Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 5 There is only one life

Chapter 5 There is only one life

Zhao Xueyan calmly glanced at the driver and didn't reply. There was not much road in front of him now. Either, he grabbed the driver's car and went all the way out of the checkpoint and the police cars in this area to show speed and passion, but he was a road rookie. I didn't cross the road after I got my driver's license before crossing.

Or get off the car and cross the guardrail in the middle of the viaduct, intercept a car from east to west, and head back towards Sham Shui Po.

Stealth?It's only three o'clock in the afternoon, in broad daylight, you are a big living person and you are invisible in front of everyone's eyes. That scene is too beautiful.

If I had known it earlier, it would be better to stay in Sham Shui Po. No, it is much more efficient to walk on land streets than via viaducts. Even if there are checkpoints for vehicles on land streets, he can run into the crowd.

Seeing the vehicles lining up, one by one slowly moving forward for inspection, Zhao Xueyan suddenly opened the door to get off the car, leaning on the edge of the viaduct and looking down.

The driver was stunned, "What are you doing, pretty boy?"

Zhao Xueyan didn't answer him. He looked around to see if there were any larger vehicles passing by. He had watched too many Hong Kong movies, and many classic movies had scenes of jumping off a car from a viaduct or an overpass and rubbing against a car...

"It's hard work. There may be editing effects in those film stories, but many of the stand-ins are really jumping. I've doubled my physical fitness and can't jump once?"

Seeing an open-top truck [-] meters away, pulling a cart of cardboard boxes, Zhao Xueyan had already grabbed the guardrail and was ready to jump.

As the vehicle approached, and the police at the inspection point had noticed the abnormality here, when he ran quickly, Zhao Xueyan took out the NZT-48 from his arms again, "Let's try to add a little more insurance, scumbag, I have a plug-in here. You can have more abilities at any time, so you don’t have to worry too much about the future troubles of NZT.”

"There is only one life!"

After swallowing a NZT-48, within a few dozen seconds, Zhao Xueyan's whole person suddenly became different. Countless images of jumping off buildings and overpasses flashed in his mind. When the convertible truck just passed by the bridge, he jumped to the ground. Like a soaring cheetah, bang~
The man jumped onto the cardboard box on the truck and turned over. Zhao Xueyan straightened up, exuding a strong self-confidence look all over his body. What he saw was a face that was getting more and more distant, but very clear.

Yuan Biao?Which cop is this?

No matter, NZT-48 ate all, even if this one lasts up to 12 hours, but in 12 hours, he needs to do a lot of things.


On the overpass, looking at Zhao Xueyan who was getting farther and farther away, Feng Weiwei looked frantic and looked left and right. There was no big car nearby for him to jump in, so he grabbed the communicator and called, "I'm the Tsim Sha Tsui Crime Squad. Supervising Feng Weiwei, found a repeat offender Zhao Xueyan..."

Feng Weiwei was still reporting. Just after he told the license plate of the large truck that Zhao Xueyan was on and the direction of travel, he saw the large truck and an open-top double-decker bus passing by.

Standing on the top of the truck, Zhao Xue extended his hand and made a contemptuous gesture towards him, flying into the air and landing on the second floor of the bus like a fish leaping over the Yangtze River.

The bus and the truck were heading in the opposite direction, but they were still not going to Feng Weiwei. There was a multi-ring bend near the overpass.

Feng Weiwei was stunned for a few seconds before speaking again, "Zhao Xueyan jumped out of the car, damn, he got on a public bus..."

At this moment, Inspector Feng is madly complaining. Even if Chen Jiaju is a scumbag, he will probably not be able to catch up with this Zhao Xueyan, right?

I heard that Pujie was arrested for the first time, sent to court, and sent to prison. He has always been like a harmless and well-behaved student. How did he suddenly become a super elite?


after an hour.

Mong Kok.

Zhao Xueyan's height has not changed, but his appearance and temperament have changed drastically from before.

Originally, he was full of student spirit, with the air of a newborn calf not afraid of tigers, but now he looks like an elegant gentleman at first glance, with a few small accessories and simple makeup, he puts his appearance of more than 80 points without makeup into a close to full score.

Even the police who caught him with their own hands and sent him to prison would at most think that he and Zhao Xueyan, a wanted criminal, are only seven-point similar in appearance, but he has a gentleman's morale and extravagance, which is even more daunting and dare not disturb him easily. of.

At present, he is walking on the street, even if he wears ordinary clothes, he can still make countless pedestrians look at him, and even make girls go crazy.

This is after NZT-48 took effect, and his brain exploded. Originally, he only indirectly collected the makeup techniques and makeup techniques he heard during his school days, and suddenly he became a master-level player.

How scary is makeup in the 21s?
This is the gap that directly makes Zhenyu pale.

During the walk, Zhao Xueyan quickly set his sights on several targets. One man and two women were all blond foreigners. They seemed to have good temperament and extravagant and expensive clothes. Zhao Xueyan smiled and stepped forward, "The two ladies and this gentleman, good afternoon, I It's Wang Zhenzhi, a professional tour guide, I wonder if any of you are interested in hiring me as a temporary commentator?"

Before taking the medicine, he only passed the level of English, which was still preparing for the fourth and sixth grades, and now he speaks in a standard American drama tone.

Wanted to be a tour guide?

To be a ghost tour guide, this is to make money, you can't always make clothes easily, right?He is starting to run out of money, is it a waste to eat NZT-48 to be a tour guide?Don't make trouble, the best woman in the world makes money.

It's up to you to spot the bright spots.

For example, there is a man and two women in front of you, woman A is obviously Bai Fumei, the man is chasing woman A, and woman B is Bai Fumei's best friend...

If A is rated at 68 points for makeup, B is at most [-], and the difference in appearance is obvious.

But looking closer, I can only infer from the smell and color of perfume and cosmetics accumulated in my previous walks, these two are often tens of thousands or tens of thousands of Hong Kong dollars in perfume and cosmetics.

As long as Zhao Xueyan shows his master-level makeup skills, he is confident to use the two ocean horses as wool. Of course, if a white man wants to become more handsome and temperamental, he doesn't mind shaving the wool.

Perhaps there are differences in aesthetics between the East and the West, but Zhao Xueyan, whose appearance is close to full marks, cannot be classified as an ugly man by white tourists, no matter how different he is. In addition to his smooth American TV series and Hollywood blockbuster tone, he is so extravagant that he cannot be underestimated. .

Female B laughed immediately, "Professional tour guide? No, why do I think you are like a rich young man from a big family? It's my luck to have someone like you as a tour guide."

More than an hour later, while walking and chatting, still in some luxury cosmetics brand stores, Zhao Xueyan soon made the screams of female B grow louder and louder, and even some shop assistants were stunned.

Here, female B, who has taken off her makeup and redecorated her face, can be easily embellished, modified or concealed just right, and soon her [-]-point face will catch up with female A all the way.

While playing, Feng Weiqi suddenly appeared outside the store with someone, and Inspector Feng rushed in first, "Zhao Xueyan, you can't run away!"

Zhao Xueyan gave him a calm look, "Sir, you have identified the wrong person. My surname is Wang, a bald eagle. If you don't believe me, you can ask my friends, and they can testify for me."

It's not that he wants to pull the flag and find some white people to intimidate the police for him. He simply believes that the white people are tall, rich, handsome and white, and they may have US knives on their bodies, which are worth more than Hong Kong dollars.

Female A got up excitedly, "What do you want to do? I'm..."

When Female A reported a group name and declared that she was looking for the Bald Eagle Embassy, ​​Feng Weiqi was stunned.

Zhao Xueyan stepped forward with a smile and patted Feng Weiwei on the shoulder, "You're really mistaken, in order to avoid making things bigger, don't be impulsive and get an arrest warrant or search warrant."

"Ding, congratulations on successfully signing in Feng Weiwei, the reward is double the basic physical fitness, and the host can choose to receive it freely."

(End of this chapter)

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