Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 485 I have never seen such a request in my life

Chapter 485 I have never seen such a request in my life
Wang Chengxu was dazed for a moment, then scanned the street again, and then hurried to a sanitation worker who was resting by the side of the road tens of meters away.

When he arrived, he took out a 100 yuan coin, "Abbot, did you see a blond foreigner who was kicked out of the Three Seasons Hotel?"

The sanitation worker glanced at the banknote and accepted it with a smile, "I see, when the foreigner seemed to be swearing at the street, he was escorted into the car with a gun by some people who got out of the car and left."

Wang Chengxu was shocked, "Abducted by gun? Why didn't you call the police, uncle?"

Until now, he hasn't received a call from his father, and he still doesn't know who caused the conflict with Lawrence Stone.

When he asked back, the sanitation worker looked surprised, "Why should I call the police?"

Wang Chengxu, "..."

When Wang Dashao didn't know how to complain, the sanitation worker took out a cigarette and lit it, pointing to a utility pole by the side of the road, "Young boy, those who kidnapped people, before kidnapping the foreigner, there were still people staying there." What are some things, why don't you go and have a look?"

Wang Chengxu was shocked again. He glanced at the telegraph pole in the distance, and there seemed to be something stuck on it. At first, he thought it was just a small advertisement...

He took out another banknote and handed it to the sanitation worker before he ran over to watch.

Then, I saw a few Polaroid photos, one of which was a Chinese young man pointing a gun to the back of Lawrence Stone's head from the side, and Lawrence stood parallel to him with a grumpy, gloomy and apprehensive face Yes, it's Qiu Xiaochi from the East Lake Gang.

Big Brother Qiu still smiled brightly and compared to Scissorhands.

The second picture shows Lawrence Stone being escorted into the car with his hands tied behind his back.Immediately after that, the third one is a selfie of Qiu Xiaochi alone with scissorhands, with words written on it.

"I heard that he is worth [-] million knives."

After looking at the three photos, Wang Chengxu held his forehead in disbelief, so arrogant and domineering?Kidnapped and extorted [-] million knives?Damn, the robber even showed a selfie?

Is this...the crooked gangsters so lawless now?
This is outrageous too!

Excitedly shaking his body, Wang Chengxu grabbed his mobile phone and started dialing to call the police.

As soon as the phone call ended, his mobile phone rang again, "Have you arrived at the Three Seasons Hotel? What's going on? Where's Lawrence Stone?"

Recognizing that it was his father's voice, Wang Chengxu hurriedly said, "Father, Lawrence seems to have been kidnapped. The kidnapper actually asked for a ransom of [-] million dollars and even took a selfie. Isn't that too arrogant? I've never seen it before." Such an outrageous thing."

On the opposite side, Wang Jili said, "..."

After tens of seconds of silence, he said, "Wait for me, I'll be right there."

A moment later, before the police arrived, Wang Jili's car arrived. The moment he got out of the car, Wang Dashao stepped forward with an anxious expression on his face, "Father, who is so lawless? Look, some photos of the kidnappers are in the On the telephone pole, this is really too..."

It's so absurd and unreasonable.

Wang Jili glanced at his son calmly, walked over to check the situation, and after seeing what brother Qiu had left behind, Lao Wang silently lit a cigarette.

Donghu gang Qiu Xiaochi?He recognized it... and then, it was quite silent.

The East Lake gang Qiu Xiaochi, do you know who the foreigner he kidnapped?Know?That was one of Amei's oil and arms tycoons, the son of the head of Stone.

Kidnapping the son of an oil and arms tycoon, and still taking selfies so arrogantly... Isn't that the way to die if you want to die?

But even if Qiu Xiaochi knew about it and did that again, so what?This is not Amei's house, it's Wanwan, it's Hong Kong-Macau Bay!In this circle, hold Dr. Zhao's thigh tightly, why are you afraid of foreigners?

If Qiu Xiaochi didn't keep these photos, then, the disappearance of Lawrence Stone, combined with his previous conflict with Zhao Xueyan in the hotel, would probably allow the outside world to blame Dr. Zhao.

With these selfies and comments, at first glance, the identity of the robber is very clear. The kidnapping and extortion case, the mastermind is Qiu Xiaochi,...

Then who would dare to slander Dr. Zhao's reputation?

No wonder, no wonder Old Wu from the Three Seasons Hotel would say so righteously that he didn't want to hide anything, but as we all know, that person is a well-known benevolent person and philanthropist!
Just when the Wang family father and son were in different moods, two police cars roared up from a distance.

When the police car stopped near the electric pole, a young man with a third-level police rank on his shoulders stepped out of the car and walked towards here, "Who called the police? Who was kidnapped?"

Wang Chengxu was overjoyed, "Officer, you are finally here. I called the police. My classmate was kidnapped. My classmate is from my sister's family. Come and see, these kidnappers are too arrogant!!"

Waiting for him to drag the police forward...

Your Excellency Jingzheng first looked at the photo on the telephone pole in surprise, then looked at Wang Jili, and asked tentatively, "Mr. Wang??"

Wang Jili nodded, "You handle the case first."

The policeman was about to say something again, when the big brother on his body rang loudly. After he got connected and walked not far away, they communicated for a while, then walked back quickly, and said to a group of subordinates, "Quickly, seal the scene and arrange for people to collect evidence. For this kidnapping case, we must deal with it fairly."

Wang Chengxu was overjoyed, "Thank you officer, thank you officer, you must save my classmate!"

The policeman smiled brightly, "Don't worry, we will definitely do it, this is our duty."

"By the way, what is the name of this kidnapped gentleman? When exactly did the incident happen? Were there any signs or traces before the incident? I would like to ask you to follow me back to the police station to assist in the investigation. I don't know..."

Wang Chengxu nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes."

Wang Jili, looking at Jingzheng's smile, he felt that something was wrong.


After half an hour.

A certain policeman smiled brightly, "Two gentlemen, you are assisting in the investigation. In order to facilitate us to crack this kidnapping and extortion case, it is better to keep the personal information of the victim secret for the time being."

"Please forgive me and don't talk nonsense to the outside world."

While speaking, while leading the two to the detention room, Wang Jili remained silent.

Wang Chengxu was at a loss, confused, and flustered, "No, I understand keeping it secret, you let me live here?"

Having said that, he pointed to the detention room in disbelief.

I am the one who reported the crime, and the victim is my classmate!
You chatted and chatted, what do you mean by bringing me into the detention room? ?

The policeman's smile remained the same, but his tone became more serious, "Sir, you know that the gangster left his identity information so openly, and what's even worse is that he even dared to swipe his hands with scissors."

"Arrogant? Domineering? If he finds out that you have reported the crime, I'm afraid he will take the risk and harm you."

"Although the conditions here are simple, it is safe. You can rest assured about safety!"

Wang Chengxu, "???"

What the other party seems to say makes sense? !

When he looked at his father Wang Jili in great doubt, Lao Wang still had a calm face, but he followed the guidance of the police into the detention room.

The policeman was looking at Mr. Wang, and Mr. Wang also entered in a daze, his face full of bewilderment.

Mr. Jingzheng closed the door, handcuffed it and locked it, "Don't worry, you two, we will definitely solve this abominable kidnapping case as soon as possible, and return the citizens and international friends of Amei's family to a bright future!"

"You are here, waiting for my good news."

The police are gone.

Wang Chengxu looked around, there was no one in the other detention rooms, it seemed that in the empty area, only him and Lao Wang...

"Father? Why do I feel that something is weird?"

Wang Jili, "..."

Why haven't you reacted yet?Are you still a top student admitted to the Evergreen Vine?I'm better than you if I give birth to a melon!

At least Guadou will not pretend to be smart to contact and curry favor with unreliable rotten people like Lawrence Stone, scumbags.

The kind of guy who sucks fans and plays ice as life is like nothing, and likes to play MS, even if he doesn't offend Dr. Zhao today, he will offend other big shots someday.That kind of guy you still expect to borrow from him?

It's good not to kill you.


On Benbei Street, several cars roared past. A Yong, an elite beater from the Donghu Gang, sat in the back row with Sanpao, sandwiching Lawrence Stone, another younger brother drove, and Brother Qiu sat in the co-pilot.

Surrounded by three guns and two men with guns, Lawrence looked at the flying scenery outside the car, his face paled with a hint of madness, "Damn, FUCK, I'm Lawrence Stone, my father is rich, yes One of the well-known arms dealers in the United States, how dare you kidnap me?"

"You will die ugly, FUCK, I promise, you will regret it."

With Lawrence screaming in English, Qiu Xiaochi said happily, "What is this guy talking about? Who understands English?"

The driving boy laughed wildly, "Boss, you think highly of me too much. I haven't graduated from high school in our country, so you expect me to know English?"

San Pao's face was solemn, and he was no longer the excitement when he got in the car, but was thinking strangely, like a thinker.

Seeing this, Qiu Xiaochi said in astonishment, "Sanpao, do you really understand English? Do you know what he said?"

Sanpao rubbed his chin suspiciously, "I only know a little bit, not a little bit... This ghost seems to be yelling, let's fuck him..."

The little boy who was driving was shocked, and the steering wheel was crooked, almost causing the car to hit the car in the next lane.

After regaining his composure, he broke down, "Isn't it Brother Pao? Where did you learn this? I don't believe he would say that."

San Pao also doubted, "Maybe I have a problem with my understanding? My English is just a beginner, so it's not good."

During their exchange, Lawrence Stone yelled again, "FUCK, FUCK, I'm so rich and noble, you bunch of shit give me a good drive... don't get into a car accident."

Sanpao slapped his thigh, moved away from Lawrence for a while, and was even more disgusted, "Brother Qiu, this guy seems to be yelling for us to fuck him, I can go to the f*ck..."

Having said that, San Pao waved his hand and hammered Lawrence with the butt of his gun, and the other party who hammered was howling.

On the other side, Ayong, a young boy of the Donghu Gang with a gun, also said weakly when Qiu Xiaochi and the driver were stunned, "Boss, I seem to understand a little bit, this ghost is shouting to let me go!" We killed him and said that he is very rich, as long as we engage him, we can pay a lot of money??"

Qiu Xiaochi glanced at his younger brother in horror, "Stop on the side of the road, I'll take it easy."

The car stopped on the side of the road, and several other cars also stopped. Brother Qiu got out of the car and lit a cigarette. He looked at San Pao and the other gun-wielding boy strangely, "Brother Pao, I won't tell you how good your English is." Yes, but Ayong, when did you know this stuff?"

Ayong smiled and scratched his head, "Boss, it's not that I just soaked up a big horse a while ago, so... I understood a little bit naturally, I dare not say anything else, I'm sure that ghost has been yelling at him, rich."

Qiu Xiaochi was silent for dozens of seconds, exhaled smoke rings and said, "Ayong, it's not that the eldest brother doesn't believe you, it's really... such a request, I have never seen it in my life."

"He was tied up by us, and he was going to be tortured in different ways. He couldn't survive. Why did we keep yelling such words before we did it?"

Sanpao took a deep breath, "Why don't we find a professional translator? It should be that Ayong and I made the wrong translation."

Chou Xiaochi grinned, "No, it doesn't need to be so troublesome, it's all going to happen anyway, even if your translation is wrong, then there must be something wrong."

Sanpao covered his chest in horror, "I didn't expect you to be such a person."

Qiu Xiaochi wanted to slap San Pao with his hands, what the hell did you think, I mean find him a man who can satisfy him.

Resisting the urge to hit someone, Chou Xiaochi said, "Ayong, recite the rules of Ludao for Brother Pao."

Ayong was happy, "Everyone has his number on his chest. Those who forget their number will be locked up for ten days and cannot be violent. If there is any hatred, there will be a duel on Saturday afternoon. Anyone who commits violence without permission will be locked up for ten days. The first bell rings at 7:55, and the second rings at 8:[-], and those who do not go to bed before [-]:[-] will be confined for ten days."

"You are not allowed to disobey the chief, you are not allowed to flee at will, you are not allowed to be a female silver trainee, you are not allowed to disrupt official duties, and offenders will be sentenced to a heavier sentence of half a year,..."

Under Ayong's words, San Pao slapped his head, "You mean to send Green Island? This is quite coquettish."

Why did everyone who was arrested in Wanwan and taken to Green Island listen to the instructions of the prison guards, emphasizing that female silver trainees are not allowed?
This is a question worth thinking about. After all, Green Island is Huoshao Island, and all the prisoners are male prisoners.

Thinking of this, Sanpao looked at Lawrence Stone's appearance again. Not to mention, although this kid has a thin and weak appearance, he looks really good.

Being handsome and handsome, coupled with the temperament of the other party, it is easy to give people a feeling of evil charm and madness.

At this moment, Qiu Xiaochi had already picked up the mobile phone and started dialing, and when the call got through, he laughed wildly, "Director Du, I am Qiu Xiaochi, and I want to give you a small gift, are you interested?"

In Huoshao Island, Du Ziping, the head of the guardianship department, is also a very bad and unruly person. Of course, Du Ziping can only be regarded as a former Stanley killer-level vicious dog, a vicious dog.

In fact, in Green Island, the bosses with real status and strength all know that the warden there is Sao.According to some gossip without evidence, the warden was actually a fan in private.

He has a deep connection with a drug lord in Manila.

On the opposite side of Big Brother, there was also a startled voice, "Brother Qiu from the East Lake Gang? Disrespect, disrespect... you give me a gift?"

Qiu Xiaochi still smiled, "It's like this, I met a ghost, he kept yelling for someone to fuck him, and he was very rich, he would give a lot of money, this ghost is quite handsome,..."

Du Ziping was silent for a while, and asked strangely, "Is it so strange?"

(End of this chapter)

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