I brush red envelopes in the chronology

Chapter 700 My life is also the only life!

Chapter 700 My life is also the only life!

[Mo Shiliuting who penetrated into the game text]: "Your speeches are cloudy, I seem to understand, but I don't seem to understand.

But I don't really understand your choice.

If possible, I would still like to go back to my parents and relatives instead of staying in this game text.

In this game article, I seem to have become a little stronger, but I still don't feel very happy.

Although it's all about games, how can you be happy?

But this is the bottom line of being a human being? Is it possible to not care about it at all?
Especially those men here are even more scumbags. On the one hand, they attack women in various ways, and on the other hand, they lick women in various ways!
And after you get it, you won't cherish it, all kinds of push and step.

It's even more terrifying if you can't get it, it's really the kind of destruction if you can't get it! "

【The Housewife Who Turns the Time】: "I always feel that what happened to you, or what you said, should happen in any world!
It's just that the game text you are in is more vividly expressed, isn't this the so-called human nature?

In your place, the strong should be respected, but in fact, isn’t the strong respected in any world?

The so-called women in your mouth are still not strong enough, so they are chased like prey. After they get their hands, they can be thrown into the fish tank or eaten like fish caught!
How much respect does a fisherman show to fish, especially the fish he catches?
This is the case everywhere, you have to be transparent to do it. I heard you just now, and I feel that you don't seem to be very powerful!

Listen to my advice, in fact, the so-called love or anything is evenly matched!

You and the other party are not always superior to those who are equal, so naturally they won't take you too seriously!
Also, I feel that you have encountered emotional distress. It seems that you have paid more and suffered more damage!

Let me just say this, the one who is serious first in love loses!
So don't think about anything, be strong, have you forgotten that you still have our red envelope group?You still have the big backing of our red envelope group in the game text, if you can't become the existence of number one, then you will be useless. "

[Housewife who turns around] These words are actually a bit harsh, but it is obvious that the people upstairs listened.

[Mo Shiliuting who penetrated into the game text]: "You're right, I think I'm just looking for abuse! So now I should do what you said, desperately become stronger!

So dear group of friends, can any of you give me an extremely powerful weapon!

I want that kind of explosive power, I want to use him to fight monsters and people, otherwise I really feel that I can't protect myself well!

Alright alright, let me tell you the truth, I am very poor in this game article, I really can’t afford that kind of high-end weapons! "

[Cultivator who unifies the demon world]: "Oh! Is my little sister finally willing to bow her head? Tell me, what weapon do you want?
I still have to feel if you can use it! "

[Mo Shiliuting who penetrated into the game text]: "Is something like Dinghaishenzhen okay? Anyway, it's the kind that can knock out half of the opponent's blood in one go!
It would be best if you could give me back blood! "

[Cultivator who unifies the demon world]: "Understood, but you want to fix the Sea God Needle?

Don't you think it hurts your image if a girl plays like that?Give you a fan!

This fan can meet all your requirements for weapons, and it is extremely durable!It is estimated that after this fan is given away to you, it can be passed down forever! "

What this person said was a bit dead, everyone watched [Mo Shiliuting who penetrated into the game text] received this exclusive red envelope.

It took only two seconds [Mo Shiliuting who passed through the game text] and couldn't help screaming: "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much, this fan is really super easy to use!
It's so powerful, and it can return blood. The key is that it's really beautiful! "

Fuck, I don't like that stick either, okay?It's just because he has great lethality, and this fan looks like nothing, it's made of paper.

Then who would have thought that the lethality would be so great, even long-range attack and process attack would be fine.

The key is that I feel that I can still fight them beautifully. The most important thing is that this fan is more useful and durable than my top weapon in this game.

[Cultivator who unifies the demon world]: "What do you say thank you for? I don't like this kind of empty talk!
Since I want to thank you, please give me something practical. I have heard you say that you have dragon balls and so on. It seems that it is easier to get them!And what kind of dragon tongue pills, I need a lot!You see. "

[Mo Shiliuting who penetrated into the game text]: "Okay, I'll give you a red envelope right now, I actually have some in my hand, but I don't know if you can use it.

If you can use it, I will specialize in fighting these in the future, but you can send me some of the food with a lot of aura that you don't eat in your cultivation world, and these weapons!
I'm not picky either, the weapons in your cultivation world are simply too damn easy to use! "

[The cultivator who unifies the demon world]: Deal.

Han Yalan saw how lively the group was again, smiled slightly and entered the realm of comprehension again, starting her mission.

Speaking of beautiful men in the realm of comprehension, all kinds of immortals, there are really many.

In the past, I was a bit distracted by the rhythm, but now?

But now I feel that I really only regard them as scenery, and I won't feel a little bit of throbbing in my heart.

It's really nice here, it's great.

It's just that everyone didn't expect it.

[Housewife with luck]: "Let me announce a decision to everyone. I decided to stay in the cultivation world and not go back!"

[The Werewolf in Ancient Era]: "What about your husband? Where's your child! Knowing that your relationship doesn't seem very good, but if you really decide to stay here, then you can never go back!"

[The Housewife Who Turns the Times]: "I've decided, although I have some reluctance towards them, but I think my happiness is in the cultivation world!
And I have kept all the money I have earned in these years, and all the opportunities I have obtained, except for our red envelope group, as long as I can leave them with them!

Of course, I did not stay, which might be harmful to them.

I feel that I am worthy of them.

Many people say that I have to do something for my children, for my parents, I should compromise, be sensible, and accommodate even if they hurt me, I have to laugh it off and treat them doubly well!

But everyone has never thought that my whole life is also my whole life.

It is also the first time for me to be a human being, and I even said that life is only once, why can't I live for myself!
I even have a feeling, if there is not our red envelope group, then my life will be like this, how many days will I have in the future?

Don't say that you can endure it bitterly, it is said that you can endure it until the child is old, and the husband is old!

I survived until my father-in-law and mother-in-law were taken care of, but no one thought about it. I really got old by that time, and my whole life was over!

There are only the last few years of life left, let alone the last few years of life will really go well?My husband will become gentle and considerate, and he will take good care of me. My children will also be very sensible, and will be considerate and filial in front of my bed!
Maybe it will, and maybe it won't, and I don't want to bet everything I have on that possibility.

Maybe someone will scold me, and I also betrayed the original track, but I don't regret it, even if I lose everything! "

Obviously, this person also received the same inquiry as Han Yalan, and this person's choice was to abandon everything before and live in the realm of comprehension.

Although it is possible to have today in the realm of comprehension, there is no tomorrow.

[God of Plane]: "No, you don't have to think too much. Since you are given a choice, you will be respected no matter what you choose!
In addition, I wish you good luck in the cultivation world, remember that you are never alone, there is our red envelope group behind you, you and me!

If you encounter any danger, just hide in the ten-square-meter space you got in your heart and come to our red envelope group to call for help! "

[Housewife whose fortunes come and go]: "Thank you, thank you, group leader!"

In a corner that everyone couldn't see, this one really cried so hard that he couldn't help himself.Cry heart-piercingly.

(End of this chapter)

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