Chapter 12
Leaving Chen Zhaokang's crime room, walking a few meters, Zhao Xueyan opened a new unmanned single room, took off his police uniform and lay on the bed to choose to receive the reward of brain power surge.

If his brain can always be close to the NZT-48 level, he is really leaving Stanley today and can lead a new and easier life.

In theory, this row of single-room criminals will also have prison guards or patrolling it, but now Stanley is super short of manpower, and most of them have gone out to hunt him down. It is probably no problem to sleep here for an afternoon.

Zhao Xueyan's speculation was correct. In the area around [-]:[-] pm, he woke up early and used three times his brain power to recall all kinds of knowledge, including anti-reconnaissance and tracking knowledge, all kinds of fighting knowledge and skills he had received, and makeup skills. and many more.

Although the NZT-48 has not yet reached the open state, it can be at least half of the feeling.

"I didn't hang up before. At most, I relied on brute force and physical fitness to fight. Now... as long as I control it well, I can barely be considered a good fighter, with a passing score or above."

Don't forget, NZT-48 is open, recalling all knowledge related to fighting from TV, movies, even sports competitions, fighting teaching, after recalling, can make the never-ending useless male protagonist play ten easily.

The personal bodyguard that can make the heroine quickly kill an oil tycoon!

The comprehensive improvement brought about by this kind of brain power explosion is too strong. Yesterday, Zhao Xueyan took the medicine, so he could easily jump from the car, pick up the ride, and go to the hotel to open the room without leaving any clues.

Now with half NZT state or more brain power, his cumulative boost is also huge.

Thinking about it, there was a sudden burst of banging on the metal fence door. It was Chen Zhaokang who was shouting, come here, let's have dinner. Today, there is only one Chen Zhaokang living in the prisoner's room.

Zhao Xueyan let out a low laugh, waited for the restrained emotions to scolded the corridor, put on the prison uniform and left here incognito.


A few days passed in a flash.

From the time when Zhao Xueyan was taken into Stanley and immediately escaped from prison, it would be seven days and seven nights in two hours.

In the office of the head of the guardianship department, Killer Xiong's original pig-headed face has also recovered a bit of style, but Killer Xiong's expression is definitely more ugly than eating shit.

"I haven't found it yet?"

Resisting the urge to explode, Killer Xiong looked forward with fierce eyes, and the prison guard who was watching him looked embarrassed, "No, we have re-investigated the interior of Stanley for the sixth time, and there is no trace of Zhao Xueyan. Section Chief, do you think he has left Hong Kong Island on a smuggling boat?"

Assassin Xiong grabbed the information on the table and smashed it on the opponent, "Go check it out, the previous record for a Stanley fugitive escaped from prison was seven days, and the warden also gave me a seven-day time limit. Downgraded to the lowest level of correctional assistant [-], there are still two hours, no news, you wait and start from scratch with me!"

The smashed prison guard walked out of the office with a white face, but when he left the office, his expression turned into disdain and mockery.

Who doesn't know that when Zhao Xueyan escaped from prison, the warden personally ran to the ward and told Killer Xiong, "If Zhao Xueyan can't be caught, just wait until you take off your clothes and get out."

Now changed to being demoted to secondary correctional assistant?Is this a proper kneeling and licking the warden, plus money?

In the Hong Kong Island Police Force, new recruits are constables, senior police officers, sergeants, police station sergeants, trainee inspectors, inspectors, senior inspectors, and chief inspectors.

At the senior or chief inspector level, he is basically the head of a police station's major crime team and anti-gangster team.Superintendent or senior superintendent, chief superintendent, can become the commissioner of a police station.

The prison is owned by the Hong Kong Island Correctional Services Department.

It also has its own level. The new recruits are the second-level correctional assistant, and then the first-level correctional assistant.

Upwards are the correctional officer, senior correctional officer, and chief correctional officer. These three levels basically correspond to the bosses of the indoctrination department, guardianship department, infirmary, and factories in a prison.

Superintendent of Correctional Services, Senior Superintendent of Correctional Services, this is the Deputy Warden and Warden.

To the Chief Superintendent of Correctional Services, the Assistant Commissioner of Correctional Services, the Deputy Commissioner of Correctional Services, the Commissioner?This is the highest level, comparable to the police commissioner and deputy commissioner.

Killer Xiong is now not low-level, a senior correctional officer.

Running away from a Zhao Xueyan and being slapped to the bottom is already cheap for him.

As for why Killer Xiong didn't take off his uniform and re-enter society to find a job?Isn't this guy always ruthless in front of the prisoners, showing off his power and daring to take off his uniform?Without taking off his uniform, with the foundation he left in the past, he finally had the official uniform to protect himself.

Take off your uniform to look for a new job?Then I don't know how many gangsters from the club will come out and try to fuck him.

"There are only two hours left, and I'm still looking for a fart. Hurry up and fight, so as not to be taken down like him. When I keep my position, what is a killer hero?"

A certain prison guard who left in a hurry didn't have the mind to struggle to arrest people. It's been seven days now, and he's still arresting a fart!

Zhao Xueyan, a prison escape fanatic, after escaping from Lai Chi Kok, showed many clues and traces in just one or two days, and was constantly arrested by the police, but this time he escaped from Stanley, and there were also many police outside helping their prison guards to arrest people and search for people. ...

No trace was found.

There are no clues outside Stanley, but inside Stanley. According to Lao Li from the large cafeteria, on the afternoon of Zhao Xueyan's escape from prison, a new prison guard called himself Azhi and went to the cafeteria to have a meal. The other party claimed to be with the laundry Uncle Fang... But after the comparison, Uncle Jiu didn't know Azhi at all.

This thing is funny.

Could it be that Zhao Xueyan pretended to be?Many people know that the other party escaped from prison and stole a prison guard uniform.

After that time, Stanley made several major searches, either open-minded or secretive and quick, but still nothing.

The killer male is about to be finished, and this is the moment when the tree falls and the hozen is scattered.


Two hours passed in a flash.

In the Stanley Warden's office, the killer Xiongqiang knocked on the door despite his collapse. After he entered, the warden just opened his mouth, and the warden waved his hand with a dark face, "No need to say anything, you are starting from scratch again. rise."

"This is the new Chief Qiu, who was transferred from Shibi Prison to take your place."

Killer Xiong lost all blood on his face, and Section Chief Qiu walked over with his long legs and said fiercely, "Get to know me, you can call me Section Chief Qiu, Qiu Sir, or you can call me when you will work under me in the future. Damn it!"

"Zhao Xueyan ran away from you?"

"Don't worry, I will take back the shame of our correctional system, provided that Zhao Xueyan is still on Hong Kong Island!"

Gui Jianchou's eyes are full of arrogance, as well as disdain and contempt for the killer.

Killer Xiong was flushed, embarrassed and at a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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