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Chapter 375 Chapter 0392-0393 Chapter Dr. Zhao is hanging [Subscribe]

Chapter 375 Chapter 0392-0393 Chapter Dr. Zhao is hanging [Subscribe]

In Dr. Zhao's emotional voice, Cheng Le'er also asked curiously, "Can I go and see it with you? The main reason is that I heard what you said last time, brother Yan. If you take this visit to Tokyo as a tourist, time will pass quickly."

"Now I have changed my mentality, leaving all the cooperation to other people to discuss, and then I don't know where to play, and I am bored."

Zhao Xueyan thought for a while and waved his hand, "It's not suitable for you to go. The patients I'm visiting are a bit aggressive, and they may hurt you."

A trace of regret flashed in Cheng Leer's eyes, but she nodded obediently.

After joking and joking, Zhao Xueyan started to go out. He lived in a five-star hotel with very high-end and expensive suites, and the hotel provided travel services.

However, when he had just ordered to wait for the car, several figures walked over under the awning of the building. The leader was a middle-aged man with a serious face, holding up a certificate, "Mr. Zhao Xueyan, I am the Criminal Division of Ginza Police Station." Ryota Matsumoto, now please follow us back to the police station and assist in the investigation."

Accompanied by Matsumoto's words, two young men, a man and a woman, also put their hands on their waists behind him, in a defensive posture.

However, among this group of people, there was a young girl standing behind, looking at Dr. Zhao with a pale face and a panicked expression.

That girl looks familiar.

Come to think of it, isn't this the hotel waiter who hinted at him that he could provide special services when he delivered wine to his room the night before?After she was rejected by herself, she sold some things, but Dr. Zhao was not interested at all, so she let her go?
This girl called the police because of those things?

He didn't buy the other party's service, and he didn't do anything else. He just had a question-and-answer exchange, and he could call the police and let the police arrest people? ?Outrageous.

Looking away from the waitress who claimed to be Uehara Mei last time, Zhao Xueyan asked curiously, "Assist in the investigation? What if I don't go?"

Ryota Matsumoto's face remained serious, "Please cooperate, otherwise we don't mind arresting you by force. You are now involved in a rape case..."

When this man took out the handcuffs from behind and tried to detain him while explaining, a few men and women appeared out of nowhere under the awning of the building, and they all started to take out their cameras and video recorders to take pictures and start filming.

Dr. Zhao opened Ryota Matsumoto's hands and handcuffs with a wave of his hand, and the two young men and women police officers excitedly grabbed out their guns.

Zhao Xueyan ignored the guns within a few steps, stared at Mi Uehara behind the police, and said sharply, "Who told you to frame me!"

Mi Uehara shivered, "I don't know, I just took money from others and falsely accused you of rape me."

The two young policemen who were excited were stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Shang Yuanmei with disbelief on their faces.

Dr. Zhao looked again at several men and women holding cameras and video recorders, "Who asked you to take pictures and record videos!"

A certain man with a camera on his face smiled stupidly, "Idiot, how could I tell you who paid me a lot of money to come here to shoot big news?"

Only then did Zhao Xueyan look at Matsumoto Ryota, "What about you? Who paid you?!"

Matsumoto Ryota said dumbly like a fool, "Accept money? I didn't take money, I just received a report from someone accusing you of being strong..."

Speaking of this, Matsumoto stopped talking, he felt that this matter was a bit disturbing.

He is a small team leader in the criminal police section, and his title is the inspection minister. He received a report that someone raped a woman. This is a felony, and he brought someone here to stay.

He didn't know how the media reporters popped up beside him.

Now the situation is ridiculous. The reporter, Uehara Mi, was questioned casually, saying that she was paid to make a false accusation, and some reporters laughed and said that she was paid to come here to shoot news.

This couldn't be more obvious, someone is playing against this Zhao Xueyan.

Matsumoto was stunned, and several figures quickly ran out of the building, including Cheng Le'er, Tang Niu, and several lawyers.

Of course, the lawyer was invited by Dr. Zhao. He directed Situ Haonan to find Eguchi Toshinori to collect debts. He had thought that the triad might put Situ Haonan aside first, and directly asked the Tokyo police to come to him for work.

As soon as the lawyers arrived, Zhao Xueyan said, "Someone paid me to falsely accuse me, and Mi Uehara has already admitted it, so help me sue her. Also, these reporters took photos without my consent, and took back all my photos or videotapes. , also sue them!"

A chubby reporter looked anxious, "We have the freedom to interview, you can't..."

He was the one who blew himself up to collect money while cursing others just now.

Zhao Xueyan didn't even look at him, "Give me 24 hours to watch him, regardless of any incident that can be sued, even if he spits anywhere or runs a red light, sue me, sue him, and sue him until he goes bankrupt!"

The fat man was dumbfounded, and other reporters who wanted to say something also silenced.

Several lawyers stepped forward one after another, showing their credentials to do things.

In the first few sentences, he asked with sincerity, and the little waiter Uehara Mi, a fat reporter and Matsumoto Ryota would speak straight.

When the three Ginza policemen looked at the lawyer doing things stupidly, he looked at Tang Niu, "A Niu, who do you think is trying to trick me?"

A Niu thought for a few seconds, staring at Ryota Matsumoto, "This police officer, won't your police pursue this obvious case of false accusation?"

Matsumoto Ryota sneered, "Cha, as long as there are clues, we will definitely pursue them."


After a while, things came to a certain conclusion.

Regardless of Uehara Mimi or a few reporters, they all received calls to ask them to do things. The other party paid them a certain amount of deposit through bank transfer in advance, and promised that if things were done well, they would get more money.

Several people only answered the phone and looked at the bank account, and the others did not know the identity of the person who gave the money.

Men, women and children?Different people are not the same person who is talking to each other when answering the phone.

There are men and women, old and young!
After checking this, Ryota Matsumoto arrived in front of Dr. Zhao with an awkward smile, "Mr. Zhao, there are a little few clues, but I have a question, if you are just a law-abiding businessman, why would someone be so deliberate and set up a trap to deal with you? "

"Do you have any enemies in Tokyo, or before you came to Tokyo? If you can provide some clues, it will be easier for us to track down."

Dr. Zhao glanced at Matsumoto speechlessly, a little too lazy to talk to him.

There are too many people who want to deal with him... There are also many rich people, "Okay, it's none of your business, I will investigate this matter myself."

If this guy hadn't been ignorant and followed the formal procedures, Dr. Zhao would have made him so excited.

Mi Uehara and others, as I said just now, a lawyer can sue and sue.

He will ask people to find out more information about those who made the calls and those who made bank transfers, but it is hard to say whether it will have any effect.

In this era, there are many unregistered phone cards, accounts, or other people's phone cards that are opened casually. Even decades later, there are still many telecom frauds, all using other people's phone cards and accounts.

Looking at this operation, the people behind the scenes are a bit coquettish.

He was a little upset, but his desire to visit Toshinari Eguchi became stronger, and when he went, his honest heart was activated, and a question would yield results.

When Ryota Matsumoto led the team and was about to bring Uehara Mei and the others back to the police station, he said, "Aniu, follow along and keep an eye on those who take money to do things, to see if anyone will contact them."

The man behind the scenes spent money to find someone to falsely accuse him, but he broke the situation casually... Could it be that the man behind the scenes wouldn't be watching the situation nearby?I'm not curious, why Uehara Mei and others told the truth bluntly, and then contacted Uehara Mei and others?

He has already operated eight times his eyesight and hearing, and he is waiting to see if there is any suspicious person on the left and right.

Eight times the vision, hearing, and all kinds of comprehensive senses... Looking at it, he was overjoyed. He stared at the eighth floor of a commercial building four to five hundred meters away across the street. There was a guy in a suit watching the building with a telescope. The situation under the rain canopy.

He has binoculars, and Dr. Zhao has hooks!
After staring at the other party for tens of seconds, the boy in the suit put down his binoculars and scratched his head in confusion...


In an office building on the eighth floor of a certain building, Tomokazu Yamaguchi scratched his head and muttered, "It shouldn't be, the distance is so far away, and people's naked eyesight should not be able to see so far!"

"A coincidence, it must be a coincidence!"

After muttering a few times, Tomokazu Yamaguchi grabbed the binoculars to look again, and found that Zhao Xueyan, who was looking at him just now, had shifted his gaze and looked in other directions.

Yamaguchi Tomokazu breathed a sigh of relief and put down the binoculars, "I just said it was a coincidence, he couldn't have found me!"

The next moment, Yamaguchi grabbed the office phone and dialed the number, "Boss, I failed. I asked someone to bribe the waitress, and I asked the reporter to take pictures and videotape. I failed. I don't know why. The current situation is just a few Ginzas. The police are taking Yuanmei and others away."

"Zhao Xueyan himself has nothing to do, he is still free."

"What should I do next? Should I send someone to ask about the situation?"

There was a scolding voice on the other side of the phone, and after a few curses, someone replied, "Send someone to investigate the specific situation, but remember, it must be kept secret. Even if this is Tokyo, Zhao Xueyan should not be underestimated. If we are not careful, we will eat it." Big loss."

"Triads are the perfect example."

Tomoka Yamaguchi promised again and again, and ended the call. Yamaguchi also stroked his chin and pondered.Can't you ask him to go to the police station?This Zhao Xueyan is indeed evil.

Speaking of which, the boss is also quite wicked.

A good heir of the Hawk Faction, somehow got sick on Hong Kong Island and came back. Fortunately, the kidney transplant operation was relatively successful,...


A senior hospital in Tokyo.

Eiji Tsukamoto, who was pale and bald, beckoned to let the little nurse push him to move the moment he put down his big brother.

That's right, the person who arranged to trap Dr. Zhao was the heir to the consortium who suffered from gunshot wounds, willows, heart, lungs, etc., suffered from varying degrees of concussion injuries, kidney failure requiring a kidney transplant, and was inexplicably bald.

Ying Er didn't know that all kinds of diseases were all thanks to Dr. Zhao, which made him so miserable, but he knew that Dr. Zhao presided over the [-] million dollar revenge fund of his grandfather, and it became nonsensical to go to China to compensate the victims of World War II. of the fund.

Because of the fund, he sent several teams with guns to assassinate Zhao Xueyan when Dr. Zhao and Li Weishuo went to the high seas for a decisive battle and gambling, and learned that Zhao himself didn't go?He couldn't contact many of his subordinates, so he flew directly to Haojiang...the plane crashed.

I don't know how all kinds of strange diseases were born. The [-] million knife revenge fund is enough to make Eiji Tsukamoto want to beat Zhao Xueyan whenever he has the opportunity.

That's [-] million knives, [-] billion Hong Kong dollars!

I thought he was in Tokyo and Dr. Zhao was in Hong Kong Island, and he didn't have many chances to take revenge. How could he have thought that Dr. Zhao flew to Tokyo?

When he heard such news, Eiji Tsukamoto was so excited that even though he had just been out of the intensive care unit for a few days, he almost got hurt more and more.

The kidney transplant operation did not take long, but he lay in the intensive care unit for seven days after the operation.

He is currently recuperating in the hospital.

"Damn it, I've been cautious enough, and I've checked a lot of things, but I still failed? That guy is too wicked!"

The Tsukamoto Group is a big company in Tokyo. It is a super local snake. The last time Taro Tsukamoto went to the island country, he only inspected the situation of the Tsukamoto Group’s branch in Hong Kong... He went to revenge after the old Tsukamoto died. .

As a local snake, want to attract foreign guests?Wouldn't he have casually committed a few murders and planted the blame on Dr. Zhao?For example, someone died in the port area yesterday, and a murderer appeared and turned himself in. Besides, Zhao Xueyan was the mastermind behind the scenes, the culprit who paid for the murder?

This is really inappropriate. There are people around Zhao Xueyan at any time, who are not present to testify for him, and there are people who act as Zhao Xueyan's time witnesses at any time, or take the charge of being the mastermind behind the scenes.

As long as there are all kinds of witnesses and lawyers, you can't force people into the police station.

You said that it was Zhao Xueyan who accused the triad society of several tragedies?No, Situ Haonan or other younger brothers who are doing things will jump out to help Dr. Zhao fight.

So, when it was found out that Zhao Xueyan was staying at the Ginza Hotel, a waiter stayed in the guest room for nearly 10 minutes alone with Dr. Zhao for several nights. What about the other waiters?Go in at most to deliver some wine or food, and come out in one to two minutes.

So, bribed the waiter to accuse him of falsely accusing him... The CCTV in the corridor can prove that a certain waiter really went in and stayed alone with Zhao Xueyan for nearly 10 minutes.

This kind of evidence is there, the waiter made a false accusation, and it is not easy for Zhao Xueyan to hire a lawyer.

At least this accusation will allow the police to arrest him openly and enter the police station. No matter whether the false accusation succeeds in the end, Tsukamoto Eiji has too many means to operate.

Or use the power of official institutions to hammer people.

When he was arrested by the police, did he invite the media?The purpose is to let the media report the matter, so as to attract Zhao Xueyan's other enemies to work together.

The Black family on Hong Kong Island, the Chatwin family in London, plus the Intercontinental Hotel that spans the world, which one has no enmity with him?

Ying Er asked the media to come forward. He never thought of relying on public opinion to cause any lethality to Dr. Zhao. He just wanted to expose and let Zhao Xueyan's enemies all over the world know that this guy was arrested in Ginza. Everyone can come happily and make trouble together. .

How can this fail?
So send a gunner?Send killer?If gunmen and killers were useful, the killers at the Intercontinental Hotel, the super bodyguards sent by the Chatwin family, and the super bodyguards and killers sent by the Black family would have died long ago.

Knowing that ordinary killers, even if they do things in groups, the probability of success is not high.

Tsukamoto Eiji wanted to borrow the official agency, and first arrested people before talking.

When Eiji frowned and thought about what to do next, the little nurse who came to push the wheelchair smiled gently, "Eiji-san, keep a good mood, the better your mood is, the better it is for your body to recover, and, You look so handsome when you smile."

Tsukamoto Eiji glanced at the little nurse lightly, his face full of arrogance.

Nimei, who is in a good mood, is often motionless and suffers from various illnesses for no reason. It is no wonder that he is in a good mood!
(End of this chapter)

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