Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 208 This person, is he not serious

Chapter 208 This person, is he not serious
The supernatural power can be given up halfway, and the range of choices for Zhao Xueyan is much larger.

No more hesitation and decisive use of supernatural powers. In two or three seconds, the ward with only two people suddenly became indistinct, with a group of monsters missing arms and legs, facing miserable and almost invisible monsters.

The temperature in the entire ward plummeted by dozens of degrees.

All the lonely ghosts were full of excitement, enthusiasm, and salivating emotions, looking at A Rong on the hospital bed.

No one spoke. After seeing A Rong clearly, a group of ghosts twisted their bodies like crazy, as if they wanted to jump into A Rong's body, but there was an invisible force in the dark, isolating these guys, making them powerless. make.

After another tens of seconds, there was a sound.

"What's going on? How do I feel that there is a chance of reincarnation here?"

"Hey, how can we get together? Can we still communicate?"

"It really feels like reincarnation. It's impossible. If you don't go to the underworld and wait in line, how can you be reincarnated?"

"I've been waiting for decades, decades, and I've been stuck in one place after my death. I can't get out. I'm almost driven crazy by loneliness. It feels so good here!"

"Is the woman on the bed my mother in the next life? She's pretty. Mom is waiting for me. I'll be here soon..."

"Go away, this is my mother! Whoever robs me will kill me!"

"Pujie, everyone is a ghost, what a fart you are."


A group of lonely ghosts tried all kinds of things, but they couldn't get into A Rong's body, and all kinds of discussions soon started.

Zhao Xueyan?Facing the sudden opportunity of reincarnation, all the ghosts were so excited that their minds were confused and abnormal, and they all ignored Zhao Xueyan collectively.

During their conversation, Dr. Zhao also noticed that he seemed to have received some wonderful information.

That is, with a thought, one can choose a target from the ghosts present to integrate into A Rong's body, and can choose to erase or not erase the memory of the ghost in this life.

By co-authoring his skill, not only is he competing with Liu Dao Samsara for business, but Meng Potang's career is also taken into account?
No, more than that!
In myths and legends, isn't it true that only good people who have done good deeds all their lives have the opportunity to join the rich family and enjoy wealth for a lifetime when they reincarnate?
With Zhao Xueyan's magical skills, he can freely choose his target. For example, the existing rich families in Hong Kong Island can arrange wild ghosts to reincarnate by staring at their daughter-in-law, and become rich generations with a gold mine background?

Shit, thinking of this, even Zhao Xueyan realized that the magical power of staring at someone who is pregnant sounds very nonsensical and absurd.

The meaning and value it actually contains, this is to give him a trumpet of Hades!

This is outrageous!
You don't need to judge your life's achievements, you don't need to wait in line, you can reincarnate whenever you want, and what kind of family background you want to choose is also controlled by Zhao Xueyan.

Isn't this the one-stop service of the underworld?

Am I quietly snatching the authority of the King of Hades, snatching the rights of all kinds of ghosts and ghosts?This is a bit big!

However, if you want to maintain such a great ability...humanity merits and virtues are indispensable.

Once there is no human merit, all these are useless.

A Rong on the hospital bed is just a liar, cheater, and may be caught and imprisoned at any time, so this chance of reincarnation is not good, and only 1 point of merit is deducted from Zhao Xueyan.

If he uses supernatural powers on a real rich man, making the reincarnated wild ghost a wealthy generation with a background in a gold mine, will he deduct dozens or hundreds of merits at a time?
Zhao Xueyan currently only has a total of 1500 points of humanitarian merit.

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, Zhao Xueyan coughed lightly, "Quiet!"

A roomful of lonely ghosts who were agitated and arguing turned around and looked at Zhao Xueyan.

The next second, another ghost screamed.

"What's going on, why is there someone else?"

"He seems to be able to see us?"

"This man, isn't he very serious..."

When a certain ghost said that Zhao Xueyan was not serious, he tried to reach out to grab Zhao Xueyan. As soon as his ghost body touched Xiao Zhao, it suddenly ignited without fire.

In an instant, the whole ghost was burned to ashes.

Only the screams and screams before complete annihilation seemed to indicate that he had existed.

It was only then that the other ghosts seemed to have seen some indescribable horror. They all huddled in the corner of the ward, trembling and looking at Zhao Xueyan.

Zhao Xueyan didn't activate any ability just now, it is the power of taboo...with the power of passive protection.

No, besides the power of taboo being activated, there is another kind of mysterious power, which seems to be attached to the magical power of staring at someone who is pregnant. During the activation of the magical power, he is the host responsible for arranging the reincarnation of lonely souls and wild ghosts.

Big boss, so during this process, if there are lonely ghosts who want to harm him, they will be suppressed by the power of supernatural powers.

This magical skill is similar to robbing the authority of the great gods of the underworld, such as King Yama and the judge of the underworld. When have you ever heard that the king of Hades and the judge are easily attacked and injured by little ghosts when presiding over the six realms of reincarnation?
The group of ghosts trembled, terrified.

Zhao Xueyan looked at them calmly, and after sweeping them one by one, he became a little tired of this group of crooked melons and cracked dates.

"You guys are too bad. Although I want to arrange for a ghost to be reincarnated, can't I have a few decent ghosts?"

The group of ghosts were either missing arms or broken legs, or their bodies looked as if they had been run over several times by several cars, and they were so flat that they couldn't bulge, or their intestines were leaking out, or their faces were bloody and their facial features could not be seen clearly...

Not so.

Even if Ah Rong is punished as a liar, it won't be like arranging a crooked plan for her.

Accompanied by his complaints, a group of ghosts trembled, as if they heard something incredible?
A certain paper ghost who looked like a piece of paper that had been run over by a few big cars, turned into a suit and leather shoes with a swipe, a gentle boy with a gentle face, and a little handsome, "Dare to ask the Great Immortal? Can we really be reincarnated here?"

Speaking of this, the little boy knelt down, "Great Immortal, the little one died unexpectedly, and has been entrenched at the scene of the car accident for 20 years after his death. He couldn't leave, couldn't leave, had nowhere to go and was homeless. He was alone for 20 years. My sanity is almost being tortured insane."

"The underworld schedule may take dozens or even hundreds of years before the younger one's turn, please be kind to the Great Immortal."

In the crying of the little boy, a group of crooked melons and cracked dates were deformed one after another.

Zhao Xueyan was speechless, "It's too late, you looked so disgusting before, this time the reincarnation is aborted, all get out."

A room of lonely souls and wild ghosts all disappeared without a trace.


On a certain street in Causeway Bay, the boy looked blankly at the left and right, and the traffic was very busy when he got off at night. He was used to all this, and he was about to be imprisoned by this intersection to the point of madness, or even stupidity.

Returning to the familiar environment, the little boy began to wonder, was that an illusion just now?

A lonely ghost like him who died unexpectedly, it's so miserable, let's not talk about anything else, he can't leave this intersection, only being alone can torture ghosts into crazy.

He can only leave if he finds a surrogate ghost, and goes to the underworld to wait in line for reincarnation, but the quota for the scapegoat is also issued by the underworld, so he has to wait in line slowly.

Actively cast mana to harm people?He has that magical power, but he took the initiative to harm others, and was directly arrested and sent to the eighteenth floor of hell!

Thinking about the [-] levels of hell, it would be better to stay at this intersection all the time.

"I am an old ghost who has been dead for 20 years, and I still have hallucinations inexplicably?"

If only that wasn't an illusion.

If there really is a great immortal who avoids the underworld to start reincarnation, then he will worship the god every day, or kill from Causeway Bay to Wanchai, and then from Wanchai to Yau Tsim Mong, hacking to death countless competitors along the way, he must fight for a chance.

(End of this chapter)

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