Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 536 God, give me a slap to wake me up!

Chapter 536 God, give me a slap to wake me up!
The time for serious thinking seems to be slow, but in fact it is fleeting. Dr. Zhao finally chose to transfer the 50-year life of Tiny Rose to the enemy Grant Black.

The loving father is so kind and friendly, and occasionally he will show a storm of compassion to the "strong enemy" who wants to kill him, and influence the world with love!
In an instant, there was another series of shocking shouts and screams on the deck of a certain yacht of various "Kar's", "Xante" and "Wang Defake".

Even the superintendents Tyronn Williams, who were standing 90 meters away with Dr. Zhao, were stunned, looked into the distance stupidly, and lost their voices.

On the deck, he felt a sudden mysterious force pouring into his body from the outside. From top to bottom, from the top of his head to the soles of his feet, there was an inexplicable and mysterious warm current all over his body. Under that warm current, Grant felt his body More and more strength, vitality, and a sense of expansion...

At this moment, the other people who had been watching Tiny Rose like him before were all staring at him in amazement and exclamation? ?

Grant Black couldn't bear it, and hurried to the cabin, looking for a mirror to watch.

After all, he could see with his own eyes that his bodyguard captain, Tiny Rose, was still listening to his orders and planning to kill Zhao Xueyan with a gun... In a blink of an eye, the naked eye could see aging, old age, and his hair changed from bronzing to gray , with more and more wrinkles on his face, and his tall and burly body quickly becoming stooped and thin?
Not long ago, Grant really witnessed it with his own eyes, as if witnessing a miracle, watching Tiny Rose transform from a young man in his thirties to an old man who couldn't even stand upright and couldn't straighten his back!
Tini, who is still trembling on the deck, barely steadying himself, looks like he is 80 or [-] years old, very old.

Witnessing the scene of a person's rapid aging at the closest distance, the fastest, is too scary and horrifying.

Grant was already in a state of shock and shock, but suddenly... he also ushered in some miraculous changes, and others paid attention to him. Can he not be afraid? ?

Running all the way back to the cabin of the yacht, he found a large dressing mirror. The moment Grant stood firm, he was quickly dumbfounded when he saw the person in the mirror.

What caught his eyes at this moment was a blond, tall, burly young Caucasian, Caucasian...he looked about 25 or [-] years old.

He is younger and more handsome than his eldest son, John Black, who was once made into pork buns.

Looking at the handsome and flying young man in the mirror, feeling the surging vitality and youthful taste in his body, Grant Black was so surprised that he couldn't help himself, and then... dozens of seconds.

Grant stared at the person in the mirror in a daze.

who I am?where am I?What am I doing?
What kind of place is this! !
Grant was still in a daze when he heard footsteps approaching. It was three bodyguards and several female models rushing into the cabin.

Seeing Grant Blake, people exclaimed again, and Tommy Hutcherson, who was second only to Tiny Ross in the bodyguard foursome, exclaimed and punched himself in the chest, "Shit, what the hell is this? What's going on, what happened?"

"Is God joking with us? First, Tiny became old inexplicably, like four or fifty years old all of a sudden, and now it's the boss, you regain your youth?"

The other bodyguard also felt that he was blinded by his own big eyes, "Is there really someone who can regain youth? The old man regains youth at will, isn't he immortal? This world is too ridiculous."

Grant Black looked 30 years younger all of a sudden.

The appearance has changed a lot.

But this did not prevent the bodyguards and models from recognizing him. After all, a dozen of them stayed together and survived on a deserted island for several months!
Those who are familiar with each other can no longer be familiar with each other.

Whether it was Tini who suddenly aged on the deck or Grant here, after the drastic changes in appearance and body, the clothes and the like remained unchanged.

Such a shock made a group of foreigners feel that God had appeared.

But in the exclamation, a low growl full of horror and resentment also sounded, "Boss, I never thought you would treat me like this! Why, why did you take away my youth? You can take away my youth?"

"Give it back to me, I'm going to kill you! Fight with you!"

Tommy Hutcherson and his party, "..."

This group of simple bystanders first fell into a dead silence, then turned to look at Tiny, who was panting all the way, but had a hideous expression, and then looked at Grant who stood blankly in front of the mirror, "???"

In the dead silence, Tommy Hutcherson looked at Tiny again. The other side had to carefully slide the handrail of the stairs when he got off the cabin before he said, "Tini, is there a misunderstanding? Boss took your youth?"

Tiny Rose is the most valued and favored person by the big boss, otherwise how could he be the captain of the bodyguard?In the previous period of time, when firearms were strictly controlled on the desert island, only the boss and Tiny had the right to open the safe and store the guns.

Can the relationship be worse?

Tiny gasped, "Idiot, Tommy, haven't you graduated from primary school? There are only so many people here. I suddenly aged decades, but the boss was decades younger. Who else is it?"

With a curse, Tommy Hutcherson was speechless.

The other two bodyguards, including the chef, emergency doctor and yacht driver who appeared one after another, were all silent.

The contrast is so obvious!
A group of people stood together, one suddenly lost decades of life, and the other suddenly regained youth for decades... Who do you think is suspicious?

It's not tens of dollars, it's decades of age, rejuvenation!

How many people have died in the fight between various giant organizations triggered by an old woman named Adaline Bowman?

As for Zhao Xueyan who suspected that he just arrived today...

Normal people have normal thinking and logic. Dr. Zhao and Grant are in a hostile relationship where you send people to kill me and I send people to kill you. We met in this wild place on a deserted island in the sea. I took out my gun and gave you a few shots. , and then throw the body into the sea, isn't that enough? ?

Who will rejuvenate their enemies and give them decades of life?

Tiny Ross continued to walk towards Grant panting. The harder he walked, the stronger the hatred and hatred in his eyes. He is a military king and retired. He was 30 years old when he was at the peak of his life, and suddenly he became an 80-year-old man. ?

It's so hard to walk all the way out of breath!

When Tiny's emotional turmoil became stronger, Grant Black, who had been standing stupidly, coughed lightly, looked around awkwardly and suspiciously, "Who am I, and who are you? What is this place?"

Everyone was stunned, including Tiny Rose.

One minute later, Tiny laughed furiously, and with a smile he reluctantly took out the gun that fell from his body, "Pretend to have amnesia? Then why don't you kill us all... Wouldn't it be more clean and neat."

On the previous deck, there were not many people with guns. After Tiny's gun fell, the others really didn't have time to pick it up. After all... Everyone was shocked by the sudden aging of one person and the rejuvenation of the other.

I am feeling whether it is God's manifestation, how can I care about the gun or not.

Tiny was about to shoot fiercely, attacking Grant.

Grant's instinctive counterattack. He lost his memory and forgot who he was, but he also had a gun on his body. Grant, who was at the peak of his youthful recovery and physical responsiveness, came first to bang bang bang...

Amnesia is one thing. If you shoot someone and kill someone, if you have enough muscle memory, it won't affect your efficiency too much.

When he killed Tiny and Tommy and his party quickly ran away screaming, Grant stepped forward suspiciously, picked up Tiny's gun, and, tentatively and on guard, walked to the deck.


The deck, not just the deck, Tommy Hutcherson and others have escaped from the yacht in one breath. Although they did not dare to run to where Zhao Xueyan was, they also ran tens of meters, and joined Superintendent Zhao Xueyan and the yacht in Wanchai. Face off in a triangle.

When Grant stepped on the deck and looked around, beside Dr. Zhao, Tyronn Williams was again dazed, "Grant? Why is he so young all of a sudden... This old man is unscientific!"

Another superintendent nodded frantically, "Tini on the deck just now suddenly aged several decades, but Grant has regained his youth? God, give me a slap to wake me up!"

Hearing this man's words, Dr. Zhao slapped him with his hands, and the superintendent who slapped him turned 360 degrees on the spot. When he was covering his hot face and wanted to cry, Dr. Zhao smiled brightly, "You're welcome."

A police superintendent, "???"

Dr. Zhao stroked his chin and said, "There was a gunshot just now. Someone fired? Tai Lun, go and ask what happened?"

Tai Lun looked at the superintendent who was beaten emotionally, and said decisively, "Master Yan, don't worry, I'll go ask Tommy and his group."

A moment later, Grant Blake was still holding two guns, and was in a daze on the deck of the yacht. Chief Superintendent Tyron had already run back from the bodyguards and model team, and said in a voice that was so shocking and gender imbalanced, "Damn, damn, it's too explosive , it was Grant Black, who took decades of Tiny Ross's youth, rejuvenated himself, and shot Tiny."

"My God, how can there be such evil magic in the world? Take other people's youth and rejuvenate yourself? It's so evil, so explosive!"

"If I have this ability, wouldn't I be immortal?!"

"Let me just say, in the past few months, I have often watched Grant and Tini whispering in private in the distance. It's a bit abnormal. I thought they were wary of us. I didn't expect that it was Grant, the old dog, who was playing tricks on Tini. Black magic."

A police superintendent who was slapped by Dr. Zhao before, "???"

Westerners may have no interest in or know anything about various Chinese myths and legends, but they still have all kinds of yearning and awe for magic.

They do have their own mysterious side culture.

After thinking for tens of seconds, a certain police superintendent resisted the sense of horror and said, "Grant knows magic? He can rejuvenate people and rejuvenate them. Once this secret is revealed, the risk is too great. How could he be exposed so easily?"

"Shouldn't this kind of thing be as concealed as possible?"

Tyronn Williams nodded, "Logically, the more concealed the better, but this is a desert island. After he regains his youth, as long as he kills us all, everything will be fine. Who in the outside world can know his evil and cruelty?"

"Except for Lord Yan, all the guns and bullets are in his hands now. Grant is still a shooting enthusiast. He is an old player of the Hong Kong Island Gun Club. He is still pretending to have amnesia!"

"If we are accidentally killed by him, he can get away with it."

"With his current physical condition, he has regained his youth, and if he kills us all, let alone return to Hong Kong Island Jardine, even if he completely cuts off his previous identity, the unregistered account in the Swiss bank he holds is enough for him to live easily. A new life, rich and arrogant."

With such an explanation, the other superintendents were all speechless.

In this Ganges.

After being silent for a while, the superintendent who had been beaten said again, "No, why didn't he do it in advance, but when Lord Yan came over, when we saw the hope of being rescued? Wouldn't it also make his The evil and cruelty are exposed in front of Lord Yan?"

"As long as Lord Yan leaves here with the Mi-17 now, he will still survive on a deserted island, or be trapped to death here."

That's right, if Grant is as cruel as Tyron said, knows magic, and has a gun, why didn't he find time to deal with Tiny in the past few months... But today, everyone saw the hope of escaping from the desert island and did it? ?

Now, even if he succeeds in stealing other people's youth, once Dr. Zhao leaves, it will not be clearly exposed to him.

Dr. Zhao can even easily call his younger brothers to come to this deserted island to capture Grant and control him.

Tai Lun glanced at the other party disdainfully, with a look of disgust on why your IQ is so low, "Simon, what do you want me to say about you?"

"Isn't he exposing this evil magic now? Isn't it a hole card? Is it a major bargaining chip in the negotiation? The weight is more important than hundreds of millions of dollars or hundreds of millions of pounds?"

Speaking of this, Tai Lun looked at Zhao Xueyan with a flattering smile, "Master Yan, the following are all my personal speculations, you can always listen to it, you can refer to it."

"As we all know, the old guy Grant sent a lot of killers to harm Lord Yan, but he was easily defeated and escaped from Hong Kong Island in a yacht..."

"When Lord Yan didn't come, he was an evil magician with good marksmanship and a strong identity background. He could make Tini and others listen to him, so everything on this island was under his control, and he could slowly make arrangements at any time. , quietly plundering Tini, including the youth of our other young adults, whenever you want to do it."

"Master Yan, you came here suddenly, and your strength is so powerful, killing him is like killing a chicken."

"If you go over there with a gun and kill him directly, he will lose everything, so you use black magic to plunder Tini's youth just to show you his value, Lord Yan!"

"I want to use this ability to rejuvenate, show value, and try to negotiate with you to seek survival, so as not to be shot to death if there is a disagreement."

"I secretly think that he is pretending to have amnesia now, just to delay time, it's just a trick. Ordinary young and Dangerous boys have committed crimes and we have taken them to the police station. When the police interrogate them, they pretend to have amnesia and don't remember it everywhere."

Superintendent Simon, who had been beaten, suddenly realized and took it for granted.

After all, what Tyronn Williams said can be explained logically and makes sense.

Of course, the most important premise of all this is that Grant has really rejuvenated!

The bodyguard, Tiny Ross, really suddenly aged decades, and was shot dead by Grant, the biggest beneficiary!
These two facts that no one can refute are the foundation of all logical reasoning.

As for, a group of police superintendents think that Grant has mastered black magic, is a mage and a good gunslinger, why are they afraid that they will not be able to deal with Zhao Xueyan who shows up alone?
As we all know, magic requires not only spells, staffs, sacrifices, etc., but also magic circles, etc. The more powerful and terrifying the magic, the longer the preparation time and the slower the casting process.


As superintendents, senior superintendents and chief superintendents, don't Tai Lun, Simon and others know that Ye Yan has been involved in the supernatural side from time to time since his rise in the world?Li Weishuo's supernatural live broadcasts are all pediatrics.

Have the former gambling saint Zhou Xingzu and supernatural powers caused a sensation?Who killed the fanciful island country drug lord Xixie?Who killed the two big zombies in the zombie family?

How can a fat man like Tang Niu who knows martial arts easily overthrow a small society?

These are Dr. Zhao before leaving Hong Kong Island, Dr. Zhao before going to Tokyo for the first time, left behind various resumes and clues.

The top police officers on Hong Kong Island have seen all kinds of messy cases that cannot be understood by ordinary science. After all, Feng Laosi has solved many similar cases.

Whether it is a Chinese tycoon or a high-level police officer on Hong Kong Island, it is not unheard of for Tai Lun and others to invite masters to do things when supernatural live broadcasts are rampant.

know those.

In the battle between Grant and Dr. Zhao, he was always beaten and retreated in embarrassment.

Then... Grant, who is far from Dr. Zhao's opponent even if he has mastered black magic, does not want to die when faced with a powerful death crisis, and shows his trump card that can steal people's youth. .

So logical.

In your explanation, several superintendents were very excited, and finally Tai Lun asked excitedly, "Master Yan, do you have a gun? As long as I have a gun, I can charge for Master Yan, I promise From now on, I will listen to you, Lord Yan."

"We captured Grant, who rushed to the street, and tortured him to extract his magic. Although we are still young, we will grow old one day."

"This magic is too sharp!"

Simon was also excited, "Master Yan, I can do it too!"

Dr. Zhao, "..."

The loving father's mood is a little messy, is this group of guys' brains too strong?
He was also a little curious. Grant Black said that he had lost his memory at this moment. He really lost his memory, which was caused by the side effect of transferring his life essence.

Or half-truths?

Those whose lifespan was transferred regained their youth for dozens of days, and randomly lost something, amnesia? ?
This is not the protagonist of a bloody love story, amnesia or something is too gimmick.Not only is there no gimmick, but the memory penalty is not enough. Dr. Zhao is considering whether to transfer HIV to him in a few days and so on.

Of course, it is not difficult to find out whether it is complete amnesia or half-truth, Zhao Xueyan quickly took out a few black stars, "What you said makes a little sense, I leave it to you."

Tyronn, Simon and others were all excited.

Great chance, to survive on a deserted island for a few months, if the final outcome is to catch a black magician who can take away youth, he can rejuvenate the old man at any time, and even get on Dr. Zhao's boat completely.

This is great news.

Of course, there are also people who think that if Grant is settled and leaves this deserted island, even if they jump ship and leave Dr. Zhao's pier, they will still be prosperous and have a bright future.

(End of this chapter)

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