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Chapter 466 I Know That You Are Not Bad

Chapter 466 I Know That You Are Not Bad
At sunset, when Zhao Xueyan arrived at the tent set up by the archaeological team two days ago on a wild horse he had tamed, Xu Zhengyang, who followed him all the way, couldn't help admiring, "Mr. Zhao, you're good at riding, I admire you! "

"I didn't expect Mr. Zhao to be not only wealthy, but also so strong physically."

In the group of wild horses with hundreds of fine horses, Dr. Zhao randomly ran a horse on the outside, and then there was no saddle, stirrup and rein...

It's easy to tame like this, from the initial lack of adaptation to the rapid improvement of the strength of the grassland knight, all this happened in the eyes of fellow travelers.

Even Xu Zhengyang had to admire him.

If you let him ride a horse with a complete saddle, stirrups and bridle, Xiao Xu can easily do it if he asks himself, nothing?Then it really needs knights born on horseback, those grassland nomads in the feudal era, to be proficient.

Zhao Xueyan got off his horse and laughed, "It's okay, by the way, please inform Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan to locate the tomb as soon as possible. If we find it, let's go down overnight."

"The first batch of people who go down don't need archaeological experts for the time being. They only need one or two who are proficient in Khitan language and understand history. You and me, plus those captains Mojin."

Xu Zhengyang was stunned, "Go down overnight? Mr. Zhao, this..."

Isn't this too dangerous?

The big troops have come over, can't it be enough to excavate a little bit of archaeology step by step?

Dr. Zhao said calmly, "According to the news I heard, one of the Bianhua flowers in the tomb can connect yin and yang, arouse the ancient corpses, mummified corpses, and skeleton ghosts that died in the tomb in the past, and hunt down anyone who breaks into the tomb. the living."

"But there is another saying that the Bianhua flower is just a meteorite from outside the sky. The unique light it emits will cause people who see the light to have hallucinations, and it is a specific hallucination of seeing ghosts. In fact, there are no ghosts. It's all about yourself after hallucinations. massacre."

"No matter what the situation is, it is not suitable for a large number of people to go down, especially many professors and graduate students who are just studying."

Xu Zhengyang was stunned, but still worried, "Mr. Zhao?"

Zhao Xueyan shook his fist in the air with a smile, "Don't worry about my safety, I'm actually not bad at protecting myself. Everyone in Hong Kong knows that when I convince people with reason, I spend a lot of time using physics to convince them." .”

Xu Zhengyang, "..."

Xiao Xu was stunned for a while, and said with a dull face, "Mr. Zhao, the order I received is to ensure your safety. Regardless of whether you can often convince people physically, as long as you can't convince me, I will not agree with you." plan."

"If you're curious about the flowers of the other side, I can take a few colleagues and a few lieutenants Mojin down with me, and bring you the things."

Who is Xu Zhengyang?When protecting important people, only seek safety, and everything else can be marginalized.

Even if the dignitaries from abroad are entrusted to him for protection, if they are in danger, safety comes first, etiquette, whether the escape process is embarrassing, etc., he doesn't care.

Under his serious words, Zhao Xueyan asked curiously, "Aren't you from the Qingbei Security Section? The Security Section's security rights are so great?"

A rare embarrassment appeared on Xu Zhengyang's face.

Mr. Zhao, haven't you already seen through my details?
Zhao Xueyan couldn't help him, and said with a smile, "Come on, try breaking your wrist and see if you are convinced."




At the explosion point found by Hu Bayi, Wang Kaixuan, and Yang Xueli, professional staff have built a lift.

Someone even took a test instrument and went deep underground to check whether the underground air was suitable for normal people to breathe. After everything was settled, Zhao Xueyancai, Xu Zhengyang and others took the elevator down to the ground.

During the slow and steady landing, Wang Kaixuan couldn't help but said, "Mr. Zhao, you said that the Bianhua may also be a special meteorite that makes people hallucinate and see fake ghosts?"

"If that's the case, aren't the mummified little devils and skeleton ghosts we saw there back then fake?"

"Most people died in cannibalism?"

Ding Sitian's death back then was the pain of his life, if he died at the hands of ghosts, and... in fact, he would not be much better off if he died at the hands of ghosts, he was still sad and grieving.

But it would be too embarrassing to die in the hallucination process.

Hu Bayi frowned and said, "Mr. Zhao, I'm not questioning your statement, it's just that under that big tomb, we encountered a lot of mummified corpses and skeleton ghosts, and the entire educated youth group was almost wiped out, which also caused a lot of powder magazines explode……"

"In the case of hallucinations, how did the gunpowder magazine explode?"

Zhao Xueyan said flatly, "I don't know about this, I just mentioned a possibility. It is said that the flowers of the other side will bloom at the turn of the night, Yin time, that is, from 3 am to 5 am. When we catch up before dawn, if we can Seeing that thing, and seeing the skeleton ghost, mummy, etc., everything will be clear."

Thinking back to the tomb of the Liao Dynasty in Xunlongjue, after the flowers on the other side bloomed inside, the sun shone on the underground palace, and the various skeleton ghosts, mummies, etc. that appeared may indeed exist, or they may be hallucinations.

Even if it's an illusion, Zhao Xueyan's trip will not be in vain if he can't slaughter small skeletons to save humane merit or portable space.

Even if it is an illusion, it is also an illusion brought by the Bianhua. Every time people enter the tomb, whether it is twenty or thirty people, fifty or sixty, they can all fall into the same illusion at the same time and see exactly the same scene...

This shows that even if it is an illusion, the Bianhua itself is also a supernatural being, suppressing the supernatural power of the Bianhua, maybe it will win a big wave at a time, which is more than killing the skeleton ghost slowly.

Also, if he remembered correctly, when people walked along the tomb to the entrance of the large tomb, opened the gate, and entered, they would see a thousand-year-old mummy. It was a Liao Dynasty knight riding a skeleton horse.

A bronze emblem hung on the waist of the knight of the Liao Dynasty. As long as the bronze emblem is taken away, the mummy of the Liao Dynasty knight will be turned into smoke and dust, and the smoke and dust will cover normal people and turn them into zombies.

This thing is definitely a source of poisonous zombies, not a hallucination.

There will definitely be a wave of gains in suppressing that thing.

The entire tomb of the princess of the Liao Dynasty actually needs three similar copper emblems, which are installed together at the button position to activate and open the coffin.

One of the three bronze emblems was on the waist of the gatekeeper knight at the main entrance, the second was on the wooden suspension bridge area, and one was on the sitting corpse that also turned into a skull, and the other fell out and was taken by Ying Caihong from the island country.

Zhao Xueyan took a piece from Ying Caihong's hand earlier, and it will be fine to gather later.

The only thing to pay attention to is that if you collect it, you need to suppress the poisonous fog and smoke that can turn people into zombies if you collect it, and the wooden suspension bridge area... Once you take it away, the entire suspension bridge area will be set as many suspension bridges like a gossip maze. There are also dozens of stone pillars supporting the suspension bridge, which will collapse completely.

The skull knight entering the gate is easy to deal with, but the suspension bridge area is somewhat technically difficult.

Also, at the end, when I really saw the Bianhua, if that thing breaks, no matter whether the skeleton ghost or mummy it summons is real or an illusion, as long as the Bianhua is broken, the entire tomb will start a self-destruct procedure.

That's kind of... unbelievable.

The Bianhua is something that looks like a Pu-erh tea cake. It is placed on the body by the corpse in the coffin. Why should it be smashed, and the entire vast underground palace will self-destruct?

This principle is a bit confusing and does not conform to basic scientific logic.

I stood in a huge underground palace that was nearly [-] meters up and down, and hundreds of meters long and wide. I smashed a piece of Pu'er tea cake that had little connection with other things, and let the underground palace self-destruct?
This is also the case, Zhao Xueyan will suspect that those skull ghosts and mummies are not the cause of hallucinations, even if the protagonist in the story said that the things he saw were hallucinations, created by the flowers of the other side.

But the other side flower tea cakes that are only hallucinogenic, there is no reason to easily destroy the Nuo Dadi Palace.

In Zhao Xueyan, Wang Kaixuan and other people's joking exchanges, he has easily equipped himself with skills, one is "no one knows the underground better than me". The tomb hole that is not illuminated can be seen clearly.

Every aspect of the entire Earth Palace has also been seen completely.

He had even seen it from a distance, lying in the coffin of the princess of the Liao Dynasty lying on the altar in the center of the underground palace.

At the same time, the positive effect of the grievances and grievances is also added to the body.


After a while, a group of people stepped on the tomb outside the tomb, holding a miner's lamp to open the way to the door of the tomb. Both Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan went forward excitedly to study how to open the door normally.

In the original story of "Looking for the Dragon", the huge stone gate was blown open by Ying Caihong and his gang with explosives. Now that Dr. Zhao is leading the team, there is no need for it.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Hu Bayi had already high-fived Wang Kaixuan, and happily pushed open the tomb door. Then, an illusory ghost image flew out of the tomb, and dissipated in the air outside the door.

Xu Zhengyang turned around in shock, "Zhao..."

After the word Zhao, Xu Zhengyang said speechlessly, "When did you bring these devices?"

Dr. Zhao is already wearing a pig nose gas mask and special goggles.

Zhao Xueyan smiled and said, "Calm down, calm down, don't you remind you to bring your equipment when you come down, since the door is about to open, why don't you wear it?"

With the power of taboo, he is not afraid of these things, but he still has to do what he should do.

Wang Kaixuan was speechless for a second, and said with a smile, "Don't be afraid, everyone. This is the volatilization phenomenon caused by the paint that has existed in the tomb for thousands of years when it encounters the air outside the tomb. But Mr. Zhao is right, everyone brought so many equipment, Get equipped."

The whole group was a little speechless.

After the crowd packed up and walked into the tomb, several more were surprised when they saw a skeleton knight riding a horse standing in the small square at the entrance.

Zhao Xueyan waved his hand, telling everyone to step back, walked up to the skull knight, and with his gloved hand, took off the bronze badge from the opponent's waist.

Not surprisingly, the moment the bronze emblem was removed, the skeleton horse was still there, and the skeleton knight was weathered directly, turning into smoke and dust, and rushed to one side, because there was a reminder that no one was standing in that area.

Zhao Xueyan swung the tactical stick in his hand and began to beat in the void.

"Ding, to suppress the anomalies that become spirits without the permission of the host, one cubic meter of portable space will be rewarded, and the host can claim it at any time."

"Ding, to suppress the anomaly that becomes a sperm without the permission of the host, one cubic meter will be rewarded..."



What Dr. Zhao is facing is to blow away the pouring smoke and dust, which has no entity. If it is a normal person to beat and flap, it will blow the smoke and dust at most.

But his tactical stick was pulled down one by one, and the smoke was directly sucked into nothingness!
Xu Zhengyang, Hu Bayi and the others looked at Dr. Zhao in astonishment, not knowing what to say.

After he had completely evacuated all the smoke and dust, Yang Xueli said weakly, "Am I dazzled? I always feel that this does not conform to normal physical phenomena..."

When the dust is blowing towards you, you can use a fan or something to blow it away, and what is the principle of blowing it into nothingness directly in front of you? ?

Hu Bayi didn't know what to answer.

It was Zhao Xueyan who laughed and put away the tactical stick, and said happily, "Why doesn't it conform to normal physical phenomena? You just don't read much, so don't talk nonsense if you don't understand."

He threw out more than a dozen sticks in one breath to disperse everything, and he was rewarded with a full 13 cubic meters of portable space.

Before that, he only accumulated 4 cubic meters!

Add up to 17 cubic meters.

Yang Xueli choked for a moment, and raised her hand weakly in silence for a few seconds, "Mr. Zhao, I am a graduate of Amei's Naval Academy."

Zhao Xueyan asked in surprise, "Naval Academy? Are you studying mathematics, physics and chemistry?"

Yang Xueli shook her head.

Dr. Zhao said loudly, "Then don't talk, Ami's Harvard and Pennsylvania both want to award me the title of honorary doctor of chemistry, and I don't even bother to get it."

"You don't understand science."

An honorary doctorate is also a degree. Think about the famous Hulk in the Women’s Federation, who won seven doctorates by himself, and Iron Man Shit has double doctorates. He is still only in the field of chemistry, and the gap is still too far away. Yes.

He was still very surprised by this good start.

Yang Xueli, Hu Bayi, Wang Kaixuan, "..."

Everyone, including Xu Zhengyang, was speechless.


almost in time.

An ordinary courtyard in Beijing.

Cheng Jianjun, who had been under the strong light for dozens of hours, had been sleepless and felt that he was about to be useless, cried and cried, "Leader, I really didn't do anything for anyone, please forgive me."

"I swear, I swear with everything I can get out, I asked people to inquire about Mr. Zhao's situation, just out of pettiness, jealousy and other emotions, no one is directing me behind the scenes."

"I'm wronged!"

Normal people usually don't eat or sleep for a few days, probably because of various aspects are on the verge of collapse, but what Cheng Jianjun is facing is the super-excellent light exposure, food and water supplies... and other aspects of mental pressure.

He had recruited a long time ago, less than an hour after he came in, he figured out what happened, and he recruited completely.

I can't stand the leaders' disbelief.

Now Lao Cheng feels like he is going crazy!

Under his crazy self-swearing, a certain middle-aged man took a look at all kinds of materials gathered, and then said in disgust, "How did you get to where you are today, who specializes in small reports and deceiving people?"

After checking all aspects, it seems that Cheng Jianjun really did not listen to anyone's advice, but was just narrow-minded, jealous of others, etc... This is not a serious crime.

But this kind of villain, insidious and unscrupulous person, is really disgusting.


It was also late at night.

In a hospital in Beijing, Lin Zonghui and Lin Yaozu from Hailufeng Tazhai hurriedly pushed open the door of the ward, saw Lin Yaohua who was in a coma and was being transfused, and then looked at Lin Yaodong who was lying there reading a book after being bandaged despite his complexion.

Lin Zonghui stepped forward excitedly, "Brother Dong, I knew that although you made mistakes in everything, you are not bad in nature."

"I really didn't misread you!"

During the day, Lin Yaodong was beaten five times for his bravery, "..."

(End of this chapter)

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