Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 502 Wait, okay [Subscribe]

Chapter 502 Wait, okay [Subscribe]

Dr. Zhao really just ran around a lot this time when he was flying the plane to practice, and he came to Shanghai to refuel when he was almost out of gas.

Find a place to make a call after receiving the signal from the BB machine.


But there was no way, from the moment he applied for a test flight in China's airspace, the news... was a mess.

When he applied for a test flight, and the relevant departments still felt that they didn't know what to do, well-informed people, such as the leaders of Beijing, Shanghai and other regions, enthusiastically called.

Approve it, if you don't approve it, how can we see Dr. Zhao in a reasonable way?
Think about it, when Dr. Zhao went to the capital, he dropped 8000 million Hong Kong dollars to build an instant noodle group, and spent tens of millions to build a five-star hotel. How many related chain industries have been developed by this?How many people's employment problems have been driven?

In the mid-to-late 80s, whether it was difficult for the educated youths who returned to their hometowns to find jobs, or the retired professional arranged jobs... this is definitely a sharp weapon to drive employment in big cities.

Also, it's not just building a factory, it's a real burst of production capacity!

The monthly salary of the captain of the Yangcheng City Bureau may only be one or two hundred, and the workers in the instant noodle factory who can earn a monthly salary of more than one hundred are caught everywhere.

Exploding production capacity, working overtime, Dr. Zhao is not a stingy person, and he didn't think about making a lot of money from instant noodles at first.

Let's put it this way, the wages of the workers in Master Zhao's instant noodle factory are actually similar to those of workers in state-owned enterprises before the decline, on the same standard.

Of course, Master Zhao's group has good treatment and benefits, and not everyone wants it, and the management method is still very formal and strict.

After all, the Golden Gate Club's [-] million order is still in production, and the Manila tycoon Ho Tung's [-] million order is also in production, and there are some rich people running around to spread orders and spend money waiting for goods.

Zhao Xueyan went to Wanwan for a few days, and the news made by the officials was too shocking.

All the big brothers and fierce people who might affect Zhao Xueyan's interest in playing were caught first and sent in...

This is insane!

Naturally, some smart people understand that if you spend a lot of money to buy Master Zhao instant noodles, it is another matter to get the goods, but not to get the goods?Still waiting?

Just wait.

I'm doing business with Dr. Zhao, and the business hasn't finished yet, so it's not suitable for me to be kidnapped, bullied by gangsters, bullied by gangs, right?Once the transaction between me and Dr. Zhao Group is affected, wouldn't it mean that Wan Wan would lose face to Hong Kong Island?

Throw it in front of Grandpa Yan?
A smart person discovered this "business opportunity", and naturally he was enthusiastic about spending money. The rich businessman who was the first to play this in Wanwan directly placed an order of [-] million Hong Kong dollars.

He didn't have that much money, but went to a certain bank to lobby. He wanted to borrow money to buy Master Zhao's instant noodles. I could use my property, real estate, etc. as collateral, and he was also willing to believe that Master Zhao's instant noodles could be sold well in Wanwan. Sales are high.

In this way, he borrowed [-] million Hong Kong dollars from the bank, transferred it to Master Zhao Catering Group, and slowly waited in line for orders.

I still use the original assets of the enterprise to continue to develop and operate.

Then this one became famous all of a sudden.

He was praised by various leaders like Hou Ju and became a role model for a while.

Then there is the Jumo Group of the island country, which is a super group whose car sales are striving to become the world's best. Even the spirited guy who competed with Dr. Zhao not long ago drove only the mid-range car Camry under Jumu.

Jumu and Ya, the boss, also took out [-] million Hong Kong dollars to place an order.

Plus Adeline Bowman selling blood money to place an order?

The current Master Zhao Catering Group is trying its best to explode its production capacity, with three shifts of workers taking turns to produce all the orders, and it will have to wait until next summer.

This is just an instant noodle catering group owned by Dr. Zhao.

Plus his media group business?
Such a big shot wants to go back to the mainland to apply for a test flight... In fact, the most urgent thing is the big bosses in charge of attracting investment in various places.

They welcome Zhao Xueyan back so much.

Let's keep an eye on his flight path first, wait, and wait to see who gets it. If it really comes down, even if it's just to refuel, we still have to find a chance to get in touch.

come on?

Just kidding, Dr. Zhao has been flying for so long, is he tired or hungry?Do you want to come down to eat and drink to replenish your mental and physical strength?
There is a lot of time in the middle, which can be freely used and grasped.

Therefore, when he learned that Zhao Xueyan was coming to Shanghai to refuel, someone called the gas station at that time, and he must be received well, and the person who delivered the fuel will be there soon.

After learning that Zhao Xueyan took off suddenly and came to the urban area, he was suspected of coming for the clothing company. Not to mention, many people came by car, and then rode bicycles in the large factory area to wait for the plane to land.

Zhao Xueyan was embarrassed by everyone's enthusiasm.

When he followed the crowd to make an international long-distance call, a certain leader waved his sweat and ordered everyone to put away the welcome banner. Well, this is Zhao Xueyan who saw it and said not to be so grand, that would be too...

Then what should be paid is collected.

When the staff was busy again, a certain leader had already seen Director He, Yao Peifang and other costume performance models, and they came down from the helicopter cabin in a daze.

He was also curious about who Director He was. A subsidiary factory of the clothing company had already rushed over and scolded Lao He, "I said, Lao He, what's the matter with you? What a face you have, let that person fly the plane for you Be a driver??"

Director He's feet felt a little weak, and he didn't know how to explain it for a while.

It was a city leader who interrupted with a smile and waved his hand, and stepped forward, "Comrade He, don't listen to your nonsense as the director of the factory, you have done a good job this time, you have done a great job, and you have made contributions to the people of our city!"

When Director He heard this, his legs became weaker.

This is no longer a deputy senior official, but what city is Shanghai?Those below the deputy senior officials are already very scary, far from what a small department director like him can resist.

Not to mention their clothing group, it's just a... state-owned company listed on the Shanghai stock market.

Old He hurriedly explained, "No, I really don't know who that is. We're going to the capital with our acting models to do some work. We'll refuel on the outskirts of the city. When I saw that person landing in a helicopter, I wondered... "

"This is quite novel. I haven't seen it before. Go up and chat a few words to satisfy your curiosity."

Don't say it now.

Even if it is pushed back a few decades, not everyone can see someone flying around in a helicopter every day.

Under his explanation, the factory director was still so angry that he poked his finger in the low space, "Can you have some brains? It's because it's rare to fly a helicopter. You haven't seen it before... Now that you see it, doesn't it mean that he is unusual? "

"Let that person be your driver..."

Old He wants to cry, you are always that one, and you still say it so seriously, I can’t bear it, but it’s Zhao Xueyan... After so long contact and chatting nonsense, Director He has always felt that Dr. Zhao is a person Great.

Lao He was like this, and Yao Fangfang and other models felt even more guilty.

Models like them are not models from Ye Luzi's private entertainment company, but from a state-owned clothing company, and are currently official employees.

Still a certain leader joked with a smile, "Okay, old Ren, don't say a few words. Comrade He is just curious for a while, so let's chat a few more words, but the result is still very good."

People who attract investment have stayed in this position for a long time. It is impossible to ask Zhao Xueyan to invest in Shanghai when they meet Zhao Xueyan. That would be ridiculous.

When you try to meet all your requirements, eat something, drink something, take care of it, and deliver it with your heart in mind. No one expects to win anything after a meeting. Just do things to leave a good impression.

After all, how many years have you talked about the cooperation between SAIC and Hans Cat?

Director Ren still pointed at Old He and said nothing, he didn't know what to say, if he didn't know Dr. Zhao's identity, let it be, if he was clear...that's really not what ordinary words can describe.

Who is that?
Eastern Guangdong and Beijing each spent more than 1000 million dollars to set up factories, and the prairie also spent several million dollars to build factories.

This... 1000 million knives is not too exaggerated for Shanghai.

But don't forget that Dr. Zhao has another identity.

The media in his hands, whether it is newspapers or TV stations, has almost swept across Southeast Asia, which is scary.

If you are embarrassing in the contact process, or something unexpected happens, Zhao Xueyan will be upset, and it will make you famous in Southeast Asia.

Take the helicopter driven by Dr. Zhao and ask him to be your driver. It is really a high-ranking official Zhao from Jingzhou in Handong Province, and you will feel guilty and restless.

At present, Zhao Xueyan's Kyushu Media Group, after being listed and moved to Hong Kong Island, its market value has soared to tens of billions.

This is no longer the small frame of more than 1 million Hong Kong dollars when he first took over Luoying TV.Of course, there is a certain amount of artificially high elements in it, but he is worthy of all kinds of stockholders vying for it at a high price.

You also have to understand that the stockholders rushing to buy stocks here are not the citizens who buy vegetables, uncles and aunts, but rich people rushing to buy!
Just like Huo Jingliang, Ming Daye Xiaoli, etc., it is unrealistic to buy in bulk and want to be a minority shareholder, but they are still very enthusiastic and hardworking to grab a wave of small stocks in the stock market and become spiritual shareholders. strong.

They robbed them, do you think club bosses like Uncle Hai, Johnnie Wang, etc. would not rob?Do you think there are no rich men in Haojiang next door, or no big brothers?Will the crooked merchant grab it or not?

Even if you rob and rob, what you rob is less than one percent, less than one point, so what?When I meet gangsters in the future, let me say that I am a shareholder of Kyushu Media, the same shareholder as Dr. Zhao?
Dr. Zhao is the biggest one, and I'm a minority shareholder... Who the hell dares to touch me? !

Generally, big brothers in clubs are not afraid of being kidnapped and targeted easily, but many things have to be discussed about preventing the elderly. Are there anti-bones in the club?I hold a part of Kyushu Media stock, is this a matter of money or not?

This is why I am also one of Dr. Zhao's "partners". How dare you oppose me?
Ordinary citizens on Hong Kong Island, grabbing stocks, really can't grab those big crocodiles.

It was also these big crocodiles who quickly soared Kyushu Media to a market value of more than two billion yuan, and then gradually stabilized...they rushed to speculate on the market value of tens of billions.

At present, the entire real estate group headed by Li has a market value of only about 500 billion Hong Kong dollars, and it is already one of the top ten giants on the surface.

The media group established by Dr. Zhao has also broken a hundred, and it is outrageous in less than a year.

The little money he invested for Miss Jiani was the first to invest in Kyushu Media, and the 10,000+ Hong Kong dollars have appreciated to tens of millions... The last time Zhao Xueyan was in Tokyo, he called Miss Jiani and said that she had become a millionaire up.

Now the title has obviously been upgraded again.

However, this kind of scene is also very common in the stock market. Let’s say that Amei’s Apple Group went public in 80. Didn’t it create hundreds of millionaires in just a few years?That still refers to the millionaire with a dollar knife.

Apple relied on the explosion of the personal computer business to get rich quickly.

Kyushu Media Group relies purely on Zhao Xueyan's "personal charm".

Sometimes people are handsome, simple, kind, and caring, which is really rewarding.


My sister's house.

In a big house in a small town in Virginia.

Adeline Bowman was looking weird, clutching the phone in a daze with inexplicable emotions. She really didn't quite know how things would turn into what they are today.

Adeline wondered if she was poisoned.

It should have been poisonous after receiving the money from Eliza Twain?Accidentally knocking someone down while going out, who would have thought that the young Asian Ding Qing who was hit would also find his way to A-Mei's house and try his best to find her...

Then, want to do things for her.

what can you do for meDing Qing said he didn't know, anyway, as long as he helped her with something, he could do anything.

Then, with a new document stamped by the South Korean government, she flew to Amei's house by plane. When she passed the customs, she noticed that the man who examined her document had a strange expression on her face. She thought he had discovered her true identity.

Turning around, the other party really found out. She was jointly warned by various departments of the FBI. Once she was found to have entered the country, she would report it in time, and she would be rewarded. Then, the other party did not expose her or report her. Instead, she called her when she was going to the toilet. The phone said that he could help her conceal the whereabouts of this entry.

If there is a need, you can speak freely, and I will definitely help you with it.

The last time the other party called, he yelled, "I've been exposed, go away..." Then the call was cut off.

On the way from the airport to this small town, she also went through several car checks. The police checked the car, but they didn’t recognize her as normal, but once the IRS checked the car, a white elite discovered her disguise, but Let her go again and contact her afterwards...

After all, makeup is just makeup. Adeline Bowman is not as scary as Zhao Xueyan's makeup skills. Disguise is just a disguise. You wear thicker clothes, put things in your arms and legs to gain weight, change your shape, etc. Adeline has mastered it Skills, no better than elite agents.

She is suspected of being a long-lived person, and has been targeted by the FBI and various chaebol leaders. The intensity of her pursuit is definitely beyond the imagination of ordinary criminals.

If you think about hundreds of elites selected from hundreds of branches and tens of thousands of FBI across the country, and went to South Korea to serve as a bureau, you will know how serious this matter is.

The IRS is doing part-time car inspections!

Adeline thought that if she came back to save her daughter by herself, she would encounter all kinds of troubles, and there might be a big fight at any time, but all these people seemed to be poisoned, what happened?

Ding Qing, a certain customs, a certain IRS and others, not only men, but also women noticed her abnormality, but why did those guys seem to be poisoned and demented?The kind of sight that looks at her is like looking at a goddess in a dream, or like paying attention to spiritual idols and beliefs...

When can she let go of poison?
In Adeline's extreme confusion, the phone rang, and after answering the call, she found out that it was Zhao Xueyan. Adeline immediately talked about the strange encounters of the past few days by herself.

After she finished speaking, Dr. Zhao on the other side of the phone was silent for a few seconds before smiling, "Calm down, calm down, as an immortal, it's reasonable for you to occasionally use magic?"

"Even if this kind of thing is discovered by the outside world, it doesn't matter."

(End of this chapter)

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