he would get 5 points of humanitarian merit at a time, which is a bit too much.


Inside a guest house.

Drinking the hangover soup sent by the little secretary, although it tasted weird, Bill Fox drank it all in one go, and his mental state...was even worse.

"These hangover soups are really as effective as the Chinese people say? Why do I feel more tired and sleepy?"

The little secretary said seriously, "Boss, you are here as a big investor. No one should joke about this kind of thing. Maybe you are too tired? Facing the counterattack that Zhao Xueyan may bring...too nervous cause?"

Mentioning this, Bill frowned and said, "Maybe, damn it, that guy must have escaped the hellfire attack through the time-stop remote control. Such a magical treasure, the Locke family in Texas gave it to Zhao Xueyan like this. It's just stupid."

After cursing, Bill smiled and said, "I asked you to help me find a beautiful woman. How is it going? I've always been with big shots, and it's always inconvenient to do things, but you understand my taste, damn! In this step, I want to find an opportunity to spoil a few more Chinese girls to vent my anger!"

Mentioning this, the little secretary's face showed a trace of fear.

Of course she knows how the new boss, the playboy in the past, played a lot of flamboyant and flamboyant, Little Stone from the Stone family that Dr. Zhao met in Wanwan before, and Little Stone who is currently living in Green Island and getting a luxury package.

It was in Amei's college that she held a party and killed several girls, including the beloved daughter of a super rich Italian.

Just escaped to temporarily avoid the limelight.

After all, he was a super-rich Italian, and he got angry and did things, which also brought some troubles to the Stone family.

Before Bill took power, his power wasn’t that great, but he was the “eldest son” of the old boss Aaron Fox, and Matt was an illegitimate son, so Bill didn’t have much power before, but he had a lot of money. .

Bill Fox was also having a good time, all kinds of shame exploded.

It's just that there are seven or eight couples whose houses were demolished by him in Fox Bank and the financial investment industry. In the banking industry, there are still many beauties at the counters in banks.

Of course, there are also those who play dead, not just one or two, it's just that they haven't met powerful people, and if something happens, it can be easily handled with the financial resources and influence of the Fox family.

In addition, Bill is quite handsome, and he is also the powerful next heir to the Fox family. There are also many girls who have all kinds of daydreams, hoping to marry into a wealthy family one day, so most of them are willing to bear with it.

He was not as capable as Matt in the past, and he also preferred all kinds of debauchery and fun. He couldn't stand the support of other families behind his mother. Old Fox's wife was also from a big family.

After thinking about it, the little secretary still said timidly, "Boss, there is hooliganism here, you'd better restrain yourself, you won't turn a blind eye just because you are a foreign businessman..."

Bill Fox was speechless for a few seconds, and resentfully said, "I know, I understand everything, but you can help me find a few targets first, and I will pursue one first. Anyway, I am single, so pursuit is not illegal."

"As for the relationship in the future for a long time and changes, it has nothing to do with me."

The little secretary nodded again and went out to work.

It was a few hours later.

When Bill Fox woke up, he still felt something was wrong. Not only did he feel weak in his limbs, he was very sleepy and weak, and his lower back, abdomen, buttocks, including shoulders, knees, ankles and other parts also hurt!
Some places are mildly painful, while others are not normal.

After grunting a few times, Bill quickly rang the room service bell, and within a few dozen seconds, someone knocked on the door and walked in, "Mr. Bill, what service do you need?"

Big investors came to Shanghai to invest, and planned to build a color TV production factory. The initial investment was more than [-] million dollars. This is not a trivial matter in this era, and even Shanghai will pay attention to it.

I really want to keep this sum of money in Shanghai.

Bill Fox frowned and said, "I'm weak and sore. It's been like this since I had lunch. No, is there something wrong with your lunch?"

The waiter in the guest house couldn't bear this questioning, so he ran to report in shock on the spot, and then Bill Fox saw several doctors in the guest room within half an hour.

First a Chinese medicine diagnosis, and then...

He was transported to one of the most comprehensive hospitals in Shanghai, which is currently one of the most authoritative.

Lao Zhang and Lao Wang, who had dinner with Bill at noon, and several other deputy officials from different cities were the first to receive the report and rushed to the hospital to check on the situation.

Something wrong with lunch?Have a problem after eating it?No problem, none of them ate less than Bill!
After a comprehensive consultation with a group of doctors, as soon as a white coat walked up to Lao Zhang and the others, Lao Zhang worried, "Doctor, is Mr. Bill's condition caused by eating lunch?"

The white coat shook his head resolutely, "It would be a miracle if one meal resulted in these illnesses. Mr. Bill's biggest problem is ALS. Like that physicist Hawking, it has developed to a serious level. .”

"It is said that if it is discovered early and treated in time, it can still alleviate or delay the progress of the disease... His condition has already begun to muscle atrophy, swallowing, and difficulty in speaking. In addition, he is also suspected of suffering from ankylosing spondylitis, which belongs to rheumatism. aspect."

"Fortunately, although ankylosing spondylitis is troublesome, it is much easier to deal with than people with ALS. There is hope for treatment."

Ah this...

Deputy senior official Zhang and the others were all dumbfounded. Was it so serious and sudden?Bill Fox, who is not yet 30 years old, is suffering from illness?
Not only this doctor was explaining to Deputy Senior Officer Zhang and others, but also someone who could understand English was explaining to Bill's secretary and the head of the bodyguard.

The little secretary stared blankly, "Impossible, this is impossible..."

The doctor who translated looked helpless, "If you don't believe this, you can transfer to another hospital at any time. Although the situation is very difficult, it is not a serious and serious illness. There will be no danger of life in the short term."

"Mr. Hawking was diagnosed with ALS in 1963. Niu Buluo's doctor also judged that he could only live for another two years. Until now, isn't Mr. Hawking still alive and well? He is still glowing in the scientific community. It's just limited mobility."

"Based on our consultation and inference, Mr. Bill's situation is still very optimistic."

In fact, Bill Fox is still alive now... But under the halo of ALS and ankylosing spondylitis, he was temporarily ignored by doctors. After all, in some aspects of diagnosis, the patient's experience is always more intuitive and clear than the doctor's diagnosis .

(End of this chapter)

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