Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 452 Chapter 0545-0546 I'm Still Young

Chapter 452 Chapter 0545-0546 I'm Still Young
After a period of time, Hu Bayi returned to a tavern near Panjiayuan, saw Wang Kaixuan and Da Jinya drinking wine with peanuts and broad beans, and immediately went up to grab the wine cup in front of Wang Kaixuan and drank it.

Old Wang looked surprised, "Hey, why are you back? Didn't you go to see some big boss? Didn't you sell something good?"

Da Jinya also had a puzzled look on his face.

After Cheng Dongqing contacted Lao Hu, he boasted a lot about the person who asked him to do things, how tall he was, actually... Lao Cheng didn't brag too much. That’s the biggest thought in your impression.”

Cheng Dongqing never said what Mr. Zhao wanted him to do.

But ask yourself, what can they do when the big boss finds them?It should be an antique, and everyone didn't say much about Dao Dou's identity.

Hu Bayi looked gloomy, and said with a peanut between his hands, "Don't mention it, that person came to me because of the ancient tomb in the prairie."

Wang Kaixuan was shocked.

Ding Sitian back then was also Lao Wang's love object, a goddess.

It is nothing more than that he has never competed with Hu Bayi, I love you, but you love him.

But this doesn't affect her image in his heart at all. This is not just a simple dog-licking mentality, but without Ding Sitian, he would have died together.

Back then, there was a tide of mummies and zombies in the tomb, and a series of explosions occurred during the fight to escape. Ding Sitian and the three of them jumped into the wooden elevator to escape, and the elevator stopped after rising a few meters after starting.

The wooden board under Ding Sitian's feet shattered and fell... Hu Bayi grabbed her hand and tried to pull her up.

At that time, all kinds of explosions were getting closer and closer. Ding Sitian discovered that the reason the elevator stopped was a piece of wood stuck in the elevator. If the wood was not broken, the elevator would not go up at all.

She shook off Hu Bayi's hand, walked along the steel rails of the elevator shaft and kicked away the wood, the elevator went up again, and Ding Sitian died after the explosion.

Lao Wang wanted to die for love at that time, but Lao Hu dragged him up to live.

In the original story, Lao Wang was hired by Ying Caihong's team to dig the tomb of the Liao Dynasty two years later, not for money, but because he had promised Ding Sitian that he would help her find the Bianhua.

Ying Caihong said that at that time, Bianhua would appear in the tomb, so he went.

Speaking of that tomb, this can be said to be the pain of Lao Wang's life.

After being shocked, Wang Kaixuan asked curiously, "How did he know about that tomb..."

After all, it is the tomb of the goddess of the Liao Dynasty in the legend. She is not only a princess, but also a great shaman. In the legend, the Bianhua is the magic weapon when she was alive, which can connect the two worlds of yin and yang.

Hu Bayi shook his head, "How do I know? But tomb robbery is illegal after all, so we can't expose our faults. If we don't have a good chat, we'll come back. I can't tell a stranger about my criminal deeds."

Wang Kaixuan glanced at him subtly, brought a new wine cup and said, "Yes, drink ours."

Big Gold Tooth didn't know about that, but he laughed resolutely after hearing it, "Yes, let's drink ours."

After eating and drinking, after more than an hour, the few people were not drunk, but chatted in various ways, and the chat was quite hilarious.

The wine bureau was continuing. A man in a Chinese tunic suit walked into the tavern. After a quick look at the situation, he went to the wine table and stared at Hu Bayi. gone?"

When speaking, the expression of the Chinese tunic suit is also like looking at a monster or a fairy.

Hu Bayi was at a loss, confused, "You are?"

Taking out his ID in a Chinese tunic suit, the secretary said, "I am the secretary of Deputy Senior Official Yang, surnamed Tang, you rejected Mr. Zhao...Forget it, you are better, call me Xiao Tang, what does Mr. Zhao want from you?"

Although some things are inappropriate to spread, spread.

For example, the Olympic project and South Korea’s leadership, but Zhang Xiuji placed an order of [-] million Hong Kong dollars for Master Zhao’s instant noodles, plus the [-] million order of Manila’s President He... The two contiguous factories in Fuluo County and Hailufeng, the production capacity has been constant If you can't keep up, you can pass it on.

Dr. Zhao asked Hong Kong Island to increase funds and continue to build factories.

This is also passable.

If Mr. Zhao takes hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars for any order, how much will it cost him to build a new factory?
Before, the brother provinces in eastern Guangdong ate a lot and were very full. Beijing can also participate on behalf of the north.

You said that the possible tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars to build a new factory area is of significance to the capital... Is it just a matter of money?Obviously not, building factories, recruiting workers, and then going to the basic necessities of life for workers, the expansion of consumption attracts the prosperity and development of surrounding industries.

How many employment issues are involved in this?

How many educated youths in this era have lost their jobs after returning to the city?Many young men in the new generation are also unemployed?In many state-owned enterprises, the older generation is still able to work, but in order to take care of the next generation, they retire early and let the younger generation take over?
Besides, the instant noodle factory... It doesn't look fancy at first glance, and it doesn't contain much high technology, but this thing is a continuous consumable!

Buy a wave and eat it. If you like it, there will be another wave.

If you really want to build a TV, radio, and big brother factory, even if you can make a lot of money, but if you sell a batch of goods, some people can use them for many years. How about instant noodles?Buy a box and go home. If it is really delicious, the whole family will eat it up in a few days.

As for Master Zhao's instant noodles, are they delicious?At present, the most popular gift for festivals or family visits in the capital is boxed Master Zhao noodles. Adults may also have concerns about saving face, but children like it very much.

Your child is making instant noodles, which can make the child next door cry.

The noodles and sauce package carefully prepared by Tang Niu, the god of food in the world, are absolutely worth it!

Before Stephen Zhou wakes up, he's probably going to shout that it's too delicious.

They were still thinking about how to get in touch with Mr. Zhao and chat about attracting investment, when they suddenly heard that Mr. Zhao was looking for someone to talk about, offered to invite someone to dinner, but was rejected... Don't mention their mood.

Until now, Secretary Tang felt that Hu Bayi in front of him was a bit dazzling.

Accompanied by Secretary Tang's words, Hu Bayi was still in a daze. Da Jinya was the quickest to react.
The difference is so different, Da Jinya's calf was trembling a little, he even sold Lao Hu shamelessly, and said with a righteous face, "That's right, Lao Hu, Mr. Zhao warmly treats you, why are you so disrespectful? So rude."

Hu Bayi was sprayed suspicious of life, you say that, is it polite?

When drinking a little wine just now, didn't you praise me all kinds of things for a good job, a big man should do whatever he wants!
Resisting the urge to slap Da Jinya, Hu Bayi said in a daze, "Then shall I go see Mr. Zhao again?"

Secretary Tang looked distressed, "I think, do you think Zhao is always so easy to see? Now he has gone to play with his friends."

Hu Bayi sneered, "Then you?"

Can't see it now?What are you doing here?Criticize me or try to catch me?

Thinking of this, he felt a little guilty, after all, he had robbed the tomb.

Ordinary people don't know, but the higher authorities want to check, but can't they find it?That's funny. If you find out, you can send him in fairly and justly at any time and sing the prison song.

Secretary Tang smiled and said, "I don't have any other intentions here, but next time, if Mr. Zhao comes to you again, you'd better meet him and hear what he wants to do. As long as it's not illegal, we can all support you."

"Comrade Hu Bayi, that's not what I mean."

No matter how stupid Hu Bayi is, he knows that Secretary Tang's ability to speak so bluntly shows that this is not what he meant!
That would be scary.

Secretary Tang said a few more words, and left. He came and went quickly, but the three of them just sat here stupidly, and couldn't drink any more.

A few dishes of peanuts and broad beans can last more than an hour, which is actually not easy.

After a moment of silence, he put a peanut into his mouth, and Da Jinya said in surprise, "It's a little thing, as for the one who came over in person and explained it to you so seriously?"

They also know to some extent that overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese businessmen returning to China are very popular at present, and most of them are received by official figures. Those people... are also the main target of their antiques.

Antiques want to be sold at a good price, and there are not so many rich people in the mainland.

For this kind of thing, just come over to someone from the street and let them know...

Is it necessary?

Wang Kaixuan also stared at Hu Bayi and laughed, "Hey, I think you're in big trouble, kid."

Hu Bayi didn't know what to say.

A moment later, when the three of them checked out and left the tavern, they were about to start when they saw a car parked on the side of the road, and another man in a suit walked up, smiling enthusiastically at Hu Bayi, "You are Comrade Hu Bayi, right?" , I am run by Guangdong and Tokyo City, just call me Laoqian."

"How much does Comrade Hu like to drink? Coincidentally, I happen to have two bottles of Changle Shao in my car. Let you try..."

It was established in the capital city of eastern Guangdong province.

Still a leader.

Hu Bayi has never encountered such a high-level leader in his life, and he is so enthusiastic and even gave him a gift.

After a few polite and humble exchanges, when Hu Bayi tentatively asked Director Qian what he wanted him to do, Director Qian smiled and said, "It's okay, what can I let you do? You are an educated youth returning to the city, and you have no business relationship with us. No match, this time I came here just to get to know each other, Xiao Hu, don’t worry about it, and don’t think too much about it.”

After chatting for a while, Director Qian drove away.

Da Jinya looked at the two bottles of Changle Shao that had been forcefully stuffed into his arms by the other party, and his legs went limp again.

The longer the time spent rolling around on the streets and in the business world, especially in Panjiayuan's block full of fakes...

Big Gold Tooth is too clear, there are some things, the difficulty is to put on the pig's head, afraid of not being able to find the temple door? ?The scary thing is that you declined a meal without doing anything, and a group of temples came to you on their own initiative.

And I will give you pig's head meat back.

Saying nothing is the scariest thing.

Everyone used to go to the temple to offer incense and worship gods, but at this moment Hu Bayi changed here.

Resisting the urge to lose control, Da Jinya supported Wang Kaixuan's arm and said, "Old Hu, I think you left a bit hastily at noon."

"Why don't you announce to the outside world that I'm actually not familiar with you?"

Hu Bayi said with a dark face, "Are you serious?"

Da Jinya hurriedly waved his hand, "Are you kidding, just kidding, am I such a disrespectful person?"

Wang Kaixuan patted Da Jinya's hand away, and looked at Hu Bayi, "What do you want to do now, Hu Bayi?"

Only then did Hu Bayi take a deep breath, with a solemn and firm expression on his face, "I'm going to Mr. Zhao's hotel now, and I've been guarding it all the time. Is there still time?"

It's quite scary that the leader suddenly gives you a gift, or good wine.

Not to mention that he still has a criminal record... that's not right, he was someone who had actually robbed a tomb.

Mr. Zhao couldn't be found, and he couldn't eat that meal. How many years would he have to stay for when he was found out by his superiors to have robbed tombs and sold cultural relics?It's kind of frustrating.

The three of them were still collapsing when they saw a dashing female knight approaching them on a motorcycle. When she reached them, she took off her helmet, "Hu Bayi, you're messing with these two guys again. I went to Ami's house together, but you just didn't listen, Wang Kaixuan and you..."

The female knight is Yang Xueli, a Chinese from Ameri family, a graduate of the Naval Academy, and a photojournalist for Ameri National Geographic Magazine. When she came to the mainland, she met Lao Hu and Lao Wang, and she often followed them on adventures.

Of course, the expedition can also be said to be an illegal fight without a license.

Yang Xueli and Wang Kaixuan actually have a good relationship, and they have explored together many times. She just persuaded Hu Bayi to go to Amei's house, but Lao Hu didn't want to go, and Lao Wang kept persuading him to stay, which changed the relationship.

The associated big gold tooth was also dissed.

Before she could finish her sentence, Wang Kaixuan exploded, "Okay, don't come up with bad ideas, we are the ones who can go to Amei's house seriously? That's obviously not the case. Chasing those caught."

"Also, it's not certain whether Lao Hu can breathe free air now, whether he will go to prison until he dies of old age, so don't make a fuss."

Yang Xueli's voice stopped abruptly, and she asked in a daze for a few seconds, "What's the matter? The tomb robbery together was discovered?"

Da Jinya sighed helplessly, "If it's okay to say, we can still escape... What's happening now is unusual."

He refused a meal appointment from Mr. Zhao. First, the secretary of the city's deputy senior official came to tell them what to say, and then the leader of Eastern Guangdong Province came to deliver good wine.

Believe it or not, even if they wanted to escape now, they probably met the amiable police uncle before they had traveled a few miles.

With Da Jinya's words, Yang Xueli was even more at a loss. Another car arrived at their roadside and stopped, and a middle-aged man in a jacket got out of the car with a smile, "Hey, Comrade Hu Bayi, I have found you. I am from the capital city of Handong Province. You can do it, just call me Lao Zhang."

"I came in a hurry, so I brought two bottles of Moutai, don't feel shabby..."

With several people in a daze and unable to evade their refusal, Comrade Zhang from Handong also said that I didn't have any other purpose in coming, just knowing how many drinks you like, so I'll give you a whole mouthful.

Goodbye, we will keep in touch in the future.

Then he drove away.


Yang Xueli said in horror, "Yes, Hu Bayi, you've messed up to the point where the temple came to visit you with a gift..."

It's over.

She really understood why Da Jinya would say that it's okay to say that a tomb robbery was discovered... What's wrong with her being a Chinese from Ami's family?I have been back to the mainland for many years, but I still don’t know some basic information?

At night, the snow is flying.

Outside a certain hotel, Hu Bayi stood on the side of the road almost turning into a snowman. He still hadn’t seen Mr. Zhao come back. When Yang Xueli ran out of the hotel, he told Mr. Hu that Mr. Zhao really hadn’t come back. The front desk said that there was no one in the room. Advise him to hide in the living room.

Old Hu shook the snow on his body, smiled wryly, "I'm still young, wait outside, show your sincerity."

Hey, he doesn't want to go to Amei's house, and he doesn't want to go to jail either.

Mr. Zhao really doesn't need to deal with him deliberately, it's his own fault!
(End of this chapter)

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