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Chapter 429 Chapter 0499-0500 This is instant noodles [Subscribe]

Chapter 429 Chapter 0499-0500 This is instant noodles [Subscribe]

Master Zhao's Instant Noodles has indeed started advertising in the island country, but he didn't shoot any serious ads, but a wave of soft ads first.

For example, when approaching the legal program group, a reporter who was out, when the camera was on him, the reporter just put down a bowl of Master Zhao Cup Noodles, tidied up his appearance before interviewing.

Or, a group of demonstration teams protesting against the oppression of the people by the soldiers of the Ami family, including Luo Yingtai reporters and staff, caught up with them after the interview and gave free gifts to the citizens of the parade team, each with a bowl of noodles and a bottle of drinking water.

Drinking water is Master Zhao brand mineral water.

Mr. Zhao’s green tea, black tea and other beverages are still under development, but mineral water is much better. At the time when Tang Niu brought 8000 million Hong Kong dollars to Fuluo County and Hailufeng to build factories, he had already sent out a working group , looking for water sources suitable for packaging as mineral water among famous mountains and rivers in the inland.

This kind of soft advertisement is a foreshadowing first, which is enough to slowly arouse the curiosity of the citizens of the island country.

When their curiosity is almost enough, there will be another wave of intensive advertising bombardment.

Catering companies such as instant noodles and mineral water are not unprofitable. In fact, they can make a lot of money if they do a good job. Dr. Zhao only discovered when he came to Tokyo...Sometimes, many things are really more profitable than robbing banks. quick.

For a while, he ignored Master Zhao's development.

After being hit by him, Zhang Xiuji immediately knelt down in panic, and acted like the islanders, "Mr. Zhao calm down, calm down, I know I was wrong."

"If I can get the goods from Mr. Zhao, I will use the most serious business methods to sell instant noodles."

Only then did Zhao Xueyan nod, "Okay, for the sake of your performance that night, I will give you 1000 million Hong Kong dollars in goods, and you go to Hong Kong Island to buy."

Why put 5000 million down to 1000 million? Isn't it because Zhang Xiuji has no money.

You can't crush this guy to death all at once, otherwise the pressure will be too great, and he will have to follow crooked ways, which will tarnish the purity of Master Zhao's food brand.

Don't forget that Zhang Xiuji came to the island country to ask for help. The reason is that there are several [-]-year-olds and anti-bones inside who want to hack him to death and fight for power.

On the outside, there are also the vicious Tiger faction Shi Dongchu and Li Zhongjiu who are encroaching on the territory of the Emperor Japanese faction, and they are defeated and unable to resist.

In which case should the police not be involved in the slashing and killing of turf, but high-ranking officials?Don't give the younger brothers medical expenses and family expenses for any hacking and killing.

If Lao Zhang spends 5000 million now, he can only raise money from crooked ways.

Zhang Xiuji was overjoyed, "Thank you Mr. Zhao, thank you Mr. Zhao..."

As he spoke, he was moved to tears.

What's wrong with being smashed, Mr. Zhao can get the qualification to distribute Master Zhao's instant noodles, which is a chance to save his life.

I am the boss of the Diri faction, you can bully me, hack me, kill me, now I have turned into a distributor of the company under Lord Yan, you dare to try me?
To make Lord Yan unhappy, if you send a trumpet or Situ Haonan into South Korea, it will turn the whole peninsula upside down.

After a while, I watched President Zhang leave respectfully.

Li Dakang took the initiative to sigh with emotion, "Looking at Mr. Zhao's efficiency and way of doing business, people really have to admire him from the bottom of his heart."

"I feel that the whole person has become more energetic. Mr. Zhao is so busy, so I won't bother you."

Zhao Xueyan laughed dumbfounded, have you become more energetic?Nonsense, I transferred your acclimatization to Matthew West.

Thinking of this, he said, "Leaving in such a hurry? I still want to take you to my TV station, and I want you to give me some advice."

Of course, he didn't expect Li Dakang to come up with any suggestions for the TV station. The future Secretary Dakang would have that ability or insight, but now Secretary Li is far behind.

He thinks, can he go to the TV station and try the magical effect of Huaxia speed?Supernatural powers, I don't know how much human merit will be spent to cover only one mourning state?Sangbang is overwhelmed by the positive effects of clear grievances and grievances, and the learning efficiency is already very fast.

Normal people learn a foreign language, learn a few words a day, accumulate every day, and learn a little bit. Sangbang can basically learn [-] to [-] words a day, and his pronunciation is super accurate, and his memory is very firm. After all, he has several sisters-in-law to help him with tutoring.

Another wave of Huaxia speed boost?That effect is definitely better.

In other words, Sangbang is not just studying, he has already started to show up and accumulate popularity with the help of reporters and TV stations.

For example, the young man with a broken leg who was first exposed to the people of the island country and who was remembered most clearly by the island country was the one who was led by Sangbang to ambush him outside the barracks. Metropolitan Police Department.

During that process, he was filmed by reporters when he ambush and kidnapped people, and when he was escorted into the police station, he was also filmed, and it was broadcast on TV. He didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.

After all, he didn't know Japanese at that time.

The second and third soldiers who oppressed the citizens of the island country were also Sangbang who continued to ambush. While the other party was out having fun, he tied people up and sent them to the police station.

After several broadcasts, the name "Kousuke Fujita" of the Global Elite Sports Center and Taekwondo master quickly shone in Tokyo.

There are a lot of girls from the island country shouting that they want to give birth to monkeys for Sangbang, so what's the point of not talking the whole time?That's cool, the boyfriend's strength is overwhelming.

You said that Sangbang attacked and kidnapped people and escorted them to the police station. This is illegal in itself... Some lawyers took the initiative to promote it on various TV stations or newspapers, wanting to help "Kosuke Fujita" fight various lawsuits for free.

Now Zhao Xueyan invites Li Dakang to go to the TV station, just want to try new supernatural powers, chat with Secretary Li by the way, get to know him better, and when he goes to the mainland... In the case of Handong Province, it will be easier to get to know that individual with the help of Li Dakang.

If Secretary Dakang gave out a reward of [-] Hong Kong dollars before, Zhao Xueyan would not have extra thoughts, but the supernatural power is still such a rare supernatural power, which means that in the story of the name of the people, that individual character is still worth saying hello .

Li Dakang was flattered by his invitation, and instinctively expressed that he might not be able to express his opinion, but it was impossible for him to refuse Mr. Zhao's invitation.

In the future, when Li Dakang was working in Handong, he put forward the famous policy of freedom without prohibition. Mr. Zhao looked down on his work, what happened to the opening and closing?
On the surface, he is indeed a law-abiding, legitimate businessman and philanthropist.

If there is an opportunity to get in touch and deepen the relationship, he would be stupid to refuse.


a few hours later.

At Haneda Airport in Tokyo, when Zhang Xiuji rushed into the airport aggressively with dozens of younger brothers and waited for the flight, he once again looked at the human beings who were carrying Master Zhao’s instant noodle boxes and Master Zhao’s mineral water boxes, and said, “Xiba, be careful. I have taken good care of these treasures, if there is any damage or omission in the packaging, I only ask you."

Some younger brothers were at a loss.

But there are also clever ones, nodding and bowing to try their best to protect instant noodles and mineral water.

Zhang Xiuji looked at a tall, handsome young man again, "Ronghe, you are the person I am most optimistic about. Today you will take people to Hong Kong Island to buy goods. The instant noodles worth 1000 million Hong Kong dollars must be maintained." Good line."

"With these things, our Diri-Japanese faction will definitely be able to regain their glory."

Park Ronghe nodded resolutely, but he was a little confused. What he knew was that President Zhang ordered me to go to Hong Kong Island to buy instant noodles, bag noodles, cup noodles and bowl noodles. Those who didn’t know probably thought that President Zhang ordered me to buy noodles. Woolen cloth.

It's just some serious instant noodle fast food, as for it?
Park Ronghe's bewilderment overflowed a bit, Zhang Xiuji saw some expressions, and immediately slapped Park Ronghe's shoulder with hatred, "Axi, you idiot, for a serious businessman, can you It doesn't matter if you sell Master Zhao."

"For those of us, we are indirectly working for Mr. Zhao to make money, do you understand?"

"If we were hacked or beheaded in the process of selling Master Zhao's instant noodles, we can ask the great god to cross the sea and help us seek justice."

"In the future, other illegal businesses will be stopped first. Selling instant noodles is the most important business. If someone kills you, you will ask Situ Haonan, Lou Ba and others for help after the incident... Those great masters will come to any one of them, and they can lay down our South Korean gangster world! "

When he was selling instant noodles, he was hacked to death. Of course, Zhang Xiuji couldn't disturb Mr. Zhao because of such a trivial matter. Situ Haonan is different, those are only Mr. Zhao's younger brother.

President Zhang knew Situ Haonan's combat effectiveness, and defeated the Nagoya police by himself. M72, Barrett M82A1 and other heavy firepower were all used, and he was defeated by Haonan alone.

This kind of Haonan, please come over, even if you spend hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars to entertain Brother is definitely worth it.

Is tens of millions not enough?It would cost a few hundred million at most. He doesn't have that much money now, so he will earn it slowly in the future.

These are instant noodles, these are all amulets!
Distributing instant noodles, after being reprimanded by Mr. Zhao, he will of course follow the normal and decent business route, but in the process of distribution, he was bullied by other gangs... Isn't it shameful to spend tens of millions for help?
After Situ Haonan or the trumpet lay down the other gangs, we will take over the territory.

Isn't this beautiful?
It must be explained that internally, the second-five boy and the anti-bone boy have been thinking of grabbing the class and seizing power, and the external Tiger faction has been bullying him and Lao Zhang.

He just temporarily gave up all kinds of business in the association. Did those people stop all kinds of oppression and robbery?They don't stop and continue to make troubles, they are harassing one of Mr. Zhao's industries!

Park Yonghwa is a bit messy, is that okay?

In the afternoon, Zhang Xiuji, who had just returned to his home site, immediately recruited more younger brothers to work.

How many boxes of instant noodles could be bought with 1986 million Hong Kong dollars in 1000?That would definitely not be enough for a cargo plane, and now he is just bringing back dozens of boxes from Tokyo.

Hundreds of younger brothers gathered together, and Zhang Xiuji stood proudly on the high platform holding a microphone and said, "Listen well, from today on, the most important business of our Diri Pai is to promote and sell Master Zhao's instant noodles."

"Several people in a box, in our casinos, nightclubs, saunas and other occasions, trying to sell to customers."

"This matter has priority over everything else!"

Accompanied by President Zhang's yelling, the younger brothers of the Baidi Ri faction were very confused, and many people still looked at me and I looked at you, at a loss.

Did the president buy instant noodles or noodles?Or something more explosive than powder?
There is one thing to say, this is the 20s, and it is not difficult to spread many things internationally, and the efficiency will not be too slow.

For example, if a magnitude 10 earthquake occurs in Tokyo, it will definitely spread to all major countries in the world within 12 hours.

But how fiercely the Hong Kong Island club played, how miserable the Tokyo police and the club were tossed by the Hong Kong Island boy... This is really not that exaggerated efficiency, and it spread to Seoul.

Don't mention the fact that the police cover up and the clubs that were beaten don't want to spread their ugliness, just talk about the rumors in the world, this rumor is enough to make many things true, and it will make normal people doubt it.

When Dr. Zhao first emerged in Hong Kong Island, there were still all kinds of exaggerated and outrageous rumors on the road, which made normal people believe it.

The leaders of those top clubs in Seoul may be well-informed and know something.

But what they knew probably made them doubt the authenticity of the news, so they said that Situ Haonan shot down the two or three hundred elites mobilized from the thousands of policemen in Nagoya with a pistol?Elites all in body armor?
Before being defeated, the Nagoya police did not believe that Haonan had such strength at all.

After being defeated and the news spread, how many people would believe it?
Not to mention ordinary boys.

Ordinary boys did have a lot of question marks and exclamation points, but Zhang Xiuji didn't care about so many, and once again ordered the boys to do things.


Accompanied by nightfall.

Outside a certain nightclub of the Diri School in Seoul, looking at the bustling streets, there are guests entering the nightclub from time to time, and the younger brother of the Diri School outside the door is also hardworking and enthusiastic to receive the guests.

In the passenger seat of a certain BMW, a man in a black suit whispered, "Brother Zhongjiu, it seems that the protection capabilities of the emperor's day party are not very outstanding."

"Our people are all here, and they don't seem to have noticed anything? They haven't been vigilant?"

In the back row, Li Zhongjiu, the director of the Tiger faction, lighted a cigarette coolly, and exhaled a puff of smoke ring, "Zhang Xiuji is getting old, and he can't stand up to the rising stars in the Diri faction now, so what else can he fight with us?"

"If he is smarter, he should accept Chairman Shi's suggestion and merge the entire Emperor-Japanese faction into our Tiger faction."

"That way, he still has a chance to enjoy his old age and be a mascot."

Speaking of this, a fierce light flashed across Li Zhongjiu's face, "Do it! This place is ruined! This is one of the few treasuries in Zhang Xiuji's hands."

Accompanied by Li Zhongjiu's words, the two people in the driver's seat and the passenger's seat got out of the car immediately, and walked towards the nightclub with a baseball bat in their hands. Several other cars nearby, as well as street corners and alleys also appeared more figures.

Most people carry beef knives and watermelon knives, and a small number of them are all kinds of sticks.

When hundreds of people gathered in front of the nightclub, the passers-by in the area ran away in panic, while Li Zhongjiu stood at the back and shouted loudly. Hundreds of people rushed into the nightclub like zombies attacking the city.

The hustle and bustle lasted for a while, and dozens of guests who were waiting to have fun ran out one after another and disappeared into the night. Li Zhongjiu stepped into the nightclub with shiny leather shoes, and walked arrogantly while laughing.

The two reception girls at the front desk shivered and hid behind the counter, and no one made it difficult for the two receptionists, but Li Zhongjiu saw the bowls of Master Zhao instant noodles placed on the front desk, and they were still hot?
He couldn't help being hooked by the scent, picked up a bowl and sniffed it, and then threw the bowl of noodles away with one hand, "Axi, what time is it, do you still want to eat instant noodles?"

(End of this chapter)

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