Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 526 The plane hit the dead?

Chapter 526 The plane hit the dead?

After a while.

On the first floor of Kyushu Building, when Hong Guidong, Hong Zhiqing and Hong Yaoyang brought their second child Hong Yingyang to wait for an interview in the rest area, they arrived at the rest area with Liansheng Big D and Dongguan Tsai.

Seeing the two newcomers, Hong Guidong immediately got up with a pale face, "Brother D?"

In the normal social form of Hong Kong Island, although the head of a wealthy family like Lao Hong, the level of the super rich, is not as good as the head of Li, for the leader of the club... that is also a posture of looking down.

Before Dr. Zhao rose to prominence, Lei Youcai, Lei Zhilan's father, could throw out projects one by one, and ask Dongxing Situ Haonan to help him take over the buildings, and take Situ Haonan to make a living.

That kind of big boss, the big brother and leader of the general association, can't afford to offend at all.

But now that Hong Guidong saw the chrysanthemum maniac big D, he still couldn't help but feel palpitations.

After all, the nearly ten Wanwu sects who were killed by He Liansheng's order to kill Jianghu female gangsters came for Mr. Zhao's antiques, and his son Hong Yingyang also brought a few ghosts to attack Mr. Zhao. Antiques!

If it wasn't for this being Zhao's Kyushu Building, Hong Guidong was really afraid that Big D would pull out a big baseball bat if he disagreed with him, and give him a big ending for Old Hong.

Big D was stunned for a moment, and asked in confusion, "Boss Hong?"

Even though Hong Guisheng felt guilty, he still stepped forward with an awkward smile, "Brother D, the dog Yingyang is really young and ignorant, so he brought a few bullies to buy Mr. Zhao's antiques, that's really ignorant..."

"Big Brother D holds your hands high, you can talk about anything you want, don't destroy flowers with your hands so easily."

"Our family is here to apologize to Mr. Zhao."

Big D's expression gradually stiffened. The second young master of Xiongfeng Department Store wants to bring a few foreigners to buy Mr. Zhao's antiques?He has heard a little bit about this matter, but the specific situation is not clear, only that Li Jiacheng is eyeing these few people and entertaining them.

Li Jiacheng made a move, but Big D didn't want to get involved.

After all, the second young master of the Hong family brought people here to discuss what to buy with money, and the fact that an evil organization like the Wanwu Sect sent younger brothers with guns to snatch it... are two different things.

But what do you mean by being so hot-handed? !

Please explain to me, how did I, the boss of the society, destroy Hong Yingyang, a big man like this? !
With big D's expression stiff, Dongguan Zi stared arrogantly, "Old ghost, what do you mean by that? Do you want the whole family to flourish?!"

In a normal social environment, the big bosses of the general associations are indeed far inferior to the richest people, but don’t forget that in the normal trajectory, in order to fight for the top spot, Dong Guanzai also dared to follow his godfather to kidnap Mr. Guo, one of the top ten richest people in Hong Kong Island , just to hit the opponent's ruthless person.

Hong Guidong's face collapsed, he hurriedly shook his head, "Don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong..."

Hong Yaoyang came out, "Don't you guys, it's enough for the second child in our family to bloom alone, don't let the whole family bloom."

"We are already discussing to make an apology to Mr. Zhao and expel the second child from the family tree."

Dongguan boy wanted to bluff, and a female receptionist came to the front desk not far away, "Big D, Dongguan boy, Mr. Zhao asked you to go up."

Only then did Big D smile brightly at the female receptionist, thank him, and left with Dongguan boy.

The two left, Hong Guidong took out his belt again, and said to Hong Yingyang with tears, "Before the whole family blooms, I'd better kill you, what a crime!"


The top floor of Kyushu Building.

When Big D and Dongguan Tsai entered together, Shi Jie brought over two cups of coffee, and when Big D thanked them politely, Zhao Xueyan rubbed his forehead and said, "Talent, how did you two rush to the street to think of the order to kill female gangsters?" of?"

Big D trembled, and just wanted to explain something with a frown.

Dr. Zhao just waved his hand, "Forget it, there are so many wonderful things in the world, and there are not many of you. Who of you can understand English?"

Big D suddenly felt a burst of relief, but English?
He just knows ABC, COME ON Beibi? OH MAY GOD?

You are so hard? !
Various thoughts flashed through his mind, Big D said with a sneer, "Master Yan, I don't know English, but if you want to find some English-speaking younger brothers to work on, I can pull out a batch at any time."

At this time, Dong Guanzi said with a little joy, "Master Yan, I understand, although I am not very proficient, daily communication should be no problem."

Zhao Xueyan just asked casually and didn't report any hope. Regardless of the big D or the hurdling little prince Dongguan, they are just big gangsters,...

So under the words of Dong Guanzi, Dr. Zhao was surprised, "Do you really understand?"

Big D had an unbelievable emotion, "You smuggle and sell ecstasy, do you know English?"

Dongguan boy smiled even brighter, "Isn't this under the guidance of Lord Yan, we and Liansheng quit fans and all kinds of pills? My boss also has a lot of leisure time. I have nothing to do all day, so I will study hard and add Treat yourself."

This is really true, but Dong Guanzai will ban all kinds of drugs in the Dapuhei team. After working free, he will go to learn English... because he has a good brother who was suggested by the other party.

The brother’s original words were that in Hong Kong, Macau, and even Southeast Asia, although Yen Ye’s influence is getting stronger and stronger, the pinnacle of careers that young and Dangerous people can get into should be Zhou Chaoxian, Sangbang, or Situ Haonan, Trumpet, etc. people.

But the peak of those gangsters is basically in foreign countries, going to the international stage.

If you take those people as idols and don't master a foreign language, even if the opportunity comes, you will miss it... Who makes English the most widely circulated language in the overall ecology of the earth?

Even if there is an opportunity for you to do great things for Master Yan, if you run out and don't understand the language, how can you be a ghost?

You are just a young and Dangerous boy, if you want to get out of your core competitiveness, you have to supplement and improve yourself.

Of course, if you just want to be the head of He Liansheng's small hall, or even run for the leader after the big D gets old, and don't think about Zhou Chaoxian, Trumpet and others at all, then you can speak Cantonese to win the world.

Dong Guanzai thinks it is true, his ambition is very big. In the past, the most ambition was to be the leader of Liansheng... Now it is different. Trump, Situ Haonan and Sangbang are the ultimate idols.

As for who is that brother?

That was his old cousin, Huang Wenbin, police chief of Commercial Crime Investigation Division.

Huang Wenbin can be regarded as the most promising junior in the entire big family in Dongguan. After finishing middle school, he went to the police academy. He started as a police trainee and became a police chief in just a few years. He is still studying hard. English, wait for the opportunity to attack the trainee inspector.

Now, the chance finally came?

Originally, I was a little gangster, just following Dapuhei, and the whole Helianshengli was inconspicuous, but was suddenly summoned by Lord Yan and asked if he knew English?
Excited, Dongguan Tsai showed his English level on the spot.

He just introduced himself in English, what is his name, where is his ancestral home, where does he live, what is his job and so on.

After listening, Zhao Xueyan was delighted, "Although the accent is still heavy and the speech is a bit messy, but I can barely communicate, okay, it's just you."

"This time I'm going to arrange someone to go to Niubuluo to help Li Jiacheng do things together. I'm too lazy to transfer Trumpet and Situ Haonan back. Get ready and board the plane with Ah Cheng."

Big D was horrified, "Master Yan, it takes Situ Haonan and La Ba to settle the matter?? Together with Li Jiacheng?? This..."

This is a big event.

Just a small street in Dongguan, can he grasp the depth of it?
Dongguan boy trembled with excitement, one of his ultimate idols is Situ Haonan and Laba, now he has the opportunity to replace them?

This is too handsome, his old cousin Huang Wenbin really does not deceive him!

Without Lao Huang's advice, how could he grasp the opportunity when he encountered it?

Amid the excitement, Big D couldn't help but enviously said, "Master Yan, what needs Situ Haonan's help, Dongguan Boy..."

Dr. Zhao couldn't help laughing, "You think Haonan and La Ba can easily become the beheading of hundreds and thousands of people in the island countries and South Korea. How did they achieve it? Relying on their previous fighting power in the streets of Hong Kong Island and fighting for territory?"

"Don't worry, since I have chosen someone, I will definitely give you some support and let you become a person like Haonan and the others."

It is an attempt to arrange for Li Jiacheng to go to Niu Buluo to snatch the god's arm in the hands of Wanwujiao. After he can test out the strength of Ah Cheng, whether it has been weakened in the kingdom of God's back garden... to the deity of Ah Cheng Blessed with magical powers, his combat effectiveness and luck value increased dramatically.

Go back to Hong Kong Island by yourself.

But that look is a bit "garish"!
Li Jiacheng is the one that MI6 and CIA have been following and studying for a long time, and they also want to take him abroad to do research and control Ah Cheng.

In the MI6 and CIA databases, the basic situation of Ah Cheng must be very clear and informative.

A Cheng who is thrown from high altitudes at any time while walking on the road, stays in a hotel, explodes excrement drains, burst water pipes, bad luck can not only affect others, but also super degenerate himself, and has no combat effectiveness, suddenly becomes Situ Haonan's kind The king of the king of soldiers, he was unscathed by random waves in the hail of bullets.

This doesn't fit the data.

In other words, if Zhao Xueyan blesses A Cheng with the skill effect of distinguishing between grievances and grievances, or other skill effects...then the more monstrous the performance of A Cheng, the more confusing it will be for the data files collected by MI6 and CIA.

It might even make MI6 and CIA suspect Situ Haonan, La Ba and others.

In order to avoid similar troubles, it is better to choose a newcomer at give Li Jia a backing.Dr. Zhao himself promised Ah Cheng that it would be risky to go to Niubuluo, and he will arrange other things.


After a while.

Big D and Dongguan boy left the Kyushu Building together, stood outside the building and looked at the towering skyscrapers, Big D couldn't help but slapped Dongguan boy on the shoulder, "Hey, Dongguan boy, you're about to get fired. "

"One day you will become prosperous, but don't forget that you came out of us and Liansheng. By the way, when you go to Niubuluo to do things, our association will have money to contribute, and we will be able to contribute. If you need anything, just ask me. I will definitely support you!"

Big D couldn't help feeling envious.

That was to replace Situ Haonan and Trumpet.

The current Situ Haonan is the super idol of young and Dangerous people in Hong Kong. It's really indescribable that he has mixed up with clubs to such an extent.

In the past, many, many people also doubted that just one of the five tigers of the East Star, how can he casually wander in island countries and South Korea, and easily kill a hundred or a thousand people?Beat the shit out of the police on all sides?

If they are so fierce and strong, the former Hong Kong Island community...shouldn't be easily swept away, dominated, and crushed by the other party?
In the past, there were many skeptics and discussants about these things in the Tao.

But after discussion and discussion, there was no answer, no result.

It's not that Big D didn't doubt it, it was with the support of Master Yan that the other party was able to be so fierce, but he couldn't be sure, it was Master Yan who personally admitted it today.

Will Dongguan boy become so fierce soon?How mighty?

Thinking of this, Big D hated it deeply, why he doesn't understand English anymore!If he had learned it before, wouldn't he be able to replace Dongguan Tsai in the game today?

No, I understand English, come on Beibi!A few sentences also understand English, so I shouldn't be humble at the beginning.

What's more wrong, it's not my fault that I don't know English. It should be those foreigners who don't understand Chinese or Cantonese, which makes it difficult for him to communicate easily after going out, and gave this opportunity to Dongguan boy...

Thinking of this, Big D hated those foreigners who made troubles.

In the future, when he encounters those foreigners who want to make trouble and don't understand Chinese and Cantonese, he will definitely see one by one, and the murder order of female gangsters will sweep the world.

It was an accident before, it was his fault, from today onwards he wants to vent!
Under the excited words of Big D, Dong Guanzi's smirking facial muscles stiffened, "Brother D, don't worry, I will be with Liansheng for a day, and I will never forget being with Liansheng for the rest of my life... Wait I have done a good job, and we are still good brothers."

With tears in his eyes, Big D took out his checkbook and signed, "Brother, there is 100 million Hong Kong dollars here, you spend it first, by the way, the Chinese in Chinatown in London will send it to Big Bear, I will contact you in advance and let him stay there Accept you."

Clubs on Hong Kong Island seldom go to London even if they are fleeing, evacuating, etc., such as Wanwan, Thailand, Coachmen, Filipino Maid Country, etc., are the first choice for Wanwan clubs to travel. Target.

There is not much communication between Liansheng and Chinatown in London.

But He Liansheng is one of the top clubs on Hong Kong Island after all. Big D asked himself, if he contacted that boss Xiong, it would be impossible for him not to give him some face.

They are all from Chinese associations. They were not familiar with them before, but after a few more contacts, they became familiar.

100 million Hong Kong dollars is Big D's investment in Dongguan Tsai.He also wanted to give more, but the killing order of the female gangster just threw out 900 million cash...


After more than a day.

On the cross-border flight from Hong Kong Island to London, Dong Guanzai took a few glances at Li Jiacheng, who was more than a dozen rows ahead, and saw that Ah Cheng was having a hot fight with a golden silk cat. Dongguan Zai touched the back of his head in confusion. .

In the information he got, isn't Li Jiacheng a natural disaster-like broom star and a god-like figure? Why, since he was in the terminal hall, one after another beauties have approached Ah Cheng?It seems that they all took the initiative to strike up a conversation with Ah Cheng, very enthusiastic.

Looking at Li Jiacheng, who is not much more handsome than himself, Dong Guanzi has some doubts about life.

Has the taste of the current Dayan horses, golden cats, etc. become so strange?
However, putting aside these messy thoughts, when he remembered that he was also the one who was greeted by Ye Yen to the gods in the sky and let the gods bless him.

Dongguan Tsai was a little excited.

"A Chengna is considered to be a bad god if he throws himself into the street. No matter if this plane is hijacked or crashed... I have a god to say hello and protect me, so I should be fine."

"Take care of Ah Cheng secretly and go to the headquarters of Niu Bu Luo Wan Wu Sect, and get two pieces of God's armor, one is a helmet and the other is a breastplate. I'm done with this matter, even Jesus can't stop me!"

If things are done well, he will be as powerful as Situ Haonan and Trumpet in the future in Dongguan. If he can't do it well... If you are given a chance, are you still useless?

It's better to die early, so as not to waste air living in this world.


Ten hours later, London Airport.

John, with a white Mediterranean hairstyle, sat smoking a pipe in a Mercedes-Benz. After waiting for a few minutes, he raised his wrist and looked at his watch, "Where is Chen Bin, and Yoshikawa from the Yamada group...don't bother these two wastes." Are you afraid to come?"

Ken Boyle, the big boss of the All Things Education, is naturally still in control of the overall situation in his lair in the mountains, and one of the big bosses under Ken, John, has already learned that Li Jiacheng is coming to London, and came to prepare to arrest Li Jia multiplied.

I heard that Li Jiacheng's visit this time is for the two God's weapons in the hands of the Wanwu Sect... Is he here on behalf of Zhao Xueyan from Hong Kong Island?

Ken Boyle's big boss is very important.

Especially when John glanced at the newspapers in the Mercedes-Benz, all the myriad followers of the Myriad Things Sect on the newspapers died so bleakly.

Seeing this, John was so angry that the more than 30 brothers who were sent to Hong Kong Island to grab the sword of the Holy Spirit were arranged by John.

He never dreamed that the bastards on Hong Kong Island would be so outrageous, they just killed people, and they didn't kill their heads. Does it need to be so cruel and exaggerated?

Since Li Jiacheng is representing Zhao Xueyan to find God Armed Forces of the Myriad Things Sect, he will definitely treat him well.

At this moment, the Mercedes-Benz that John is riding is not outside the airport, but inside the airport. As for the Chen Bin and Yoshikawa he is talking about, they are one of the distributors of Wanwujiao. Wanwujiao produces various duck slices, No. 4 powder, etc. Sold to Chen Bin and Yoshikawa, who were bulk cargo in London.

In the original London Chinatown Chinese Association, the boss Xiongfa did not touch fans, but Chen Bin, as one of the big brothers in Chinatown, is ambitious and dares to do anything as long as he can make money.

The same is true for Yoshikawa. The Yamada group in the island country is not only led by the leader Yamada, but also doing well in Niubuluo. Want to do, dare to do anything.

Following John's complaints, two more cars rushed in from outside the airport and quickly arrived near the Mercedes-Benz. Chen Bin and Yoshikawa also got out of the car with a smile and came to say hello to John.

If Zhao Xueyan was present, he probably would have recognized that Chen Bin was the original Romantic Killer Freeman who wanted to catch Wang Xiaojia, but ended up catching Li Jiani by mistake and directly kicking the girl Jiani to death.

Romantic Killer Liberty is the cooperation between Chen Bin and Yoshikawa. You kill my boss Yamada to help me get to the top, and I kill your boss Xiong Fa to help you get to the top. Then they join forces to get all kinds of fans and sell Niubuluo and Europa countries.

These two are careerists in the Asian community.

Greeted with a smile, Chen Bin said with a smile, "John, is your news reliable? A big boss in Hong Kong Island sent someone to get your all things to teach...Antiques? We are all people who smuggle fans and make a lot of money. What kind of antiques are you doing, isn't this a joke?"

"Even if it's antiques, we don't need to work together, so go and get him alone?"

"In modern society, no matter how good an elite can be, give me a few guns to surround him and easily beat him into a hornet's nest."

Yoshikawa also said with a smile, "Mr. John, this is London after all, our Yamada team's base camp in Europa. If we come to see you like this, it will easily arouse the suspicion and vigilance of the team leader."

John glanced at the two of them calmly, "Since you want to make a fortune with our Wanwujiao, then at the critical moment, you should work with us and contribute a little bit."

"If you don't want to, you can leave now."

In the news he got, he didn't know how evil Li Jiacheng was. It was incredible. He just learned that Li Jiacheng was super capable of fighting. If he wanted to deal with him, it would be difficult for ten or twenty people with guns to deal with him.

Want to start directly at the airport... Of course, Wanwujiao also has its own network of contacts in London, but the Chinese Gang represented by Chen Bin, and the Yamada Group represented by Yoshikawa actually have a good influence in London.

With their help, the confidence is greater.

As for where did John get the news?Just kidding, they are a large organization that grows opium, produces and sells it, and ships it in units of hundreds of kilograms. As long as they are rich enough, it is not difficult to buy a wave of people to be their eyes and ears.

Chen Bin shrugged helplessly, "Well, I prepared more than 20 gunmen outside the airport, and I also greeted a big man from the police station, so it shouldn't be difficult to deal with."

Yoshikawa also nodded.

Once Guanchaiba met the Thai drug lord warlord, and wanted to buy goods, credit, etc., he could only be obedient. In front of John, they were similar to Guanchaiba facing the Thai drug lord warlord.

In this world, it is impossible to have only one source of supply for Wanwujiao.

But under the current circumstances, if Chen Bin and Yoshikawa want to continue to expand and expand their power network, they still need all kinds of goods from the All Things Sect.

Talking and laughing with John for a while, Chen Bin also lit a cigar, looked around while smoking, and suddenly froze when he saw it, "John, when do you think Li Jia's flight will arrive?"

John said quickly, "It's almost there now, what's the matter?"

Chen Bin said in a daze, "John, have you ever seen someone killed in a car accident?"

John frowned, when is this, you still ask such a weird and nonsensical question?Is it funny?
It is very common for people to be killed in car accidents. The world is so big. It is estimated that many people die in car accidents every day.

Chen Bin didn't hear the answer, so he said again, "It's common for cars to kill people, but what about airplanes? Or passenger planes on cross-border flights..."

John looked up sharply.

In the sky, I saw a large passenger plane landing crookedly, and the engine position on the side of the passenger plane was still smoking.

On the huge international airport, some passenger planes are being parked, or simply parked or being overhauled, and some airport staff are walking or driving cars to and from various places.

The location where Chen Bin and others parked their cars was quite remote, and it was a bit far from the airstrips.

Can't stand it anymore, as people watched and deduced, they were shocked to find that the one-sided engine was on fire, and the big airliner was still smoking and flying crookedly, as if it was coming towards them? ?
After watching for a few more seconds, the big flight was getting closer to them. Chen Bin decisively dropped his cigar, jumped on the Land Rover and yelled at the driver, "Drive!!!"

On the street, he often hides from the police and is chased by the police, common, fundamental.

But watching an out-of-control plane in the airport, a large airliner, seems to be flying crookedly towards his location, is this an international joke? !
Yoshikawa of the Yamada group also quickly jumped onto the Jaguar, roaring and driving fast.

At this moment in the international airport, it is not just Chen Bin and others who are in chaos. There are too many places in chaos. In the direction of the control tower, various staff members on other runways or aprons are crazily calling, or running, trying to Try to meet the passenger plane that landed out of control.

I've already flown to the airport. It would be too bad luck if I suddenly lose control and fall here, causing a big explosion or something.

On an international flight, looking at a dozen rows of seats, Li Jiacheng was trembling with a golden cat in his arms, praying for something.

Dongguan boy was a little bit broken and grabbed a pendant of a statue of Huang Daxian. He muttered something, and he was cursing in his heart. Li Jiacheng, a bad god and unlucky ghost, is too dark. This is the first time that Dongguan boy took a cross-country ride. flight.

The previous trips were okay, quite stable, you are about to get off the plane at the airport, and suddenly playing this one is too...

After a period of time, crooked, bumpy, bumpy, the big flight finally stopped at the airport. The process...was exciting and thrilling.

At the moment when it came to a stop, the whole passenger plane, from the cockpit to the passenger compartment, was full of cheers from the passengers, and some excitedly hugged the stewardess, praising God and the greatness of the pilots.

However, there are also many people who can't wait to get off the plane and run away.

It stands to reason that when a normal passenger plane stops, there will be a special channel at the exit to dock... Passengers leave the airport directly along the channel.

But this time, it would be nice if everyone could stop alive. The cabin door was attached to an escalator, and the passengers ran around the airport after getting off the plane.

After the robbery, Yu Sheng wiped cold sweat and got out of the car, only to see...

There was a big wheel of the plane, and a foreigner with a white Mediterranean hairstyle who could barely distinguish was run over by the big wheel of the plane and rotted to the ground.

Not far from here, there is another Mercedes-Benz parked, and the driver of the Mercedes-Benz is kneeling on the ground and shouting to God.

"It's too exciting, too thrilling!"

"When the passenger plane landed just now, it had been chasing the Mercedes-Benz and seemed to run over it. When the Mediterranean jumped off the car in a hurry...the Mercedes-Benz turned and the passenger plane also turned...then it ran over him."

"It's okay, it's okay, God will bless him, if it is really run over by the Mercedes, it will be over if it explodes, just run over one person? It's much better..."


When Dongguan Boy heard some information from some passers-by, he was suddenly in a mess, good guy, I'm such a good guy.

When you were sitting in a Mercedes-Benz in the Mediterranean Sea, the out-of-control flight kept chasing the Mercedes-Benz. When you jumped out of the car, it stopped chasing the Mercedes-Benz and ran over you instead?

You are the god of decline!

Fatalities in car accidents are common.

But it's really rare to be crushed to death by an international flight at the airport.

Ah Cheng's work is so powerful, wouldn't he be obscured by the background?If you imagine Situ Haonan as's hard!


The cow does not fall in a large villa in a certain frontier mountain range.

Ken Boyle was still waiting for news, waiting and waiting, the phone rang, and Ken picked it up and answered, "This is Ken."

"Master, something went wrong, His Excellency John was crushed to death by a plane!"

When a terrified voice sounded from the other side of the phone, Ken was stunned for dozens of seconds and said in surprise, "Crushed to death by a plane? How do you crush it?"

When John learned that Zhao Xueyan sent people to New York through their own news channels, and they were armed with the God of their All Things Sect, John led a team to do things in London, and he would also contact the clubs and gangs in London to do things together.

It's not surprising at all to die in a shootout, in a police chase, or in a gang fight.

Get crushed by a plane?
Ken Boyle is also over 60 years old, and he has never seen such a strange way of death in his life.

On the other side of the phone, he quickly said, "It was a flight from Hong Kong Island to London. When it arrived at the airport, one side of the engine suddenly caught fire and failed. The pilot relied on super technology to finally control the flight to land safely."

"But when it landed, the plane ran over Sir John."

"Now those few pilots and pilots have become the heroes of the international airport. Big bosses from the airlines have come to award them medals, and TV stations and the media are interviewing them..."

"But His Excellency John seems to have been ignored, and someone is helping to cover up this matter, should we help him seek justice?"

The more he talked, the more dazed Ken Boyle was, which was outrageous.

Does this work?
The All Things Sect found out some information about Li Jiacheng, and knew that he came here from Hong Kong Island to find God to arm him. However, he really didn't know how much deterrent power Acheng Bencheng had.

After all, MI6 and CIA are covering the cover together.

What a sensation Adeline Bowman caused in Amei's house, Li also a very sensational focus.

In a daze, Ken Boyle began to suspect that it wasn't their religion of all things being targeted by God again... It's so weird to die so weirdly and unnaturally.

Thousands of years ago, Wanwu Religion was wiped out by the true God who represented justice and justice with the armed forces of God.


Hong Kong Island.

Zhao Xueyan received a call from Dongguan Tsai, and was speechless when he learned of Ah Cheng's first record in London.

It seems that in the future, it is not easy to take the same vehicle with Ah Cheng. This may not be particularly dangerous. After all, Ah Cheng's life is very hard. Even if there is an accident, it is difficult to directly kill Ah Cheng disaster.

But it takes a big heart to ride a vehicle with him!
Instructed Dongguan boy to continue to stare at Ah Cheng and continue to wave, to protect the safety of that guy... Zhao Xueyan hung up the phone and tasted the barbecued pork rice in front of him.

Produced by Stephen Chow, he just learned the barbecued pork rice. In the story of God of Cookery, Zhou Zai took it to the level of the Supreme Celebrity Chef Competition.

After finishing a bowl of rice, Dr. Zhao said to Stephen Zhou with a smile, "Zhou Zai, you've done a good job, keep working hard. Your food stalls should have as many types of food as possible."

Ah Zhou's offal noodles can cure stomach problems and greatly relieve symptoms. After a few days, Dr. Zhao gained more than a dozen humanitarian merits in vain.

He is also looking forward to this new barbecued pork rice.

(End of this chapter)

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