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Chapter 556 The citizens of London are very enthusiastic [Subscribe]

Chapter 556 The citizens of London are very enthusiastic [Subscribe]

One hundred thousand words were omitted overnight.

London ushered in a new day of warm sunshine, and Shi Jie didn't wake up from her comfortable bedroom until after ten o'clock in the morning, got out of bed and walked around, but she didn't find Dr. Zhao, so she called up the phone decisively, "Brother Yan, where are you going?" gone?"

Dr. Zhao's hearty laughter also sounded, "Go out to do some errands, talk to Feiying about the condition of the key, I left before you woke up, and left you a .[-] and some bullets , use it when you need it."

"Don't worry, if something goes wrong, I will settle it."

Go to Feiying to talk about the key to the underground base without Shi Jie. Isn't it because Miss Shi was too tired in the middle of the night last night.

As for safety...Looking at the two guys who knocked on the door suddenly last night and wanted to arrest someone, and were smashed by the falling building on the door, you can see how reliable the effect of changing the fate is.

But it's also true, if Li Jiani, Lei Zhilan, Le Huizhen and Ruan Mei hadn't spent a lot of human merit to change their lives, those girls probably wouldn't have been calm and had no accidents.

After chatting on the phone for a few minutes, Shi Jie happily hung up the phone, found the .[-] and bullets from the bedside table, and then looked at these, she sighed helplessly, this gun is not fun.

Although she was back in Hong Kong Island, she acted like a baby and begged Dr. Zhao not to change the stories of the Spider-Man series, and offered to massage and act like a baby... After pressing it a few times, something happened.

Flower up and down.

Going astray and everything happened.

One step to the distance of the stomach!

But she was very happy to be able to travel alone with Dr. Zhao this time. After all, this is a world for two people. How can there be such a good opportunity in Hong Kong Island?

Unexpectedly, I was left in the hotel because I couldn't wake up on the first day.

Logically speaking, Shi Jie's view of love is one-on-one, which is exclusive of her. The education and concepts she received in the mainland are also the same. Unstoppable Mr. Zhao is not only too attractive, but also really scary. .

Fortunately, there will be desert trips in the future, which will take a long time.

Grab the starting point and put it on her body, Miss Shi washed up and went out to eat. During the phone call, Dr. Zhao said that if she felt bored, she could visit London.

It was also the first time for Shi Jie to come to London, an international metropolis, and she was interested...but she was afraid to go out.

It's not that she just met Mr. Zhao. After being a secretary for so long, she has seen and contacted too many kinds of news. How can she not know how many disturbances Dr. Zhao will have when he is in London?
This little sister of hers is still safe in the hotel, and when Dr. Zhao comes back, let's talk about going shopping.

Or it may not be safe in the hotel!

This is indeed the case, when Shi Jie, dressed beautifully, arrived at the public restaurant on the second floor and chose a seat at random to order a meal, and just after drinking a sip of milk, she unexpectedly found a smiling young man walking towards her.

"Ma'am, I wonder if I can have the honor to invite you to come with me? To meet someone?"

When the blond young man said this, Shi Jie instinctively became vigilant, "Who are you? Don't disturb my meal, or I will call the police!"

The blond-haired young man's smile remained the same, and he crossed his hands in front of his stomach, looking very polite, but his words became colder, "I'm afraid this is out of your hands."

After saying this, Shi Jie just reached out and put his hand on the [-] in his pocket... Boom, boom!
A huge ornate chandelier fell from above the restaurant, and the blond youth was thrown to the street, almost buried.

Logically speaking, he was standing half a meter away from Shi Jie, and when such a large ornate chandelier fell, it also brought out some stones, yellow soil, etc., which should affect Miss Shi, but all fell and fell. The broken pieces perfectly avoided Shi Jie.

Shi Jie was stunned for a few seconds, and when some customers or service staff screamed, she let go of her speechlessly. It was like this yesterday, but you are still here today? ?

Does she have some unique physical ability?Just don't know?
It seems that this [-] points should not be used anymore.

There is one thing to say, she has never fired a gun, and she has never thought of shooting or killing people, but if someone wants to kidnap her, they must resist, gun... After all, she was born in the mainland, and was trained by the militia in the village and town There are many scenes.

It is not uncommon for cousins ​​or uncles in the family to be militiamen. It is common to see some firearms at home when visiting.

She herself has never been prepared for combat, and she never thought that she would deal with these things, but she is not too afraid of shooting.

The backlash of .[-] can indeed be controlled relatively quickly.

Thinking of this, Miss Shi silently picked up the breakfast before getting up, changed a table and continued eating.

As soon as she sat down, a brown-haired waitress ran over. First, God Mary yelled a few words, and then looked at Shi Jie in surprise, "Ma'am, aren't you afraid?"

"The big chandelier fell and killed people right in front of your eyes... Can you still eat so calmly? Continue to eat?"

Shi Jie is also quite fascinated, logically speaking, she should be afraid?According to normal logic, she hasn't finished her freshman year yet, but what?Following Mr. Zhao, the first day of work was to go to a certain villa in Tokyo and see that there was a big pit in the villa... There were still people in the pit.

The police came and took the initiative to ask if they would help Mr. Zhao to bury those uninvited guests who broke into the private house at night?
The longer I followed Mr. Zhao, Situ Haonan, Laba, and even Dongguan Tsai all kinds of carnivals in cities, hanging street lights and so on. Didn’t all the news be reported to the secretariat first? If there is a need, Dr. Zhao asked Did they sort out the answers? ?
Even listening in and witnessing it with your own eyes should be two different things...

But at the moment it still does not prevent her from eating.

After giving the waitress a strange look, she waved her hand to indicate that she was fine.

While eating, another person came and walked directly in front of Shi Jie, but before anyone could say anything, Shi Jie stood up with a smile, "Eliza?"

The one who came was Eliza Twain, who had a relationship and business with Mr. Zhao. She also knew that yesterday's passenger plane was not attacked by a surprise attack, and it was escorted by fighter jets.

This is a partner.

Eliza Twain didn't come here alone, and there were two female attendants, one was a bodyguard and the other was a lawyer, "Shi, Zhao said that you are alone in the hotel, if you want to go shopping and you are not familiar with the environment, let me find you." Personally act as a tour guide."

"Anyway, I'm fine. After you have eaten, where do you want to go, let's go together?"

Only then did Shi Jie happily say, "Thank you so much..."

Dr. Zhao was not around, so she was afraid to go out, but she met the kidnapper again in the hotel, which thoroughly proved that as long as this is London and nowhere is safe, then it doesn't matter to go out for a stroll.

With Eliza Twain by her side, there is still some hope for safety. This is one of the heirs to a super consortium of various industrial manufacturers and supermarket chains in Niuluo's native land.


In the VIP ward of a luxury hospital in London, the face was obviously deformed and severely deformed, more than one tooth was almost lost, and the eye sockets were also a little swollen. If the medical treatment could not keep up and the rescue was timely, it is estimated that the eyes would be knocked out.

At this moment, the tycoon Ralph Chatwin is blindfolded and can only communicate with the outside world through his ears and mouth.

Angrily, he broke several waves of supplies, and Raff let someone put the big brother to his mouth and roared, "Kill that model for me... No, don't kill it completely, when I get out of the hospital, I want to play it completely!" kill him!"

"And those two useless bodyguards, destroy them together!"

"Three Aufu Bikes..."


All kinds of yelling and cursing, until the movement was too big and the injury was affected, and the painful Ralph called the doctor, who rushed to help him stabilize the situation again.

A cough sounded outside the door of the ward, and Raff asked suspiciously, "Who? Jonathan?"

A white-haired old man stepped into the door, looking up, down, left, and right. He didn't want to laugh, but he couldn't help it in the end, and said with a smile, "Old man, it seems that you are fine, so I can rest assured."

Jonathan Ross is also a tycoon who is as greedy as Dr. Zhao for the rejuvenation resources and immortality resources mastered by Dr. Zhao. He is also a good friend with Mr. Raff. They have known each other for almost a lifetime, but he did not know what Dr. Zhao came to London yesterday. .

He wants to do so many things, and his strength background is not bad. Isn't it good to stand on the shore and watch for a while?
He is just a bystander who is greedy and suppresses his thoughts.

After Zhao Xueyan arrived, he knew all about the chaos at the airport, and even a certain plane crashed into the Atlantic and sank in the Atlantic Ocean... He knew it all.

Didn't feel too surprised.

But the old buddy Ralph Chatwin, this is hidden in the deepest place, and the big boss level at the end will become so embarrassing, which is too funny and a little timid!

Hearing Jonathan's laughing words, Raff berated a group of irrelevant people to leave with a dark face, and then said with a dark face, "I have been lying down for most of the time since last night to be rescued, how far things have developed outside?" ?”

Jonathan shrugged and said, "Yesterday, just near the airport, more than a dozen groups of people were dealt with. The situation is the same as yours. They were all slapped in the face for no reason, or slapped in the face of others... Basically, it was destroyed by internal strife."

"As far as I know, there are still a few rich people who are one or two chips behind us, who have been hospitalized like you for some reason!"

"The Atlantic may have sunk more than one warplane..."

"Although Zhao Xueyan is about to arrive in London, those fighter planes are still over the Atlantic Ocean and have not entered our airspace. It seems too late, but isn't Zhao going to fly away from London to go to North Africa? There are plenty of opportunities to arrange a group of fighter planes nearby. "

"Unfortunately, there are no successful ones."

"It was all aimed at Zhao, and it collapsed like this. Could it be that this person has mastered some magical magic like Adeline Bowman? Or is it an oriental fairy art?"

When Zhou Chaoxian was activated by Dr. Zhao in the island country, there was a series of assassins, and the main messenger behind them was slapped in the face, making a mess, and there were several waves of beaten people, all of whom were robbed by scientists and ran to do research up.

Yesterday... the same people who were slapped in the face were transported to do research.

However, at the level of Ralph Chatwin, there are several members of national name in the family, and he is also the head of a multinational media group, so it is impossible for him to conduct research easily.

Just stand on the shore and watch.

And this time, there seems to be quite a few accidents. A large group of people have accidents at a certain time, and everyone is not a fool. It is guessed that Zhao Xueyan made the move... It is also similar to the mind control magic method that Adeline Bowman once showed. It's normal.

At most, the types of magic are different!

Considering Dr. Zhao's background and ethnicity, if it's not Western magic, then it's Eastern cultivating immortals?

Under Jonathan's words, Ralph Chatwin pouted again, and then said angrily, "It's outrageous, that guy's hole card is a bit unexpected, but after thinking about it seriously, it doesn't seem to be worth the surprise."

"He can handle so many messy things, no matter evil spirits, undead corpses, or witches. It's not surprising that he can handle some Taoism or magic, but this method is really too bad!!"

"I still can't understand how he cast it on me!"

"When I was beaten, shouldn't he still be in the sky? It's still hundreds of kilometers away from London..."

Yeah, what year is this?Some information is not difficult to find if you are willing to spend money to inquire deeply. Starting from the island nation's magic road drug lord Xixie, Dr. Zhao has dealt with many inhumans.

The witch Anna and the magical remote control incident are not secrets either.

I heard that the witch Anna ran back to Los Angeles to get Kyle Rosen, who was at the same level as them, and also showed another super magical ability. Someone shot her with a machine gun. man with a gun.

Anna is fine, everyone who shot and surrounded her is dead!

Such Anna can be settled by Zhao Xueyan, what will he order, how normal and reasonable?
But the operation of slapping is quite frustrating!
It is impossible to prevent.

After complaining a few words, Ralph Chatwin said, "Where is Zhao's woman? Has anyone tried to kidnap her and threaten Zhao?"

Jonathan Rose was also speechless when he heard this, "Yes, there was a wave in a hotel last night. As soon as the door opened, the elites who did it were injured by building debris falling from the hotel. Up to now, one is dead and the other is still alive." Rescue in ICU."

"Not long ago, someone went to the second hotel where Zhao stayed and tried to kidnap her again, but was crushed to death by a large chandelier falling from the ceiling."

"Her level of wickedness is a bit similar to Li Jiacheng's. If she wants to harm her, she will be dealt with by various accidents. However, if she shows kindness to others, she is not as lethal as Li Jiacheng."

Ralph Chatwin was dumbfounded, "What's so weird? It's so difficult to deal with a woman?"

Everyone knows Li Jiacheng's power and brilliant achievements. After all, Ah Cheng lives on Hong Kong Island, where MI6 emerges endlessly, and his intelligence is absolutely top-notch.

After complaining, Raff looked up at Jonathan. Although he couldn't see it, he was used to it, "I only failed twice, can I try more?"

Jonathan shrugged and said, "There are some troubles. Now she is with Eliza of Tang En's family."

Raff was speechless.

Taking action against Shi Jie is different from directly dealing with Dr. Zhao. Shi Jie's greatest value is her. She can only threaten Zhao if she is alive.

It would be inconvenient for her to make a move with Eliza Twain, since it would be against the Twain family.

what is this?He plotted against Zhao Xueyan by himself, but got nothing, but was taught a lesson and passively experienced plastic surgery? ?
"Continue, even if it is not convenient to attack Shi for the time being, you must continue to try to deal with Zhao!"

As for whether he will get a merciless slap in the face again?He has already been hospitalized, and when it's a big deal, drive everyone away and stay alone.


In a restaurant on the streets of London.

Dr. Zhao looked at Flying Eagle Jack Chen and desert expert Ada on the opposite side, and said with a smile, "Jack, I want to see that key, is it convenient?"

He only made an appointment with Feiying, and Ada came with him.

Jack Chen nodded readily and was about to take the key from his bag, when Ada suddenly said, "Jack, isn't this appropriate? This key was entrusted to you by the earl of the United Nations..."

Jack Chen took a glance at her, "We men talk, women don't interrupt."

After the reprimand, Jack gave the key to Dr. Zhao with a smile, "We originally planned to leave tomorrow. If Mr. Zhao comes a day or two later, he won't be able to find me. Morocco is sparsely populated, and sometimes I ran for days without seeing anyone."

As soon as Dr. Zhao got the key, he found that the desert expert Ada had been staring at the key in his hand, as if afraid that Dr. Zhao would snatch it away or not return it...

Zhao Xueyan shook his head with a broken smile, "Why are you more nervous than Feiying?"

Ada didn't speak, just stared.

Zhao Xueyan was too lazy to talk to her, "Morocco?"

At the beginning, he didn't know where the base under the desert was. What Feiying said... He recalled that while these guys were driving all the way, they also met brown bears, and some brown bears robbed them of their food. scene.

North Africa...brown bears? !

In the time period before he traveled, the scientific community had already concluded that the Atlas brown bear, which had lived in Morocco and the Atlas Mountains in North Africa for an unknown number of years, had been hunted to extinction before 1875.

Before 1875, not 1975!

Putting aside some messy thoughts in my mind, it's easy to know the location. As for the key...does he need to grab it?The ever-changing windbreaker in my hand had once been turned into a fake parchment offering reward order, with the same text and the signature of the general, and it was replaced by the real parchment to the CIA.

The CIA can't tell the truth from the fake.

Change the ever-changing windbreaker and disguise it as the exact same key, what a joke.

He felt a little bit emotional, the Variety Windbreaker is really not something that can only be used to wear, when it is suitable, it can do anything.

As for a key, is it completely out of the concept of clothing?No, something smaller than a key, covering a key point of the upper body, there are similar clothes.

It depends on how you understand it.

After playing with the key for a while, it was almost synchronous. The changeable windbreaker in the portable space became exactly the same shape, and the key part that should be insulated was also insulated. As for the password... 698!

A good memory is still very convenient.

Smiling and handing the key to Feiying, Dr. Zhao raised his teacup, "It's ok, when you are on the road, be careful on the road."

Feiying nodded resolutely, "Thank you Mr. Zhao for your concern, I will."

While talking, Dr. Zhao suddenly raised his head and saw a few malicious people coming from the entrance of the restaurant. The ones who came in were only the first ones, and there were more people behind.

In a short time, more than a dozen tall and refined black and white strong men walked into the restaurant,...

Whose trouble is it?

Well, after a few glances, Dr. Zhao found that this group of people came for Flying Eagle Jack Chen. Without his reminding, Jack also found out that something was wrong. He grabbed Ada's arm and wanted to hide. He also reminded Dr. Zhao to be careful. .

Ada slammed Jack's hand away, "What are you doing? Eat my tofu?"

Flying Eagle was speechless, and the two leading men had already rushed to attack, one punched and the other jumped up and raised their legs. However, this is a restaurant, and there are many dining tables, furniture and other things.

Even though Feiying's fighting movements were not so fierce and gorgeous, he still relied on various furniture and objects to fight with a group of attackers. It was in full swing, and it also disturbed many guests to run away. Dr. Zhao watched with a smile.

Until, the group of attackers realized that Feiying could not be dealt with in a short time, so they quickly dispatched several people to deal with Dr. Zhao.

As for Ada?In fact, after saying the sentence of eating tofu, although Jack was depressed, he still took Ada along with him in the middle of the fight.

Seeing the three attackers, Dr. Zhao smiled decisively, "Don't look for me, you are looking for me to die too quickly..."

A black man grinned and jumped into the air, bang~
The moment he jumped up, his head disappeared and exploded, with red, white, and black splashes. In such a situation, he and a group of people surrounded the flying eagle, kicked and punched, and moved between various furniture and things. Not a level.

The other two white men who were rushing towards them were also dumbfounded... they foolishly followed the momentum and continued to rush towards Dr. Zhao.

Then there were two more bang bang shots, one was hit on the left chest, and the shoulder including the left chest exploded directly, and the other was hit on the thigh, which also lost a large part.

Dr. Zhao briskly avoided all the filth, and took advantage of the opportunity to carry Barrett out of the portable space. He also stood in the living room and fired several shots in a certain direction!

These three people really didn't kill him, they died from the bullets that attacked Dr. Zhao's body during the sprint.

Since they all play heavy firepower, he has a lot of space.

When the sniper on the roof of a building a few hundred meters away was smashed into scum by several consecutive shots, and even the fence of the roof was blown up, Zhao Xueyan said to a group of guys who turned into sculptures in the restaurant, "It's okay, just a little accident. You hit yours."


Watching Jack Chen, the flying eagle, drag Ada, who is lagging behind, and fighting with a group of people is very lively, it tastes like watching a comedy action movie.

But under his words, not to mention that Feiying was a little speechless, the expressions of the group of attackers became funny, and whoever shouted to evacuate, a group of people fled out.

Dr. Zhao leisurely walked out together and walked to the door. As soon as Feiying came over to say something, Zhao Xueyan raised his gun and shot...

Still a few hundred meters away, a window on the middle floor of a building burst directly.

Just like a bomb exploded, it caused a lot of storms.

That's when Dr. Zhao discovered with his naked eyes that someone was planning to shoot at this place with a javelin. If he found out, he would shoot back. The heavy sniper bullets exploded the javelin's rockets, triggering a frenzy of explosions.

Hurt each other, anyway, big bulls don't fall on the streets of London, and Dr. Zhao's gun shooting is not in vain.

Flying Eagle, "..."

Ada was so frightened that he couldn't stand still, clutching Feiying's arm and sitting on the ground, his hands slid down to hug Feiying's calf.


On the street tens of meters away, two uniformed policemen had just yelled something, and stood there stupidly without finishing a single word, a little at a loss.

Flying Eagle and a group of attackers had a lively fight. The restaurant diners and relevant personnel had already rushed out to call the police. These two uniformed policemen were ordered to come here, and then... Watching Dr. Zhao play the explosion with a Barrett heavy sniper ?

Looking at myself, there are no guns, only uniforms. The two uniformed policemen really don't know how to continue.

Dr. Zhao glanced at the policeman with a smile, raised the muzzle of his gun again, and fired with a bang. A passerby who had just pulled out his gun was directly smashed to pieces dozens of meters away.

Barrett is used to fight armored vehicles, small fortresses, and anti-materiel weapons. If a high-speed vehicle is shot, it will be broken down directly. Normal people wearing clothes are separated by dozens of meters. Play, it's wonderful.

The two policemen knelt down on the spot.

Dr. Zhao looked up again, and unexpectedly found that there was an idler on the other side of the road, taking pictures with a camera.

This one is a click of Dr. Zhao holding a gun, and the next click is aimed at two kneeling policemen, who are still very excited.

Dr. Zhao raised Barrett decisively and aimed at him, "Are you coming here by yourself, or shall I help you?"


When the photographer turned into a sand sculpture, Dr. Zhao shook the muzzle of the gun again, and the other party resigned to his fate and walked to the road. Dr. Zhao also shouted to the two policemen, "You two also come here."

After a while, when the three of them got together, Zhao Xueyan grabbed the other party's camera and threw it on the ground, "I'm holding a Barrett, and the two policemen don't have guns. How do you expect them to fight me? If you don't help, just take pictures." Take the posture of the other party kneeling."

"Are you trying to hype up the scandal of the London police?"

"Is that appropriate?"

"How much impact will this have on the two sirs?"

Under Zhao Xueyan's lecture-like reprimand, the two sirs were less panicked, and looked at the photographer with murderous eyes.

The photographer weakly raised his hand and laughed, "I'm a BBC reporter..."

Dr. Zhao raised his hand and slapped him, "What's so great about the BBC? Do you like to play with scenes from the underworld so much?"

A certain reporter bared his teeth after being beaten, and endured the pain. Zhao Xueyan suddenly raised his gun and fired a shot at a window sill more than 200 meters away. They all exploded.

Along with some of the concrete that fell was a machine gun that had been smashed into pieces.

He said excitedly, "London citizens are very enthusiastic~"

This feeling?Although it is said that a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, it is quite healthy for a man to shoot occasionally. It is not that he does not have a little blood gene.

Besides, I'm all on the hang, and the transfer of supernatural powers can naturally transfer most of the damage, maybe more than 12%... There are still [-] times the physical strength, so I don't fear much damage at all, so carry a heavy sniper on the street Fighting waves is no longer a passionate romance.

Cool is just one word.

In fact, the streets in this area have been in chaos since the crowd in the restaurant ran out to call the police. Many people spontaneously evaded far away.

Now, apart from the entrance of the restaurant, there is basically no one within a hundred meters or so.

Until, Zhao Xueyan saw three cars rushing out from the rear of the car, and before the people in the car could set up their guns, he lifted Barrett up and bang bang~
Several shots in a row, although several people were killed, but the car did not suffer much damage?Most of the glass burst, and the car body was partially deformed...

"A bulletproof car!"

Dr. Zhao decisively took a wave of armor-piercing incendiary bombs, which are special bullets that can penetrate 100mm thick steel plates within a range of 20 meters. Of course, these are not produced by the system, but ordinary spares stored in the portable space.

Another string of bang bang bang.

The three bulletproof vehicles, including people, were scrapped directly on the road.

When he looked at the street again, looking for a new target, the two uniformed policemen, the BBC reporter, had already slumped on the ground like Ada, silent, trembling, and sweating wildly.

Flying Eagle is much better, he just stands there like an innocent child.

After dozens of seconds, no new target was found, so Feiying wondered, "Mr. Zhao, if you shoot directly like this...will there be other troubles? Even if the enemy is eliminated, the official..."

Flying Eagle Jack Chen has been thinking about where did this Barrett Heavy Sniper caught by Mr. Zhao come from?This is a big guy with a length of 1.5 meters and a weight of nearly 30 catties?Mr. Zhao takes this with him when he goes out?

Dr. Zhao smiled brightly, "It's okay, no one should come to arrest me."

Dongguan boy did so many magical things, and the officials didn't charge him with any crimes... Directly dumped on Zhao Xueyan?Who will catch him?
Even if the government didn't do anything and didn't send anyone to arrest him, wouldn't it be that all kinds of bullying tycoons and Amei's tycoons sent elites to do things?As long as the officials are not stupid, they know that it is the most correct choice for them to watch others fight.

This is indeed the case, as soon as he finished speaking, the communicators of the two uniformed policemen rang, and Dr. Zhao said easily, you answer...

After a while, a certain military uniform stood up with a complicated expression on his face, "Since nothing happened here, then we will withdraw!"

The first brother of the London police called himself and instructed him to withdraw as soon as he saw nothing!
Someone shoots, a shootout?What are you kidding, who said that?What about the evidence?
Soon, a BBC reporter heard the call of the BB machine, and Dr. Zhao motioned him to go to the restaurant to make a call.

The reporter also came out quickly after being busy, bowed down and apologized in various ways, deeply realized his mistake, and waited for Dr. Zhao to say that he could leave, as long as the camera stayed.

A certain reporter ran away with a bloody expression, and more policemen came. After blocking the block, Dr. Zhao casually took Barrett and got into a car on the side of the road. This is the hotel car used when going out. .

When he drove away, Ada, who was sitting on the ground, got up in a daze, "Is it fake? Am I dreaming?"

Having said that, Ada glanced at a certain person who was shattered tens of meters away, and screamed on the spot.

Feiying took off his coat decisively, "Hurry up and put it on, your pee is almost dry~"

Jack Chen didn't know much about Dr. Zhao, except that Cheng Le'er, the goddess of his dream, paid him out of his own pocket and bought the sword of the Holy Spirit and gave it to Mr. Zhao. He asked about the situation in Hong Kong...

It's magical, it's hard to describe in words.

It's not that he hasn't paid attention to London's Dongguan Aberdeen's record. After all, he is still very interested in London. The first two weapons of God have made him rich.

The big rich customers are here.

But the first time he met Dr. Zhao and witnessed Mr. Zhao's demeanor, Jack Chen was a little overwhelmed.

(End of this chapter)

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