Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 493 This is not the life he wants

Chapter 493 This is not the life he wants
There is no doubt that Li Xianche, a certain prosecutor who just arrived on the pier at this moment, is the niece and son-in-law of the rich man Pei Dongcheng.

Prosecutor Li also received a call and learned that this cousin was treated roughly by the Incheon Marine Police, so he brought a few assistants to take a look... This is a tall marine policeman who learned about Zhang's crimes after his superior ordered the broadcast. President Xiuji was coming, so he took the initiative to go back and beat Pei Fuhao, and arrogantly asked the other party to call for help.

When the call came to Prosecutor Li, Li Xianche felt incredible at the first time.

Hastily put down the business at hand and led his men to run here. As soon as he arrived, he saw more than 100 luxury cars sent by Diri, more than 90 people surrounded the pier, all in black suits, black trousers and black leather shoes, and the scene was brightly facing the direction of the cruise ship Bow at [-] degrees and wait.

This Nima...

That's Zhang Xiuji, led by President Zhang Dahui!

This is not Zhang Xiuji, who was constantly shrunk by the aggressive and oppressive Shi Dongchu of the Tiger Pai before he came to Master Zhao's instant noodles, and there were all kinds of rebels inside who wanted to rebel.

At that time, Zhang Xiuji was said to be a leader of the society, but his status could not be guaranteed at any time, he would die or go to prison at any time, and the best result would be to lose power completely.

Next to Master Zhao's super aircraft carrier.

Don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face!
The commander sent Han Qiangzhi, the prosecutor from the Strategy Department of the Seoul Grand Prosecutor's Office, to ask Master Zhao for support.

Who would make Zhang Xiuji wait on the pier with such an attitude?Anyway, in the current South Korea, there are not many people worthy of Chairman Zhang's prudence.

With such a basic guess, Li Xianche inexplicably thought of being promoted, getting rich and changing his wife!

After all, his cousin was being treated roughly by the water police, and if he offended the big shots on the ship, what else could it be?
Didn't the other party match up their niece to Li Xianche just to find the prosecutor's protection?The prosecutor protects you, what if you don't charge money?
Han Qiangzhi, who works in the Supreme Prosecutor's Office, even raised a gangster in Mokpo to collect black money.

With relatives as the superficial hinge and interests as the actual chain, the relationship between Li Xianche and Pei Dongcheng in the past was very good, super good, not being a relative is better than being a relative.

But once he found out that this elder had a tendency to sink the ship, of course Li Xianche would throw him off without hesitation, kick him a few more times, and push him twice.

Those who can become prosecutors in South Korea are basically smart people.

Just a simple data example, South Korea has a population of 5000 million, 10,000+ police officers, and only about 2000 prosecutors.

There are millions of people on Hong Kong Island, and [-] police officers!

Its gold content and the difficulty of the exam are really much more difficult than the ordinary civil servant exams of later generations in the Mainland.

Under Li Xianche's deep look on the sidelines, a certain luxury cruise ship finally docked and stopped. Two rows of more than 20 marine police cleared the way to form a guard of honor. Dr. Zhao and Lei Zhilan disembarked arm in arm.

The moment he stepped down, Zhang Xiuji led the Baidi Ripai in black suits, first straightened up, called Zhao Shenghao respectfully, and then bowed at ninety degrees to welcome him.

More than 100 people bowed and said hello as if they were one person. Leaving aside whether the momentum is strong or not, just like this, it is not something ordinary people can see or witness.

Dr. Zhao said with a smile that everyone has worked hard, and more than 100 black suits straightened up again, quickly turning into two long lines. Zhang Xiuji trotted forward and guided Mr. Zhao to more than 30 luxury cars. In the convoy, the extended Rolls-Royce left.

When Dr. Zhao got into the car, more than 100 black suits quickly got into the car, started the convoy, and left the pier roaring.

At this scene, let alone Chief Prosecutor Li Xianche's eyes were hot, and his heart was full of envy and longing.

It's the countless ordinary workers on the wharf, and the tourists who come and go...all look at it with a sense of loss.


Incheon pier.

In a certain place where stevedores gather, Ding Qing is looking at the convoy going away with admiration on his face, the fire in his heart is almost burning.

When his expression was changing, a young man poked Ding Qing with his elbow, and sighed, "Zhenwei, what kind of big man is this? So many marine police did not mention it, and the Emperor's faction even sealed off the pier in advance. Drive those of us irrelevant to the fringe."

"A wharf as big as Incheon is sealed as soon as it is said, and the customs pretends not to see it."

"If I can be so powerful one day in my life, death will be worth it."

With the young man's words, Ding Qing looked at him disdainfully, "You? Don't dream, it's almost the same with me."

The young man was overjoyed, but he didn't refute Ding Qing, and said with a smile, "I said Ah Qing, you are indeed good at fighting, but like me, you haven't finished middle school. It doesn't matter and you have no background. If you don't join the club, why should you be in the top position?"

Ding Qing was speechless.

He is an overseas Chinese born in Lishui, an expatriate, his family is poor and has nothing, and he has not graduated from middle school. He is just the most standard and worst rotten boy.

The only thing Ding Qing can praise is that he is good at fighting, but he didn't join the club to do evil like other bad boys.

Now he is still a very innocent young man.

It is not that Ding Qing has no way out. Currently, there are gangs in South Korea with a relatively large territory and a large territory. The Emperor-Japanese faction, the Zaihu faction, and the Beimen faction alliance, of which the Peking University alliance is mainly formed by overseas Chinese in Korea.

There is also an expatriate elder brother who is also from Lishui like him, and he is invited to join the meeting.

What the other party appreciates is that he is good at fighting and can fight.

But Ding Qing has already rejected it twice. It's not that he doesn't want to break the law and commit crimes, he doesn't want to make a fortune, but he's just... cowardly.

He can fight, normal fights don't matter, if it's really the kind of slashing people, he will tremble and urinate frequently when he sees that scene.

When I came out and saw the hacker opening a film, I would urinate frequently and want to pee my pants, how can this be done?
Up to now, Ding Qing is still hanging around on the dock, working as an ordinary worker.

Ding Qing also didn't know that in his original future trajectory, after really overcoming the problem of frequent urination, in just a few years, he would go from being a rotten boy of the most grassroots society to becoming the leader of the Northern Gate Sect Alliance, and becoming a super criminal Alliance, a strong contender for the new president of the Golden Gate Club.

But at this moment, seeing Dr. Zhao's arrival in South Korea with such a powerful and pompous aura, Ding Qing's heart was really on fire.

Working as a coolie on the pier every day, eating worse than pigs, and working harder than cows, what do you get... what?
This is not the life he wants!


On a certain cruise ship, I witnessed Dr. Zhao's convoy going away.

Chief Constable Lin Zhizhong took off his hat excitedly, rubbing the hat with his hands until it almost deformed, "It's really that Mr. Zhao and Mr. Yan himself..."

"It's really him..."

"Bet right!"

Thinking of the excitement, Lin Zhizhong quickly summoned a marine policeman, "Quick, where are Pei Dongcheng and Pingtian Kang? Find them out. Let's brainstorm and think of ways to deal with them."

"We are doing something for Lord Yan!"

Think about it, the leaders are doing things for Zhao Sheng, and they are taking the initiative to amend the bill. Now they are doing things for Lord Yan. If you think about it, don’t they belong to the same nature as that one?

This bet is right, the reward is too great, too exciting.

No, I have to learn Putonghua and Cantonese from today onwards. I can't meet a Yan Ye's subordinate in the future and ask for an interpreter, right?That was too unprofessional.

There are so many people working for Lord Yen, but they are still mainly Chinese. In South Korea, whoever learns Mandarin or Cantonese first will stand out, and will be like a firefly in the dark night.

So bright, so outstanding.

An ordinary police officer was also trembling with excitement, but he took the initiative to remind, "sir, there are still a few people on board who have a good relationship with Zhao Sheng. When Pei Dongcheng jumped out to make trouble, who stood by Zhao Sheng?" ..."

Lin Zhizhong was overjoyed immediately, "There is such a thing? Take me to see them."

A few minutes later, when Lin Zhizhong arrived in front of Luo Jie, Tian Ning, Xiaofang and others with a few capable marine policemen, before Fatty Luo said anything, Chief Police Officer Lin enthusiastically stretched out his hands, "Everyone, welcome to Incheon!" , in Incheon, no matter what you have, whether it is business or private, please call me at any time."

"I am waiting for you 24 hours a day."

"This is my business card..."

Chief Police Officer Lin handed out his business card enthusiastically. Luo Jie, Tian Ning, Xiao Fang and others were all dazed and didn't know how to deal with themselves.

They all witnessed Mr. Zhao's cards with their own eyes.

When the marine police tortured away Pei Dongcheng and Hirata Yasushi, Mr. Zhao's cards were beyond imagination. Then after the two police honor guards and hundreds of black suits bowed and said hello, Mr. Zhao was greeted like a long queue?
This treatment...

Roger himself is a rich man, his worth is about the same as that of Pei Dongcheng, and he is even a bit stronger than Lao Pei, otherwise he would not say that even in South Korea, he is not afraid of Lao Pei.

Even if he is a rich man, he is just a businessman at his level.

Not to mention Tian Ning and Xiao Fang, who were tortured by Brother George in Macau before, and finally escaped from the fire pit and joined Tiannan Cruise Group, and they were just ordinary dancers in the song and dance troupe.

Dazed and didn't know what to do with himself, a figure came rushing along with a few subordinates, and took out his ID a few meters away, "I'm Incheon Prosecutor Li Xianche, who is in charge here?"

Lin Zhizhong turned around and squinted his eyes at Prosecutor Li, "Oh, it's Prosecutor Li, you came here to replace Pei Dongcheng..."

Li Xianche said with a straight face, "Our prosecutor's office has long been on the alert against Pei Dongcheng's tax evasion, bribery of the customs, the Department of Commerce and other departments, so he did not hesitate to send me as an undercover agent to win his trust by marrying his niece. It’s all about evidence.”

"I used my first marriage as a victim to seize a lot of criminal evidence of this old thing. Now I hope you can cooperate with the prosecutor's office and let me bring him back to the prosecutor's office to file a lawsuit."

Seeing Prosecutor Li's upright speech, Lin Zhizhong almost jumped his waist.


What can he say?Can he say that the other party is worthy of being one of the only prosecutors with about 5000 people in South Korea with a population of 2000 million?

Chief Constable Lin is also a senior member of the police force, but compared with the 10,000 or so prosecutors in the 2000+ police force...

Everyone is a high-level person!
Therefore, this is the best way and channel for countless South Koreans to achieve class transition. Once you pass the exam, many people rush to give you houses, cars, girls, etc.

Lin Zhizhong was speechless.

Big fat Roger also looked at Li Xianche like a fool. He knew Pei Dongcheng, and occasionally had business contacts, frictions and competitions. one of the relationships.

Li Xianche is not only a prosecutor himself, many of his colleagues, former classmates, etc. are also prosecutors, isn't this just a circle.

For prosecutors in South Korea, the first step is to pass the public judicial examination, and then you have to go to a training institute to study for two years. Your classmates in the training institute are either prosecutors, judges, and lawyers.

Of course, the prosecutor Billy is the least. For example, if there are 100 students in a class, less than ten will come out to be prosecutors, and only poor students will become judges and lawyers.

Even so, the students in the training institute are definitely an amazing network of contacts.

That's it?

Is this one of your backers and contacts?

When people were speechless, Li Xianche frowned and said, "Why, do you suspect that the case in our prosecutor's office is irregular? Is it illegal?"

Lin Zhizhong still didn't speak, turned around speechlessly, waved his hands to signal his subordinates to block Li Xianche first, then turned around and went to make a phone call.


After a while.

Li Xianche led a few of his men to break through the barrier forcefully. Under the witness of some tourists, he finally pushed away some ordinary marine policemen and met Pei Dongcheng.

Ordinary policemen really can't get tough when they see the big prosecutor.

Lao Pei was already a little bruised and swollen at the moment, and when he saw his nephew and son-in-law, he got up in surprise, "My son-in-law..."

Li Xianche said with righteous words on his face, "Don't try to get me involved, I have endured humiliation for so long, and finally it's time to catch you ashore, take you away!"

Pei Dongcheng's face was confused and confused.

Until then, Hirata Yasushi weakly raised his hand and said in the Japanese language, "I am from the Japanese, I am from the Japanese..."

Li Xianche smiled even more cruelly, "What's wrong with the island people? Isn't the island country a society ruled by law? Take it away!"

Then he took a few of his men and tortured the two of them away. Before they got off the ship, he was surrounded by several officers of the marine police who were more powerful than the chief police.


An area of ​​the pier.

Ding Qing was still being stimulated by the incident not long ago, and when he was tired of working, he was startled by the noise of several nearby workers, waiting for him to follow the sight of the uproarious workers.

I just saw several prosecutors and assistants in suits and leather shoes confronting and arguing with several uniformed policemen...

Looking at it, Ding Qing stabbed an old friend nearby in confusion, "What's going on?"

A worker laughed and said, "What else can it be, the big deal is to take credit for it."

Even the coolies on the docks at the bottom understand the truth that everyone will blame each other if there is a scapegoat, and fight with each other if they have credit.

They don't know those men in suits, and they don't know who the people in police uniforms are. Those characters are too big. Didn't you see that there are dozens of marine police standing on the deck?

There are so many police people who are just watching, but the suits are imposing.

It is enough to prove many things.

Under his words, Ding Qing was thoughtful. Until now, there were not many tourists or cruise ship staff on the cruise ship that Dr. Zhao was on.

Now it seems that the two departments are grabbing the credit, and it is also related to the amazing Dr. Zhao before?
To be a man to that point is to be an idol in life.

Should a man be like this? !

(ps: I wish all brothers and sisters a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a family reunion.)
(End of this chapter)

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