Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 481 Why are there so many poor houses opposite?

Chapter 481 Why are there so many poor houses opposite?
Turning north, several buses drove groups of figures from the airport to the urban area. Zhao Xueyan, Lei Zhilan, and Le Huizhen sat in the back of a Mercedes-Benz and followed slowly behind the convoy.

"Brother Yan, have you ever been to Wanwan before? It's the first time I've come here since I've grown up. What's so interesting about it?"

Sister Le held Dr. Zhao's arm and was very excited when she looked at the scenery outside the car window.

Zhao Xueyan shook his head, "I haven't been here before, this time I will play for a day or two."

In the past few days when Grandma Adeline made troubles in South Korea, the development of Kyushu Media is also very stable. A large number of rookies in the media industry recruited from various colleges and universities in the Mainland were screened out after arriving in Hong Kong Island, and some flew to Tokyo to join Cherry Blossom Relax and Island Pacific Press.

Some stayed directly on Hong Kong Island.

This group just went to Wanwan to open the stage.

It's about to start, so it's reasonable for Dr. Zhao, as the big boss, to come and sit down for a while and take a look at his new site.

It's just over an hour to fly from Hong Kong Island to Benbei, so this is like strolling in front of the house.

When he arranged for the large team to come, Bureau Hou had already suggested that there should be a whole wave of special planes to pick them up, police cars would clear the way, and all kinds of reception plans in the city to warmly welcome Mr. Zhao to Wanbei.

Then Dr. Zhao refused... He just came to see, walk around, stay for a day or two at most, and then flew to South Korea to have a look.

South Korea’s Pacific Daily has published it a long time ago, and the TV station has been operating for a while. Isn’t it all run by South Korean media personnel recruited from Seoul before? After a large number of Chinese from the mainland and Hong Kong Island pass by, it will be broadcast to Kyushu-Peninsula Get a new look.

At that time, Mr. Zhao will go over to have a look and cheer up the employees, which is also what he should do.

He came from Hong Kong Island and walked around the door, and it was similar when he went to South Korea.

The team of buses and cars entered the urban area and arrived at the Kyushu Media Building in Wanhua District. This building was newly bought.

Seeing a large number of employees enter in an orderly manner and being received and guided by some local staff, Mrs. Hou smiled and stood beside the awning of the building and introduced, "Mr. Zhao, our group building is very close to Ximending. arrive."

"It used to be the most famous movie street in the whole of Wanwan. Although it is going downhill now, there are still a lot of theaters. When Mr. Zhao's movie is released in the future, we can see the popularity of watching movies recently."

"When I think about it, it will definitely cause a sensational movie-watching effect."

Kyushu Media arrived in Wanbei and settled in Wanhua District, which is where the most famous fashion business district and the busiest movie street in Wanbei are located.

Ximending does not refer to a street, but a town like Kabukicho in Tokyo.

The crooked film industry will gradually decline, relying on the crazy praise of literary films, discrimination and belittling of commercial films, and then it will be over.

Zhao Xueyan nodded with a smile, and Le Huizhen said excitedly, "I've heard the name of Ximending before, so I'll take a good look around later."

When it comes to shopping, even Lei Zhilan's interest greatly increases.

Madam Hou also nodded and said, "I wish you all a good time."

After a while, Zhao Xueyan brought two girls into the Kyushu Media Building. Mrs. Hou beckoned decisively and brought the big brother from the assistant, "Old Hou, Mr. Zhao may stay in Wanbei for a few days, go shopping, play play, over there..."

Hou Ju's decisive voice sounded from the opposite side of the big brother, "I will do things. It has been three years since the martial law was imposed. It is time to clean up the streets again, so as not to affect Mr. Zhao's elegance."


In Wanhua District, several cars drove to a bar facing the street and stopped, because it was still in the afternoon, and the bar was not officially open to the public.

A middle-aged man with gray hair in a blue shirt stepped out of the car and just took out a cigarette from his pocket when the little brother behind him hurriedly lit it.

Lighting a cigarette along the fire, the middle-aged man made eye contact with a short-cut man in a floral shirt who got in and got off from another car, and started walking towards the bar.

After a while, the lobby.

A group of boys were sitting in other seats, smoking or staring blankly.

The gray-haired middle-aged man drank his wine and said, "Yes, you are hanging on now. There are dozens of horns and a strong lineup. The old man has a lot of oil and water, and then what? The old butt is in the front."

"Look at your boss, every day Temu drinks and plays with girls, Mengka will be beaten by them one day!"

"Obviously such a nice place!"

The middle-aged man lit a cigarette again, "Look at our tyrant again, his head is always thinking about how to develop the organization every day when he doesn't sleep. Now one command is cell division!"

"We will no longer be a gang of hundreds or thousands of people, but tens of thousands of people, let me tell you!"

"The guns were brought in from the sea box by box, and the gates were opened one by one, what are you doing?"


"The times are different, brother, do it well, open a hall in Mengka, and you will be the hall owner."

"We all need to have a stage, the world will be ours from now on!"


Under the instigation and speech of his MLM boss, the man in the floral shirt with a short hair put out his cigarette and took a sip from his wine glass, "Monga has only one hall, and there are difficulties. The two biggest forces in Monka now are our Houbicuo And Miaokou, we each have our own corners, so of course there is no problem on my side."

"But if you want to succeed in this game, you must bring in Miaokou."

While the gray-haired man was thinking, there was a sudden quarrel at the door of the originally quiet bar.

When he and the flower shirt looked at the door, he was soon surprised to see that the doorkeeper opened the door in embarrassment and came in, calling the boss to run quickly.

Accompanied by his words, a group of fully armed policemen with guns and live ammunition, explosion-proof shields, electric batons and other equipment rushed in.

There were also policemen who caught up with the younger brother who was yelling to run away. When the electric baton was fired, the person who was directly shocked fell down trembling.


The gray-haired man got up in a jerk, turned around and ran towards the back door.

The man in the floral shirt with a short hair also had a look of grief and aggrieved, "Hey, again?!"

He, Chen Wenqian, is one of the biggest corner forces in the Monga area, and the most powerful of the new generation in Houbicuo, so he was released from Green Island!
Martial law was launched in 84, which was very fierce. Anyone with a criminal record, the police also know that you are gangsters. No matter whether you have evidence or not, they will be arrested and escorted to Green Island by helicopter.

That's how Chen Wenqian went in, squatting for three years, and not long after he was released, he saw the familiar scene three years ago again? ?

This is so outrageous.

Do you still talk about the rules?

Fortunately, after he came out, he still had great ambitions, and wanted to unite with the other provincial gangs, kill his boss, Masa, and become the hall master himself.

The one who encouraged him and instigated him like a pyramid scheme leader just now was Gray Wolf, one of the most vicious triad gang leaders in the entire North.

The one in Gray Wolf's mouth who ordered to expand his power like cell division is Lei Gong, the leader of the Sanlian Gang, and Lei Gong also went in when he was cleared, but he was a gangster and had a lot of money, so he came out earlier many.

Chen Wenqian cursed in grief and angrily, and when he wanted to run, only one of the policemen who rushed in raised their black guns and fired a few shots into the sky, "Squat down for me!"

"Whoever dares to move again, I will shoot!"

Chen Wenqian squatted down crying.

Having experienced being suppressed by martial law measures, he knew that once the police showed such a fierce aura again, it was best to be obedient.

Even Gray Wolf, who had already run more than ten meters away, squatted down because...he was not far from the back door, which was also smashed open by another wave of police.

A moment later, a policeman grabbed a gun and walked up to Chen Wenqian, raised his hand and grabbed the other party's collar, and said with an arrogant smile, "Wen Qian, I heard that your Houbicuo has been very vicious recently. Hundreds of people, and the people from Miaokou set up a plot to grab land in Longshan Temple and Huaxi Street?!"

Chen Wenqian took a deep breath, and explained to himself tragically, "Officer Li, there is such a thing, but I was still on Green Island at the time, so is it my fault?"

Officer Li was stunned for a moment, "You're right..."

Three years after the martial law was implemented, Wanbei was indeed in a lot of chaos again. It was far from the period when all kinds of bosses hid under the table and under the bed.

Ximending, East District, and Shilin Night Market are listed as the areas with the highest juvenile crime rate. At the same time, Ximending is also the most famous aid trading area in Wanbei.


The most ferocious and furious ones were those kids who were still in high school. The gang fights involving hundreds of people a while ago were comparable to the war between Hongxing and Dongxing in front of Hong Kong Island.

How can such a Ximending be suitable for Dr. Zhao to go shopping with his girlfriend?What should I do if I was harassed by those low-level gangsters?
Who will take the blame?
Anyway, Director Hou felt that he was far from being able to shoulder this responsibility.

So do things.

When Police Officer Li was in a trance, Chen Wenqian tentatively said, "That has nothing to do with me, Officer Li, what are you...? After I came out, I changed my mind and started a new life. I never missed a step. Killed, I didn't even think about looking for trouble."

He was talking with the gray wolf of the Sanlian gang before, how to kill the old and stubborn old man Masa, and take the position by himself, but that wasn't a talk... haven't you done it yet?
Officer Li nodded, "What you said seems to make sense."

Chen Wenqian was pleasantly surprised, "Then why don't you let me go?"

Police Officer Li smiled, "Although what you said seems to make sense, but I am doing it for your own good. In this way, I will give you two paths, one is to go to the detention room of the police station, and the other is to Green Island, which one do you choose?"

God is so good for me, why? !
The collapse is the collapse, Chen Wenqian said quickly, "I choose the detention room of the police station."

It's just a detention room. There is no evidence of a crime. At most, he should be able to come out after squatting for ten and a half months. Green Island, where he has been repairing the earth for three years.

This is how he arrested people last time. As the well-known guy in Houbicuo, he was called a mad dog, and he was thrown out by Masa Dazai out of nowhere.

Police officer Li smiled and patted him, indicating that the military uniform should be handcuffed, and then walked towards the subdued Gray Wolf, smiled and patted Gray Wolf's face lightly, "Brother Gray Wolf, you are very popular recently, how are you, which one do you choose?" way?"

Huilang rubbed his face in embarrassment, "Officer, can you tell me why?"

When it comes to matters of the level of martial law measures, their bully Lei Gong will go in, but after the limelight passes, he spends a lot of money to get out early.

Of course, someone like him at the hall master level cannot resist.

Police Officer Li said indifferently, "Received the order from above, you are making too much noise, which has seriously affected the social atmosphere, so I came here for a special operation, to remind you, to wash away the hostility and dust on your body, are you satisfied?"

Gray Wolf sighed helplessly, "Satisfied, thank you officer."

Police Officer Li waved his hands vigorously, "Take them all back!"

When the other policemen were doing their work and escorting everyone to leave one after another, Policeman Li also rubbed his forehead, took out a cigarette and lit it up. People are hard to break down, so don't tell these bosses the truth of the matter.

If he said that a big shot is here and wants to go shopping, if someone is afraid of disturbing the big shot's interest, he will come here...

It is estimated that Gray Wolf, Chen Wenqian and others will have their professionalism completely collapsed after being hit.

Mr. Zhao, that's really a top-notch big shot. After all, Mr. Zhao is satisfied, and he can change his name and become a media tycoon in Tokyo if he just pulls Zhou Chao out of Green Island.

There is no way to be more glamorous and beautiful to be the director of a TV station or the director of a newspaper.

I heard that a certain deputy director who has been preparing to run for the governor of Tokyo is also a bad boy who was pulled out of prison, Hong Kong Island boy...

If it succeeds, in the future, Brother Yi will come forward to receive him when he bends down.


In Wanhua Miaokou Tuo, Jiaotou Geta was nibbling melon seeds and watching his son Li Zhilong and monks, mosquitoes, white monkeys and other yellow paper brothers discussing fighting skills, when he was startled by noise and cars.

When he got up with a handful of melon seeds and looked towards the gate of Tuodi, he saw a few gangsters from the temple entrance being pushed into the gate roughly and fell down in embarrassment.

A large group of policemen roared in.

Facing the long and short guns raised one after another, when Li Zhilong, the monk, mosquitoes and others were confused and panicked, geta took two steps in a hurry, swish!
There were no long and short guns that were officially aimed at people, but at least ten of them were aimed at geta.

Geta hurriedly raised his hand, sprinkled melon seeds all over his body, "Mental police officers, this..."

The leader of the uniformed policeman waved his hand, "Take them all away, anyone who dares to resist will shoot directly! Kill them!"

Geta knelt down directly, not daring to have the slightest desire to resist any more. Forget about asking questions. Ever since people from other provinces arrived in Wanwan in large numbers, martial law or something like cyan terror has happened from time to time.

Li Zhilong, Monk, Mosquito and the others looked at their heroes, idols, or enemies, and they collapsed into admiration for such a panic-stricken compromise.

Then the policemen who were killed quickly subdued them and sent them outside to take them away.

You said that Li Zhilong and others are still high school students?Some time ago, hundreds of people fought in Miaokou and Houbicuo, and it was these people who led them to fight. Chen Wenqian's younger brother died, and it was also these people who did it.

Chen Wenqian's younger brother Paparazzi is also a scumbag, a super scumbag, and there is no need to regret that kind of person if he dies, but this still shows that the police did not arrest the wrong person.


As the sun set, when Zhao Xueyan, Le Huizhen, and Lei Zhilan left the Kyushu Media Building together, watching the bustling scene of cars and people on the road in front of the building, Lei Zhilan was surprised and said, "Brother Yan, what Is there an agency on the opposite side? I remember when I came here, there wasn’t any.”

Opposite the building, on the first floor of another commercial building, there is really a small police station with the signboard of the police station.

(End of this chapter)

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