Chapter 50
"Of course, otherwise, how would the ancient people say that they were right? Although this statement may be criticized, it also shows a phenomenon.

That is, no matter what era you are in, you are all about family, and this so-called matching.

It not only represents family conditions but also represents soft conditions in many aspects, such as education, ability and appearance.

Chun Yu, you are rich enough, you have absolutely no problem with your looks, our family is also in good condition, if you get a good job, your future life will be very beautiful.

As long as you are not obsessed with ghosts and looking for those poor boys from the countryside, then the conditions of the person you are looking for will definitely not be bad. "

"Hey! Grandma, I wrote down what you said!" Hao Chunyu's face was red, and she had secretly made up her mind, that is, to find a partner, you must find a family with particularly good conditions.

Therefore, the old lady did not expect that her granddaughter would have a heart to climb high under her teaching.

I really want to live a better life for myself, and finding a partner with much higher conditions than myself will make people feel that I have taken advantage of it.

But is that really the case?A man with excellent conditions in all aspects, why would he marry a woman with poor conditions in every aspect as his wife?Life is not a novel.

There are not so many brain-dead parties. In fact, the better the man is, the more he wants to join forces.

Because those men who are excellent in all aspects also have a very high vision, even if they only look at women's beauty, then Hao Chunyu's appearance is not alluring.


Han Yalan was riding a bicycle under the setting sun and felt refreshed, the breeze was blowing slowly, refreshing and comfortable.

After coming to this world, it should not be said that after she became sensible, she almost never enjoyed the pleasure of the warm sun gently shining on her body so relaxedly.

Not to mention that in the warm atmosphere and the gentle breeze, I feel more comfortable. The most beautiful thing in the world is nothing less than relaxed and happy.

Because Han Yalan was enjoying the beautiful scenery, she was admiring the beautiful scenery, but she didn't know that she was also an amazing attraction in this beautiful scenery.

It is rare to appear in the county town, especially an off-road vehicle on this small road, which suddenly slowed down.

"Brother, I really didn't expect such a small county to have such a beautiful little girl, it's really rare!

I remember a word called it before, oh, I remembered, that is, it is easy to find a beauty, but it is difficult to find a beauty that can surprise you.

And this one is so pure as water, it's amazing time. "

The handsome young man in a cool white shirt and brand-new military uniform trousers is now lying in the car window, looking obsessively at Han Yalan who is slowly passing by them
"Han Bing, you read it wrong. This is not a little girl, but a little daughter-in-law." Ye Jianguo was silent for two seconds before helplessly breaking his friend's fantasy
"Be careful, kid, it's been a mess recently, don't make mistakes!

It's okay for you to stare at other people's little daughter-in-law to see what, be careful that their husband will fight you desperately. "Ye Jianguo snorted coldly.

"Tsk tsk tsk, what you said is right, it's not easy to mess around now, but who is this little daughter-in-law married to?

But I think she should be married well, her clothes are neat and clean, without patches, and she can ride a bicycle! "Han Bing clicked his tongue twice, reluctantly said

"That's not necessarily the case, the clothes are not bad, but this little daughter-in-law looks like she's out on business, so she should dress better.

Didn't you take a close look at her bicycle?It is obviously assembled in this way, and the family conditions are good, so why would you buy a bicycle assembled in this way? "

Ye Jianguo's eyes are really poisonous, he can see the problem of this bicycle from a long distance, and his speech is so sharp, but he once again exposed his friend's unrealistic thinking.

"Beautiful little daughter-in-law, it's so pitiful, so pitiful! The driver should drive quickly, otherwise I feel like I'm going to make a mistake."


"Comrade Han Yalan? Are you Comrade Han Yalan?"

Wang Ligang, who was riding a [-]-bar bicycle and was shaking the bell desperately, did not know what evil he had committed, so he chased Han Yalan so fiercely
Han Yalan's face darkened, not only didn't stop the car, but pedaled harder and harder.

I know that this kid is called Wang Ligang and I am in the same class as myself, but isn't the relationship between men and women in this day and age clear?

Knowing that he is married, why is he chasing after him? Is this because he is rushing to make trouble for himself?

"Han Yalan, I want to consult with you about something, why don't you run so fast? Listen to me, I don't mean any harm!
Let's have a good chat, my treat, how about treating you to a state-run restaurant for a good meal? "

Han Yalan's face darkened instantly, she didn't want to make a fuss.

"Who are you? Why are you so shameless chasing me, a married lesbian.

Those who don’t know think that there is something wrong with my life style, so get out of here quickly, and if you don’t get out, I’ll call someone else! "

Wang Ligang laughed when he heard Han Yalan's extremely cold voice.

"Han Yalan, don't be so feudal, okay? It's not a matter of life style for us to discuss revolutionary friendship between men and women. We also go to state-run restaurants openly and aboveboard!

You are having a hard time these days. You said that you are so good that you can get admitted to the accountant of the tax bureau so difficult, but you have to live with a dude, isn't it too miserable? "

On the bright side, Han Yalan is an idiot.Behind the scenes is Mo Ziye, the husband of the villain in this book, but he is extremely powerful.

In the end, both the heroine and heroine almost fell into Mo Ziye's hands. Well, although they didn't die in his hands, the heroine and heroine suffered heavy losses in the end.

Of course, the most important thing is that the big villain was not injured at all in the end, and went abroad to continue to be that world-class big boss.

I already felt that this book deviated a lot, and the reason was because Han Yalan did not follow what was written in the book, and died a long time ago.


"Get out, Wang Ligang, what is feudalism? As a woman, you should be loyal to your husband and irrelevant men, don't touch. If you pester me like this again, I will call someone."

Han Yalan's voice was quite exasperated.

But Wang Ligang was so persistent in chasing after it. After all, the wheels of this lady's bicycle were originally small, and men were born with more athletic cells than girls. She really was not Wang Ligang's opponent.

Seeing that this person was coming after him immediately, Han Yalan was not polite at all, and directly asked the general public for help. : "Help, help, there is a shameless little bastard who keeps pestering me, everyone help!"

"Hey, Han Yalan, you really called me!" Wang Ligang's face turned dark immediately, mainly because several people with red armbands rushed towards him.

"Everyone misunderstood, misunderstood! I was joking with my classmates!"

"I'm not joking about the leaders, but this person keeps pestering me, and I'm worried that my husband will misunderstand me because of this matter.

Leaders, you must arrest this little bastard who destroys the good morals of the society. This person is too bad. "

(End of this chapter)

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