Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 369 Chapter 0380-0381 The risk of bragging

Chapter 369 Chapter 0380-0381 The risk of bragging

When Kazuo Kusakari received the news that their Yamaguchi-gumi had been smashed and robbed in many places in Shinjuku, it was common sense to be extremely furious.

But at this moment, he really suspected that it was not the foreign forces brought by Zhao Xueyan who smashed and robbed their Yamaguchi group, but the Duchuan group suspected of being a triad!

Situ Haonan also persuaded more than 100 Dong Xingzi to come to Tokyo across the sea, but at this moment, those Dong Xingzi are still in Shinjuku, the triad territory to collect debts, right?

At least according to the police, that's it!
They are still confronting the Triads. The more than 100 Dong Xingzi are all "serious" passengers with passports and no criminal records. ?
In other words, it was because the police were unwilling to disperse and arrest people.

In the death of Jiro Iwai of the triad society, the biggest suspects are the bastards from Hong Kong Island. The big brothers who have been active in the triad society should settle accounts with those Hong Kong Islanders and take revenge.

Then the police just wait for the actions of the triads?

Isn't it good to watch a play?The two groups of bastards fought and suffered heavy casualties. The police gradually came out to arrest people and clean up the ground, which would also avoid causing too much damage to the civil servants.

More than 100 Dong Xingzi are under the surveillance of the police team at the moment!

It is impossible for that group of people to separate raid the sites of the Yamaguchi-gumi.

It's not Dong Xingzai, so who is making trouble now?

It was a dozen or so Vietnamese who smashed up the villa of the Ito family in the Kobe group.

On the contrary, according to the information received, the bosses of the Triad Society in the afternoon, such as Koichi Muranishi and Toshinari Eguchi, all recruited islanders, but the Duchuan group was recruiting Vietnamese and Chinese gangster teams.

The dozen or so Vietnamese who raided Ito's house in the Kobe group were too much like the recruits recruited by Taro Watakawa!

In the news reported by his subordinates, the bandits who smashed up many sites of their Yamaguchi group were also haunted by Vietnamese.

I'm waiting to see the show, rooting for your triad, and you shoot and stab me?
At this moment, Kazuo Kusakari already thought in his heart that there is an over [-]% probability that the Duchuan group is messing with him, but what is the reason?Why!

Your old president is dead, and it is extremely suspected that he died at the hands of Hong Kong people. If you don’t avenge the boss, kill Hong Kong people, and strive to become the new president, why are you shooting at me?
This logic does not make sense!

Could it be that you want to blame me for the murder of Jiro Iwai?Said that our Yamaguchi-gumi did it, pointed a deer into a horse, and then when the Metropolitan Police Department appeased us to put the overall situation first, recruited troops and bought horses, and suddenly smashed us to grab the territory?

It doesn't matter who killed Iwai?The important thing is that you have an excuse, and after careful preparations, you can "fairly" grab our territory?
If you think about it this way, it would be logical for the Duchuan group to beat them.

False way to destroy Guo!
When the sun was setting, Masataka Ito was approached by the Minato District Police Department and told him that the Triad Society was in a fit of anger, and if revenge accidentally affects your land business, don't be impulsive, just bear with it...

Also, a big boss from the Metropolitan Police Department came to visit Kazuo Kusakari and said similar things. After all, the president is dead, and the nature is still so bad that some really big bosses are angry.

After the triads are preparing for the war, they may cause a big incident tonight... It's too normal, even if they tear down the world, it's still a normal act of venting their anger.

People from the Metropolitan Police Department told other organizations one by one that everyone was not prepared for battle. At least, if you don’t prepare for battle, you can’t easily pull out a team of hundreds of people with guns, let alone bulletproof equipment.

In the past, it was more common for clubs in island countries to cut people with knives. For guns, everyone prepared a few short ones at most.

Facing a triad armed with bulletproof suits, long guns and big pineapples?This is also a high-dimensional blow.

At this moment, Kazuo Kusakari deeply suspected that he had been wiped out by false means!

When he calmly stared at Kusakari and asked questions, the adopted son also thought for tens of seconds before he said, "Father, I think the most important thing we should do now is not to go to Shinjuku, but to find a police station to avoid it." avoid."

Kazuo Kusakari's eyes lit up, "That's right, you're not short-sighted, just go to the police station and tell the team leaders below to do things."


After a while, Kazuo Kusakari just arrived at a certain branch office, seeing the policemen running in and out around him, President Kusakari felt a huge sense of security.

But as soon as the phone rang, his good mood disappeared immediately.

"Damn it, the leader of the operation team, Shenmu, was ambushed on the way to Shinjuku. Three cars and more than a dozen people were directly blown up, and all of them died."

"The gunmen ambushing him not only have long guns and grenades, but also sniper rifles! Baga, these triad bastards!"


in the same time.

In a certain villa in Shinjuku, hundreds of people had gathered long ago, and most of them distributed firearms. Koichi Muranishi, who was only waiting for the night to cover Tokyo to do big things, slumped on the tatami mat with a dazed and dazed expression, looking at him Eguchi Tosunari, with a silly expression on his face.

Eguchi Tosei was not much better.

He also gathered people in the afternoon, distributed the guys, and waited to do things in the evening.

This is Tokyo after all.

One of the world-renowned international metropolises, even if the clubs in Tokyo are legal organizations, it is not appropriate to make too much noise in broad daylight.

They are local gangs, so they have to take it easy, after all, there will be a long time to come.

During the day, Dong Xingzai from Hong Kong Island blocked the door, blocked the door of the house and gambled with the company, and chased him for that weird 500 million dollars?

Because it was daytime, Eguchi Toshiro became the long-term development of the future, so he could only bear with it for a while.


He was already prepared. Once night fell, he would decisively lead people with guns to kill all Hong Kong Islanders, even Situ Haonan, Zhao Xueyan, that bastard and villain.

Everything is ready, just wait for nightfall, it is best to do things after 12 o'clock.

The darker the night, the fewer people on the street.

A few hours in the middle of the night is enough!
What the hell is going on now?
There are still many people in the outside world who are just extremely skeptical. Those who hate the Kobe group and the Yamaguchi group are their triad Duchuan group.

These two are sure that it is the Duchuan group.

After all, the Duchuan team used the triad channel to shake people, buy guys, and buy equipment all afternoon!

An organization will elect a new president in the future. Hiroshi Muranishi has [-] votes and Taro Watagawa has [-] votes. It is clear at a glance who is stronger!
Muranishi Koichi is more powerful, he understands various black market channels better than Duchuan Taro.

Didn't you agree to fight the Hong Kong Islanders?What do you mean by launching a war against your local counterparts behind our backs?
Just now, Otawara, the boss behind the triads, called and asked them in a snarl, why did they attack the Kobe group and the Yamaguchi group?
Muranishi Koichi couldn't answer at all, couldn't answer, and neither could Eguchi Toshinari.

The phone rang again, and as soon as Hiroshi Muranishi connected, he jumped up and roared after hearing a sentence, "Yaga, Duchuan, you bastard, why did you launch an offensive against the Kobe and Yamaguchi groups?"

On the opposite side, Watanabe Taro roared even louder, "Idiot, waste, this is an opportunity! All other organizations watched us prepare for war, and the police were watching. We only need to make a surprise attack, and we can destroy the Yamaguchi group And most of the Kobe team."

"Compared to the death of the president, there is no rush to avenge him. The opportunity is rare. The most important thing is to defeat other big associations in one fell swoop and make us number one in the whole island country!"

"Quickly, I have arranged more than ten teams to kill many middle-level cadres of the Yamaguchi-gumi. When they are blocked and the command system is temporarily paralyzed, you just need to mobilize."

"We rule the entire island nation, tonight!"

ah?Is it like this?
Muranishi Koichi, who was full of anger, was persuaded... Persuading the ghost, how can it be so easy for you to become the number one, they have Otawara boss, do you think there is no one behind the Yamaguchi-gumi?Or is there no one behind the Kobe group?

As long as the police come down to do things, it is enough to quickly suppress the triads.

For normal clubs, it still takes a certain amount of time to prepare enough firearms and bulletproof weapons. The police don't have to be so slow, there are plenty of arsenals.

After Taro Watagawa did this, wait for the police to end and quell most of the chaos and riots. The more losses the Yamaguchi and Kobe groups suffer now, the more violent their revenge will be.

You have killed so many people and injured so many people, it is impossible to settle easily.

The triad society was miserable by Watagawa Taro, the kind of blood collapse.

"Trash, bastard, let your people stop!!"

Muranishi Koichi yelled loudly at the phone again, and Watagawa Taro's voice was even louder, "Bastard, short-sighted thing, such a good opportunity, are you blind?"

Muranishi Koichi, "The police will end up..."

Watagawa Taro, "Such a good opportunity, are you blind?"

Muranishi Koichi, "Mr. Otawara won't support it, other bosses will beat you to death!"

Watagawa Taro, "Are you blind?"

Muranishi Hiroichi was so angry that his second child was about to explode, "I'm blind!"

Is the old guy on the opposite side crazy, or is he insane?It's completely unreasonable.


At the same time, when the middle and high-level cadres of the Yamaguchi-gumi died one by one, the police who rushed there at the beginning were helpless, and SAP reloaded and dispatched to suppress the riot forces launched by Taro Watagawa.

SAP originated from the Red Army hijacking incident in 77. At that time, the Red Army hijacked the plane and pressured the officials to release several Red Army members who were in prison.

There are not many SAPs in the three classes in Tokyo, more than 50, but the equipment is far from comparable to that of the black market guys organized by Taro Watagawa.

A squad entered a certain Yamaguchi-gumi site in Shinjuku, faced a group of gangsters who had just evacuated, and started fighting with each other on the spot.

There are not many in a squad, but there are other policemen in this area.


On a certain street in Shinjuku, several cars drove by. The leader, Taro Watagawa, kept urging the driver to drive. He was giving money.

As long as a few cars of money are sent to Otawara in time, everything will be fine.

At least that's what he thought in his heart. It wasn't until there were a lot of police cars honking approaching from the front, left, right, and rear that the driver suddenly stopped on the side of the road.

Watagawa Taro was furious, "What are you doing? Driving, it doesn't matter to ordinary policemen, just kill them..."

The driver turned around and shot Watagawa Taro, picked up a box full of money and ran away.

In the back seat, the two men looking at the money in the back seat also ran to the side of the road with their money in their hands after being dazed for a few seconds.

As long as they integrate into the crowd in advance, they have guns and money in their hands, why do they keep listening to such old things?

Why don't you think Watagawa Taro doesn't have a confidant?

He didn't bring many people with him at the beginning, but when things got bigger and bigger, his confidants tried to persuade him, but he didn't listen... He felt annoying after too many times, so he sent away the only few brothers.

Without a confidant, the more than 200 people who were hastily recruited in the afternoon were of course full of energy when they followed him to grab money. Everyone condensed into a rope.

The first car thus became an empty car lying dead.

The cars in the rear also stopped after a while, and the gunmen ran away carrying sacks or boxes. There are many high-rise buildings on the streets of Shinjuku. Before being surrounded by the police, just spread out and look for opportunities.

Some people even opened the sewer manhole cover on the street and climbed down.

The natives of the island country dislike work like cleaning up sewers and garbage dumps. Many of these gunman killers are professional in this area.

After Watagawa Taro's convoy was surrounded by police cars coming from front, back, left, and right, what all the police faced was empty cars and scattered fleeing bastards.

Speaking of the more than 200 people Taro Watanabe recruited in the afternoon, many of them were not familiar with each other or their comrades, or even knew each other.

Looking at the lying corpse of Taro Watagawa, a certain policeman couldn't help stomping his feet in anger, "This bastard, madman..."

Watagawa Taro has already called and sprayed Muranishi Koichi.

Up to now, many well-informed people also know Taro Watagawa's thoughts and motives. Most people think that Watakawa is crazy, but it is not unreasonable. Is it rare in an island country?
The SAP in Tokyo is not weak, but there are only more than 50 people, and they can only clear out the rioting crowd little by little.

As long as the general situation rolls up, other forces of the Triad will also be pulled into the water, and Otawara may not be able to control the steering wheel of the Triad.

Maybe there is a real chance for Duchuan to succeed. Even if the Yamaguchi group and the Kobe group cannot be defeated, the triad's territory may expand significantly overnight.

This guy is very early and mid-Showa style.

He was also a person who grew up in that era.

But few people would have thought that Duchuan would die so ridiculously at the hands of his recruited younger brother.

Those guys are all black households, and they only came out to make trouble for their permanent residence permits.


In a five-star hotel in Ginza, Dr. Zhao stopped the skill of "the real can't be fake, and the fake can't be real".

Bragging is so risky?

This skill is a bit hilarious.

Forget it, even if this braggart is gone, if he casually uses some positive skills for La Ba or Situ Haonan with clear grievances and grievances, he is not afraid that it will pass overnight.

How many hours do these skills continue to activate, and will they continue to consume physical energy?
Dr. Zhao has eight times the physique and physical strength, and he can activate skills on one or two people alone... That kind of consumption is not as fast as his own recovery!

What should I do if my energy is exhausted?After squinting for a while, eating and drinking, I made up for it.

(End of this chapter)

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