Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 504 How did they grab the sky?

Chapter 504 How did they grab the sky?

Shanghai, a suburban gas station, when Zhao Xueyan took off again in the Mi-17, the leaders of the Investment Promotion Office gathered on the ground to send him off.

Contrary to the expectations of individual leaders, Dr. Zhao neither ate here nor went to rest. He flew out quickly after making a phone call, and then left.

Zhao Xueyan's attitude of leaving is relatively firm, so naturally no one will forcibly dissuade him or something, and everyone understands that this... must not turn a good thing into a bad thing.

Seeing that the Mi-17 became smaller and smaller in the sky until it was invisible to the naked eye, a certain leader said regretfully, "Our reception work in Shanghai is still not in place, and needs to be further strengthened."

Immediately, a young man nodded, "It is to be strengthened. Eastern Guangdong and the capital have succeeded repeatedly, and the prairie is not bad. Here we..."

Speaking of this, he smacked his lips again, "It's not the person who drives the Camry that Mr. Zhao doesn't like, right? I heard that since Mr. Zhao took off, he chased him all the way to the city clothing company."

A certain leader's eyes lit up, "What's the origin of that guy?"

The young man simply said, "I've found out, it's just a nouveau riche who made his fortune by some disgraceful means. He has a lot of money. It is said that his family has millions of assets. Otherwise, he would not be able to afford a Camry, but their family is very expensive. It may have been smuggled, and the goods were antiques."

"There's just no proof yet."

In this era, the family has millions of assets, which is really a local tyrant.Brother Dong in Tazhai is still struggling back and forth on the poverty line, and he is also playing smuggling.

The leader's eyes lit up, he wanted to say something but he didn't say anything, but looked at Director He and several clothing factory models not far away.

Mr. Zhao came to Shanghai, how big a deal is this?what a chanceHe is gearing up for a good reception,...

Of course, Director He and Yao Fangfang, who reappeared near the gas station now, did not continue to arrive here by helicopter.

Just kidding, it’s the first time I’ve met Xiao Zhao, and everyone doesn’t know him well. You can also take a look at the helicopter because of curiosity. When you get off the plane, you can see the scene where the city’s deputy senior official chased the helicopter on a bicycle.

Director He was also severely trained by the deputy factory.

Even though Zhao Xueyan had said to bring them back when he took off from the factory, they didn't dare to sit in it this time. This was the van they left for Shanghai, and they drove back to the factory and set off again.

After a few glances over there, a certain leader waved his hand and said, "Don't do anything first, just follow the normal process, so as not to make too many mistakes. According to Director He, Mr. Zhao doesn't care about these trivial things at all."

Mr. Zhao didn't care, and he was actually in a good mood. There was no need for them to do more, so as not to cause bad things.

Of course.

Since Brother Jiamei's family may be involved in the smuggling of antiques and the sale of cultural relics to outsiders, it is also appropriate for the police to intensify their investigations.

The young man nodded yes.


Going to Shanghai to the direction of Nandu, high above the sky, Zhao Xueyan continued to fly the helicopter to familiarize himself with the situation, while browsing the mountains and rivers of the motherland. He is now mainly walking along the Yangtze River.

In two lifetimes, this was the first time that he flew a helicopter overlooking the mountains and rivers of China. That feeling was quite novel and excited him.

Flying, walking, browsing, eleven times the physical fitness including super vision, he is more than 1000 meters above the ground, and seeing the world with naked eyes is more real and colorful than normal people using binoculars.

Even when he flew over a section of the Linjiang area, he turned a corner in the air and came back. The helicopter hovered high in the sky, and Dr. Zhao's expression became more subtle.

What's next?robbery?

And the two guys who robbed seem familiar? ?
He was a little dazed and looked at the surrounding area again. Was it Azu who was robbing below?It shouldn't be, the face is still so handsome, and the figure is not bad, but Tula Baji's hairstyle and style are not like Azu.


In a small wood near a riverside kilometer in the outskirts of Shanghai.

Chen Xiao, who was kicking a man down and snatching his wallet to check the harvest, looked up at the sky in a daze, and asked Zhang Xuan who was on the side in doubt, "Brother, what should we do?"

Zhang Xun also looked at the black spots in the sky in a daze.

At an altitude of more than 1000 meters, if it is a small thing, the naked eye of a normal person can no longer see it clearly, but it is the Airbus Mi-17!

Across more than 1000 meters, can normal people see the bus on the ground?

After being confused, Zhang Xun stroked his hair and said, "It's okay, let's continue, there are forests, even if it's December, there are not many leaves... I don't believe we can be seen from above."

"The car outside is also by the woods."

After speaking, Zhang Xuan grabbed the man on the ground and said, "Quick, take off your clothes!"

The man on the ground hurriedly covered his buttocks, "Brother, I admit it, you can take the money away, right?"

Zhang Xuan laughed angrily, and even Chen Xiao, who was grabbing the wallet, stretched out his foot and kicked the other party, "What good thing are you thinking? Isn't it that rich people like to hide money in special places when they go out? As long as you cooperate, we will Brother will not kill you."

The meat ticket on the ground is that when they drove a pickup truck through this area, they pretended that someone was injured and stopped the truck. When the pickup truck stopped and the driver got off, they got caught.

In Chen Xiao's mind, Zhang Xun is really a good big brother. He entered the juvenile detention center when he was a teenager, and then he often led a group of people to rob and practice his craft...Brother Zhang really practiced robbery as a craft.

I often deduce with my brothers how to rob quickly and efficiently, how to avoid the police, how to hide afterwards, sell stolen goods, etc.

Brother Zhang didn’t go to any school, nor was he a soldier. He just kept doing things and practiced, and he has the aura of a super big brother in his 20s.

Of course, it's very common to miss things and get caught... In their team, Zhang Xun occasionally went in, and Chen Xiao also went in a few times, but it was a trivial matter, and the other members had changed several times.

Others have already been targeted.

Brother Zhang clamored even more to encourage them. Right now, they are just robbing passers-by to practice their skills. When the time is ripe, gold shops, business halls, vans, etc. can also be arranged one by one.

Amidst Chen Xiao's laughing and cursing, the driver trembled with aggrieved face and began to take off his clothes, but he just took off his coat and looked up.

The same goes for Zhang Xuan and Chen Xiao.

The Mi-1000, which was originally hovering at an altitude of more than 17 meters, is already landing, and the destination is not far away, which is the open space outside the woods.

The driver was a little surprised, he was a short-distance transport driver, and the car was bought on loan, but because he often used sports cars, he knew that these days... running a small truck is nothing, but driving a helicopter is rare, right? ?
Did you save yourself this time?
Zhang Xun also touched his chin and said, "It's really come down?"

With the gradual landing of the Mi-17, Chen Xiao also felt a great deal of uneasiness. He didn't know much about it, so he couldn't recognize which helicopter it was, but the more he landed, the more oppressive the helicopter's huge size brought. serious.

"Hey, such a big plane? There are more than one or two people on it, right?"

"Brother, let's go for a run?"

Zhang Xuan's eyes moved, he grabbed the knife and stabbed the truck driver twice. Amid the driver's unbelievable screams, he grabbed the key and ran away, "Let's drive the pickup truck, leave a wounded number, and the helicopter will have to come down." Be distracted."

Chen Xiao ran fast, nodding while running.


Two minutes later, Zhao Xueyan jumped off the Mi-2, glanced at the pickup truck that had driven several hundred meters away, arrived in the woods, walked up to the man who was stabbed, and opened the first-aid kit in his hand silently.

After looking at it for a while, he said depressedly, "Could it be that I'm being troubled? Or else you wouldn't have been stabbed?"

The driver lost a lot of blood, and he was still pleasantly surprised at this moment, "Then how can I blame you? I was careless. The sports car has been hit by this trick for so long. I thought it was nothing serious..."

Zhao Xueyan was delighted, "Your injury is fine, it's not serious, that guy stabbed your thigh before running away, not your upper body, it's not too bad."

However, recalling the appearances of Zhang Xuan and Chen Xiao, he was basically sure that they should be the gangsters in the anti-violence story.

Zhang Xun in the anti-violence scene is indeed quite fierce. Even if the other party has not yet reached its peak, he has confronted the authorities in various ways, even molested the police in Changpu Province, and killed a lot of people when he committed crimes. Now that kid is quite scumbag Yes.

After simply bandaging the driver to stop the bleeding, Zhao Xueyan said with a smile, "Let's go, take my helicopter to take you to the hospital, and then drop by to see where the two little thieves want to go."

The driver is grateful and grateful.

After being supported by Zhao Xueyan to get on the helicopter, he also felt a sense of infinite novelty.

However, when Dr. Zhao started the helicopter again, he found out speechlessly that Zhang Xun and Chen Xiao rushed to the street in a pickup truck and drove up to the downtown area of ​​Shanghai.

He just came out and went back?

"Forget it, the mainland will soon be able to use the big brother, so let's go around a bit more."

Under normal circumstances, the first mobile phone in the mainland was introduced in 87. Zhao Xueyan also heard people say that the process of certain things has been accelerated by several points, probably due to the butterfly effect.

Then let Zhang Xuan and Chen Xiao fly for a while.

They thought they could run fast and far. In fact, once they entered the sight of Dr. Zhao, they would be entertained with various skills and even supernatural powers with just one thought.

It's just that I didn't think about using it before, and I don't need to use it now.

Even if it is used now, the two of them overturned their car and hit the street... car?Who is to blame for the loss of the truck, and who drives it back?

He has a BB machine on him, but as we all know, after your BB machine receives a message, you will find a phone nearby to contact... Without a phone, the BB machine is just a thing that can receive but not send.

A small truck was galloping on a somewhat dilapidated road, and Chen Xiao in the passenger seat leaned out to look at the sky while walking. When he saw the Mi-17 taking off again, and then flew towards them, Chen Xiao's expression changed even more. Depressed, "Brother, I caught up, what should I do?"

Zhang Xuan glanced at the rear-view mirror, and a stern look flashed in his eyes, "It's okay, you won't go to jail if you follow me, just find a suitable place to abandon the car later, if it doesn't work, find a hostage..."

After a period of time, seeing the helicopter getting closer and closer, Zhang Xuan's pressure increased greatly. Fortunately, when he saw a car approaching in front of the road, the murderer became ruthless, and the pickup truck stopped in the middle of the road to stop the car.


Then when he got out of the car, he staggered and couldn't stand firmly. When he knelt down, he knocked his forehead and passed out.

Chen Xiao was shocked and hurried to check on Zhang Falcon's situation.

But also because of impatience and leg cramps, he knelt down abruptly, rubbing his face against the knife in Zhang Xuan's hand, and he was very sad.

When the car approaching in front stopped abruptly, the driver and the people in the back came over to see the situation with expressions of surprise and uncertainty. They saw the scene clearly, and both of them were quite confused.

Chen Xiao covered the cut corner of his mouth and yelled indistinctly, "Help, send us to the hospital quickly..."

The driver and passenger of the car turned and ran.

I didn't run very far and stayed more than ten meters away, looking lively.

Dr. Zhao's Mi-17 has already landed, not far away.

In this era, if you drive a Mi-17 casually, the return rate and eye-catching index are really too explosive. Ferrari and Les Royces have to stand aside.

After the helicopter stopped, Dr. Zhao got out of the car with a smile and came to the side of Chen Xiao and Zhang Xuan. Looking at Chen Xiao who had stood up again, covering his bleeding face with one hand and holding a knife in the other, Zhao Xueyan said with a smile, "You Do you still want to practice with me??"

Chen Xiao did not stare at Dr. Zhao, but looked at the helicopter, and found that there were no more people coming down there, and it seemed that there was only the driver who was robbed not long ago in the opened cockpit, so he flashed fiercely and kicked Zhang Xuan, "Get up!"

"This guy is alone, we still have hope."

Zhao Xueyan glanced at him with a broken smile, and then said to the car duo who were watching the excitement more than ten meters away, "Don't watch the excitement, why don't you two come to practice too?"

"In this way, you help me get these two done, and maybe give you a fortune."

It was only after he used his skills on Zhang Xuan and Chen Xiao that he unexpectedly discovered that the person driving in the car should be the fat second child in A World Without Thieves, and the person in the back compartment was Uncle Li.

If he had known that Uncle Li was here, he should have made the move a little later. Let's see what would happen if a "skilled person" like Uncle Li faced Zhang Xun and Chen Xiao.

Under his words, Hu Li, who was wearing a wig, looked confused, so what happened?Fatty was a little more worried, this car was stolen from them.

Zhao Xueyan saw that the two were in a daze, and Zhang Xuan, who had fallen unconscious on the ground, seemed to be kicked awake. He took out a few bundles of rope from his pocket, "Why don't you tie them yourself, really do it, I'm afraid You regret it."

"Look, I'm driving a helicopter around by myself, I can't be an ordinary person, can I?"

Chen Xiao, who covered his mouth and face, moved his eyes slightly, and Zhang Xuan woke up completely, stood up and shook his head, looking at the situation with a fierce look in his eyes.

He grabbed Chen Xiao's knife with another hand, and stabbed fiercely.


After a while.

The leader of Shanghai, who was feeling lost, was still sad and regretful, and saw the young secretary directly pushing open the door of his office, and hurried over, "Leader, Mr. Zhao is back."

The leader was overjoyed, "Really?"

The young secretary definitely nodded, but his expression was a little more solemn, "Mr. Zhao hanged four people back... He tied them with ropes, hung them under the helicopter, and flew back."

A certain leader was at a loss, how long has Mr. Zhao been out?In less than an hour, four people were hoisted under the helicopter when they came back?
"what happened?"

The secretary smiled wryly, "Of the four people, two have been identified, they seem to be road tyrants who blocked the road and robbed, and the other two are not very clear..."

The leader was even more dumb, "I know Roadhog, the current Roadhog can grab helicopters?"

Someone robbed Mr. Zhao and was killed by the other party?This doesn't seem to be surprising, isn't it always rumored that the one who is super capable of fighting is stronger than the King of Soldiers?

At once……

There are indeed road hooligans in China, how did they get to the sky?

The next moment the leader was not at a loss, and said with a dark face, "That is to say, before going far, Mr. Zhao caught a wave of bad guys and came back?"

The image of Shanghai? !

This is sin!
(End of this chapter)

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