Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 243 He thought Zhao Xueyan was a friend

Chapter 243 He thought Zhao Xueyan was a friend

Zhao Xueyan had a happy and relaxed lunch. After the meal, he watched Heiguan and Shao Anna leave. As soon as he walked towards Daben, he saw Tang Niu rushing over, "Mr. The people invited here have some small fluctuations."

Zhao Xueyan asked in surprise, "What fluctuation?"

Tang Niu explained, "It should be the Li family who talked about the Jufeng Group. Jufeng is also one of the real estate developers in Hong Kong Island, but it is a few grades behind the Li family. But the Jufeng Group has a shareholder Xia Sheng, who is Niu Taujiao. The owner of several tenement buildings in Xiacun."

"The caged people I invited are all tenants of Xia Sheng's tenement building. Now Xia Sheng has sent a lawyer to take over the building and drive out all the caged people."

"As soon as they heard the news, they were not in the mood to work and wanted to go back and talk about this matter."

Dr. Zhao was dumbfounded.

Lao Li did a lot of things. First, he sent the police to clean up the people. If they couldn’t clean up, he mobilized public opinion. He wanted to establish the image of a victim for Li Weishuo, and then...

Convince the big landlord who has many caged people to evict them?

Jufeng Group, Xia Sheng, caged people?In addition, lawyer Xu and councilor Xu from Kwun Tong brought over by Tang Niu.

When the matter developed to this point, Zhao Xueyan remembered which story the group of people were from, and the name of the story was the caged people.

At first glance, the story is quite heart-wrenching and bleak.

A group of tenants living in cage beds had a good life.

The Jufeng Group suddenly wanted to take over the building, and drove the tenants out to demolish the tenement building and rebuild the building. Some of the caged residents wanted enough compensation to move out, and some of them absolutely didn’t want to move out because they would have no place to live. ...

N multi-tenants each have their own ideas, a mass of scattered sand.

At the end of the matter, the bosses of the Jufeng Group invited the police and firefighters to dispatch together to saw open the cage-like upper and lower beds in the building, carry them out together with the cage beds and throw them away, and let the reporters take pictures. TV live.

Make a group of caged people look like animals being watched, without any dignity at all.

The story is pretty bleak.

But if you take a closer look at the truth, the cage dwellers are tenants!Xia Sheng of Jufeng Group is the landlord, and he is the owner of the building.

In that story, Xia Sheng wanted to take over the building and sent a lawyer to negotiate with the cage residents. He also said that if you move out, each of you can receive three months' rent as compensation.

The tenants feel that there are too few, so they are unwilling.

In the 21st century to the 20s, it’s like I’m a landlord, and my building is going to be demolished, and I don’t want to renew the lease with the tenant. I will pay you three months’ rent, and you leave...

Tenants are unwilling, want more, all kinds of trouble.

The story of the caged people, the tenants were forced to leave, and the end looked very miserable, but in the end they didn't take it for granted.

In the 21st century and 20s, when the landlord demolished the house and the tenants refused to leave and wanted more, they also asked the police to help you leave.

Of course, there is still an essential gap between the story of the caged people and the 21st century to the 20th century.

What that story revealed was the harsh living environment at the bottom of the society. It was just a cage bed, and they were unwilling to move it away. If they moved away, a lot of old and weak people might live on the streets from now on. Even the new cage bed that can shelter from wind and rain I can't find them all.

In the 21st century, if the landlord pays you several months' rent for demolition, and the tenant pays more if they don't move out, it is an old behavior.It is impossible for normal and healthy people at that time to say that they could not even find a cage bed that sheltered from the wind and rain.

If the story of the caged people happened naturally, even if Zhao Xueyan knew about it, he would not do anything more. Legally speaking, it was his free choice for the landlord to demolish and build a new building, and it was not illegal at all.

The living environment of the society is bad, that is, large, medium and small real estate developers squeeze too little residential land in Hong Kong. The less residential real estate, the more they earn.

But now, I invited a group of old and weak to collect debts, and Lao Xia from Jufeng Real Estate jumped out to make trouble and drive people away?

This is a group of old and weak being dragged down by Mr. Zhao.

Naturally, Zhao Xueyan couldn't stand by and watch a group of old and weak people living on the street, "A Niu, go and stabilize those people now and tell them that if they are really driven away by the landlord, I will be responsible for finding them a place to live."

"It's certainly not worse than where they used to live."

Tang Niu nodded and left quickly, Zhao Xueyan got on the Mercedes and drove towards Niutaujiaoxia Village.

When he arrived at his destination, he saw buildings that could rival the old urban villages of later generations, narrow and dirty streets...

Zhao Xueyan is very familiar.

The old buildings on the dilapidated streets here have been seen in the panorama more than once in the story of the caged people, and they are really familiar.

A few minutes later, Zhao Xueyan led Ruan Mei and his daughters into a courtyard-style building... It can't be called a courtyard, but four buildings rise up from the ground to enclose a courtyard.

Because of the height of the floor, there is a sense of shade on the flat ground that can be covered during the day. There are still ropes hanging in the yard, full of old clothes, and a boy in a suit is surrounded by the crowd in embarrassment. He retreats and explains, "Everyone Neighbors, we are not without compensation, Xia Sheng is willing to give you three months' rent as compensation."

"This is Xia Sheng's building. You are just tenants, not owners."

Amidst his yelling, a large number of male tenants were still yelling and shouting, and some people were pushing and shoving the boy in a suit, which could be called an exciting crowd.

Zhao Xueyan was speechless.

In terms of law, the guy who came to negotiate, the little boy, stood very firmly, and he was not wrong at all.

Many tenants do not want to move, but they are forced to. After moving out, most of them can only sleep on the road.

"Be quiet!"

After Zhao Xueyan uttered a drink, the noisy tenants, including the little boy, turned around to look around, and when they saw Dr. Zhao...everyone was quiet.

It's not that everyone knows Zhao Xueyan, or that Zhao Xueyan's aura is too strong, but a large group of old, middle-aged and young men who can clearly see the three girls Ruan Mei, Le Huizhen, and Thelma Snyder brought by Zhao Xueyan?
All were dumbfounded.

Zhao Xueyan scanned the audience, and quickly walked towards an old man, "Who are you?"

The old man he looked at was tall and stout. Facing Dr. Zhao's questioning, the old man responded in a low voice with trepidation, "My name is Gu Yaozu, and I am the administrator of the building. The neighbors call me Fat Po."

Zhao Xueyan nodded, he was really the administrator in the story of the caged people, "You are the administrator, working for Xia Sheng?"

Gu Yaozu nodded, "Yes, I have been collecting rent for Xia Sheng and managing tenants for more than 20 years."

Zhao Xueyan was happy, "Now that Xia Sheng is taking over the building, has a new job been arranged for you?"

Gu Yaozu shook his head, he was also at a loss, Xia Sheng closed the building and did not arrange a new job, he lost his job, he is over 60 years old, his son Gu Sen is still mentally handicapped...

After the building is confiscated, what should he do?

An old man in his 60s who has no place to live, is illiterate and illiterate, how can he get along with a mentally handicapped son? ?

Zhao Xueyan smiled more kindly, turned around and said to the lawyer's handsome face, "Did you hear that? He is an old man who is diligent and diligent. He has worked for Xia Sheng for more than 20 years. If he says he will be fired, that's okay. Let's settle the provident fund?"

"No matter what, it will cost two to three million Hong Kong dollars."

Gao Tianli, who has worked for Lei's Real Estate for more than ten years, doesn't matter if he is fired. He should get back the 10,000+ provident fund.

You, Lao Xia from Jufeng Real Estate, also need to have basic skills and basic laws. You can’t bully Lao Gu who is illiterate and illiterate.

The lawyer was dumbfounded. He thought Zhao Xueyan was a friend, but turned around to ask for the provident fund for Gu Yaozu?
(End of this chapter)

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