Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 530 Let us suffocate our dreams together?

Chapter 530 Let's Suffocate Our Dreams Together?

After a while.

Jim Spacey was still in a coma when he was awakened by a slight shaking. When he opened his eyes, he saw an Asian young man nudging his shoulder and shouting "Mr. Jim".

The next moment, the Asian young man smiled and said, "Mr. Jim, are you finally awake? Well, maybe you are tired from the journey and need to rest, but I suggest now, do you want to find a place to change?"

Jim Spacey asked blankly, "I fell asleep?"

Am I scared to death?
When I was waiting for Mr. Zhao to be interviewed in the rest area, someone brought all kinds of delicacies, but the people who ate together were all ghosts, vampire zombies, and monsters with completely rotten faces...

When Jim hurriedly looked left and right, he saw that in the rest area, which was still in a similar environment, some people were sitting together in twos and threes, drinking coffee or tea and talking and laughing.

Some sat alone, smoking cigars or cigarettes.

There are also people who are looking at some documents, or sorting out their belongings.

These people include men and women, Asians and whites, and they are scattered all over the spacious rest area. When Jim looks over, many people will cast strange sights on him.

"Who is this white man, isn't it too funny? Come to visit Mr. Zhao, it's fine to fall asleep in the rest area, what the hell is peeing your pants?"

"Pfft~ Stop talking, I'm laughing so hard that my stomach hurts, and I look like I'm about forty, is it serious kidney deficiency~"

"It's not bad to wear, but it's really brave to pee your pants."


Those who look here, who occasionally whisper in English?Jim Spacey lowered his head suddenly, and found that his crotch was wet, and there was an unpleasant smell? ?
Jim shyly wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.

Wang Defake, what happened?Could it be that all the ghosts and ghosts he saw before were hallucinations or nightmares?
If he really fell asleep and had a nightmare just now, then... this would be super embarrassing.

Immediately after Jim got up in a hurry, thanked the Asian youth who woke him up, covered his pants and ran out, and went outside the building, looking at the sunny streets of the metropolis, the streets full of traffic and crowds?

Jim was even more ashamed.

"Gah, is this really a nightmare? This..."

No matter how shy he was, Jim looked around and ran quickly to a clothing store across the road.

A certain "nightmare" was too realistic and realistic for him, but now, he couldn't prove that it was not a dream, he could only be suspicious.

Not to mention, in his heart, is a person willing to really see all kinds of evil spirits?Or do you want to believe it was just a dream?

Instinctively, he was unwilling and unable to believe that he really had dinner with a group of evil spirits and monsters at a dinner party.

After half an hour.

When Jim Spacey changed into a new outfit and re-entered the rest area on the first floor of the Kyushu Building, when he entered, he was still in an awkward, distressed and broken mood, and glanced at the many people still waiting in the rest area.

Jim was in a daze. It had been more than half an hour. Those who witnessed him peeing his pants in the nightmare before should have left, right?

The people here should have changed, right?If he didn't change, he would be too restless.

It's a pity that after a few glances, he also found in a daze that he was a little face-blind to many Asian faces, and it was not clear at all whether they had changed or not. Those white people... When he just woke up, he didn't pay much attention to them.

Sitting on a chair again, Jim was relieved to see the service staff bring coffee. Yes, he remembered that after he was ushered into the rest area in his nightmare, no one brought tea or coffee at all...

And in this rest area, for any newcomer, there will be service staff asking what to drink and eat, and snacks such as pastries, snacks or nuts will be delivered at any time.

That dream was so clear and vivid, it was scary.

Fortunately, it was just a dream.

It was a dream just now, so last night when he was half asleep, someone broke into the bedroom and touched his head, was it also a dream?Didn't adjust the time difference, continue to have nightmares?
After a while, Jim Spacey was notified that he could go to the office on the top floor to meet Mr. Zhao. He hurriedly got up and walked towards the elevator seemingly humbly.

When he arrived at the big office, Jim saw Zhao Xueyan for the first time, and he was a little confused, so young?This tens of billions tycoon and media giant on Hong Kong Island is a bit too young.

Unexpectedly, Jim quickly expressed his intention, "Mr. Zhao, I am here on behalf of Amei's Spike Pharmaceutical Group. I found that there is a genius named Stephen Zhou in Hong Kong Island. A variety of gastric diseases including gastric ulcer can greatly relieve symptoms or cure the effect."

"For the sake of all human beings, for the stomach patients all over the world, our Spike Group is very interested in cooperating with Stephen Zhou, and with Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Xueyan nodded with a smile, "Cooperation? It's not impossible, how do you plan to cooperate?"

He has always been very interested in Zhou Zai's delicacies, and he is even more interested in the extra effects of those delicacies, but until now, he has also confirmed one thing, only Zhou Zai personally participates in the preparation, or the food made by himself has special characteristics. Additional effects.

Leaving aside the future pissing beef balls, that one hasn't appeared yet, and it hasn't been researched... Even if it is researched, it can cure anorexia, and there is a double-knife turkey suspected of being the clone of Guanyin as the main force.

After the thing enters industrialization and assembly line production, whether it can treat anorexia or not is not mentioned in the story of God of Cookery.

Just talking about the current offal noodles, Tang Niu imitated Stephen Zhou's method to make it, but it had no effect on treating stomach problems.

Therefore, only what Zhou Zai does alone is effective, and its value is limited.

He faces the stomach patients all over the world by himself, which is just a drop in the bucket.

If there is a pharmaceutical giant, or a multinational giant specializing in gastric ulcers, who wants to cooperate... Zhao Xueyan really does not reject serious and mutually beneficial cooperation.

For example, when he came out with Stephen Chow, the other party invested in the construction of a laboratory on Hong Kong Island, invested a certain amount of research funds, researchers, etc., even if the money is not enough, Zhao Xueyan can still invest, and wait until he really develops a fast food for stomach problems that can be produced on an industrialized assembly line. gourmet food?

The two parties can split the score [-]-[-], and share the results and profits.

This is also the reason why his secretariat received Jim Spacey's application for a visit yesterday and met him this morning.

Of course, Zhao Xueyan knows that the Spike Group may not be so kind and sincere in wanting to cooperate to benefit both... But it hasn't been formally discussed yet, let's talk about it first.

Jim Spacey tentatively asked, "Mr. Zhao, do you know that the Chinese herbal formula used in Stephen Zhou's chop suey noodles has applied for an international patent?"

Dr. Zhao shook his head.

Zhou Zai's chop suey noodles really don't have a traditional Chinese medicine formula, so how about applying for a patent for chicken?

A hint of surprise flashed in Jim's eyes, "There is no patent, so is it a form of commercial secrecy like the Coca-Cola formula?"

"We plan to set up a brand new laboratory for Stephen Zhou in Philadelphia, invest a lot of R&D funds and related scientific research personnel, and help him shift from manual production to industrial assembly line production. However, in this regard, Mr. Stephen needs to return to Philadelphia with us to develop cooperation .”

"Of course, Mr. Zhao is Mr. Stephen's boss and our partner. I can make the decision. If there are research results in the future, I will give Mr. Zhao two dividends."

Zhao Xueyan's expression didn't change, and he took a sip of tea, "Why don't you set up this laboratory on Hong Kong Island? If it starts construction on Hong Kong Island, I can not only invest with you, but also invite the University of Hong Kong School of Medicine, as well as the Mainland Chinese Medical Department, Huayan, etc. Professors from famous schools come to develop together.”

Really want to open a research laboratory in Philadelphia, and send Zhou Zai to Philadelphia... This is what the Spike Group wants to do with nothing.

Jim's expression remained unchanged, and he said seriously, "Mr. Zhao, in the field of medicine, Amei's family is the best in the world. Even if Stephen's food involves Chinese herbal medicine, how to industrialize Chinese herbal medicine and produce it on an assembly line is the most advanced in Philadelphia... ..."

Zhao Xueyan waved his hand and interrupted Jim's words, "I don't want to hear these insincere words. My attitude is very clear. If the Spike Group wants to cooperate and develop, it can, but it must be sincere."

Jim was silent for dozens of seconds, and said again, "Mr. Zhao, the one we want to cooperate with is Stephen Zhou. I know you are a Hong Kong Island tycoon, a rich man, so I came to talk to you first."

"Actually, we can bypass you and talk directly to Stephen Zhou. I have expressed my sincerity by coming here today. Don't forget that our Spike is a multinational giant with annual sales of one billion dollars in medicine."

Although from yesterday afternoon to now, he has experienced several nightmare-like events.

But if it's all just a dream, it's nothing.

He deliberately emphasized that Spike's annual sales of one billion knives are words.

The intention is very clear, I came to you instead of directly looking for Zhou Zai, which is very good for you.

Zhao Xueyan was amused, "Let's go over me and poach people directly? Your idea is quite novel, but I think it will be very difficult for you to succeed."

"I still say the same thing. The laboratory and research office are located on Hong Kong Island. I am actually looking forward to our cooperation and mutual benefit. Once successful, this will be good news for stomach patients all over the world, not just a matter of how much money you make. .”

Jim Spacey smiled, "Zhao, you haven't tried it yet, how do you know Stephen Zhou will disagree?"

Zhao Xueyan doesn't want to chat with him anymore, this guy really has very low sincerity.

At this moment, Shi Jie trotted over, "Boss, there's a fight downstairs."

Zhao Xueyan was stunned, "Who and who?"

Shi Jie smiled, "Harrison Grillo, Mark Zhou, Masataka Ito, Takeshi Ito and his son."

Dr. Zhao was speechless after hearing that, "Let them come up."

After speaking, he said to Jim Spacey, "You can go, I don't want to see you again until I have enough sincerity."

Jim frowned, "Zhao, so our first negotiation broke down?"

Dr. Zhao waved his hand, "You can think whatever you like."

Jim became more stubborn, "Zhao, do you not understand the strength of our Spike Group, or you just live on Hong Kong Island for a long time, and you know too little about the outside world?"

Zhao Xueyan stopped talking, and looked at Jim with a teacup in his hand, not knowing how to complain.

After tens of seconds of silence, he laughed and said, "I know that Spike's family has a big business, which is great, but if you try to poach Stephen Zhou and fail, will you send someone to kidnap him and go to Amei's house?"

Jim Spacey stopped talking, just laughed.

He really had that idea.

He was willing to talk to Zhao Xueyan, which really gave the tycoon a lot of face.

Who told that even Niubuluo, the pharmaceutical group behind Irwin, found out the value of Stephen Zhou, but did not do anything, but leaked the news to Spike...

After laughing for dozens of seconds, Jim said again, "Actually, business wars not only have simple and rough patterns, but also many soft and bloodless fights, which will also bring a lot of pressure to people. Zhao, you definitely don't want to experience it for yourself. .”

Dr. Zhao's face was flat, "What else do you want to say?"

Jim was sorting out his vocabulary when he heard a knock on the door.

Then, Donna Quintana, who was closer to the door, opened the door, and Harrison Grillo, Mark Zhou, who had been fighting downstairs before, and Itoka and his son from the island country Kobe group walked in together.

Without waiting for these people to say anything, Zhao Xueyan took the initiative to ask, "What's the matter with you? You are so grown up, and you are so unstable? What are you doing here?"

He spoke in English. After all, the Ito family and his son's Chinese are too poor. Except for Mark Zhou, a banana man, Harrison Grillo's Chinese is so-so, which is very awkward.

Harrison Grillo rubbed his blue eyes, and said angrily, "Zhao, it's not that I don't want to be solemn, these two shits are too arrogant."

"Do you know, can you imagine? These two bastards actually made ten tons of acid-free paper for beautiful knives from Amei's house, ten tons!"

"Last time, Tan Cheng's fake knife team only stole one ton from the armed deposit car, and printed 9000 million super fake US knives. These two sons of bitches took away ten tons at a time. Print [-] million super fake knives?"

"As the director of the CIA stationed in the island country, if I don't uproot them, I will definitely spend my life in prison. It is a luxury to retire safely."

Zhao Xueyan sprayed.

He looked at Masataka Ito and Takeshi Ito in surprise, "So wild? Didn't your Ito group suffer heavy losses when they were killed by the CIA not long ago?"

Masataka Ito showed humility, pride and a flying smile, "Mr. Zhao, we all just put our heads in our waistbands. We are all desperate rotten people. If we have the opportunity, we must seize it."

"Although we obtained ten tons of acid-free paper for beautiful knives from Amei's house through a special channel, more than 100 elite gunmen died in the process!"

"More than 100 lives, if it is handed over to Tan Sheng's group to help us print, we will have to pay 200% of the profit... If one or two hundred people die, the income is only five or six billion dollars. It is not easy for us."

Speaking of this, he said to Harrison Grillo angrily, "You are just a laborer, and we have given hundreds of lives to you. Why are you so hot?"

"If you think it's not good, how about giving you dozens of people? Can't I hand over the head?"

Harrison was furious, "Hand over your head, give me your head, that's the best result!"

Mark Zhou, the assistant director, looked at Dr. Zhao calmly and did not continue to express his opinion.

To be honest, the fact that the Tancheng Group and the Kobe Group have played with fake American knives to this point is no longer just the fault of the CIA in the island country.

Zhao Xueyan was also speechless, "Should I give you two guns and stand here to fight a duel?"

In a word, Harrison Grillo and Masataka Ito ignored each other, and Masataka Ito even laughed and said, "Mr. Zhao, you saw a joke. Actually, I don't bother arguing with him. It's this guy who keeps staring at me." .”

"Mr. Zhao, I heard that Niu Buluo has a sect of all things who dares to disrespect you and send so many gunmen to snatch your antiques?"

"I think our Kobe group can offer a reward of [-] million U.S. dollars, so that all kinds of killer groups running around the world can engage in the sect of all things."

The current Kobe group is really rich and powerful.

Just waiting to print tons of acid-free paper into fake knives and dump them on banks all over the world, you say the CIA already knows, beware...

It is impossible for them to say that the current version of the $[-] bill will be scrapped at once. How many banknotes of this version are in circulation in the world?
Just scrap it, do you want the global economy to collapse?


Regardless of burning banknotes, using burning colors to distinguish true from false, or distinguishing serial numbers...that's funny, there are so many banks in the world that circulate US dollars, including different banks in various countries.

Does everyone have to ignite one by one, or register the serial number of each banknote, no matter whether they are depositing a few hundred yuan, tens of thousands or tens of thousands of yuan, or withdrawing this money?After the registration number, contact the Amei Reserve Bank one by one for comparison? ?
I'm going to deposit one hundred yuan and withdraw one hundred yuan. You let me wait for a few days to register and compare?
That would completely mess up the financial system.

Under such a major premise, their current wave, from Amei's house, has put in more than 100 lives to make paper, which is basically in a state of incomprehension.

The world is full of money!

When you have money, in addition to giving [-]% to Tan Cheng and Xiaoma Group to print money smoothly, it is also a good thing to spend another [-] million to help Mr. Zhao do something.

Zhao Xueyan waved his hand, "No, will spending your fake knives affect my reputation for nothing?"

The next moment he looked at Harrison Grillo, "I don't care how you CIA and the Kobe group fight, don't mess around on Hong Kong Island, don't affect the social security of Hong Kong Island, or don't blame me for being rude."

Masataka Ito was ecstatic, "Don't worry Mr. Zhao, we are all good people, honest people, good businessmen who abide by the law, and we will definitely abide by the law in Hong Kong Island."

Harrison shrugged helplessly, "Well, I know the severity and proportion."

He looked at Mark Zhou again, and Mark Zhou smiled and said, "Mr. Zhao, it's like this. I came to visit today. In fact...we want to say, if you like any antiques, our CIA also has a lot of good things."

"Whatever you like, whether it's collections in museums or collections in the hands of individual collectors, our CIA can help Mr. Zhao go through the needle."

"It's really an accident to meet the two members of the Kobe group here!"

Isn't it just an accident?

When the officers and soldiers encountered a thief, it was a super thief like the Kobe group who planned to print [-]-[-] million fake dollars in one breath, and they couldn't turn a blind eye.

Then it was sprayed in the rest area and started.

Zhao Xueyan waved his hand, "No need for now."

Mark Zhou's smile remained unchanged, "Also, Mr. Zhao, Mr. Macaulay Stone of the Texas Consortium, also wants to communicate something to you through our CIA. Isn't his youngest son kidnapped by crooked gangsters?" ?”

"The gangsters demanded a ransom of [-] million dollars from Mr. McCauley... this..."

Dr. Zhao directly interrupted him, "You talk to the gangsters about kidnapping hostages for ransom???"

Mark Zhou smiled and stretched out his hand to slap himself lightly, "Yes, yes, look at my memory."

He expressed his embarrassment and mistake slightly.

Jim Spacey, an executive of the Spike Pharmaceutical Group, who had not had time to leave on one side, was already trembling.

For the convenience of communication, Zhao Xueyan and his party spoke English with each other.

Whether it is the Kobe group who stole ten tons of acid-free paper for beautiful knives, printed super fake knives madly, and killed dozens or hundreds of people at every turn, they still have to fight for this great cause, or they are the first and second brothers of the CIA stationed in the island country...

The things discussed in the middle are all too explosive, too explosive!

Spike's medicine sold a billion dollars last year, so explosive?
But the Kobe Group plans to attract [-] million or [-] million fake knives in one breath, and people will die one after another to make troubles, which is obviously more terrifying.

After all, all kinds of things of the Spike Pharmaceutical Group are legal. At most, they rely on research and development patents to legally harvest wealth in the global world.

And the illegal incident of the Kobe group? ?The smell of blood is too strong.

Also, the youngest son of Macaulay Stone, head of the Texas consortium, was kidnapped?Was blackmailed for [-] million knives?This is outrageous. Before coming to Hong Kong Island, Jim Spacey also saw this news.

The news was too sensational and eye-catching.

The robbers blackmailed Stone's head by publishing in the newspaper.

The first time he saw this super breaking news, Jim Spacey felt like he had seen it for a long time, and it was an eye-opening feeling. It was Macaulay Stone, one of the top ten consortiums of Amei’s family, Texas The head of the main family in the consortium!
The biggest business is oil and arms!

Such a person, you go to kidnap and blackmail his son?Is it disgusting that you didn't die fast enough, or do you feel that the general way of dying is not prominent enough to be worthy of yourself?Why did you choose to blackmail the head of Stone?
He thought that he would soon be able to see the follow-up of the kidnapping and extortion case, such as the murder of the gangster, who was tossed to death, while Little Stone was easily rescued.

This result is the most common and most expected result of Amei's family.

Haven't followed that news for a while...

What is this now?
The old head of Stone contacted Zhao Xueyan through the CIA to talk about the development of this matter?

At this moment, he was afraid to look directly at Dr. Zhao, but what Jim broke down was that he seemed to have lost his conversation with Zhao Xueyan before. Not only did he not care about the conditions proposed by the other party, but he also threatened Zhao Xueyan in various ways.

Not only threatened to bypass Zhao Xueyan and directly negotiate with Stephen Zhou, but even hinted that he might kidnap Stephen Zhou? ?

While thinking about it, Jim Spacey suddenly felt a little suffocated.

Suffocating for dreams? ?

He is a top executive of the Spike Group, but it is just that the executives are not the ones who hold the equity shares. If he can successfully win Stephen Zhou this time and make great contributions to the group, he may have the opportunity to share some shares.

Take greater power.

Is that what makes us suffocate for our dreams together? ?
Now, don't really suffocate in another way.

When Jim Spacey was having difficulty breathing, Masataka Ito said, "Mr. Zhao, besides doing something for you, we also have something related to Uncle Hai, and I want to report to you for instructions. "

Zhao Xueyan looked at Harrison Grillo curiously, "It has something to do with Uncle Hai? Then why don't you speak Japanese?"

Isn't Uncle Hai the one who walks in arms?

When you talk about this, it should have little to do with the CIA, or it has nothing to do with the branch in the island country?
You still speak English?

Masataka Ito glanced at Harrison Grillo and Mark Zhou with a smile, "It's like this, the Amei Army stationed in the island country, just want to try, ammunition...they can consume so much ammunition every year."

"Whether the live-fire drills have disappeared or other methods have disappeared is a matter of accounting."

"If Mr. Zhao doesn't object, they can join hands with Uncle Hai, or some clubs in our island country, such as the Triad Club, Black Tiger Club, etc."

Harrison Grillo's face changed, and he gave Masataka Ito a hard look. Even though he was a high-ranking and powerful man, he didn't want to be involved in another level of battle at all.

As we all know, the arms expenses of Amei's family are not usually exaggerated and large.

If you dare to get involved in some things easily, you will die without knowing how.

In theory, do these things have anything to do with his authority?It really mattered, but he didn't want to care.

Glaring at Masataka Ito, Harrison said, "Mr. Zhao, if you don't like antiques, then we will leave. If you want anything in the future, just ask. As long as it can be done, we will find a way to connect you Take the line."

Mark Zhou nodded again and again.

There are certain abysses that he can't avoid.

According to some gossip, the soldiers in the island country played super wildly, and dared to toss mushroom bombs in private.

The standard demands money but not life!

Thinking of this, Mark Zhou also wanted to hold his heart a little bit. If Masataka Ito's Kobe team used fake knives to clear the way... It is estimated that there may be many more retired elites as opponents of the CIA in the future.

Some dregs of mushroom bombs and various other goods can be dumped, and the super fake US knife can be spent as long as it is deposited into the account, and it can even be turned into a very clean wealth.

Just talk about unregistered accounts in Swiss banks, isn't that delicious?

Zhao Xueyan nodded.

The two CIAs left quickly.

Masataka Ito and Takeshi Ito wanted to continue talking about the topic of arms, but Dr. Zhao interrupted him with a wave of his hand, "I'm not interested in these things, you can handle these crap things yourself."

"I only have one request. If it affects the harmonious, stable and prosperous society of Hong Kong Island, whoever is responsible will bear the blame."

Ito and his son nodded again and again, and left quickly.

Only Dr. Zhao, Shi Jie, and Donna, two little secretaries, were left in the office, plus Jim Spacey.

The senior executive of the pharmaceutical group coughed lightly, and said in a small trembling voice, "Mr. Zhao, actually, I suddenly felt that the previous research conclusions within our group were a bit arbitrary. The cooperation with Stephen Zhou and Mr. It can be renegotiated."

Zhao Xueyan said calmly, "Renegotiate? How much authority do you have? How many decisions can you make?"


After a while.

Jim Spacey walked down the stairs in a daze, and when he reached the lobby on the first floor, he saw an old man with a pipe in his mouth, laughing while holding a newspaper, "Damn it, this guy from Dongguan is exaggerating, it all started Hanging street lamps in London?"

The old man speaks Cantonese.

Jim couldn't understand.

But soon a white man spoke to the front desk in English, "I am Viggo Cobain, Chief Inspector of MI6. I have something urgent to see Mr. Zhao, can you accommodate me?"

"It's really urgent. It's the late 20s. We London can't become a cannibal tribe. That Lin is a bit too big. Look, look..."

"Today, many tabloids and medium-sized newspapers and magazines are all publishing these horrific events."

Under Viggo Cobain's urgent voice, he was also displaying newspapers and magazines.

When Jim Spacey leaned over to take a look, he didn't see the text clearly, but all kinds of enlarged and brightened photos with rich colors shocked Jim's ghosts.

In those photos, a fashionable and bustling metropolitan street was shot in medium and close shots. The street or street sceneries are all in English and full of British style.

But on the street, on the lampposts near or far, there are close-ups of corpses hanging on ropes, floating in the wind!

Is this the late 20s?On the streets of such a developed metropolis, is there still someone doing this kind of fancy work?
This gentleman, who claims to be the chief inspector of MI6, came here in a hurry to ask Mr. Zhao for accommodation? ?
A funny smile suddenly appeared on Jim Spacey's face, and he couldn't help but stepped forward and asked Viggo, "Sir, is this a London newspaper?"

"On the street, so many people were hanged on street lamps?"

Vigo glanced at him, then frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

Recalling that this is the Kyushu Building, Vigo said depressedly, "Is it possible that you are a sister from the accent? Although we in London are a little embarrassed this time, so what? Just solve it in time."

Jim Spacey, "???"

Is this all just embarrassing?

He was still at a loss, Masataka Ito and Takeshi Ito, whom he had met in the big office on the top floor, had already walked over, and Masataka Ito grabbed a newspaper and shouted loudly, "Mr. Vigo, I heard that the people who were hanged were all us Islander?"

Viggo glanced at him and nodded.

Masataka Ito was furious, "Baga, the shame of this group of Yamato people is really embarrassing and thrown to the whole world. Takeshi, I will give you 3000 million knives, and you are responsible for solving these shame and sinners."

"I don't care what they do in London, if these scumbags can be taught by Mr. Zhao's men, they should all go to hell!"

Viggo Cobain was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said, "Wait, don't rush to do things, Wang Defake, London is already chaotic enough, can you take it easy?"

Masataka Ito waved his hand arrogantly, smoking a big cigar, "Now that I have money, I can do whatever I want, can you control me?"

That's $600-[-] million in cash flow ready to go, even Li, one of the top ten richest people in Hong Kong Island, has a market value of [-]-[-] billion, which seems to be several times higher than that of Kyushu Media Group, and he can spend so much cash flow?

Vigo also choked, feeling powerless to complain.

Masataka Ito smiled and patted Jim Spacey on the shoulder, "My friend, have you seen you in Mr. Zhao's office before? Are you also Mr. Zhao's business partner? What do you do, how close are we?"

Jim Spacey shrank instinctively, he wanted to become a transparent person at this moment, but he didn't have this ability, so he could only laugh, "No, no, I'm just an ordinary person, you're welcome."

Masataka Ito looked at him curiously, and said to Takedo Ito again, "How about we send hundreds of people to London to help Lin Sang hang the street lamps? It would be a spectacular scene if we hung the people who taught everything in London. ?!"

Viggo Cobain rolled his eyes wildly and even wanted to kill.

(End of this chapter)

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