Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 539 It's very high, I want to educate Mr. Zhao

Chapter 539 It's very tall, I want to educate Mr. Zhao

After calling for a buyout by Ben Harris, the new president and shareholder of PepsiCo Asia, and Han Chenghou, the future investment president of Hyundai Group, Dr. Zhao called his name, "Director Robin, you are a top Hollywood director, tell me the truth, If this version of Spider-Man is screened at Amei's house, what will be the result?"

All of a sudden, Michael Mayer, who was sitting next to Robin, was also excited, and looked at the director excitedly, while Robin stood up humbly, "Mr. Zhao, in fact, this version of Spider-Man is really outstanding, excellent, the only question……"

"It wasn't a white person from Amei's family as the protagonist, nor did it happen in Amei's family. This is the biggest problem."

"Hollywood's theme is to promote to the world that each of the superhero protagonists, the saviors, has the status and ability to save and dominate the world, or the protagonist of the film is obsessed with his dreams and does not give up any opportunities to achieve his goals."

"That will reflect the values ​​of personal struggle, pursuit of freedom and equality, and the realization of self-worth by relying on one's own strength. Simply put, that is, as long as you work hard enough, you can achieve success and fulfill your sister's dream."

"This is the core value of Hollywood. Amei's dream leads and saves the world. Then in the film, the Statue of Liberty, the Stars and Stripes, the bustling streets of Manhattan, show the most prosperous and beautiful side of Amei's family, and arouse the audience's yearning for Amei's home. .”

"So...this version of Spider-Man is filmed at Amei's house, with a Hollywood white guy as the protagonist. It is the most complete, gorgeous Ami dream, superhero movie, but this is a Chinese protagonist. It is a modern and prosperous street scene. , social form, all Hong Kong Island..."

"So fundamentally, this is smashing the roots of Hollywood, the propaganda department, and the image of Amei's family."


Just like in the story of Huaxia’s partner, a teacher from Peking University preached on the podium, various discrimination problems in Amei’s family, black people’s laziness and zero-yuan shopping, etc.

Meng Xiaojun listened and took off his glasses and got up, with a look of displeasure and aggrieved, "Teacher, have you ever been to Amei's house? You read Amei's house from the book, right?"

"The so-called Amei's dream is that before the dream, everyone has equal opportunities. Only Amei's family in the world can achieve this."

The teacher said calmly, young man, you are still too young and naive.

Meng Xiaojun said confidently, "Teacher, I will definitely go to Amei's house, and I will prove it myself!"

Then Lao Meng grabbed the textbook and left the class, abandoning the class openly. At first glance, he seemed to be a resistance fighter who couldn't stand the deception and fooling of the old pedant, and abandoned class for freedom and dreams.

And then...Meng Xiaojun is a top student at Peking University. He went to Amei's laboratory to feed mice. This is already the highest job among most Chinese overseas students. When he is expelled from the laboratory, he will go to Amei people on the street and high school graduates compete for waiters, and they have to pay for a tip for a wave, and they are exploited for a wave.

The biggest problem here is just that.

Lao Meng refuted the discrimination and unfair sister-in-law society that the teacher said, all from books and hearsay, so in his ideal, only sister-in-law can realize it in the world, and everyone has equal opportunities in front of the ideal. Where did you know?

Of course it's Amei's cultural propaganda offensive!
As a first-class director, Robin Ruffalo is the one who knows the inside story of this aspect best. Spider-Man, or the script of Forrest Gump in his hand, is the most textbook and classic publicity case and tool .

What?You said that when Meng Xiaojun refuted the teacher, Spider-Man had not yet been released... At that time, there were Spider-Man comics and Superman movies that swept the world, and in the 70s, they won 3 million dollars at the box office.

Superman and Spider-Man have the same story core, one is a Kryptonian hero, and the other is a local earth boy who is a counterattack.This is the value of Amei leading the world, defeating all kinds of villains, and saving the world.

There are also many other stories similar to "Forrest Gump", which represent Amei's family and everyone is equal before opportunities.

Meng Xiaojun was the one who was fooled and limped by Ameimeng.

And Meng Xiaojun, is one of the representatives of countless fools and fools in the mainland in the 80s.

Robin Ruffalo pointed to the core in his speech this time. This kind of Spider-Man is very good and beautiful, but if he wants to show it in Amei’s house, he is digging the roots of Amei’s dream, and wants to bring Hong Kong society To be the center of freedom and the flag of the world like my sister...

This is very difficult.

This is not simply a matter of whether the movie is good-looking or whether the audience will like it. You compete and confront A-mei culturally, digging out the roots of each other... Then don’t blame us for all kinds of extra-discriminatory tricks.

Why do you think it is so easy for Amei to appear in the military category and help a film company produce it?It's not about cooperating with promoting one's own strength.

Hollywood satirizes them in various ways, calling it freedom, try another outsider to satirize them?

This principle is common all over the world, the door of the family is closed, the rebellious kid satirizes the stubborn elders, I just laughed it off to express generosity, outsiders ridicule, see if I am not big enough to kill you.

"Mr. Zhao, this version of Spider-Man may be released smoothly, but no matter how many theaters and channel distributors we have contacted now, there may be accidents later."

Accompanied by Robin's words, the second-tier star Bob Rayner beside him nodded again and again and listened sincerely, but Michael Mayer's face changed drastically, and he changed wildly. Did he speak so profoundly?Still so sincere?
Zhao Xueyan also nodded, "You are right, I will pay attention to this matter."

The next moment, Dr. Zhao scanned the audience and quickly found Huadian, "Edward, didn't you contact me earlier and say that Dilumbia's distribution team will help me arrange a 2000 yuan movie screen for me to show on Amei?"

Edward Hawke, President of Coca-Cola Asia, stood up immediately, "Yes, Mr. Zhao, I have signed a contract with the vice president of Dilumbia before, and it will definitely work according to the contract."

"By the way, this is Mr. Jason Mortensen, President of Niubuluo AUE Cinemas. Jason also expressed his willingness to contribute to Mr. Zhao's career, and strive to make Spider-Man the biggest joint in Niubuluo. scale."

After explaining, Jason Mortensen also got up, smiled politely to the left and right, and raised his voice, "Mr. Zhao, our AUE has more than 500 theaters in Quanniubuluo, with a total of more than 3000 movie screens. It can start at 1000 yuan."

Don't underestimate this number. China has a population of more than one billion. In 2013, there were only 3800 movie theaters. Just this can make a certain comedy film earn more than one billion at the box office. And the 2013+ in 3800 is the total number of theaters ?
Niubuluo in 1987 had a scale of more than 500 theaters, which was huge, and Niubuluo only had tens of millions of people.

Zhao Xueyan smiled brighter, "Then thank you Mr. Jason."

He didn't invite Edward Hawke, it was an accident to find him, and it was even more a small surprise when he heard Jason's words.

Jason Mortensen hurriedly waved his hands with a flattering smile, "Where, where, this is what I should do. It is my honor to be able to work for Mr. Zhao."

Seeing Jason's humble appearance, most of the people in the auditorium took it for granted and agreed.

As for the big star Michael Mayer, the funny smile on his face was even more prominent. After all, this is a movie theater tycoon who never fails!

What is Cinema Tycoon?Just look at how many stars in Hong Kong Island look like in front of theater tycoons Shao and Jiahe Zou... Even Longwei's film, if it is filmed, can it continue to be popular without the support of theater tycoons?
Similarly, in Hollywood, a second-tier star facing one of the eight big brothers like Columbia, a production and distribution giant, is also a younger brother, a small role.

Saif Rajput from Mumbai also had his mind frozen, and he didn't know how to react. He said publicly before that if Spider-Man was interspersed with several large sections of singing and dancing, and then translated into four versions to introduce White Elephant, Maybe it can get tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars at the box office.

The words of the president of Pepsi Asia and a certain president of South Korea's Hyundai Group had already shocked him and bewildered him.

The two who popped out again...

Let's not talk about Edward Hawke, he doesn't know the identity of the other party, he only knows that he has negotiated with one of the top eight in Hollywood, and Jason Mortensen, that is a local theater tycoon!
There is one thing to say, Baixiang's film and television industry is amazing and miraculous. Hollywood strategy has been difficult to achieve too brilliant achievements and achievements for decades, but in Baixiang, anti-ox movies are definitely one of the mainstream films in the market. .

Who am I and where am I?
This Hong Kong Island movie...isn't it amazing, especially the things behind the movie, it seems to be more amazing than a poor boy in the movie who gets mutated and becomes Spider-Man.


a few days later.

Dr. Zhao was working on the top floor of Kyushu Building when he heard Ruan Mei's report that it was Edward Hawke's visit.

In the past few days, Spider-Man 1 has already begun preparations for various co-screening measures. The promotional offensive is in full swing in Hong Kong, Macau, and South Korea, as well as in island countries.

The same goes for the Filipino maid country, Malaysia, etc.

Naturally there is Jason Mortensen, a tycoon in London, planning everything.

Edward... is still in charge of Amei's family's release strategy.

After drinking a sip of tea, he signaled for Edward to come in. Two minutes later, Edward Hawke stepped into the office wiping away his cold sweat. He first bowed with embarrassment, and then he said, "Mr. Zhao, there is bad news."

Dr. Zhao was very calm, "Bad news about Spider-Man's release? Did Dilumbia release it back?"

Didn't this guy say he signed a contract last time?If I repent, can I sue according to the contract?
Edward Hawke smiled wryly and said, "It's not just Dilumbia who regrets it, but more importantly, Spider-Man is classified as USA: M/X/P level, which is divided by the Amei Film Association, which is troublesome .”

"Even if we sue according to the contract, the Colombian side can shirk it to the Film Association and say that there is no force majeure."

"Then it doesn't make much sense to continue the lawsuit."

On the day of the test screening of Spider-Man, the great director Robin Ruffalo made such a clear judgment, clearly stating that the Hong Kong version of Spider-Man is to rewrite the dream of sisters that Hollywood has been promoting all over the world into a Hong Kong Island dream.

This core is to grab the signboard of "Free World Democracy and Beautiful Banner".

No matter how funny Amei’s seed oil dishes are, in the era of Internet big data in the future, countless people will find it funny when they know more about it, but you can’t deny that in this era, Amei’s propaganda is still very effective.

Meng Xiaojun and Cheng Dongqing are the best representatives.

If Spider-Man and him grab this flag, there will be accidents.

Dr. Zhao is also aware of this, and has been waiting, but he still did not expect that he would get such a result, "USA: M/X/P? Movies that are not allowed to be screened in big theaters??"

Looking at the movie rating system of Amei’s family, the first is G, which means that anyone can watch it, but the ones that can be classified as G are basically cartoons... such as The Lion King.

The second is the PG rating, which stands for tutoring. Some content in the movie may not be suitable for children to watch, such as Garfield, Cats and Dogs, Kung Fu Panda and so on.

In addition to the above two, the PG-13 level is the most popular and the most concerned level, and it is also a tutoring level. It is recommended for children after the age of 13 to watch it.

The PG-13 level is the core level for all kinds of Hollywood blockbusters that have swept the world and achieved all kinds of explosive box office. In the original trajectory, Amei's version of Spider-Man is this level.

Then there's the R rating, which is recommended for ages 17 and up. NC-17 rating, prohibited to watch under 17 years old, theoretically speaking NC-17 is already a movie, the worst rating, such as [Lust Caution].

However, Dr. Zhao still did not expect that the majestic Hong Kong version of Spider-Man, which is more effective in special effects, action fighting and other aspects than the version after the millennium, would be classified in the most bizarre level. It is allowed to be screened in big theaters! !

You said this level, is there any precedent?Really!

The last Chinese film to be included in this category was the first collaboration between Bruce Lee and Golden Harvest, filming Big Brother Tangshan, the pioneering work that broke the box office record of Hong Kong Island movies in the early 70s.

There's nothing wrong with it...Bruce Lee set off an action movie trend with Big Brother Tangshan, creating the beginning of his world Kung Fu superstar, and then landed at Amei's house, which is the real Amei Film Association's decision that it is not allowed to be shown in large theaters!
Recalling this, Zhao Xueyan was very angry, and took a sip of tea before he said, "You have done a lot for this matter, and it turned out to be the result. With such a rating, Di Lunbia also broke the contract... Did you change your job then?"

With these words, Edward Hawke said with a sneer, "This... I was fired by the Coke Group."

After all, like Walter Davis, the former president of PepsiCo Asia, he is not a shareholder but a professional manager.

Speaking of this, Edward explained, "The last time I could talk about the guy in Colombia, I sold the Coke shares I owned to him at [-]% off the market price in private. Those shares are far from being a shareholder. , but also a sum of money.”

He is the former Asia president of Coke, but not the boss of the headquarters. He has limited influence on the one who is in charge of Dilumbia under Coke. How can he persuade the other party to release Spider-Man?Of course it is profit.

Zhao Xueyan knocked on the table with a smile, "It's okay, you can come to Master Zhao to work, and together with Walter, contribute to how our Tianfu and Laoshan compete with Coke and Pepsi in Asia. As long as you do well, I will not treat you badly." , at least the treatment and salary will not be worse than before."

Edward Hawke was ecstatic, "Thank you Mr. Zhao, thank you Mr. Zhao, I am so touched, Mr. Zhao, you are really great..."

Dr. Zhao waved his hand, "Stop flattering, and do good deeds in the future."

These two professional workers, who are not shareholders or relatives of major shareholders, relied on their ability to secure their previous positions. Now that they are fired, they should be able to use them to deal with Coke and Pepsi in a "serious" business struggle. .

At least in the international market, the two of them will be more familiar with environmental rules than those mainland talents who are still working in state-owned enterprises.

They don't necessarily have to be smarter or stronger, it's enough to be familiar with the rules of the environment.

After waving Edward Hawke to get out of the way and report to Master Zhao Catering Group, Zhao Xueyan said to Shi Jie who was not far away, "Call Harrison Grillo."

The Amei Family Film Association can rate and evaluate each movie that has landed in Amei theaters, and this association represents the Big Eight.

The Big Eight... are either about to be controlled by world-class media or other giants, or have already been controlled.

To put it bluntly, this association is also a tool in the hands of higher-level giants.


After a while.

Not long after Zhao Xueyan finished his phone call with Harrison Grillo, there was another knock on the door. It was Mark Zhou, the assistant director of the CIA stationed in the island country.

When Dr. Zhao called, Ruan Mei reported the assistant director's visit.

Zhao Xueyan sent someone a cup of tea, and Mark Zhou Can thanked him with a smile, and then went straight to the point, "Mr. Zhao, I am here this time. One is to represent the CIA. On the other hand, there is also a little confession of myself as a Chinese.”

Dr. Zhao smiled and nodded, "Say it."

Mark Zhou took another sip of tea, "Spiderman got stuck at Amei's house. The most fundamental thing is an ideological dispute. I heard that there are high-level, high-level ones. I want to educate you, Mr. Zhao, so that you don't jump like that." Gao, if it wasn't for the fact that the big bear is still healthy, it wouldn't be just such a small lesson."

"So, from the position of the CIA, if Mr. Zhao can hand over Grant Black, the guy who seems to have mastered the ability to rejuvenate, to our CIA, then the CIA may try its best to help you operate it, so that Spider-Man can be released on a large scale normally. , and will not cause trouble in other regions."

Ideological they matter?

How did the big bear completely collapse, and it's over?
There isn't much physical combat, the competition just drags you down, not real fighting.

Killed by a soft knife.

Again, a soft knife may not be able to cut you to death directly, leaving you powerless to resist. It is far inferior to mushroom power, but it can pull too many people into the water and make it collapse internally.

Dr. Zhao nodded with a smile. He also understands that if Amei's family really becomes the world's policeman after the Big Bear disintegrates, then what he is doing... I am afraid that he will be directly defined as something like a madman .

"What about your own words?"

Only then did Mark Zhou take a deep breath, "This isn't just a matter of Spider-Man, it's about Mr. Zhao's follow-up film and television layout. A Spider-Man can be counted as a gunshot at most. What's troublesome is your follow-up film and television arrangements."

"The media represents the right to speak. If Mr. Zhao is just rich, it doesn't matter. It's a big deal to add a rich Asian. In a place like Baixiang, no matter how rich the rich are, they are just rich."

"You're reaching out and trying to dabble in discourse, which is a bit sensitive."

"Now you have Adeline's contact information, which is a hole card, and Grant Black is in hand, which is also a hole card. For these two, let alone our CIA, the FBI, DEA, IRS, etc., can help you. Let's try to get those two."

"But once you lose those two, even the CIA can become a new bridgehead against you at any time."

Yes, in the past, due to various reasons, the CIA, MI6 and even the KGB didn't mind rushing to help Mr. Zhao, striving to get a share of important matters.

However, the relationship between people, especially between the large-scale government and other large-scale groups, can change at any time, and it is still the opposite.

Let's talk about the CIA, the first time I met Zhao Xueyan, didn't I want to trick him into becoming a CIA peripheral?Huyou also took the initiative to call Freddy to kill him.

The CIA has done a lot of things against Zhao Xueyan, but it has continued until now, and the CIA has always suffered a lot from silence. Dr. Zhao calmly won one game after another.

To put it bluntly, once the CIA took away Adeline or Grant Black, they also found a way to deal with Situ Haonan and Trump.

Not for the sake of a new conflict of interests, but just to settle accounts with Zhao Xueyan, it is also very reasonable to take the initiative to send killers to target him in turn.

From these words, it is enough to see that Mark Zhou, a Chinese CIA, has spoken more sincerely.

In his previous conversation with Harrison Grillo, the director of the CIA stationed in the island country, Harrison also made it clear that Zhao Xueyan wanted Spider-Man to be released smoothly, and he could help. He just wanted Grant Black, the rejuvenated person.

As long as Zhao Xueyan is willing to hand over, Spider-Man's rating will change from USA: M/X/P to the same PG-13 rating as the Women's Federation series, the big ship Titanic, and Avatar, absolutely no problem.

Zhao Xueyan smiled brightly, "Did you know? Regarding Grant Black, Niu Buluo actually gave me a lot of suggestions. For example, they can exchange Grant with two ancient weapons of God."

"If I'm not satisfied, they can give me another [-] million pounds."

Apart from these two conditions, the rest is for Li Jiacheng to return to work safely, not to pursue all crimes committed by Dongguan Tsai in London, and so on.

Then Gui Jianchou can join the Correctional Services Department to become a high-level executive, assistant director, new wardens in Stanley and Lai Chi Kok, directors of certain police stations, and Zhao Xueyan can all make nominations, and they can slowly consider them.

After Grant Black disappeared, the people who cared most about him were the nephews of the Black family. There were too many assets and shares under his name that were inconvenient to transfer. Assets such as Swiss bank unregistered accounts were also a lot of wealth.

Now Grant is worth far more than before.

Mark Zhou's smile remained the same, and his mood was still very humble. "Mr. Zhao, this matter actually has little to do with me. No matter how Grant reverted to his youth, and who controlled him in the end... it has nothing to do with me."

"I only occasionally express some opinions on behalf of the CIA. After all, I, a former supervisor of Chinese descent, used to have a little power in Xingjiapo, Malaysia and other regions..."

It's not Zhao Xueyan, when it's his turn to go to Hong Kong Island as an assistant director, and the right to promotion and salary increase will be so much greater?He placed himself in a more upright position.

"This Spider-Man incident may be a collective test. How Mr. Zhao wants to arrange it all depends on your own ideas."

Dr. Zhao tapped the table with his hand, "What price can I sell for 300ml of Grant Black's blood?"

Mark Zhou, "…"


Sell ​​separately?

almost in time.


A car was parked next to a bulletproof Bentley in a resort area. Aaron Fox, head of one of the main families of the California consortium, was smoking a big cigar and looking ahead. He took a few glances at the calm environment. He smiled and looked to the side. "Macauley, your youngest son..."

Not far away is the head of the Stone family of the Texas consortium, Macaulay Stone. His youngest son was kidnapped by gangsters in the bend for no reason. Cauley Stone's attention to the whereabouts of Lawrence Stone is not very great.

In the past, he really loved that little son.

Otherwise, Lawrence wouldn't be so lawless and act recklessly that he would directly use MS to kill the young daughter of an Italian super-rich at the party.

In the past, Macaulay was willing to help his youngest son deal with this kind of disaster, otherwise he would not watch a certain rich second generation secretly take Lawrence to Wanwan to avoid disaster.


Very bald, there was an Adeline Bowman, 78 years old and still the same as a normal and healthy 29-year-old youth. The suspected magic power of immortality was enough to drive Macaulay crazy. He decisively ignored Lawrence and just wanted to Trying to fix Adeline.

Waiting for Adeline to show the ability similar to magical mind control and take her daughter to escape from Amei's house?Afterwards, Macaulay was undoubtedly more interested in this suspected immortal, so interested!

During this period of time, he has been trying to find Adeline together with other big figures, but to no avail... Then after looking for it, a rejuvenated Grant Black popped up?

Wang Defake, why?

Why can old things like Grant Black be rejuvenated?If it is really possible to rejuvenate, return to youth, and live another life...

What about the son, is it important?

Macaulay Stone is in his 60s!

If he could regain his youth all of a sudden, his current children would almost become a stumbling block. It is estimated that those guys wished that he, a guy who was uncompromising in the family, would die, and then divide up his power and wealth.

He really wants to live another 500 years!

Once that?Didn't Lawrence Stone and others become, "Isn't it 60 years old?"

Before Aaron Fox finished speaking, Macaulay Stone interrupted with a wave of his hand, "Aaron, don't talk about these things, I just want to ask, for this time, I hope to learn from the Hong Kong Island tycoon How much hope do you have for cheating Grant Black?"

In the hands of the two of them, Aaron can influence one of the eight big Hollywood companies. After all, Aaron is one of the big heads of companies such as the California consortium and the main financial bank. Such a consortium family occasionally invests in some film and television industries, and the key is the media. Public opinion, etc., belong to basic exercises.

Even in the 21s, the various business giants in China, whether they are selling products or playing games, at first glance, their main business has nothing to do with media, film and television, but it is normal to master some media platforms and mouthpiece tools.

No?Then you have the nerve to call yourself a tycoon?
If you don’t delete some official accounts, or ban a certain department’s speech, you have the nerve to say that you are a bull run?

Aaron Fox was silent, holding a scepter with a strange shape like a cane in his hand, and tapped the underground tarmac road, "With all due respect, I am not very sure, not even three points, but why? Why don't you give it a try?"

I have offended Dr. Zhao for so long, and I am still alive. In particular, I got a 3000-year-old Egyptian pharaoh's scepter from a certain channel. I have also tested that this scepter really has a deterrent effect on some demons. force.

Aaron felt like he could do it again!

He hasn't been able to send people to deal with Situ Haonan and Trumpet yet, but he can hide. With the Pharaoh's scepter in his hand, he doesn't have to worry about being chased by evil spirits and ghosts at any time. Then, it is much easier to avoid Situ Haonan in reality. Yes.

In general situations and events, of course, Dr. Zhao cannot be easily hostile, but Grant Black is different, rejuvenated.

Even without Grant, he has now received news that Dr. Zhao can contact Adeline and get blood from Adeline.

You can also try it.

He won't go to Asia easily. It would be too risky to fight against Dr. Zhao in his territory, but Aaron still has great confidence in conflicting with Dr. Zhao in Amei's territory.

Here he is not alone, but has a large number of allies and friends.

Speaking of this, Aaron sighed, "Zhao's level of wickedness is a bit unexpected. I never expected that the treasured boy in the Crystal Lake could be abducted to Hong Kong Island by his men. It's incredible."

"How on earth did those guys do it?"

This is Crystal Lake. When Aaron was in the middle and upper class of California, ordinary rich people asked him for help. In order to try to kill the horn, he took the initiative to trick people into Crystal Lake to meet the treasure boy.

It's outrageous, Treasure Boy rebelled, had a great time playing with the trumpet, and left, are you worthy of your status as a model worker?

Is it reasonable for model workers to betray their class like this?
Macaulay Stone's expression is a bit weird. He has actually heard a little about the treasure boy in Crystal Lake, California, and knows that there is a monster here, but Jason didn't always live in Crystal Lake in the past. If you don't come, he If you don't, you will make trouble, and you won't leave...

Such a treasure boy has limited meaning.

The Treasure Boy who can leave here to wander around at will is more perverted. He is a guy whose speed reaction can reach subsonic speed, keeps resurrecting, and is far stronger than human beings.

"What do you think Zhao will do this time? How many people will you send?"

Aaron Fox showed a mysterious smile, "It's just a Spider-Man. He can send a few people to fight at most. I think this is far from enough. It's better to attract him to Amei."

"Dealing with his minions, no matter how many are killed, will not have much impact on his true self. It would be much more fun if he comes to Amei in person. Only by mastering his true self will I be the sword and fish for him."

"How about killing his Kyushu Media branch in Los Angeles?"

"There is also Spider-Man, no matter how he won the copyright before, we can let the Fantastic Comics guy go to court with Zhao, all over the world, as long as it will be released in the region."

"If that's not enough, just control the area where Master Zhao's instant noodles are released, and cause collective food poisoning a few more times?"

(End of this chapter)

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