Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 431 Chapter 0503-0504 That man, here he is

Chapter 431 Chapter 0503-0504 That man, here he is
No matter how messed up and twisted his mood was, the reporting brother still told the news he got under Li Zhongjiu's gaze, "Brother Zhongjiu, there seems to be only one person over there."

Confused, Li Zhongjiu stretched out his hand and slapped his younger brother on the face, "Are you bluffing me? One person cut down Director Cui and twenty or thirty people, and injured fifty or sixty policemen?"

"Do you think that's Superman?"

The younger brother covered his face with a look of grievance, "This is the news I got."

Li Zhongjiu stood there in a daze, not knowing what to say for a moment.


Around the same time, a villa in Jiangdong District.

After Situ Haonan returned to the villa with a gun in his hand, he saw the limp Tiger faction fighters, many of whom were moving back and forth.

It was a struggle, starting to bandage each other's wounds, stop the bleeding, etc.

It is said that he mostly slashed and wounded the youngsters, he slashed and wounded Director Cui, but did not stab them. All the wounds in the tiger faction were skin trauma, but if they were not bandaged, sooner or later they would lose too much blood and die.

Situ Haonan was overjoyed, "Push the street, now I know it hurts, and I'm afraid of death? Damn it, why didn't you fear the pain when you destroyed the instant noodles of our Zhao Group?"

While talking, Haonan also kicked a younger brother who was kneeling on the ground to bandage Cui Junxian's wound.

Director Cui was crying. He couldn't understand, so he could only kneel down and beg for mercy in South Korean.

I thought the police were coming, and this bastard either fled or was suppressed in the fight with the police, captured or killed, but the siren of the police car blared from time to time, and the gunshots flooded a few times, followed by silence.

Then there was another wave of police sirens, gunshots continued, silence, and this cycle repeated many times. Situ Haonan still walked back intact?
what is this?
So many police cars back and forth, were he defeated by him alone?impossible!

Who the hell is this? He was sleeping soundly at home, and suddenly he entered his house and beheaded so many people, and even fought with the police. Such a fierce person, why did he come to torture him?

Situ Haonan slapped his thigh again and kicked Director Cui away, "Gah, I forgot again that none of you understand Cantonese, wait until I find an interpreter."

Did he come here specifically to kill Director Cui?He was looking for Li Zhongjiu, the scum who dared to destroy Master Zhao's instant noodles.

He didn't know where Li Zhongjiu was hiding, and he didn't know where the chairman of Shi Dongchu was sleeping, so he came to find Cui Junxian, who had a clear address.

No one in this villa understands Cantonese, but the police outside do.

If the police didn't have... the younger brother who reported the news to Li Zhongjiu before, how would he know that Situ Haonan was going to surround nearly a hundred South Koreans and ask for Li Zhongjiu?

Quickly rushing out of the villa, looking at the dark night sky on the road outside the villa, Situ Haonan said loudly, "Who knows Cantonese, get out and get an interpreter for me!"

Under the shout, there was silence on the road, and there was no response.

Situ Haonan waved his hand and shot three times into the darkness...

"I understand Cantonese, don't kill me, please don't kill me!"

It was that among the three random shots, a bullet hit the heart of an injured policeman hiding behind the car.

This is all behind the car, how can you hit it?

Situ Haonan couldn't make the bullet turn, but the bullet couldn't penetrate other hard objects, and the rebounding shot was a kind of turning shot.

Therefore, the other policeman who was hiding with the policeman stood up crying decisively, raised his hands and begged for mercy, and his words were also spoken in Cantonese.

Situ Haonan flicked his gun with a dark face, "Shame on you, get out of here quickly, are you cheap!"

A certain policeman came limping and trotting, wanting to cry without tears. He had been shot in the calf before, and he had only undergone a simple bandage.

When he arrived at the entrance of the villa, Situ Haonan waved his hands and said, "Quick, I don't sleep in the middle of the night because of the street attack, which makes me unable to sleep peacefully. If I don't solve the street attack, how can I explain to the boss?"

"I'm doing things normally, if you insist on interrupting me, you can only blame yourself for being killed by me!"

The limping policeman is at a loss. He understands Cantonese and understands these words, but it's just... quite sad.

Following Haonan into the villa, he saw that the [-] or [-] young men from the Tiger faction gathered in the living room were all scarred, and the police were even more mournful.

Gan, so far, the police have killed at least [-] people. If the ambulance can't come, and if they can't go to the hospital in time, there will be [-] or [-] injured, and even more people will die.

Now in the villa, no one seems to have died in Tiger Pai?This is very bloody.

Situ Haonan also ignored the inner world of the little policeman, and said with a gun again, "Tell them, I'm here to find a bad boy named Li Zhongjiu, either they send Li Zhongjiu from the Tiger Clan, or tell me where Li Zhongjiu is .”

"Also, those who smashed the Emperor's Day Nightclub in the middle of the night and those who smashed Master Zhao's instant noodles, one by one will be counted, and I will pull them all out to settle the score!"

"I can't handle this matter, you people in the Tiger faction, I see you will kill one by one, until there is no one in the Tiger faction in this world."

After the sentence was finished, the policeman straightened up instantly, and said in Cantonese, "You are from the Diri faction? Xiba, even if you are from the Diri faction, there are people behind you..."

Situ Haonan slapped the policeman with his hands, "I asked you to translate, but I didn't let you play too much, so you are in such a hurry to die?"

The policeman froze instantly, nodded weakly, and began to translate for Director Cui and others.

After the translation, Director Cui, including his younger brothers in their [-]s and [-]s, all looked like dogs.

You are looking for Li Zhongjiu, what's the point of tossing me like this?Boss, you are looking for the wrong person. They are all powerful people in the Tiger faction. Cui Junxian and Li Zhongjiu are still competitors.

Under the chairman Shi Dong, the more Li Zhongjiu has younger brothers, the stronger the team, and the rights and interests of other directors will be oppressed.

Looking resentfully at Situ Haonan secretly, Cui Junxian hurriedly said, "Translate for me, I'll call the president right away, and let President Shi preside over justice, but smashing Master Zhao's instant noodles? What does this mean?"

After the police translated, Situ Haonan raised his hand and thumped, killing the three younger brothers who were only injured. He sneered, "Why do you have so many problems? I'm here to do things, not to be your teacher!"

The hall was instantly dead silent.

Then, Director Cui jumped up and went to find the phone.

The other youngsters gathered together shivering, like quails that had been plucked.

They heard more gunshots outside, which were louder, and guessed that someone might have died from the police. The nature of the gunfight and the bargaining with a knife were different. If they were not careful, they were shot to death.

But it's one thing to guess, and it's another kind of shock to have a companion die right in front of your eyes.

Countless thugs shouted crazily in their hearts, where did this villain come from, he is so vicious and has no bottom line?He really dared to kill at will?It's brutal!


After a while.

Outside a certain hotel in Seoul, just as Li Zhongjiu got into the car, the phone rang.

When he connected, Shi Dongchu's thick voice came from the opposite side, "Zhongjiu, when you smashed up Diri Nightclub, you smashed a lot of Master Zhao's instant noodles?"

Li Zhongjiu was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head and said, "I don't know, instant noodles, are they instant noodles? I have seen some instant noodles, but they are packaged in Chinese characters and Japanese, and I can't understand them."

Shi Dongchu remained silent for tens of seconds, and asked curiously, "Is that really instant noodles? Isn't it powder?"

Li Zhongjiu responded affirmatively, "It's really noodles. At first, when Diri sent his younger brother to carry the box and run away, we thought it was a good thing. Someone rushed up to stop the person, opened the box, and took apart bags of noodles. Some people ate it. It’s a decent instant noodle, and it tastes good when eaten dry.”

Shi Dongchu was silent again.

The silence lasted for two to three minutes, which made Li Zhongjiu suspect that the chairman had hung up. After he fed back a few times, Shi Dong's voice sounded again, "Shoot into Director Cui's villa and hurt us in the tiger. Send twenty or thirty younger brothers to kill three men, named Situ Haonan."

"It's the rumor that Situ Haonan, who chased and killed hundreds of triad boys by himself and killed hundreds of Tokyo policemen with two guns, deliberately surrendered himself after seeing the bounty offered to him by the Metropolitan Police Department before escaping from prison. Situ Haonan."

"It's still rumored that Situ Haonan killed nearly a thousand Guwu special police alone with a single gun."

"He's here now!"

"He asked me to hand you over to him by name, because it doesn't matter if you smashed the Diri Pai nightclub, but you can't smash Master Zhao's instant noodles!"

Under this series of words, Li Zhongjiu was amused, "No, President, I have heard all kinds of rumors, but how could such a ridiculous thing be true? Even if those people are bragging, they shouldn't be bragging like that." Outrageous."

As far as Situ Haonan's record is concerned, he is well-known in East Asia. How many Dongxing boys are as excited as if they were fighting chicken blood?
Even if there are problems such as language communication, there are always some people who have mastered a foreign language.

High-level officials in South Korea must have heard of this.

Just no one believed it!

It's ridiculous, everyone is a young and Dangerous boy, who doesn't know who, Li Zhongjiu is still boasting that he is the only one in heaven and earth, and I am the only one, is this really the only one?
Any official bigwig who came out had to make him smile the whole time, and if he was hit on the left cheek, he had to give the right cheek to him, and asked if the other party had a good time.

Li Zhongjiu listened to the music, but there was no smile in Shi Dong's voice, "I didn't believe it before."

"But Situ Haonan was really alone. He easily defeated 30 or 27 of us in Jiangdong District. Now he has killed [-] or [-] policemen. According to the latest statistics, [-] policemen have died."

"He was unharmed!"

Li Zhongjiu couldn't laugh anymore.

Killing a hundred people unharmed?
Isn't Situ Haonan's record in the island country all kinds of bullshit blown out at random?
Ah Si, this is too nonsense.

Also silent for more than a minute, Li Zhongjiu doubted, "Instant noodles, a few Hong Kong dollars a bowl, won't kill so many people and cause trouble?"

This is the biggest problem. He has confirmed that those things are instant noodles. A bowl of noodles costs a few yuan a bowl, and bags are cheaper. Even if I smash your noodles, it’s my fault.
A random bottle of high-end wine in Diri Nightclub is worth more than a few boxes of instant noodles!
Besides, those instant noodles... aren't you just a manufacturer?Or did Zhang Xiuji not pay for those noodles?

They have been fighting with the Diri faction for so long, smashing one place after another, and they have never seen any wine manufacturer or beverage producer come to trouble them.

Shi Dongchu's tone became more tired, "Maybe Hong Kong people use instant noodles as an excuse to take advantage of the situation and step into our South Korean territory?"

Normal logic analysis, this is reasonable.

"You can count, or if it's not easy to count, just recruit a group of juniors to take the blame and go to see that Situ Haonan."

"A few boxes of instant noodles, as long as we are willing to compensate and lose money, no matter how much they go too far, they shouldn't kill you all."

Li Zhongjiu trembled a bit, what do you mean you shouldn't be killed?
He has already killed 27 cops.

Does such a person have logic and reason?

Speaking of the 27 policemen who died, Li Zhongjiu felt that the logic of Hong Kong people wanting to use instant noodles as an excuse to step into South Korea's territory was not very smooth.

How long does it take for their local gang to dare kill a cop?Even if you do things, you have to be unaware, so as not to be severely suppressed by the government.

Now is not the era of chaebols, but the era of dictatorship.

A few years ago, a demonstration involving 30 to 5000 people was directly suppressed by the military, beating, killing and arresting [-] to [-] people, and many died.

In this case, your foreign association wants to enter South Korea and kill more than 20 policemen at the beginning?Do you think the police are shameless, you think the dictator is shameless?
Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and Li Zhongjiu said, "I see, I will arrange for people to take them to apologize in person."

After hanging up the phone, Li Zhongjiu said to the driver, "Quickly go and make a count. How many younger brothers smashed the instant noodles there when we went to Diri Nightclub in the middle of the night, count one by one, and find them all."

The little brother said weakly, "Brother Zhongjiu, did you really take the people to plead guilty? That Hong Kong Islander is too deceitful."

Li Zhongjiu waved his hand, "It's just doing things. We do what we do. Naturally, more people will come forward over there. 27 policemen have died. I don't believe that the officials will suffer from this."

"We're looking for someone slowly, maybe if we find someone, Situ Haonan is already dead."

People on Hong Kong Island are out of their minds. What do you think? You produce instant noodles and sell them. Even if something happens, shouldn’t it be the seller’s loss?None of your manufacturer's business.

Is it too boring?



In the middle of the night, Jumu and Ye were still in good spirits, dressed in formal attire, and heard the report from his nephew Jumu, Situ Haonan was having a good time in Seoul, and Trump was also very happy in the hot spring bath.

Ju Muhe also touched his forehead and said, "These two villains have something to do, so they don't keep staring at me and chasing after me, that's great."

"What's going on, have you found out?"

One day, Jumu and Kazuya were too excited. Ichiro Hirakawa broke the news that the address given to John Wick was false, and he did not live there.

But I don't know what happened afterwards, while drinking tea, his subordinates reported that Situ Haonan and others came to their location, and Ju Muhe also ran away in a hurry.

As soon as he took a breath at the next site and took a rest, his subordinates reported that Situ Haonan came again... Nima, it's as if a tracker has been installed.

No, if there is a tracker, Situ Haonan will chase it all the way, instead of every place where he stayed before, Situ would bring people in to make a fuss and tear it down.

Could it be that there is an inner ghost around, and the efficiency of delivering messages is sometimes lagging?

Because of this, it was the middle of the night for Jumu and He, who drank all kinds of coffee, dressed in formal clothes and planned to run away at any time, and even ordered their nephew to check for ghosts.

Under his words, Jumu Daxiao looked frustrated, "I didn't find it, it seems that there is really no ghost."

Of course they didn't know that when Situ Haonan hunted down Paul Chatwin, he ordered his younger brother to drive around casually and be blessed by gods. Who knows who knows.

(End of this chapter)

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