Chapter 38 See through at a glance

Fortunately, no one showed up, Han Yalan quickly took a bath towel and rubbed it hard for herself.Well, it's not a big deal, and the black mud can already be rubbed out in the not very cold weather.

It's really hard to imagine how to live in winter, especially when I have to go back to the countryside to live in winter and have no place to take a bath.

Why!Han Yalan sighed, turned her grief and anger into strength, and rubbed herself more vigorously. Well, even if she washed it clean, she didn't want to leave the warm faucet.

What kind of mistake did I make?

But after a while, Han Yalan regretted it. Although there were few people taking a bath at this time, it didn't mean that no one would come.

Moreover, the bathers belonged to a group of aunts and daughter-in-laws, and even those old women who were not taboo about meat and vegetables even pointed at themselves.

"Ouch, whose little girl is this? This white skin is even tenderer than my grandson who was born not long ago. Tsk tsk, which kid is this going to be with? That kid is a bargain!"

"Mom, what are you talking about? Can't she be a young daughter-in-law who is not pregnant yet?" A little girl who was about the same age as Han Yalan gave her mother a very dissatisfied look.

The little girl was dark and thin, with drop-out eyes, a flat nose, and thin lips, which made her look difficult to get along with.

"You silly girl, what do you know? Your mother and I can tell at a glance whether this woman is a big girl or not."

Han Yalan's face darkened and she hurried out, quickly wiped herself clean, and put on her clothes.

"Haha, look at that little girl is still shy, why not be ashamed, everyone is female!" The aunt still smiled heartily.

what else can we do?Women in this era, especially after they get married, are not taboo about meat and vegetables, and they can say anything.

Han Yalan wiped her head half-dried and walked out, still thinking about what the aunt said, could it be that this woman can be seen by an older woman?

These people are too amazing!Forget it, think about what to do, it's really sick.

It's just that my mother-in-law, wouldn't she also show herself that she has no roots like Mo Ziye, right?

"Daughter-in-law, what are you thinking about with your head drooping? Come up quickly!"

Mo Ziye's voice rang in her ears, which also brought Han Yalan back from her thoughts.

"Brother Ziye!" His face was still red
"Get in the car!" Mo Ziye stopped and supported the bicycle with his long legs.

"Hey! That's great!" Han Yalan still felt good about being able to sit in the back seat without having to run after her.

"Daughter-in-law, please sit down, we are leaving."

As soon as Mo Ziye pedaled the bicycle, he started to drive forward at a high speed.

"Daughter-in-law, you said that you are so weak and not dirty, why go to the bathroom to take a bath?
And what's wrong with your blushing?Are those old women talking dirty? "

"Yeah, yeah, I don't even know them, what's the matter with what they talk! You can tell at a glance what they say.

I don't think this is right, just like my cousin Han Yachun, it was obvious that she was pregnant before she got married, and no one could see it. "

Han Yalan muttered and didn't think there was anything wrong with what she said.

Mo Ziye raised his eyebrows slightly: "How do you know that no one saw it? Otherwise, how did your cousin's reputation for broken shoes come from? It wasn't passed on by those old women!"

"Oh! Maybe, I didn't pay much attention to the affairs of the village before, and no one seemed to tell me about it."

Han Yalan nodded slightly, but looked at the scenery in front of her, something was wrong. This... is obviously not the way home!So she asked in surprise.

"Brother Ziye, where are you taking me? I still have the old clothes in my bag!"

"Carry it, who is okay to look at your rags, don't you say you are greedy? I will take you to eat delicious food today."

"Is it the same restaurant as last time?"

"Let's switch to another one this time!"

The scenery in front of her was changing rapidly, and the evening breeze was blowing gently, making Han Yalan feel extremely comfortable.

"But are you sure that the food from that restaurant will be delicious?" It's too extravagant to eat out these days, and it would be a waste of money to waste money.After all, money and tickets are too rare to come by.

"Of course, I'm sure that cook is very skilled. In the past, no matter who in my group of buddies had money in their pockets, everyone would go out to fight tooth festivals. I am very familiar with this."

"That's good, then you will often take me out to eat delicious food in the future." Han Yalan's eyes lit up. All kinds of wild animals in this era are pure natural, and as long as the cook is not too bad, the taste is not bad. Great!
"Han Yalan, you foodie!" Mo Ziye couldn't help laughing and cursing.

"Isn't this married woman trying to persuade men to save money and not waste it? You are better than me!"

"How can I have it? Besides, didn't you propose to eat it? You also brought it out for me." Han Yalan pinched his waist fiercely angrily.

This caused Mo Ziye to shake slightly, but fortunately, he reacted quickly and immediately stabilized it.

"Daughter-in-law, don't take someone like you who is still doing sneak attacks from behind. Fortunately, your man and I have good driving skills, otherwise we will both fall."

The little daughter-in-law is getting more and more familiar with herself, and she dares to fight with herself without paying attention. This is a good sign.Can he hehe at night by himself?

"Then see if you dare to call me greedy, you brought me here, why should I wrong my stomach, and spoil your interest!
And I always think that this money is not saved at all, it has to be earned.

The two of us are still young, and there are many opportunities to make money. If you have money in your pocket, why should you wrong yourself?
I think we should eat more good food and take good care of our bodies. Didn’t you read it?

These people in our rural areas look very old when they get old, and they also have various problems, and they die if they don't pay attention.

And if you look at these people in the city, they look much younger than us even at the same age, and their life expectancy is longer than ours.It's all about maintenance and eating. "

Han Yalan has always had a lot of fallacies.

"Daughter-in-law, you are right. After marrying me, if you are lucky, I will take you out to eat and drink spicy food when I have the opportunity."

While talking, Mo Ziye's bicycle stopped at a green brick house in front of him that looked pretty good.

Dang clang clang, after three light and triple knocks on the door, a middle-aged woman with a student head quietly opened the door.

"Brother Ye, you haven't been here for a long time, who is this?" The woman greeted them after closing the door quickly.

Han Yalan glanced at her mouth. The woman said that as if Mo Ziye came to her to do something indescribable with money.

"Sister Yun, this is my newly married daughter-in-law, Han Yalan, this is Sister Yun, if we get hungry, we will come here for a toothbrush, whether it's noon or evening.

Even when I'm not around, you can come here if you're too lazy to cook. "

Mo Ziye hugged his daughter-in-law's shoulders as if no one was around and said.

"Hey, Brother Ye, you are finally open to marrying a wife, but your little daughter-in-law is so handsome!" Sister Yun laughed heartily.

"How about the old rules? Today, you should be lucky. Someone sent such a big bastard just now. Do you think this will stop?"

Mo Ziye raised his eyebrows slightly: "Then I will trouble Sister Yun."

 Happy New Year everyone!Little Hanna wishes everyone a happy new year and all the best!

(End of this chapter)

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