Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 495 The feeling is still very different

Chapter 495 It Still Feels Different

Senior agent Jin Zhenghao took a blond young woman standing at the entrance of a western restaurant in Incheon, looking at the street and the restaurant hall, but did not find the target, Jin Zhenghao whispered, "I, an old classmate of Seoul University, heard that I was in the past After taking the judicial examination and two years of training at the training institute, I almost got elected as a prosecutor.”

"Although he is not a prosecutor now, his status as a judge is not bad."

"In Incheon's public security system, even if he is still a rookie, his connections should not be bad. What is the background of that super tycoon Zhao Xueyan from Hong Kong Island?"

"My old classmate should be able to give us some advice."

Eva Akola, a young blond woman, is a special agent supervisor in the FBI Special Operations Group C. Not only is her title one level higher than Jin Zhenghao, but her qualifications are also much deeper.

Under the order of director Sean Miller, he came out to inquire more about Zhao Xueyan. Eva and Jin Zhenghao were in a group, and there were a few other agents who wanted to inquire about news from the Tao.

For example, find a few gangsters at random, find out who are the big brothers in their clubs, and then use the money to do something.

At this moment, what Jin Zhenghao and the two are waiting for is Wu Shiyeol, Jin's college classmate.

Also glanced at the street, Eva smiled and said, "Since your fellow judge hasn't arrived yet, let's go in first."

When the two started to enter the restaurant, a modern car roared up and stopped at the gate. A 27-year-old young man got out of the car with a smile, shouted Kim Jung-ho's name exaggeratedly, and came to give him a big hug.

Both of them graduated from Seoul University, but one chose to stay in China for judicial examination after graduation to develop, and the other went to study abroad at the sister's house, and Jin Zhenghao, who stayed with his sister, is now self-employed and has the talent to return to China after a little success. Junpai.

After a warm hug and a brief introduction, when Jin Zhenghao said that Eva was his girlfriend, Wu Shilie suddenly smiled brightly, "Ah Xi, Zhenghao, you really are not easy, haha, even such an outstanding beauty can surrender, let's go." , let's have a few drinks at noon."

Going into the restaurant to order food and wine, several times in a cheerful atmosphere, Jin Zhenghao said with a smile, "Seyeol, I haven't been back for a long time, this time I came back to see my hometown, and I also want to develop here commercial mind."

"I run instant noodles and beverage factories at my sister's house. What do you think is the prospect of this kind of business in our current country?"

Jin Zhenghao wanted to find out the details of Zhao Xueyan, but he didn't just stupidly ask his old classmates, who is Zhao Xueyan and what is his background.

He also learned on the surface that the other party is the owner of a catering group, and it seems that the agent in South Korea is also the boss of a large club.

It is obviously more appropriate to use business to spy.

Wu Shilie was stunned for a few seconds, and said strangely, "Instant noodles, beverage factory? How could you..."

Judge Wu said with a strange smile, "Zhenghao, for the sake of my old classmates for many years, let me give you a piece of advice. It doesn't matter how you develop in Amei's house. It's better not to open the instant noodle business."

"In South Korea, when it comes to instant noodles, of course Master Zhao's brand is delicious and delicious."

There are some things that the people at the bottom don't know much about. They only know that Master Zhao's instant noodles are heavily advertised nowadays. Almost all large supermarkets and convenience stores sell them, and they are especially popular.

But as a judge, how could Wu Shilie not know?
Just one thing, both the Diri faction and the Zaihu faction are super societies with influence all over South Korea. Master, turn the tide of the battle immediately and send Shi Dong out of the tiger to go to jail.

Incheon's association struggle was also a sudden reversal of the Emperor's faction, and it began to oppress the Tiger faction.

Among Wu Shilie's classmates in the training institute, there are also many prosecutors, lawyers and other judges.

Eva Akola smiled coquettishly, "Wu, our instant noodles are selling well on the east coast. They can conquer the tastes of the people on the east coast. If they come to Asia, they won't be too bad, right?"

Wu Shilie asked in surprise, "Really?"

Eva's coquettish smile remained unchanged, and she raised her wine glass as a sign in the affirmative response.

The three had another drink, and Wu Shilie said thoughtfully, "If you can really conquer the taste buds of the people on the east coast of Amei's family, it should be very good, Zhenghao, I never thought that after a few years, you will become a food tycoon of Amei's family Yes, I admire it."

Jin Zhenghao was a little humble with a hint of pride, "Where, where, it was just a fluke. By the way, then I want to go back to China. What should I pay attention to? Master Zhao sells very well? Although this is a serious and legal business , but if my instant food has an impact on his sales, will Master Zhao use other relationships to block my business?"

Then Wu Shilie waved his hand and said, "That's not true. I said before that you'd better not drive back. Master Zhao's family is the only one here. The key is that Master Zhao has grasped the taste of our South Koreans. I'm afraid that you will fail in the competition." field."

"In terms of competition, Master Zhao has always been aboveboard and well-known."

"Now that you are so confident, I should be worrying too much."


While eating and drinking, how could Judge Wu Shilie speak ill of Master Zhao?Do you think your life is too long?

A meal came to an end in a lively atmosphere. Two old classmates who hadn't seen each other for many years rushed to pay the bill. When Jin Zhenghao paid the bill successfully, he took Eva away.

Wu Shilie, who seemed to be half-drunk at first and could hardly speak clearly, suddenly regained consciousness, beckoned for a glass of water, and drank it all in one gulp.

Standing at the door to rest for a few more minutes, he grabbed his elder brother and dialed, "Xianche, I'm Wu Shilie, today I met an old classmate from Seoul University who just came back from Amei's house and said he opened an instant noodle and beverage factory Business."

"During the conversation, I inquired and tried Mr. Zhao's news and intelligence. I think there may be something wrong with it."

Li Xianche, the prosecutor who fought with the marine police on a certain cruise ship, and did not hesitate to give himself the name of serving the country, is also a classmate of Wu Shilie's training school.

They are all old classmates, who is close to whom?

This is the benevolent see benevolence, the wise see wisdom.

Under Judge Wu's words, Li Xianche cheered up, "Oh? There is such a thing? Deliberately inquiring and spying on Mr. Zhao... There is indeed something wrong with this guy."

"In this way, you stabilize them first, and I will report to you."


Incheon Audit Office.

After Li Xianche ended the call, he quickly walked to an office in the prosecutor's office. When he knocked on the door and entered, he saw Han Qiangzhi and Situ Haonan, smoking a cigar and laughing.

Li Xianche is a prosecutor, but he is only from the Incheon District Prosecutor's Office. Han Qiangzhi is different, he is a big shot in the Strategy Department of the General Prosecutor's Office.

What is the status of the Strategy Department?Just one thing, I plan a nationwide anti-crime and anti-drug campaign, that is, the Ministry of Strategy will issue an announcement, and all localities across the country will cooperate and act together.

I launched an action to combat corruption, and once the announcement was made, all parts of the country cooperated.

In terms of law, Han Qiangzhi is not qualified to directly order Li Xianche to do what. Li Xianche catches a case by himself, and Han Qiangzhi has no right to intervene, because each prosecutor has great independence.

But this kind of boss has plenty of ways to put you in small shoes within the scope of the rules and kill you.

Even if you put aside this relationship and just say that Han Qiangzhi and Situ Haonan are so close... that's not something a local prosecutor can provoke.

After entering, he greeted politely, and explained the situation reported by Wu Shilie. Before Han Qiangzhi said anything, Situ Haonan slapped the table and got up, "Inquire about Master Yan? I haven't been active for so long, please tell me Give me."

"It doesn't matter what purpose he has. When I arrest him and interrogate him, everything will be clear."

Li Xianche was stunned. According to his thinking and thinking, even if he felt that there was something wrong with Kim Jung-ho, he could send Wu Shilie to contact and test him again and again, and then use other methods to test and verify, to confirm something, and then take action.

Situ Haonan this...

When he was a little speechless, Han Qiangzhi laughed loudly, "Brother Haonan is interested in doing activities, so feel free to do whatever you want. Just leave all the finishing work to us."

"Xianche, what do you think?"

Li Xianche nodded resolutely to Han Qiangzhi's smile, "I'll just do it."


More than two o'clock in the afternoon.

When Situ Haonan and Han Qiangzhi got off the car together at a Japanese-style izakaya on the street in the business district of Incheon, Wu Shilie quickly greeted him with a nervous expression.

He had never seen Brother Haonan before.

But he saw Chief Prosecutor Li Xianche, who was the driver for Lao Han and Situ at the moment.

After meeting and saying hello, Wu Shilie quickly said, "After having lunch with me, that Kim Jung-ho and the white woman Eva actually dated another classmate who used to study at Seoul University. The Philippines has a foundation of hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars."

"But my old classmate, my family runs a newspaper office and an entertainment company."

Han Qiangzhi laughed, "First make an appointment with your classmate in the political and legal field, and then make an appointment with the media field. It seems that Jin Zhenghao is really extraordinary."

Situ Haonan curled his lips, "Whatever he does so much..."

When Brother Haonan was about to act, he saw the ID and the police gun handed over by Li Xianche, "Mr. Haonan, there is a large audience, a little low-key and convenient to finish."

Situ Haonan is also a little confused, why am I becoming a South Korean policeman?
Can law enforcement be done aboveboard?
Not to mention, it's still very different to go back to the waves in the past, and do things with the official certificates.

Now, Situ Haonan's mastery of South Korean and English is actually not too bad. Except for the years he has been stranded in South Korea, he has been learning foreign languages ​​with his sister-in-law and older sister, and Master Yan is also on for him.

The efficiency of learning a foreign language in a state of pure grievances and grievances is the same as that of the top students in a school.


Time flies by.

The night enveloped Incheon, and after nightfall today, the sky was still covered with heavy snow.

Two blond foreigners arrived near a certain hotel by car, and when they walked towards the hotel facing the wind and snow, they were both in a somewhat unhappy mood.

Martin, a middle-aged blond foreigner, looked unhappy, "Damn it, the son of a son-of-a-bitch we contacted didn't do anything after receiving money?"

"I wanted to kill him with one shot."

Martin and young Bryan are senior FBI agents who went out with Jin Zhenghao and Eva to inquire about Zhao Xueyan. They randomly found a few gangsters on the street. They are bad guys from the club and spend money to find out who is the boss in their club. .

And which boss likes money the most.

After inquiring and inquiring, I learned that there is a boss surnamed Liu who can be said to be open-minded and greedy. However, the only thing that is commendable about this guy is that he often takes money and does things without cheating.

Only then did he contact the other party, and then took out [-] dollars to buy news about Master Zhao.

Then the surname Liu said, [-] knives is not enough.

They ended up haggling over the price and paid each other a full $[-].

I thought it would be good to spend some money to get enough information, but who would have known... After Boss Liu received the money, the information he handed over was that Dr. Zhao is the president of Master Zhao Catering Group, an upright and law-abiding citizen and a philanthropist.

Others, gone.

Who are you fooling with this kind of clean and straightforward news?
Martin really wanted to shoot him and let the other party know what it was from the FBI@warning.

But he didn't dare to shoot. This time, several special operations teams, hundreds of people were scattered into South Korea one after another, and they were distributed in many different cities in South Korea. The target was Adeline Bowman.

Today they just inquired whether this Hong Kong island super boss who came to Incheon suddenly came for Adeline and whether he was their new competitor.

They are the FBI, not the CIA. They don't have such a deep relationship network here in South Korea. If they are even exposed, maybe the CIA will hammer them.

Who let the FBI collapse a CIA branch stationed in a country? Almost all of them were trapped to death from top to bottom.

Resisting the urge to kill, he left Boss Liu's site. On the way back, he encountered a car accident. A drunk man was driving a car and almost hit them. Fortunately, Brian was driving a car, so he avoided it. up.

But the drunk driver also hit other cars, causing a series of car accidents on this section of the road, blocking them there for a while.

After tossing until now, the two escaped.

Accompanied by Martin's swearing, Brian was thoughtful, "Martin, did you say that the drunk man who crashed the car was an accident, or did he come for us on purpose?"

"I always feel that the car accident is a bit strange, not simple."

Martin froze for a moment, recalled the matter carefully, and said uncertainly, "It must have been an accident, right? Based on my years of experience, I didn't find anything abnormal when I recalled this incident."

Brian didn't speak anymore. He had an intuition that something was wrong, but there was no evidence.

A moment later, when the two FBIs arrived at the guest room where Sean Miller was staying, they knocked on the response.

When they grabbed the phone and dialed, there was no response.

He went to the room of Assistant Secret Service Supervisor Bryce and knocked on the door, but there was still no response, and no one answered the phone.

Martin and Brian looked at each other for tens of seconds, Martin slapped his thigh, "Something went wrong!"

When they turned around and wanted to evacuate from the hotel, they saw Situ Haonan walking towards him holding two guns as soon as they arrived at the elevator, slapping his thigh while swinging the guns, "Gentlemen, surrender, surrender your guns and don't kill me."

Martin and the two of them dodged with the most rapid and correct posture, drew their guns, and with a few bang bang gunshots, the two were shot in the wrists, causing the weapons in their hands to fall, and they also knelt in the corridor.

Situ Haonan sneered, "Why bother, why bother."

I said surrender earlier, hand in the gun but not kill, it is too difficult for him to shoot again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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