Chapter 50

Since the fourth wind in the exorcism police, he will come to Stanley after dealing with Tian Xin's side, and Zhao Xueyan is not in a hurry to go to Tian Xin.

When the time comes to see that person, just go with him.

After a ride back to Stanley, he grabbed a bottle of Coke and drank it as he walked to the cell where Liang Kun, Brother Zhu, Han Bin and Han Long lived.

When Zhao Xueyan went in, Liang Kun, who was squatting on the ground to teach Han Bin's language, stood up suddenly, "Hello, Brother Yan!"

He Liansheng Zhu Ge also got up excitedly to say hello.

On the contrary, the two brothers Han Bin and Han Long looked at Zhao Xueyan with a look of extreme exhaustion. There was not much hatred, but they were just staring at Liang Kun, and they wanted to eat them alive. .

No big deal.

Han Bin and Han Long first took Zhu Tao's order and planned to ambush Zhao Xueyan, but the murder failed, and the target returned with revenge.

No matter what Zhao Xueyan did with them, the two brothers had nothing to say.

But Liangkun and Brother Zhu were too much hated by them. They were also arrested and tortured by Zhao Xueyan. They were Zhao Xueyan's enemies. Their plan to kill Zhao Xueyan was to save them and avenge them.

But you turned and betrayed?Inflict all kinds of crushing torture on their brothers, and act as Zhao Xueyan's son-in-law in a hurry...

It also made people on the Tao despise it when it was spread out.

Zhao Xueyan ignored the expressions and mentality of the two brothers, and said with a smile, "How many did you ask?"

Liang Kun looked excited, "Brother Yan, you grabbed their warehouse before, which is the Harvest warehouse at the intersection of Kuikang Street and Container Wharf Road, which was originally one of Han Bin's old nests, and there is one behind the bookcase in the office on the second floor. The lockbox, which contains a total of more than 100 million worth of cash and jewelry."

Brother Zhu didn't want to be left behind. "In addition, Han Bin's lending company, whose address is Kuiqing... has more than 200 million deposits in the safe."

Adding the few hours in the morning to one night, Han Bin contributed 400 million yuan in wealth, while Han Long was weaker, but still squeezed out 300 million yuan.

Like his brother, they are all cash or gold jewelry hidden in the safe of the old nest. The difference is that Han Long's nest of hidden money is a safe opened in a bank, just like the last time Zhao Xueyan rented insurance at a bank in Lai Chi Kok. Like the cabinet, the second one is the home of one of his girlfriends.

"More than 600 million. It seems that you two have done a good job. I underestimated you a little. I thought it would take at least a few days to squeeze out." Zhao Xueyan nodded in satisfaction and praised the Liangkun duo.

Liang Kun rubbed his hands excitedly, "Brother Yan, before you came, we were giving them a half-time break, and while they were recovering from their physical strength and injuries, we would use words to describe the punishments that would be imposed on them one by one in the future, hehe, in this regard , Lao Zhu and I have been in the arena for many years and know a lot."

"Don't worry, the starting target is 1000 million. Even if you can't squeeze so much from them, Lao Zhu and I will pay for it ourselves, and we will have to make up 1000 million."

Last night, Brother Yan asked Gui Jianshou to repeat what he said, but he couldn't squeeze out 1000 million, so they continued to stay in the criminal investigation bed until they died.

Enough squeezed, no need to go to that kind of ghost place again!
Even if they squeezed enough money, they are still in jail, no matter if the offender is in the room or the Chase shop, they are still happy.

You really don't know how hopeless that thing is without going through a period of torment.

This is really a combination of 1000 million to complete the goal.

In other words, before letting Lawyer Zhang go out, Liangkun and Brother Zhu planned to pay 200 million each to reward the real gangsters who robbed them.

There are more than 600 million of Han Bin and Han Long, they just put together everything, and they have it all.

Of course, if you can save money, you still have to save it.

The more Han Bin brothers were cheated on, the more they saved.There is time to continue playing, Liang Kun... He swears that he will never fail Brother Yan's trust!
When the two of you were so excited, Han Bin couldn't help it, "Push your mother, Liangkun, you are also from Hongxing, so sooner or later we will die!! Let go of you."

Zhao Xueyan was amused, and crouched down with a smile, "Brother Bin, you plan to kill me first, and I will arrest you. Whether you kill or not, it is a normal counterattack, are you right? Also, even if I don't kill you, don't Hope for a brighter future.”

"As long as you are thrown into Stanley for a few months, in fact it won't take a few months, maybe ten days, and everyone outside thinks you are missing. Your subordinates should be anxious for the superior Kui Qing Hall Master."

"Once the new hall master is elected and takes his seat, even if you are released, do you think the new hall master will wait for you to return to give way to you?"

"Dinosaur, so is your Tuen Mun. It is estimated that now your little brother is born, and I wish you would disappear forever, so I can wait for your seat."

Han Bin and Han Long were suddenly speechless.

In a mixed society, the eldest brother died and the younger brother rushed to the top. Even if the eldest brother was resurrected, who would be willing to give up the power and wealth that he had already obtained?
The two of them couldn't even cry at this moment.

Zhao Xueyan stopped attacking them, got up and said to Liangkun, "If I offer a reward of 1000 million to those gangsters, what is the probability of offering a reward?"

Liang Kun's smile was radiant to the limit, "Brother Yan, there is something I don't know how to say."

Under Zhao Xueyan's gesture, he raised his eyebrows with a wretched expression, "A gold shop or a jewelry store on Hong Kong Island has been robbed, often... The robbed will falsely report the number, and even in some cases of armed robbery, the owner of the gold shop has joined hands with the gangsters. We did it together, and they cheated the insurance."

"Last time, Zhang Dazhao said that the total loss of gold jewelry was more than 400 million. If it was a fraudulent robbery contacted by the gold shop owner, the number may be correct. If it is a serious robbery, don't look down on those big ones. The boss's integrity, maybe the real loss is only two or three million."

"You offered a reward of 1000 million, and the total amount has not only doubled, but may have been doubled or tripled... There were four robbers who ran away at that time."

"There is a super high probability of easily hooking people out."

"Of course, there is also a question of credibility here, why don't I ask someone to help you, help the boss to publicize the bounty, and ask a well-respected and prestigious elder brother to come forward... After the credibility is solved, the time for you to clear the suspicion is just around the corner. "

Zhao Xueyan, "..."

He almost forgot. The last time he heard Lawyer Zhang say the total loss of the gold shop, he has been rushing to the goal of tens of millions to offer bonuses.

Listening to this wave of explanations from Liang Kun, he really ignored the level of **** in the society of Hong Kong Island. The various Hong Kong movies he watched before crossing the road, the gold shop owner conspired to rob himself and cheated insurance, or falsely reported the loss after being robbed. , it's all basic!

His confidence increased greatly, and he felt that the time to be released from prison was not far away, and he was released from prison as a free and innocent person.

As long as he is innocent and goes out, you say he is still carrying the identity of a stowaways?Will be deported?No, the professor Sun Bin said earlier that once he clears his suspicions, Sun Bin will contact the justice of the peace who wrote to the Correctional Services Department to help him settle down and obtain legal status.

It's just an ID card, and the senior officers of a police station in a district can easily take out a few.
(End of this chapter)

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