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Chapter 408 Chapter 0457-0458 What a big bend! 【Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a subscription】

Chapter 408 Chapter 0457-0458 What a big turn! 【Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a subscription】

The office of Luo Ying TV's president.

Zhao Xueyan got the news that Approaching the Legal System was banned?Immediately, he called Tang Niu with a displeased face, "A Niu, you bring a group of people, shake people from the triad society, and let them go to the parade."

"Shameless, Article 21 of the Constitution stipulates that citizens of island countries enjoy freedom of speech, publication and other expressions without censorship."

"I've been preparing for so long. It's too flamboyant for you to suddenly ban the broadcast. What about the constitution? Inform everyone and ask everyone to hold a constitution publication before going out."

As the chairman of a media group, Dr. Zhao certainly has some knowledge about related matters. The various programs of the TV stations in the island country did not say what needs to be submitted before running the program, and the rules for being reviewed.

There are only some violations. For example, if you walk a bird on the street on a TV show, you will definitely be investigated for breaking the law. If you infringe on the copyright of other programs, you will also be banned, etc.

They approached the legal system in Luo Yingtai, and what they preached was the legal system and the rule of law! !

Is there anyone more law-abiding than them?

It is shameless that such a conscientious program should be banned.

Tang Niu said quickly, "I'll do it right away. By the way, Mr. Zhao, will the Luoying Evening News continue to be published?"

TV stations are now banned from broadcasting, and newspapers with text versions of various news and hot events?Will it be blocked too?
Zhao Xueyan affirmed, "Yin, all the relevant events that come close to the legal system, give me a special print, we will have a good business, and the newspaper will be given away for free on the first day, and we will print a million copies and send it out."

"By the way, Masataka Ito is too coquettish. Don't let him advertise in newspapers. It doesn't make sense to advertise without spending money!"

Regarding the interview with Masataka Ito, he actually... first got the news that members of the Triad Hiroshi Shimono, and reporters such as Shinichi Takakura, were entertained by the Kobe group with food, drink, and customs girls Play.

But I just couldn't see Masataka Ito himself.

It was not until the afternoon of the day before yesterday that Masataka Ito came out and said that he was willing to cooperate with the interview.

More things, Zhao Xueyan did not understand deeply, it is just a scum of imprinting fake knives, no more noble than Chen Chao, Song Zihao, Xiao Ma and others in Hong Kong Island, if you want to live broadcast, just live broadcast.

After finishing the call with Tang Niu, Zhao Xueyan called Eguchi Tosei again, "Eguchi, I don't know many people here, please help me spread the word that my good TV show is banned, yes What do you mean?"

"We all came here according to the constitution, and we have to be reasonable and disciplined. Do you understand what I mean?"

Eguchi Toshinari's weak voice followed, "I understand, Mr. Zhao, please don't bomb any targets lightly, I will send a message as soon as possible..."

Dr. Zhao, "..."

Forget it, someone can make a voice for himself and express his meaning.

After a few seconds of silence, he complained, "Originally, we thought that we would announce on TV that the group had acquired a newspaper with a daily sales of more than [-] copies. This is definitely a good thing. information."

"If you do this, ban the broadcast, if the stock price drops sharply, I will lose a lot!"

Eguchi Tossei's voice became more nervous, "Mr. Zhao, don't worry, the stock price will definitely not fall. With the effect of your program, I want to buy a few stocks to make some money."

The current Luoying TV Station and the former Xingang Film Station are really the only TV stations without paper media, with a market value of more than 20 billion yen, which is equivalent to more than 1 million Hong Kong dollars.

Zhao Xueyan received a wave of shares from small shareholders, holding 65% of the shares.

69% of the market has reached an absolute controlling stake at any point in the market.

Tang Niu is not stupid, what a great opportunity, why not take some small money to collect some shares?Tang Niu now holds 3% of the group's shares.

Three four million Hong Kong dollars, he can take it out.

Such a listed group, in addition to approaching the new column of the legal system, should have good results. It is definitely good news to include a newspaper with a daily sales volume of more than [-] copies.

If it were placed on Hong Kong Island, it would be a first-class newspaper with a daily sales volume of [-] copies. There are only a few million people on Hong Kong Island, and there are still many illiterate people among these millions.

After all, the vast majority of Hong Kong Island's population is fleeing from the mainland.

Island countries are different, with a population of more than 1 million, and the current level of education in this social environment is not bad, with daily sales of [-] copies... very average.

Just one thing, even in the mid-21s, it was the era when laptops and smartphones were everywhere. Several top newspapers in the island country, such as Yomiuri, Asahi, and Mainichi, had strong daily sales of 10 1000 copies, less than 300 million copies.

Under the impact of the Internet and smart phones, the daily sales volume of the most popular is nearly [-] million copies.

Forget about 1986.

In a newspaper office in the island country, the daily sales volume does not exceed one million, which is not impressive at all.The Kanegawa Newspaper Group, where Fukuyama Kappei worked before, is the largest newspaper that has swept the entire island country, with an average daily sales of more than 500 million copies.

That is the first-class newspaper group in the island country.

Zhao Xueyan felt that he had planned so many big news, the first day was free, and as long as the second day could continue to be exciting, he might be able to hit the daily sales volume to nearly one million or break one million...

For example, on the first day, he broadcast and interviewed a young man from an island country who was currently committed by A Bing.

The next day, I will continue to report on this matter. Those islanders who watched the first episode don’t want to watch the second episode?The second episode charges... How cheap are newspapers.

What about the third and fourth episodes?
Besides, the young man with a broken leg when he was banned from broadcasting was just a target who was tossed and harmed in the fish-and-water relationship between Ah Bing and the soldiers and civilians of the island country. information.

The continuous reporting of such a few things is enough to be divided into many episodes, which is more exciting than copying a long novel.

If he builds up the TV station in a short period of time, the daily sales of the newspaper will increase tenfold, or more.

Luo Ying Media, which has a market value of more than 1 million Hong Kong dollars, how many times will it have to double?
That's way too many times more money than trumpet robbery triads!How long will it take Lao Li to make so much money in all kinds of real estate on Hong Kong Island?

"Good intentions" created and invented the public sharing...the black ones are limited.

Suddenly, someone's TV program got stuck and wouldn't let it air?Isn't this a way of cutting off people's wealth?

Dr. Zhao is also good-tempered and generous, otherwise he would have made a big deal.

After complaining, he hung up the phone, Zhao Xueyan thought about it, and planned to get up and go to the newspaper office to have a look. The loudspeaker is a bit reliable in doing things on the street. The newspaper office he bought is not too big, but the location is in Wenjing District, not too far from the TV station. It will be there in ten minutes.


After one o'clock in the afternoon.

Shota Ichikawa, who works in an office building in Shinjuku, said as soon as he got through the phone, "Suzuki-san, I want to buy some shares of Xingang Pictures, I don't know..."

Before he finished speaking, Suzuki on the opposite side took a deep breath, "I want to buy it too, Ichikawa-san, the stock of Xingang Pictures has been going up these days, but the fluctuations are not big, and it is inconspicuous in a big bull market." .”

"But after 12:[-] noon, that stock has doubled compared to three days ago, and it is still growing rapidly. Now there are so many people who hold stocks and are still waiting to see."

"If you want to buy it, it's not that easy."

Ichikawa Sho was too dumbfounded, "Double??"

There is one thing to say, Zhao Xueyan buys stocks from a small number of shareholders, which has little impact on the stock price. Tang Niu also sweeps the market, which is enough to make the stocks that are very ordinary or even small junk go up a wave.

It's nothing more than that compared with other stocks, the increase is inconspicuous.

Don't forget that in the short period from 82 to 87, the Nikkei index rose three and a half times!

The Nikkei index is so crazy, among a large number of stock groups, it is common to see the fastest rise of more than ten times.

It is because Xingang Pictures has suffered losses for more than two consecutive years, and there has been no improvement, which has made this stock a garbage. Shota Ichikawa was still complaining not long ago, and he was locked up.

This is a typical representative of stocks still losing money in a comprehensive bull market.

But since the TV station restarted broadcasting, the stock price rose suddenly.This kind of enthusiasm is not because Ichikawa Shota watched the news program and felt that Luoyingtai was the conscience of the island country, so he wanted to buy a wave of support.

The real little leek reaction is not so efficient!
This wave of upswings was caused by Hong Kong Island Master Yan buying TV stations, buying newspapers, and forming the New Media Group after the news spread... those people with keen sense of smell bought it.

What happened when the new column was banned?
Some people naturally know that, not to mention legal and law-abiding conditions, it is easier for Mr. Zhao to get stuck in a serious business and get hammered. It is illegal... How many people can get Mr. Zhao killed?
Ichikawa Shota was still in a daze, and Suzuki on the opposite side said again, "It has risen again, it has risen again, damn it, someone in the market suddenly bought stocks at three times the price three days ago, Ichikawa-san, the stocks that were originally hundreds of thousands of yen in your hand , Now the price is tripled, more than 200 million yen."

Ichikawa, "..."

The locked-up stocks that have been under pressure for several years, this is it? ?Changed fate against the sky?

In a hotel in Ginza, Cheng Leer said calmly, "If you can't get three times the price, you can quadruple it. Brother Yan runs a media group, and it should be easy to soar. I bought all the millions of Hong Kong dollars in pocket money in stocks. "

The female translator beside her gave Cheng Daqian a melancholy look, how many millions of pocket money?Are you serious?
But think back to the Cheng Group behind Cheng Leer, the real estate projects cost several hundred million, what happened to the only big daughter with several million pocket money?
She could only translate to the stockbroker with a wry smile.


At the end of the translation, the translation girl suddenly took out a small notebook, "I don't have much money in my house, only tens of thousands of Hong Kong dollars. You can also help me buy some shares of Xingang Pictures."


A large villa in the port area.

Kazuo Kusakari looked at the broker beside him, "Why did it suddenly rise so fast? Which idiot directly listed the three times the purchase price three days ago? If you drive up the stock price like this, you will earn less."

A certain broker looked confused, "Chairman Kusakari, why didn't you buy it in the morning? Since you knew that this stock would go up three days ago, then yesterday, the day before yesterday, and the day before yesterday are all opportunities..."

"This morning is also a good opportunity."

Kazuo Kusakari leaned back tactically, looked at the manager, "You have short hair and short knowledge, so I won't argue with you."

Just kidding, ever since Paul Chatwin learned that he gave Zhao Xueyan the shares of the TV station, he knew that this listed company would definitely be rejuvenated.

When Zhao Xueyan contacted the minority shareholders, he didn't know it would go up?He knew, but when you went to grab the goods, did you compete with Mr. Zhao and drive up prices? ?
Before Mr. Zhao is ready, you grab food in advance?
Don't you look at the more than 200 triad elites who were beaten to death, and the triad bosses who died one by one?

People like him knew that Zhao Xueyan and Tang Niu had swept the goods one after another, and that the trumpets had sent them to a newspaper, so what?Before Mr. Zhao finished, you snatched it ahead of time, because you wanted to ask whether your small villa can withstand unconscionable guns?
Thinking of this, Kazuo Kusakari couldn't help but sigh, "I don't know when Luoyingtai will be able to broadcast normally, the content of the program is too discordant."

Kusakari poured two cups of tea, picked it up and handed over a cup, "Father, in fact, the matter of Ameri's lack of soldiers is easy to deal with. The person who banned Mr. Zhao's TV station is too sensitive, and his brain is a bit out of order."

Kazuo Kusakari asked in surprise, "Tell me your opinion?"

Kusakari chuckled, "Is it difficult to send a sum of money to the high-level garrison and let the other party send a few soldiers out to be tortured? It's just a question of how much the price is. When the people make a fuss, if a member of the council speaks out on behalf of the people, cooperate with Luoyingtai To seek justice and fairness for the people, you only need to spend some money to send it out.”

"Then, there is definitely a lot of support."

Kazuo Kusakari was speechless.

It's like, the high-level members of the A family army obviously colluded with Salem's team to resell mushrooms and were filmed on video, but a smart person stood up and said that it was my boss who was fishing for law enforcement, and he did not hesitate to risk his own safety. risk.

The mushroom deal has not really been completed...

Isn't it just how you choose to open your mouth to say something?
PR only.

Luo Ying TV is the same, it seems to show fish and water, all the soldiers who have not been punished, are still chic?It can make the people of countless island countries furious, but if a smart person jumps out and sends some money to settle the troubles, he will immediately shine brightly.

Kusakari smiled and said, "Twenty years ago, Chen Zhichao, a policeman on Hong Kong Island, played like this, but instead of giving money, he hired a wave of white people to pretend to be reporters to defraud the cattle troops stationed in Hong Kong."

"Afterwards, the prestige skyrocketed."

"Smart people, you don't have to wait for Mr. Zhao to do something, you should come out and unseal the ban, just wait for the big gift package."

Kazuo Kusakari remained speechless.

Lei Luo's old buddy, Chen Zhichao played like this?learned.

It seems that it is really necessary to learn more advanced experience from the great people all over the world.


Another seaside villa in the port area.

Masataka Ito, who had already taken off his hood, took a cup of tea from a pretty girl beside him, and then grabbed a few banknotes from his pocket, and said to Takakura Shinichi, a reporter from Luoyingdai, "Amelli's bills are among them. There are real banknotes printed by the Federal Reserve Bank, and there are counterfeit banknotes, come on, you can tell the difference."

Takakura Shinichi took the banknotes in surprise, sorted them out one by one, and finally shook his head helplessly, "I can't tell the difference."

Masataka Ito laughed, "Xiao Wu, bring the banknote detector."

The pretty girl who made the tea was his daughter Ito Mai. When the pretty girl took out the banknote detector, Gao Cangxin took a look at Ito Mai for a few times before he stopped thinking about checking the banknotes.

At the end of the round, all the real money? !
Takakura Shinichi exclaimed, "Ito-san, are you kidding me? Are there counterfeit banknotes here?"

Masataka Ito took out a banknote and lit it, and when the banknote was burning, it glowed red... He hurriedly snuffed it out, "This is really real banknote."

He went to burn another banknote that gave off black smoke, and he complained, "The banknotes that can only be distinguished by fire, the counterparts on Hong Kong Island are too advanced!"

"Don't report these things, report them, and you will disappear."

Takakura Shinichi was startled on the spot, we have been interviewing and going back and forth, all right, you suddenly threatened with death, what a big turn!

Old man, you don't talk about martial arts, I just wanted to praise your daughter for being so beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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