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Chapter 410 Chapter 0461-0462 This is too unreasonable [Subscribe]

Chapter 410 Chapter 0461-0462 This is too unreasonable [Subscribe]

a new day.

Zhao Xueyan woke up from the luxurious big bed, and when he got up to eat breakfast, he had already seen the newspaper delivered by the waiter.

Of course, these newspapers belonged to the top ranks in the industry, and among the many newspapers, the one placed at the top was the Luoying Daily!
One million copies were published last night, and the Luoying Daily was distributed for free. Naturally, it had been sent out long ago. The newspaper published a citizen who was oppressed by the soldiers of Ameri's family, and a full list of ten were listed.

Violated by rape, the young man whose leg was broken is the focus of the report. In addition, there is a conflict in a bar where the soldier beats him into a disability.

The ten victims or their families were all petty citizens.

In the previous official reports, the perpetrators were all punished, but Luo Ying Daily took pictures of the soldiers' recent situation, all of them were in good condition, alive and kicking around, and among them, the soldiers who were punished the most, It was nothing more than being transferred from the island country to South Korea by the garrison.

This is...

He received a call from Tang Niu at six o'clock. Today's Luoying Daily, which was published for the first time, sold 80 copies in a short period of time, and it is still growing.

Citizens of the island country who watched the first episode want to watch the next episode, and there are still many people who follow up to watch the follow-up.

Even from the moment Luo Ying TV was banned from broadcasting yesterday afternoon, many smart people have already thought of some things that cannot be suppressed.

There will also be other TV stations, newspapers, etc., to interview the victims and track and report the perpetrators.

Victims themselves, family members or public resources, can be interviewed and visited by other TV stations, and the perpetrators are the exclusive resources of Luoying TV and Daily News.

Dr. Zhao spent money to buy it from Dan and his boss.

You said that other newspapers can also spend and add money?No, you can ask Dan, is it so easy to buy him and the boss behind him?

If it weren't for Zhao Xueyan's force value to be too terrifying, his subordinates would be able to destroy a powerful club with a casual wave. Wearing bulletproof suits, long and short guns, and M72, they may not be able to do better than Mr. Zhao's subordinates. When it was discovered, someone used unconventional means to attack Mr. Zhao.

Still the same sentence, only money is not enough in this world, others will treat you as a money-spreading boy and rob you.

The fist must also be hard enough to have equal opportunities for communication and dialogue.

Other TV stations, newspapers, etc., were not allowed to interview soldiers one by one, and had to wait for Zhao Xueyan to nod first.

After the first newspaper aroused the enthusiasm of the citizens of Tokyo, it was a normal phenomenon for the second newspaper to quickly sprint towards the sales of one million copies.

Grabbing today's Luoying Daily, which is the second Luoying Daily in the world, what Zhao Xueyan saw was, "Congratulations on the lifting of the ban on Luoying Broadcasting's approach to the legal column. The high ratings broke 40.00%."

It was yesterday afternoon that Luoying TV's program was lifted, and the newspaper was still being printed. More and more citizens took to the streets to support Mr. Zhao's cause. An official from the General Affairs Department who banned it quickly changed the direction and let him continue to broadcast it.

A legal column, a two-hour episode, can be broadcast, banned, and after the unblocking, the ratings in the Kanto circle have gone from 1% to 40%+ all the way. It is definitely a super-popular program.

If the stock market hadn't been closed at that time, it is estimated that Luoying's stock price would have surged a few more times. The opening hours of the island stock market are from 9:11 am to 12:15 am and from [-]:[-] pm to [-]:[-] pm, which is Tokyo time.

The market closed too early, so that it was not too deeply affected by various major events.

Zhao Xueyan estimated that today's Luoying stock price will definitely skyrocket. He is only involved in this media group, and his value will rapidly inflate.

The audience rating in the Kanto circle is 40%+!
Another daily newspaper with a daily sales volume of over one million copies was created.

If such news cannot stimulate the stock price to take off for a few waves, it would be ridiculous.

You must know that the last national drama of the island nation had the highest ratings of 62%+. In 1965, the kidnapping and murder of Xiao Jizhan, when NHK TV station reported on the incident, the highest audience rating was 59%!

Yesterday's "Approaching the Legal System" column, the highest soared to 40+, not its limit, it was the first wave of the show, and it is estimated that the ratings will soar when the second episode is held today.

The content it reported was much more explosive and sensational than the kidnapping and murder of Xiao Jizhan 21 years ago.

Now he just waits for the ratings to continue to soar, the stock price to soar, and enjoy the results of becoming a media tycoon.

Browsing the daily newspaper while eating breakfast, the phone rang while eating, "Mr. Zhao, a man named Yoshimasa Morikawa wants to visit you. By the way, he said he is the governor of Tokyo."

Zhao Xueyan thought for a few seconds and said, "Let him come in, and you come too."

Governor of Tokyo?
The capital, province, government, and county of the island country are parallel first-level administrative regions, which are of the same nature as the state that is not home to Ameri.

The governor of Tokyo is similar to the governor of Ameri's family.

In contrast, the mayor of Tokyo is a subordinate of the governor of Tokyo.

It must be explained that in island countries, the county governor is greater than the mayor.

It is normal for a certain county to have multiple cities and towns.Let’s just say that the famous Nagoya metropolitan area exists alongside the Tokyo metropolitan area, and the largest official institution there is Aichi Prefecture!

The county governor is the boss, and there are more than 30 mayors under him.

The governor of Tokyo is often a position that is much more nourishing than the prime minister, managing the 23 districts of Tokyo, the Sandama area, and many islands in the Pacific Ocean.

There are twenty or thirty cities in the Santama area, with a combined population of several million.

The 10,000+ civil servants and tens of thousands of police officers in Tokyo are all under the governor's control.Forty percent of the island's annual tax revenue is distributed by the governor.

He alone controls [-]% of the national tax revenue!

This position is much more moist than the prime minister.

After a while, Yoshikawa Morikawa and Tang Niu, who were in their 40s, walked into the guest room together. Before he could speak, Zhao Xueyan got up and said, "Mr. Governor, Tokyo is a world-class international metropolis. The first impression it gives is It's too bad!"

"Just yesterday, why was the TV station that I spent a lot of money to reorganize banned for no reason? If it weren't for many enthusiastic citizens protesting and proposing, I am afraid that my TV station has not been able to start broadcasting yet?"

"Is this how Tokyo treats foreign international friends?"

Morikawa Yoshizawa smiled slightly, and then seamlessly connected, "Sorry, Mr. Zhao, it's really Simi Marseille."

Zhao Xueyan said speechlessly, "It's not enough to just apologize, you don't even know how much the banning incident yesterday caused me a lot of spiritual harm."

Morikawa smiled and said, "Then what should I do to make up for Mr. Zhao's mental loss?"

Zhao Xueyan said, "As an international metropolis, I think the governor of Tokyo even stipulated that non-islanders cannot stand for election. This is too feudal. Can you change it? Like, our international friends can also Run for election, run for election?"

Morikawa almost broke his old waist, "Mr. Zhao really knows how to joke, haha, even if it is the beacon and flag of the free world, Ameri is not home. If you want to run for mayor, governor, etc., you must first become a Amery has no family."

"If Mr. Zhao wants to run for the next governor of Tokyo, why become a citizen of our island first, and wait for a few years?"

The governor of Tokyo has a high position and power, and is much more nourishing than the prime minister's life, but the conditions for election are really not high. Law-abiding citizens and islanders over the age of 30 can run for office, even if you are not in the island all year round.

Pay a deposit of several million yen during the election. If the valid votes are less than one-tenth, the deposit will be confiscated. If it is enough, it will be returned to you even if you lose the election.

Several million yen, you must know that 1 US dollar is equal to 240 yen throughout the year.

The election conditions are simple, so Zhao Xueyan recalled before, how chaotic is the scene of various voters dancing around on the Internet in later generations?There are strange people who dress themselves up in a Two-dimensional painting style, and there are some who shout the slogan of legalizing polygamy and polyandry.

There are also those who chanted the slogan of legalizing marijuana.

As for the background of the candidate, it is even more messy. The cowherd ran out to campaign after changing careers, and suddenly lost his pride during the live broadcast of the campaign. The only thing left is the live broadcast of the candidate who walks the bird... puts a diaper on his head and plays performance art to canvass votes.

He only said this after recalling all kinds of strange events.

In the future, so many buggers will be able to run for governor of Tokyo. They want to be the person who holds 10,000% of the island country’s tax revenue and has [-]+ civil servants under his command. He just doesn’t have island nationality, so he can’t run for office?
This is too unreasonable!
How can the free world engage in such discrimination?

As long as they are elected, at least in the 86 years since the end of World War II, there has been no precedent for the elected governor to step down halfway.

The election period is every four years, and it is very common for a person to be re-elected for several terms.

Under Morikawa's words, Zhao Xueyan waved his hands again and again, "I'm not interested in changing my nationality, and it's not worth it. If the throne allows me to work part-time, I don't mind... Forget it, A Niu, are you interested? Next year will be the new governor During the election period, if you change to an island nationality now, you will be old enough by then."

"Our Luoying Media Group will collectively promote you when the time comes, and maybe we will have the opportunity to take over from Mr. Morikawa's class."

He is not very interested in the throne of the island country. If he can run for the commander of Ameri someday, he can consider it.

Yoshimasa Morikawa, "..."

He has only been governor for two terms, and he still has the confidence to continue serving for a few more terms. Is it appropriate for you to discuss this in front of me?

But I have to say that with the current development trend of Luoying Media, if he really started to promote a candidate, he would still be under a lot of pressure.

who I am?where am I?What am I here for?
A few seconds later, Morikawa said with a smile, "Mr. Zhao, I came this time to visit and get to know you..."

Gan, he just discovered Luo Ying's rise, and wanted to discuss picking a peach.

That is, to seek justice and justice for those citizens who have been violated by the soldiers. When the public opinion is at its peak, if the perpetrators, the soldiers, can be arrested one by one in the police station and sent to the island prison, it will be appropriate. Belongs to the highest light scene.

He could have imagined that once it was done, there would be no disturbances in next year's election.

But you, Zhao Xueyan, just want to push yourself to the top when you open your mouth?Take my throne?This is not appropriate.

Thinking of this, Morikawa said decisively, "Mr. Zhao, Luoying TV was able to resume broadcasting rights so quickly yesterday, and I also contributed a little bit to the smooth opening of the channel."

Even the Kusakari of the Yamaguchi-gumi, after knowing something, complained that some people who banned TV programs were too nervous, and their brains were not bright enough. They just spent a little money to get the top of the A army... The top sent a few soldiers out to die , Is it difficult to appease public outrage?

Whoever does this will have a huge increase in prestige.

Smart people should jump out to do things and receive a big gift package!
Kusakari is a black second generation, and he has this kind of brain. Even if he was inspired by Chen Zhichao in Hong Kong Island 20 years ago, it is enough to explain these things, and it is not difficult to be figured out.

Yoshinori Morikawa is the man in action.

Mr. Zhao suddenly wanted to push his own person to the top?This... Can you still play happily?

Want a Hong Kong Islander to succeed him next year, control 10,000% of the island's tax revenue for Tokyo, and command [-]+ civil servants to do things?Wouldn't that be completely upside down.

Thinking of this, Yoshimi Morikawa hurriedly said, "Mr. Zhao, in fact, there has not been a non-Yamato governor in the past 100 years since he was a governor."

Zhao Xueyan was thoughtful, "Is that so? Then A Niu, you marry an island country? You don't need to change your nationality. Next year we will make your daughter-in-law the top. The only regret is that you have to marry someone over 30 years old."

Morikawa Yoshimasa, "Xiudou sack, since World War II, there has never been a woman qualified for this position."

Dr. Zhao did not believe in evil anymore, "It's the 20s, and the island country is still so closed and closed? Look down on women? Yes, Ah Niu, isn't our station still lacking columns, let people discuss and open a female self-improvement channel programme."

It wasn't Morikawa who reminded him, he forgot that once he gives strong support to women's rights, the wind and waves can be tenacious and inspirational, admirable, and can also become very demonic.

As long as this program is promoted, Luoying TV may not be able to control the right to choose TV programs for a long time. As we all know, many housewives in island countries are full-time.

Tang Niu immediately took out his small notebook and wrote down Dr. Zhao's words.

Yoshimasa Morikawa, "..."

Can we still chat!

He came to visit to show his friendship, so why did it become a conversation about securing his position.

Maybe Zhao Xueyan said that he wanted to run as a Chinese, let Tang Niu change his nationality to run for the election, or marry an island woman... It was a bit floating, it seemed to be teasing.

But, but you really want to operate, take a traditional and decent person as your subordinate, in his 30s, who is their Yamato nationality, as long as you obediently listen to Commander Zhao, the media group will support you with all their strength, and the cornerstone of your take-off has been laid ah!
That will definitely have a huge and threatening impact on Morikawa Yoshimasa.

There is no way, the sadness of the semi-colonial is here. Think about how the big bosses kneeled and licked the white people in the late Qing Dynasty?In the past, Morikawa treated many criminal incidents coldly and did not dare to uncover them.

But not daring to expose doesn’t mean those things don’t exist.In the normal trajectory, nearly ten years later, there were deeds of elementary school students from Ameri's family.

Once a powerful person intervenes, and a consensus can be reached with the high-level Afghan army, this is an amazing bonus.

what can he doImitate Mr. Zhao, contact several high-level officials, and find another wave of criminals to cooperate with other TV stations to imitate the wave?Imitation... the probability of killing the original is not very high.

At this moment, Morikawa wanted to scold his mother, who gave it to Zhao Xueyan TV station?Why did the situation suddenly become like this?

Isn't this product coming to the island country to deal with real estate extortion, forced buying and selling?It's fine if you kill the triad, but what do you mean by grabbing a job with me?
This development is too jumpy, right? !
Just ridiculous!
(End of this chapter)

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