Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 18 Brother Yan, don't be impulsive

Chapter 18 Brother Yan, don't be impulsive
Another long night passed.

When the whole Stanley, which was lit by the sun, warmed up, the warden rubbed his forehead and complained, "The order goes on, and if anyone sees Zhao Xueyan thrashing on the street, he will come to me directly and sign something for dozens of days in the daytime. vacation, of course not."

"But as long as he is willing to live in Stanley and occasionally go out for a day or two, I can satisfy him."

The warden intends to give in.

Don't mention the original resume of that guy, just say that the negotiation with Gui Jianchou started, I came in, I went out, and I...

The whole Stanley can't do anything about it. He doesn't want to be dismissed. He will officially retire after another year or two, and then happily receive a pension. That's a lot of money.

He also didn't want to be fired with shame.

Isn't it just a prisoner who wants to apply to go out and do something?How many prisoner applications like this will be approved in Stanley, or even more?

Gui Jianchou, silent for a few seconds before speaking, "If he really wants to come to see you, will he do something about it?"

Stanley prison guards have a very low integrity. The first thing the killer saw when he saw Zhao Xueyan was to lock him in the criminal investigation bed for a month. You can imagine how everyone's integrity is. No one!

No one can see it, the last ghost's method?If Zhao Xueyan is willing to come after hearing the news, and directly force the trouble with a gun, it is not impossible.

The warden frowned and said, "Can you kill him with a gun? Kill him 100% directly, and I can bear the scapegoat on the report. If you can't kill him, there will be endless troubles."

Stanley prison guards can kill prisoners, but if they die for no reason, the Correctional Services Department will also hold them accountable.

Gui Jianchou was silent again. Killing will have professional stains. If you don't kill it, you will have endless troubles. If you don't kill him once, Zhao Xueyan can kill him next time, "Why don't I go home first? Take a step and see a step?"

The warden nearly vomited blood.

What kind of coquettish logic is this to make things like this?
Knowing that this guy is so capable of committing crimes, when the court wanted to send him to Stanley, he should not have accepted him, and it would have been better to send him back to Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre.


At ten o'clock in the morning, Gui Jianchou returned to the dormitory with a few prison guards. Even though they were all dressed in casual clothes, everyone was equipped with smoke bombs, tear gas, and pistols.

When he arrived at the dormitory area, Gui Jianchou first asked someone if there was any abnormal movement in his room. When he got a negative answer, Qiu Sir was still worried.

Arriving outside the dormitory, I probed my brain to observe, and finally, at the moment when the door was opened, smoke bombs and tear gas bombs were thrown in one by one, and the pistol was also caught in my hand.

In this state, there were seven or eight onlookers in the vicinity.

However, the crowd was still watching at the door, and suddenly someone rushed forward, one by one, before the crowd reacted, they were all driven into the dormitory filled with thick smoke and almost invisible.

The guns in the hands of several people were seized in the process.


The moment the door was closed, someone inside was covering his nose and eyes to open the window.

The window opened, Gui Jianchou just opened his eyes when he saw a fist smashed down, bang~ Panda Eye fell directly to the ground.

"Don't do it, don't do it, Zhao Xueyan, I'm afraid of you, the warden said, as long as you are willing to live in Stanley, don't play so big, he can occasionally apply for a few days for you to go out to visit relatives and sacrifice friends."

When the four-eyed prison guard shouted loudly, Zhao Xueyan said dissatisfiedly, "How many days? Are you kidding me?"

Under his cold words, he said smartly in four eyes, "Brother Yan, don't be impulsive, visit relatives and friends for two or three days at a time, the time is up, you can renew your contract when you come back."

"Even if the warden doesn't want to, as long as you come back a few times, he will always agree. His old man is about to retire, and he has worked for a lifetime of pensions.

As he spoke, his four eyes moved closer to the window, desperately trying to stay away from all kinds of thick smoke.

Smoke bombs and tear gas bombs came together, and some prison guards or people watching the fun who were unfamiliar with the dormitory environment had already begun to cough violently and cry.

Zhao Xueyan was dumbfounded, "Renew the contract when the time is up? You are really talented."

Four eyes smirked and said, "Don't dare, don't dare, in front of Brother Yan, who dares to claim to be a talent?"

Zhao Xueyan said happily, "Then I'll go back and get the application now?"

Four eyes nodded hurriedly.

Zhao Xue extended his hand and gave the opponent a punch, his four eyes staggered back, "You think I'm stupid? Now you guys will shoot, I'll go straight back, when you write the application, you mobilize dozens or hundreds of people to surround me with guns, How can I be beaten?"

After closing the window, he left.

He wasn't talking nonsense. He had stealth skills. Zhao Xueyan was not afraid of group battles. He could hide at any time as long as the opportunity was right. The problem was that if he was surrounded by dozens of people in broad daylight, it would be inconvenient to hide.

How embarrassing would it be if the warden played underhand tricks?This time, the ghost will bring a gun, even if someone shoots not from the angle of killing him, but wounds... But if you can't eat a gun, who would be abused to eat a gun Son?

If you look at Gui Jianchou's operation today, you will know that these guys are not willing.


time flies.

It's the once-a-day release time. When the Stanley playground is either standing or sitting, full of prisoners who let the wind out, and some prison guards are watching the maintenance on the edge, Zhao Xueyan in a prisoner's uniform suddenly appears on the edge of the playground. .

Big Thorn walked to the side of the two prison guards, and then he reached out and patted the other's shoulder, "Do you have any cigarettes, buddy?"

The two prison guards turned around and saw what he looked like, all stupid.

Zhao Xueyan rudely stretched out his hand and took out his pocket, took out a prison guard's cigarette and lighter, smoked one, and stuffed the cigarette into his pocket before he looked at a few prisoners who were staring at a dozen or so meters away." What are you looking at, have you never seen such a handsome prisoner?"

In a word, several prisoners were furious.

"Slot, where did you come from, kid?"

"Look for death, beat him!"


A few prisoners were only shocked by Zhao Xueyan's behavior of taking a cigarette from the prison guard's pocket and being provoked now?How can this be tolerated?

When a few people rushed over, Zhao Xueyan quickly shot, and he overturned everyone with a crackle like he was hitting Datun.

The movement here attracted more attention. When many prison guards were running over, Zhao Xueyan said to the prisoners with a natural face, "I, Zhao Xueyan, escaped from prison for ten days. Although I was arrested again, my body is in good condition now. Not hurt!"

"Everyone is a witness for me!"

All the prisoners who heard this were boiling, Zhao Xueyan? ?This jailbreaker has been caught back, is this Zhao Xueyan?

The first person who escaped from prison in Stanley for ten days was caught, a record-breaking!

According to word of mouth, a group of prison guards handcuffed Zhao Xueyan with sweat on their foreheads, and escorted him to the guardianship department.

The more we walked, the more prison guards gathered in the gathering, but Zhao Xueyan untied the handcuffs in the group of prison guards and grabbed the gun. The prison guards were so stunned that they couldn’t be forced. Serious prison guards who carry guns... No one goes to work normally. Eligible to carry a gun.

In the office building area, Zhao Xueyan knocked over a few prison guards with the butt of his gun and ran away.

In the first two rounds of discussions with the prison guards, he and the prison officials maintained a tacit understanding, and fought without publicity. No one among the prisoners knew that he had jumped back and forth several times.

This time it is an open declaration of war and an open negotiation!

When I came in this time, it was quite a sensation. Countless people knew that you brought me back... If you let me escape from prison again, wouldn't you find it?That would only be more sensational news.

He wanted to see what the warden would do.

Applying for two or three days of vacations to visit relatives and friends at a time, and you can come back and renew the visa when you run out. This is a method that can be implemented in a safe and stable manner.

The premise is that the prison party really does not play tricks.



When the warden just learned that Zhao Xueyan had been arrested and was still in the big playground, the whole person was stunned. Who caught him back?Ghostly worry?
But this news is still being digested, and Gui Jianchou's phone call hasn't gotten through... Did you know that Zhao Xueyan disappeared again, and it was suspected that he had escaped from prison again?
The warden rolled his eyes and fainted.

(End of this chapter)

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