Chapter 330 Medicine, Medicine

When Zhang Shanshan's mother and daughter were trembling with fright, Zhao Xueyan was addicted to the beating, and threw Lin Guoyu, who had a bruised nose, a swollen face and a bald head, on the ground. He looked at the traffic policeman wearing a raincoat not far away, "Chen sir, why are you still working as a traffic policeman?" ? The last time you caught an international killer, Cassian, wasn't enough for you to be promoted?"

Not far away was Chen Jiaju who was trembling.

Even if Chen Jiaju is famous for his daring to fight, but compare Lin Guoyu's physique, and think about his own height and shape?

Such Lin Guoyu was caught by Dr. Zhao and swung around. He felt that even if the environment was placed in the furniture city, he was not enough to beat Zhao Xueyan.

Dr. Zhao asked, Chen Jiaju came over, and touched his big nose helplessly, "Mr. Zhao, why are you so angry? Who is this, and how did you offend you?"

He received a call from the main station saying that there was a traffic accident at the intersection and the car crashed, let him handle it?
In Chen Jiaju's impression, Dr. Zhao is not such a grumpy and unreasonable person.

You said that after he was sent to the traffic police team, he caught the top international killer and stayed in the traffic police?How normal, that time when I arrested Cassian with Ma Jun, he walked out of the police station the next day.

Even if there are seven or eight young brothers who were stabbed and maimed in Liansheng as victims, and a car of PTU uniformed policemen are also victims, if the ghosts above insist on releasing them and suppressing them with death orders, there is no way.

Cassian left without a crime, what credit does he have?

Chen Jiaju was also very upset and dissatisfied with that incident. Fortunately, he later heard that Cassian fell into the hands of a gang of organ transplant criminals. One of his kidneys was removed and his cornea was gone.

Chen sir let out a long sigh of relief, and became more energetic. The kidney and cornea lost by the other party could be regarded as justice for a carload of military uniforms that had been stabbed and stabbed.

Under his words, Dr. Zhao said calmly, "He didn't offend me, he just wanted to kidnap and dismember my friend in the passenger seat, can this be tolerated?"

Pointing to Zhang Shanshan, Zhao Xueyan continued, "Have any dismembered corpses been found in Kowloon recently? They should all be done here. He personally said that he killed and dismembered three women who had returned from the night and cruelly murdered the dismembered corpses of the Hong Kong Land Group. High-ranking John Black was dismembered and made into char siew buns."

"It is said to pay tribute to Wang Zhiheng of Haojiang, Gan, this kind of lunatic and pervert should be destroyed humanely!"

Chen Jiaju was stunned, his brain was buzzing for a few breaths, and he looked at Lin Guoyu, who was paralyzed on the ground and drenched by the heavy rain, "He did the latest corpse case? He threw himself into the street, so inhuman? He even killed John Black?" Give……"

Remembering that his lunch was barbecued pork buns, Chen Jiaju felt nauseous, ran to the side of the road and started throwing up.

It's not that Chen sir can't concentrate, it's really, think about the human meat barbecued pork, and think about how many big buns he has eaten?
The disappearance of John Blake was equally sensational.

Don't forget where Sir Chen used to hang out with, Central District Serious Crime Squad!

Lei Meng, Zhang Piao, the uncle, and Chen Jiaju and other police officers were all assigned to various parties because of the kidnapping and murder of Tsukamoto Taro.

Superintendent Ashin was followed by Superintendent Ashin.

Superintendent Ashin's buttocks didn't even sit hot when the disappearance of John Black happened. His bodyguard died tragically, and he was gone...

If the case is not handled well, Ashin's position may be suspended.

There is one thing to say, Taro Tsukamoto came to Hong Kong Island to invest, brought a lot of wealth to visit the high-level ghosts one by one, and gave a lot of money, so his disappearance case was suppressed so tightly.

But John Blake?That is the backbone of the new generation of the Black family who began to take root in Asia after the Crow War!
Just talking about influence on Hong Kong Island, the Black family beat the Tsukamoto family.

As for whether Zhao Xueyan lied to him?Just kidding, Dr. Zhao has a cash flow of more than one billion yuan in his hand, and he is holding a lot of factories. Need to waste time teasing him, Chen Jiaju, as a small traffic policeman?

With Dr. Zhao's ability to almost dominate the sky on Hong Kong Island, he is better informed than the police, isn't it strange?

Chen Jiaju vomited several times, then hurried back, "Mr. Zhao, this...he..."

Zhao Xueyan waved his hand, "There are still some dismembered corpses in the freezer in his old den that have not been thrown out, and some photos of the victims were taken, which were preserved by him as specimens, and the rest will be handed over to you."

Speaking of this, Zhao Xueyan's tone was full of emotion, "I have also heard the news that the Black family is looking for someone, hey, now I can only send a few refrigerated barbecued pork buns, what a pity."

"I hope they don't get too excited when they see the refrigerated char siew buns."

There was no chance for John's char siu to be given to the Black family safely without leaving any traces. Lin Guoyu did refrigerate those things together with other broken corpses.

Well now, he began to wonder if Lin Guoyu would be executed.

Hong Kong Island will not abolish the death penalty until 1993, but since 66 until now, all prisoners on death row will receive the Queen's Amnesty and change them to life.

20 years.

I really don't know how the rest of the Black family felt and reacted when they saw those barbecued pork.

It's too awful.

Even if John Blake was the biggest pusher behind making ICAC catch Lei Youcai and attack Zhao Xueyan's forces, he even fooled Leslie Chatwin and came to Zhao Xueyan for revenge with HIV blood...

But in a blink of an eye, the barbecued pork?

This is much more explosive than Landmark fires and all kinds of injured white-collar workers.

In fact, if there was only John Black, Zhao Xueyan might not be so angry, but Lin Guoyu has already murdered and dismembered three innocent women, and he still wants to commit a crime against Zhang Shanshan?

Leaving aside the John incident, this is also a scum that must be destroyed humanely.


After a while.

In a large office of Landmark Building, a white man in his 50s was working when he heard a knock on the door.

When he called in, a long-legged female secretary came in and said, "Sir, Chief Superintendent Zack Kidd of West Kowloon, and Long Jiu of the Political Department are here to visit you."

Speaking of this, she hesitated for a while, and the female secretary wondered, "They said they found Mr. John."

The old white man got up quickly and walked out with big strides, "Where are you? Quick!"

This is John Black's father, Grant Black. For the first time, he sent Long Jiu and Zack Kidd to intercede with Zhao Xueyan. Back to John, rejected.

After a long time, Grant didn't have much hope of rescuing John.

And Amy Dray, the CIA, visited Zhao Xueyan for the first time, told Zhao Xueyan about Freddy's incident, went out and got in the car, and called Grant.

As one of the directors of Hong Kong Land and Jardine Matheson, Grant no longer cares much about the specific work. He just sits and enjoys the dividends and arranges a vote of juniors to join the two major groups. If John is not missing, he will rarely come to the office.

After so long, Zhao Xueyan didn't let go to help, and Zach Kidd found John back?That's great, you're worthy of being an elite, high-level police force!
Long Jiu, an ethnic Chinese, is also good!
As expected, he can often accompany the governor's wife on trips, and can be a hardcore cowboy who can be a bodyguard when the queen comes.

A while later, in a certain reception room, Grant walked in and looked at the space where there were only Zach and Long Jiu. He said in astonishment, "Where's John?"

Zach Kidd had a strange expression on his face, and so did Long Jiu.

Grant asked again, and Zach bravely opened the box on the table, revealing several plates of char siew buns.

As if struck by lightning, Grant covered his chest as soon as his body softened, "Drug, medicine..."

(End of this chapter)

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