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Chapter 422 Chapter 0485-0486 Seeds of Doubt? 【For subscription】

Chapter 422 Chapter 0485-0486 Seeds of Doubt? 【For subscription】

The warm sun shines on Nagoya.

Zhang Xiuji regained consciousness in a daze, rubbed his swollen face, opened his eyes and looked around, who am I and where am I?
Why is my face hurting a little, and my whole body is also aching?

By the way, I came to the island country specially from South Korea to ask for help from the famous Yen Yee, hoping to lure Yen Yee's forces into Seoul, and then use that tiger skin to stabilize all the members of the Diri Sect. The second-five-year-old anti-bone boy can even compete against the strong Zaihu faction.

Master Yan, not only did he not agree, he also advised me to quit the club and retire, and treated me to a big meal... He said he would give me a free plane ticket? ?

Recalling yesterday's experience, Zhang Xiuji suddenly stood up, only to find that he was in a relatively spacious and comfortable room.

Outside the window, there are all kinds of noises.

When he walked quickly to the window, he saw all kinds of planes taking off and landing, many planes.

Where is this?He doesn't understand Japanese either.

Zhang Xiuji was puzzled, and there was a knock on the door. When he walked over to open the door, he saw a middle-aged man directly bowing ninety degrees to him, "Smi Masai,..."

The beautiful stewardess behind the middle-aged man translated in South Korean, "I'm really sorry, sir. This is our Minister Zhongxin in the temple. Last night, you boarded the cargo plane to Hong Kong Island arranged by Mr. Zhao. Everything went well. .”

"I didn't expect that the cargo plane had some malfunctions as soon as it entered the airspace of the high seas. Under the skilled driving skills of our pilot, the cargo plane returned smoothly,..."

Zhang Xiuji understood, and then became even more confused.

He didn't even know where the plane ticket Mr. Zhao arranged for him was going to. Only now did he find out that it was going to Hong Kong Island?Or a cargo plane rather than a passenger plane.

After being dazed for a few seconds, Zhang Xiuji said, "What about our Mr. Zhao's product?"

Zhongxin in the temple responded politely, and the beautiful stewardess continued to translate, "Mr. Zhao's goods are all in good condition. We will try to contact Mr. Zhao and apologize. I hope you can take a look at it. If possible, we will arrange a new flight to Hong Kong today. island."

Zhang Xiuji nodded blankly.

After sending the two away, he slapped his thigh, "Axi, do you dare to embarrass Mr. Zhao's goods? It sounds good, the plane had an accident in the middle of the flight... how can there be so many air accidents, this is making things difficult Our President Zhao?"

"No, I want to shake people!"

The current Zhang Xiuji still has a group of younger brothers who are loyal to him in the Emperor Sun faction under his command, and he is far from being a lonely old man in the new world.

And in order to curry favor with Zhao Xueyan's influence, his initial wish was to send tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars to Mr. Zhao to pick it up. If the official gave the money, he was willing to pay for it himself.

I just want Lord Yan's people and power to take over Seoul.

He didn't know that he had been on a plane in a daze last night, and he didn't know what it was, but seeing the opportunity to curry favor, wouldn't it be a waste not to do anything?

Zhang Xiuji's mind is not full of water to be able to become a club boss, or a national club boss in South Korea.

When he was so excited that he was about to make a phone call, Zhang Xiuji paused again. No, he had to make a phone call to report to Lord Yan first, "Mr. Zhao, I'm Zhang Xiuji..."


Ginza, ended the call with Zhang Xiuji with the help of a small translator.

Zhao Xueyan left the big brother speechless, a new batch of machine tools and various data technologies, and sure enough, he didn't fly to Hong Kong Island.

But he wasn't too surprised.

The Batumi embargo is not a decoration. It is not so easy to leave the island country with first-class top-notch machinery and equipment and related R&D knowledge. Even if I send skill effects to Zhang Xiuji, a tool man, is it still only Lao Zhang who is okay?Safety.

It seems that if you want to use a decent channel to transport... Whether it is transported back and forth or accidents happen again and again, this matter is not something that an airport can decide.

Then arrange smuggling? ?

This little experiment is over, and Lao Zhang's tool man is of little value.


Zhao Xueyan was still thinking about transportation matters.

In front of a five-star hotel in Tianbai District, Nagoya, two extended Rolls-Royces quickly arrived at the entrance of the hotel. When the doorman ran to open the door with a smile, the door opened automatically.

Holding the trumpet with a 64 Weisheng face and a zodiac monkey mask, he charged the doorman's chest. The doorman looked at the gun on his chest and the RV behind the horn, and knelt down decisively.

The zodiac sheep got off the car quickly, and said through the loudspeaker, "Robbery, this hotel of yours is now officially under my management!"

"Brothers, rush in!"

More than a dozen gangsters roared and got out of the car, and the stimulating sound of bang bang or rattling decisively disturbed the entire first floor of the hotel.

Horn smiled and walked behind, talking to Yudai Hongo and Yasuyuki Chiba who just got out of the car, and the third target who was kidnapped last night, big real estate businessman Satoshi Hashimoto, and the fourth target, car dealer Ryohei Sanada. , "Guys, I keep my word. If you want to eat, then just control any hotel, stare at the chef and let them cook hard. If they don't do well, reward him with bullets..."

"Follow me, and you will definitely enjoy the world's best meat ticket treatment."

The original plan last night was to tie up some precious meat tickets and then continue to invade the police station. If the police didn’t reveal the name of the man behind the scenes, they would blow up the police station. However, they tied up the horn and tied it to the car dealer Ryohei Sanada. All European and American luxury models.

Two extended Rolls-Royces are much more comfortable than the police station.

He also changed his mind and didn't go to the police station. He took the meat ticket and sat in the mobile villa to show off and continue hunting.

Then, he found nothing for several hours, and he also found many local celebrities and wealthy businessmen, all of whom were fleeing.

Hongo Yudai, Chiba Yasuyuki and others look at me and I look at you, they are all extremely distorted and messy.

Since they got into the car one by one, they really haven't received any abuse. On the contrary, the kidnappers are very polite to them.

Wasn't it just that the car was walking, the big real estate businessman Satoshi Hashimoto's stomach was growling, and he asked the horn, hungry?Hashimoto Tomo nodded awkwardly but politely.

Brother Trumpet immediately ordered the younger brothers to check the environment, and as soon as they saw a five-star hotel on the street, they rushed to find something to eat.

what is this? ?

Even Satoshi Hashimoto is a capitalist with various routines such as demolition, land requisition, and sleight of hand, but he still can’t stop the magical unfolding of the gangsters invading the big hotel to help you find a chef to cook when I’m just hungry and want to eat. .

"Come on, the sky is big and the earth is big, and eating is the biggest thing. I invite you to this meal. You must be welcome."

The four meat tickets nodded messily and responded politely.

After a while.

Some gangsters guarded the lobby on the first floor, and some blocked the kitchen. The majestic trumpet brother has already started to check the hotel's check-in information. guests.

Flipping through and finding nothing, the speaker was feeling bored, and saw a man with his hands up, walking into the hall on the first floor under the muzzle of several masked gangsters.

A certain masked man said decisively, "Brother Monkey, this is negotiating on behalf of the Metropolitan Police Department."

I have known for a long time that there are many members of the trumpet gangsters who do not understand Japanese, so the man who raised his hand quickly said in Cantonese, "Sir, I am Tsuyoshi Kagawa from the police department. May I ask what do you want before you are willing to let go of Hongo, Chiba, and Bridge?" Ben, Sanada, who are the presidents?"

The trumpet raised his hand and shot a shuttle bullet, giving Xiangchuan a new hairstyle, and when this man had already wet his pants, he cursed, "I am a billionaire, if you didn't bully me too much, I Do you need to come out and do things yourself?"

"How the hell am I staying up late!! Am I easy? Have you ever seen such a tireless billionaire?"

"I put forward the conditions yesterday, and you didn't agree to me to do things. Are you a fool?"

Xiangchuan stopped peeing just now, and stood there motionless without tears.

For a moment he didn't know what to say.

Trumpet turned out to be a billionaire?In other words, with this guy's strength and combat power, it's really easy to do a few big things and make a little money.

After all, is it really their police who are wrong?That caused a billionaire to stay up all night working...

However, he didn't know who was behind the scenes against Situ Haonan last night.

At present, no one knows about the entire Nagoya Metropolitan Police Department.

All I know is that he is one of the top bosses in the entire island country.



Amidst the fluttering snow, Jumu Kazuya and Aaron Fox sat in a hot spring villa and a kiosk by the hot spring, enjoying the snow while drinking tea.

It's November, and occasional snowfall in this area of ​​Hokkaido is the norm.

Until the ringing of the phone disturbed the tranquility, and when a black suit came to see off the eldest brother, and his mother and mother were also connected, he quickly raised his face.

"How could he do this? How could he..."

This is someone finally reporting Situ Haonan's hooliganism of eating and refusing to admit his responsibility. It is said that Ju's mother and Ye did not sleep well last night.

Halfway through his sleep, he learned that the trumpet team was kidnapping the rich or famous in Nagoya. Even if he was still in Jumo City, he ran away overnight.

Originally, he had hoped to instigate Situ Haonan's rebellion, but the other woman played and took the money.

You told me early in the morning that you didn't admit it when you lifted your pants?

In fact, it is very common for big people to turn their faces and be ruthless, and to change what they have said. However, many big people still pay attention to the basic eating patterns to avoid being too ugly and losing face.

Ju Muhe hadn't met someone like Situ Haonan who didn't care about face at all for a long time.

You said Situ Haonan is not a big shot?Just kidding, that guy has already fully advanced, no matter where he goes, he is a big boss.

The next step is to just clean up and go ashore, who will keep staring at that guy's past to make trouble?
Accompanied by Jumu Kazuya's angry reprimand, Aaron Fox also exclaimed, "Failed? Didn't he take the money?"

Sure enough, the people who followed Zhao Xueyan were all so wicked.

Another one who only takes money and does nothing!Morality, the integrity of these Hong Kong people has no limit. Many corrupt officials know how to charge money to do things.

Jumuhe also had a distorted expression, "He's not afraid, I'll tell Zhao Xueyan about his collection of money? As long as Zhao Xueyan has a little suspicion..."

Aaron Fox exclaimed, "President Jumu, you can try it, it seems that it can be manipulated, and it would be a good thing if it can provoke them to fight among themselves."

"From ancient times to the present, it is not uncommon to see people who cut their arms to help themselves or, as in the Chinese language, break the Great Wall by themselves."

Try it.

He had tried many times in Hong Kong Island, but it was useless. Seeing his mother and mother being as frustrated as him, that feeling is still very happy.

Jumuhe's eyes brightened, "Yes, first tell him that Situ Haonan took my money and is going to assassinate Zhou Chaoxian. Even if Situ doesn't do anything, we can send other people to kill Zhou Chaoxian. Once that happens, the seeds of doubt will be planted." down..."

"Even if Situ was in Nagoya when Zhou Chaoxian died, it's useless. He still has a lot of younger brothers in Tokyo. The kind of big guy who takes money to do things doesn't have to do it himself."


Ginza, Ginza, which was originally sunny when the sun was rising, was now covered by dark clouds and it was raining heavily.

Zhao Xueyan didn't go out, and stayed in the hotel to listen to various reports.

While he was busy, Tang Niu knocked on the door and came over, and said curiously, "Mr. Zhao, a man who called himself Ghost King Da came to visit you. He said that he wanted to report something very important, which was related to the life and death of Mr. Zhou Chao of Luo Ying Daily." .”

Zhao Xueyan froze for a few seconds and nodded, "Let him in."

After a while, Wang Da, a young bearded ghost, entered the office and said excitedly, "Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhao has worked hard~"

Zhao Xueyan, "??"

With his expression unchanged, he was a little surprised and said, "Where did I work hard??"

Gui Wangda was still very excited, "Mr. Zhao has achieved such a great career in the island country, and we Chinese living in the island country are all looked up to by others. Of course, they are worthy of admiration."


Smiling and waving his hand, Zhao Xueyan took out a cigarette and handed it to Ghost Wang Da, and patted him on the shoulder with a smile, "You are not bad either, since 81, you have been on the head of the entire island country karate for six full years, and you have done a good job. "

Gui Wangda began to dominate the martial arts world of the island country in 81, and was not defeated by Master Duanshuiliu until 88, breaking his leg.

"Ding, if you successfully sign in to Ghost King, you will be rewarded with twice the basic physical fitness, and the host can claim it at any time."

When the system prompt sounded, Zhao Xueyan was even happier. He had doubled his basic physique again?This adds up to ten times!
Compared with when he first traveled, his physique and energy were strengthened to ten in all directions?I'm afraid he can really resist small-caliber bullets with muscles or bones now?
After being happy, he said again, "Who did you hear that the Zhou Dynasty is in danger first?"

Ghost Wang Da didn't hide it either, "The teacher who taught me Japanese last night suddenly received a call in the morning, saying that she was asking her to tell me and let me tell Mr. Zhao that there was danger in the Zhou Dynasty first, and it was Situ Haonan who received it. I paid a deposit of 300 million knives, and I want to kill Director Zhou."

"The other side also told me an account password, which is an anonymous account, with [-] dollars in it, and promised that if I did this, I could get another [-] dollars, and they would send money to this account later."

Zhao Xueyan thought for a few seconds, then waved his hands and said, "I know the matter, I will tell Xiao Zhou to pay attention to personal safety, and you can spend the money you get, as extra money."

He had known earlier that Situ Haonan was tried to be bribed, and Haonan was the first to report it, and only after his instructions did he happily collect money and beat Masa Aoi.

Dr. Zhao was also sure that Situ Haonan could not have betrayed him. Only Situ knew best how he got his fighting power to block people and kill Buddhas!

Betrayal is tantamount to returning directly from the big devil to an ordinary bully.

This is provoked by someone.

However, you still have to call Xiao Zhou, someone wants to kill you.Situ Haonan will not betray, but the island country guy may not not be able to frame him.

(ps: I’m going to queue up to do nucleic acid tomorrow morning~ I can only say as much as possible for the update at noon~)

(End of this chapter)

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