Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 45 Come, let's see who is faster!

Chapter 45 Come, let's see who is faster!
After a while, Zhang Piao, one of the left and right hands of the director of the Central District, Lei Meng, was sent away. Zhao Xueyan just started to enter a new learning atmosphere when he heard a knock on the door.

When he called out, he realized that it was Uncle Ninth.

"Brother Yan, silly Biao asked me to send you a message. There is something wrong with a group of people in Hong Xing. It seems that they want to do a big vote in private. It is still uncertain who they are targeting."

"They shouldn't dare to target Brother Yan in a frenzied manner, but it's better to be on guard and be careful. I heard that they may have collected a few sharp weapons."

Under Ninth Uncle's words, Zhao Xueyan said stunned, "Who is there?"

Ninth Uncle smiled and took a cigarette, "The leader is Awei, and the boss of Awei is Zhou Wensheng. He can't be said to be the hall owner of Hongxingli, but he has done a lot of selling stolen goods. Awei himself is Zhou Wensheng's subordinate. The top horse, he is quite good at fighting."

"It's the same as playing four or five games at a time, but this time Ah Wei instigated at least a dozen Hong Xingzi."

Zhao Xueyan patted his forehead, but he was not impressed.

When the ninth uncle smiled and took out a photo and put it on his desk, Zhao Xueyan became interested, rub it, isn't this Luo Sanpao.

No, Luo Sanpao is the ultimate villain in Plan A.

However, with the exact same face as Luo Sanpao, Zhou Wensheng... The big guy in the field of picking up dirty and selling stolen goods has some impression. Isn't this the big villain in the story of "Little Hands"?

It turns out that in this world, Awei, you are Hong Xingzai.

Speaking of which, Awei's skill is really good, and his fighting ability is strong. Even if he doesn't have the force value of the lame Luo Sanbao in the A plan, it is estimated that he is a master.

This kind of master attacking people, one person's fist is enough to make many people's stomach hurt, and he even prepared a good weapon to summon more than a dozen younger brothers?
No wonder Dongxing is stupid. After receiving the wind, Jiu Shuli will tell Zhao Xueyan.

"I know, I'll keep an eye on it, this guy, stupid, is very interesting."

Zhang Pyu from the Central District Police Station had just left, and before leaving, he reminded Zhao Xueyan to be careful about the assassination of Zhu Tao, a big drug lord.

In the police story, Zhu Tao sent people to kill people, whether it was to kill Salina or kill the black police, they were all thieves.

Otherwise, Zhao Xueyan wouldn't have grabbed two of the guns that hacked Gui Jianchou and others, and put them on him. His fighting ability is strong...and it doesn't conflict with carrying a gun.

marksmanship?Since he signed up to inspect the Mong Kok Police Station, Zhang Zhiheng, and obtained the skill of being proficient in all firearms, he will be proficient in any firearms, long or short. It is a bit exaggerated to say that he directly incarnates as a gun king.

But it will not be worse than various professional killers and ordinary sharpshooters.

Under his words, Ninth Uncle was amused, "Could it be stupid to not be on the road? First, bet on cigarettes, bet on brother Yan, you escaped from prison for a few days, and you made a lot of money. Last time, the investment of 10 changed hands to 30... …”

Now Zhao Xueyan is already a little god of wealth to silly Biao.

What attitude would a normal person have when facing the God of Wealth?I'm afraid something will happen to you.

After earning 20 yuan in the first wave, Shabiao went out to verify the transfer, and after wandering around Portland Street, Zhao Xueyan raised funds for the second time, and Shabiao changed hands and invested another 50 yuan.

He was the biggest investor when Zhao Xueyan raised funds.

The warden only cast 30 the second time.


Stanley, outdoor work area.

An airy little gangster shoveled the ground a few times, then avoided the guard's sight and moved to the back of the crowd, "Brother Wei, do you really want to do it today?"

Awei glanced around and said coldly, "How can there be so much nonsense, if you say it's hands-on, it's hands-on!"

As a Hongxing native, Awei is not a well-known red stick-level boss, but his skills are really no worse than ordinary red sticks.

No one holds it!
This time, the dinosaur brother outside agreed that as long as he did it, not only did he earn 50 yuan, but the dinosaur and his eldest brother Han Bin would hold him up together.

As for killing people in Stanley, how long will you be squatting when you go out?He was not an ordinary person, but Zhao Xueyan, whom many prison guards could not wait to scold to death in private.

Zhao Xueyan kept escaping the prison all the way, and tied up the Stanley prison guard system. In order to save his job, the kidnappers had to cover the lid together, but there were too many people covering the lid... Stanley is in this pit.

It is normal for someone to scold the street in private when they are forced to do so.

Many prisoners in Stanley now understand why Zhao Xueyan is so aloof.

In this matter, Prince Hongxing, who had been deflated in Stanley, could think clearly afterward. If he could successfully kill such a person... As long as he managed well, he might not have a chance to settle everything.

Not to mention the rest, knowing that Stanley was forced to cover up and down the lid, then he killed Zhao Xueyan and threatened the warden with Stanley's help in covering the lid. Is it possible to make the warden confess?Let the warden help with the aftermath?
Zhao Xueyan was the first to eat crabs, intimidating the warden and Gui Jianchou.

Why can't he, Awei, follow closely and learn?There is no one behind him, that is Hong Xing, and now there are Han Bin and Dinosaurs. If this is done, Liang Kun and the prince may not be grateful to him.

As for Zhao Xueyan, who does not work or work on weekdays, and eats at will, and rarely goes to the dining hall to eat with the prisoners, how can he find a chance to do it?
Before it was changed, a group of people went to Zhao Xueyan together. It was too easy to be confused. Now it is different. Zhao Xueyan, after raising funds for the second time, let it go. If anyone wants to make a fortune with him, give him the money to play. Invest, you can bring money to him at any time.

It's too easy to do.

Take the card and money and go with the younger brothers.

More than a dozen younger brothers fought for cover, and Awei was responsible for the final attack.

Awei himself is very confident in his fighting ability, or does he have an unintentional sneak attack?No matter how he thought about it, he felt that this matter was stable.

After reprimanding the younger brother and resting for a while, Awei quickly walked towards the prison guard who was in charge of guarding their labor, "Sir, I want to apply to see Brother Yan. Our group of brothers pooled up 20 yuan, and we want to give it to Brother Yan to invest and make a fortune."

This... Brother Yan's investment bureau, the warden all got in the car, 30.What can ordinary prison guards say?

It was still the big office. After receiving the latest report from Ah Qiang, Zhao Xueyan smiled. He smiled brightly.

"Awei Hongxing, a dozen little brothers have collected 20 together? Come on, let them come to see me."

Shit, it was really aimed at him.

My own sculls, no, it's a pair of guns, it's a bit lonely and unbearable.

The drug lord Zhu Tao is too shameless. When he enters Stanley in the future, he must be treated well.I still beat him too lightly in the morning!

After a while, it was still the big office. After Ah Qiang brought in more than a dozen prisoners, he stood at the door with a casual look. He didn't know anything.

Awei brought a group of younger brothers with a bright smile on his face, "Brother Yan, our group of brothers gathered together, and finally made a sum of money. This is the account and password..."

At his signal, a younger brother immediately grabbed the note and stepped forward.

Under Zhao Xueyan's casual gaze, after a certain younger brother placed the note, his originally bent waist suddenly became more bent, as if he suddenly fell and hit Zhao Xueyan on the chair.

"Move him!!"

Before the younger brother knocked down Zhao Xueyan, Awei's face changed and he shouted angrily to the left and right.

Just as a group of Hong Xingzi was about to make a move, a bang of gunshots filled the office, but a certain younger brother was about to hit Zhao Xue-delay and was kicked away by him, and he was shot while he was taking off.

Zhao Xueyan pointed thirty-eight with one hand, facing the dozen or so Hong Xingzai who were about to riot, "Come on, let's see who is faster!"

(End of this chapter)

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