Chapter 42
"Han Yachun, you vicious bitch, what are you doing at my house? You still have the face to howl at my house, do you feel unwilling to let my wife die?"

Mo Ziye could tell something was wrong with the door of his house when he was far away.
I don't know who gave this bitch Han Yachun the courage, but she actually had the face to cry in front of her house, and attracted a lot of spectators.

But it's true, this woman doesn't know what it means to be shameless because she can't do anything without a limit in order to gain benefits.

Han Yachun saw Mo Ziye coming back and smelled the delicious smell of mutton in the house, his eyes were red.

Why?Why?Why did I have to suffer so much in the Mo family in my previous life, and was so exhausted every day.

And when this pair of sluts got together, they even came to the city to enjoy themselves. Why should they eat hot food and drink spicy food?Why?
What kind of despicable tricks did this cousin of Han Yalan use to seduce men secretly? In the past two lifetimes, men have been fascinated by her and want whatever they want.

"Mo Ziye is a misunderstanding!

Do you know that I can't live anymore in my in-law's house, my mother-in-law insists on asking me to get the compensation back, otherwise she will drive me out of the house! "

Han Yachun used to be superficial, even though she was jealous and wanted to kill someone, on the surface she still cried more and more.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Han Yachun, you fucking fuck me, the compensation was paid by your mother-in-law in front of the public, even if it wasn't for your mother-in-law's pleading, my wife would not agree to chat privately.

What are you going to do now?If you want those compensations, you can go to my parents!
We are not freeloaders like the two of you. Those are all handed over to the public, just right, let's go to ** and have a good talk.

It was the first time that my wife was almost killed in public!Can you pinch us again and again when we are soft persimmons?

Do you think that your parents and your mother-in-law knelt down to us again and again, so we have to forgive you forever? "Mo Ziye's voice was icy cold.

"Everyone, this bitch in front of me first said that she accidentally pushed my wife into the river. I passed by and fished my wife out.

I didn't have any idea at first, but this woman married my wife's fiancé in a blink of an eye.Tell me what's going on here?

But this time, when my wife and friends went out to eat, she was picked on by this woman when she met her. Do it, how vicious she is!

Look everyone, this woman has been married for less than two months, but look at this belly. "

Mo Ziye's quarrel is worse than those old women, and Han Yachun's eight lifetimes combined are not his opponents.

"This kind of woman should be arrested and criticized. You young couple are too soft. What's wrong with this village? What's wrong with my cousin? No matter what it is, you shouldn't forgive them.

Young man, look at your mother-in-law, you are too scared to go out by this woman!

Even my old lady can't imagine, if your mother-in-law was fooled by this woman and opened the door, what would happen to her? "

The old lady jumped out again, the light called excitement refracted in her small eyes could blind everyone.

"Young man, if you say what you say, then this woman is a broken shoe, she hooked up that man to harm your wife!"

"Yes, yes, this kind of broken shoes will be knocked down, it's too disgusting, too bad!"

The surrounding people who eat melons echoed one after another. In this era, people's three views are all positive.

"Where is the man? Where?"

"That's it. This woman is a broken shoe. She has just been married for two months. You can see that her belly is at least four months old.

Moreover, this woman also harmed his cousin twice, once she was pushed into the river by others, and the second time she was hospitalized in public! "

The surrounding people are filled with righteous indignation

"It's okay, everyone, let us take this woman away
There was a lot of chatter, Han Yachun screamed, cried again, and the crowd applauded.

Han Yalan also listened with gusto in the room.


"Daughter-in-law, what is this? How did you make dumplings? You still make so many dumplings. Look, I've already brought you delicious food."

Everyone dispersed. Mo Ziye just entered the door, but he felt something was wrong as soon as he entered the door. It shouldn't be said that he felt something was wrong when he got to the door.

Outside the gate, I could already smell the overbearing aroma of mutton.

And what about my own wild rabbits and pheasants?So what did this stinky girl do behind her back.

"Brother Ziye, come quickly, you don't know how lucky I am today, I exchanged your pheasant and hare for a lot of mutton.

Come on, try this mutton stuffed dumpling, it's delicious! "

Mo Ziye took a deep breath, don't get angry, don't get angry, don't argue with the little girl.

But my wife doesn't seem to be at a disadvantage, how much mutton do I need to use for so many dumplings?
Especially with his sharp eyes, he could easily see the huge piece of mutton in one of the basins.

"Daughter-in-law, there are still some left!" Surprised with excitement.

"Yes, yes, you don't know how good that uncle is. Although he speaks with a broken accent, he is very generous."

Han Yalan pulled the man to the dining table and handed him a pair of chopsticks.

"Where did you buy it, daughter-in-law? Don't you say to be obedient and not go out until I come back?"

"Isn't he just going out for a while when he's bored? That's what I met at the back door of the textile factory. Don't worry, I'm doing this in a very secretive way, and it's impossible for anyone to find out."

"Is this man so stupid? Could it be that he wants a pheasant to give this woman confinement? This mutton is also very good!"

Mo Ziye somehow felt that there was something wrong with these.

"Oh, the uncle said that his daughter-in-law couldn't eat mutton, and would vomit when she smelled it.

You eat quickly, and why do you have so many things?Can't even stop your mouth from eating? "Han Yalan gave him a blank look and said again.

"But just now, I was really frightened by my cousin. I just came back, and when the meal was ready, she knocked on the door.

Fortunately, I had a good eye and didn't open the door. I raised my voice and asked, and the woman yelled anxiously. Otherwise, I was really worried that I would be picked on by her again. "

Han Yalan shrank her neck pretendingly, as if she was reborn after a catastrophe.

"Indeed, you should stay away from that woman in the future. It's best not to meet her. After you go back, you must not leave anyone by your side when you go to and from get off work. That woman is disgusting, scheming and vicious."

Mo Ziye casually threw a dumpling into his mouth, woo... This dumpling is really delicious, it's actually made of meat and eggs. It seems that my prodigal wife only put a little bit of cabbage and green onions here.

It doesn't matter, since it's already made, let's eat it. Once you bite into the first-class oil, this is the dumpling. It's really delicious.

(End of this chapter)

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