Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 488 Is it reasonable to promote him as the hall master?

Chapter 488 Is it reasonable to promote him as the hall master?

When Chen Wenqian was still admiring Gray Wolf, the man in the police uniform coughed again, scanned the audience, and finally set his sights on Lei Gong, "Lei Gong, I think it's okay to deal with that DF retired elite named Lou Dahao." Because of this merit, what do you mean by becoming the head of the hall?"

All of a sudden, Chen Wenqian, the monk, Li Zhilong and others were shocked, and they all looked at the man in police uniform in surprise and shock, and then at Lei Gong.

A gray wolf, just representing a branch of the Sanlian Gang, overwhelmed the Mengka Jiaotou forces and retreated steadily.

Before being captured, Chen Wenqian was thinking of following Gray Wolf's wishes, wanting to kill his boss, Masa Dazai, and then take over by himself... Although Gray Wolf cooperated in that matter, he still has a high chance of success.

But for those who are in the society, if you can not kill the elder brother and take the position, it is better not to kill him.

Killing the big brother and taking the position is after all the deepest stain that you have to hide all your life. If it is exposed, it will be over.

What now?A lousy boy who sprinkled lime powder on the street and got a DF retired foreigner can become the head of the hall?Become like Gray Wolf, a mighty existence who wants people, guns and guns?

This meaning is one thing for the high-level members of the society, and another thing for the bottom-level members of the society.

Under the attention of several people, Lei Gong nodded decisively, "Yes, no problem."

Speaking of which, he hesitated for a moment, and asked curiously, "Officer, excuse me for asking too much, is this what Mr. Zhao meant?"

In my own club, who will be promoted to be the hall master and let an outsider speak?This is of course very inappropriate, but in the current state, he knows that he will not agree, so he probably has no chance to choose to agree again.

Could it be that Mr. Zhao has taken a fancy to his Sanlian Gang...

Lei Gong was still in deep thought, but the man in police uniform sneered, and said disdainfully, "What are you thinking about? President Zhao likes you as a scumbag?"

"How can your Sanlian Gang be better than the former Hongxing Club on Hong Kong Island? It wasn't just Mr. Zhao's dissatisfaction, the Nuo Da Hongxing Club disappeared, and now only Big B is left with a few bad guys who have transferred to the funeral A train."

At this point of ridicule, Lei Gong also became embarrassing, yes, he thought too much, Mr. Zhao's kind of card game, he just picked someone out, and they all went to Amei's house, South Korea, and island countries to be the president of newspapers, Director of a TV station, running for governor of Tokyo.

Isn't that much more decent and elegant than him?
Will he like the Sanlian Gang?

That was an idea that could bring the Sanlian Gang to an end, isn't it this time?Mr. Zhao didn't say a word, and the police arrested Mr. Zhao for his fun.

The man in the police uniform laughed again, "I said before, because of the Donghu gang's Qiu Xiaochi incident, Wanwan may not be peaceful from now on, and there will be many retired elites who will disturb the personal and property safety of the citizens."

"Thus, Lou Daohao managed a DF retired elite and didn't let him make a big fuss. This is a great contribution to the citizens of Wanwan. It's reasonable to promote him to the hall master, right?"

"It's the same with your other gangs. You can't just get a similar person and get a higher position. But if you can't get one, you can get two or three. As long as you do it, you should be in the top position."

"Including the horns of your monga, the horns are not just occupying the latrine. No matter who handles those people, if there are too many, they can be the boss."

"This is what I said, is there any objection?"

This is to use the promotion as a bait to fool many people from the gang, and desperately fight against the elite who may be sent by the head of Stone to make trouble.

It's not appropriate for the police to attack those people.

After all, Wanwan has to rely more on the charity and support of the Ami family in order to develop rapidly. If you come forward to do something officially, just send a note, no one can resist.

But it's easy to say that I support young and Dangerous boys in private.

If the elites sent by the head of Stone are all taken care of by young and Dangerous boys from the society... Do you think the head of Stone is ashamed to ask the Wanwan police for help?Even if he is embarrassed and really asks the police for help, they can still agree to it without any effort, just deal with it.

The man in uniform said when he came in that sometimes what he said today would represent the uniform he was wearing, and sometimes what he said had nothing to do with the uniform he was wearing.

When does it matter, you can guess.

If the guess is right, everyone is happy, but if the guess is wrong... that is also the guess of the young and Dangerous boys, what does it have to do with him?The big deal is to evaporate the person who guessed wrong to the world, or send them to Green Island to repair the earth for a lifetime.

Accompanied by the declaration "Is there anyone against?"

All the bosses of the club in a row of houses, including the younger brothers, were an extremely weird mood.

Good guy, we co-authored to take the blame for Qiu Xiaochi?Do things for Qiu Xiaochi to prevent disasters?Why, just because he kidnapped a rich second generation and extorted [-] million knives...

Gan, is Qiu Xiaochi so important?
You really let young and Dangerous boys face off against DF retired elites and DEAL elites... At first glance, the quality gap between the two sides is too big.

But you also have to admit that it is not a dream for us to mix lime powder and chili powder with various water, and under the range attack, it is not a dream for the street gangsters to lie down and lie down.One person can't win, but a group of people can't win?

When the crowd's thoughts were racing, the eyes of Chen Wenqian in Houbicuo and the monk at Miaokou began to flash with eagerness.

However, if you use all kinds of dirty tricks, there is hope if you fight hard. With the support of the policeman, you will be the boss. This is more structured and promising than killing the boss.

One thing to say, the site of Mengka basically refers to the former Wanhua District. There are not only two corners of Houbicuo and Miaokou, but dozens of corners. Among them, Houbicuo and Miaokou are the most prestigious. That's all for the fiercest, it belongs to the big representative in the corner.

Chen Wenqian wanted to cooperate with Gray Wolf to kill the boss Masa, and he also said clearly that the territory was so big that he alone could not control the place afterward, and Miaokou had to choose one, and the two of them chose the monk.

The monk also had the intention to kill Geta Dazai and take the position.

Not to mention loyalty and disloyalty, they will fight back whatever the boss treats them...the masa in Houbicuo is popular and hot, and Chen Wenqian has always been the one to take the blame, and he will take the blame if he has something to do.

At the entrance of the temple, the previous eldest son belonged to the monk's father, but geta cut off one hand and ran to a Buddhist tool shop for the elderly. Now the monk and geta's son Li Zhilong are sworn brothers, but every time it is Li Zhilong who makes troubles, The monk came out to take the blame.

Let’s just say that the last time Chen Wenqian’s cousin fucked Li Zhilong’s girlfriend, Li Zhilong insisted on sealing the other’s mouth, eyes, nostrils, etc. with glue, and finally killed him... It was the monk who was almost beaten to death by geta for taking the blame.

The causal relationship is here. It is not too inconceivable that Chen Wenqian and the monk want to kill the boss and take the top position... But, instead of killing the boss, they can get the support of the man in police uniform and take the top position.

This opportunity is really much more attractive to them.

After a while, wait for the man in police uniform to leave.

A group of detainees from the society were silent. When one person lit a cigarette and more people lit up, and the large row of detention rooms was filled with smoke, Zhang Dingkun of Fuhaimeng suddenly yelled, "Damn, everyone It's a chaotic society, so why is Qiu Xiaochi aloof and a level above us?!"

For those who have reached the top of the society, and the next step is to whitewash their election as a member, it doesn't matter who they hold as the hall master, as the hall master is still just a younger brother.

The Fuhai League is no worse than the Sanlian Gang.

As for the alternation of the old and the new in Mengkajiao, they don't care much. After all, the Mengjiajiao that the Sanlian Gang Gray Wolf fights is retreating steadily. It will not be so bad if it is replaced by the head of their Fuhai League. .

The most aggrieved thing about Zhang Dingkun is that they are all members of the mixed society. They suddenly became the second-handers to clear the obstacles and escort Qiu Xiaochi?

This is so fucked up.

That guy kidnapped a Lawrence Stone, and even published in the newspapers to blackmail him for [-] million knives. Originally, they were just watching the fun... Now, out of nowhere, they want to help Qiu Xiaochi do things and share the firepower?

Who does well, the more benefits? ?
can not do well……


A new day has come.

In a large villa in Gangnam District, Seoul, a middle-aged man was anxiously answering the phone, when he saw a figure running towards him, looking nervously at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man deduced something important from the other party's expression, so he covered the microphone and said, "What's the matter?"

The young man who ran over immediately said, "The latest news, Mr. Zhao from Hong Kong Island has booked a ticket to Seoul."

The middle-aged man was shocked, and then, some didn't know what to say.

After tens of seconds of silence, he said, "One person, or many people?"

The youth responded, "Alone."

The middle-aged man waved his hand, "Forget it, let's watch for now."

When the young man retreated, he said helplessly into the microphone, "Zhao Xueyan came to South Korea, do you want to do something?"

There was silence on the other side of the phone for a while, and he said speechlessly, "Now is not the time to pay attention to him, the most important thing is Adeline Bowman, you understand? Almost all the CIA branch in South Korea has been taken, but she has been staying there. Did not go to Ami's house."

"He also threatened the FBI to send her daughter to Seoul, otherwise, she will travel all over the world, killing every girl she sees, and she doesn't mind contacting various world-class media to expose her..."

"This is to fight the FBI to the death."

"Before Adeline actually does that thing, the most important thing for you is to find her and find a way to take her down."

When Zhao Xueyan went to Wanwan, he just walked around the door of the house, and directly chartered a plane to fly with Lei Zhilan, Le Huizhen and most of them.

But when he came to South Korea and the island country, it was really different.

Last time, he flew away from the island country. Before the plane left the airspace of the island country, Dan and his boss in the Amei army wanted to tell Dr. Zhao that someone wanted to use the aircraft missile or something to mess with you.

But that time, Zhao Xueyan shot a feint, ostensibly used his own identity to take that flight, and secretly ran to another flight to Seoul in disguise and makeup.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

Dr. Zhao used to be so powerful and fierce in the island country, no matter how elite he is on land, he can't help him, but once he is in the sky, there is the threat of positioning and tracking missiles. Passengers buried with Dr. Zhao.

Risks still exist.

Therefore, he came to South Korea this time, went to Kyushu-Peninsula Broadcasting to see, and met many employees of the media group who flew from the mainland. From the perspective of safety, it is better to be more stable.

Zhao Xueyan's superficial booking of air tickets is still false information.

When this information is transmitted to Seoul, some people who may be able to do things don't care about it...

to today.

The FBI's plan against Adeline Bowman, who is suspected of being a youthful and immortal person, has developed very quickly and violently. The speed is that Adeline, relying on the "angel's blessing", smashed it all by herself. took over the entire CIA bureau.

My daughter is in the hands of the FBI, and the FBI forced her to go to a certain place at my sister's house?
If she doesn't go, she threatens the FBI with all kinds of words, loves and kills each other, and sees who can't bear the pressure first.

At this moment, the middle-aged Pu Zhengguang represents the rising chaebol power. Everything about the Pu family is inferior to the two-star and Hyundai, and it is second only to that level.

However, the development and rise of the Pu family to the present is also due to the support of the chaebol of Amei's family.

More than ten years later, the Asian financial turmoil passed through, and the main wealth, equity, etc. of the top chaebols in South Korea almost all fell into the hands of Amei's financial giants and chaebols, but that was really not caused by a storm.

But as early as the beginning of the rise of the chaebols, someone from Amei's family reached out to make arrangements.

The person Park Zhengguang is contacting is a big chaebol from Amei's family. The status of the other party is not inferior to Aaron Fox of the California consortium, nor is it weaker than Old Stone of the Texas consortium.

The FBI's campaign against Adeline Bowman has developed to the present, and well-informed chaebol bosses have discovered and learned the truth, and they want to rush into the game.

Accompanied by the voice on the other side, Park Zhengguang looked embarrassed and smiled bitterly, "Sir, taking down Adeline Bowman is easier said than done, the entire CIA branch is over, even if I have a certain weight and status in South Korea , but when it comes to combat effectiveness, you don't really think that our Pu family can beat the CIA branch, do you?"

During this period of time, Adeline Bowman attracted the most attention in the entire underground world of South Korea. The old lady got angry, and she was not ordinary.

The FBI dared to ignite her 79-year-old fire, and the fire suddenly lit up the world, making more and more big shots notice the existence of this suspected longevity and eternal youth. The fun is really getting bigger and bigger.

This vortex, if you step into it without knowing it, even Park Zhengguang, the big chaebol in Seoul, knows that if you step into it, it may disappear at any time, and you don't know why, so you can't guard against it.

He also knows that with Adeline Bowman standing there, attracting firepower, not to mention whether the information about Zhao Xueyan's flight to Seoul this time is true... Even if it is true, every chaebol boss will put it down. The little grievances and grievances in the past.

Grandma Adeline, is the most important thing.


almost in time.

On a luxury cruise ship bound for Incheon, Dr. Zhao was standing on the deck overlooking the sea, when he saw Lei Zhilan approaching with a satellite phone, "Brother Yan, it's Situ Haonan calling."

Zhao Xueyan connected with a smile, and Situ Haonan's voice sounded from the opposite side, "Master Yan, my mother and father also contacted me before, and now even Aaron Fox, who is on the street, is contacting me in private. They want to With the help of Ye Yen and your influence in Southeast Asia, take down Adeline Bowman."

"As long as you can get her, the conditions can be set by Ye Yen. If you want the manufacturing technology of Lexus engine, your mother can also help Ye Yen send it to Hong Kong Island."

(End of this chapter)

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