I brush red envelopes in the chronology

Chapter 274 Dream Chapter Modern

Chapter 274 Dreaming Back to Modern Times
"What's wrong with you, the head of the family? What are you worried about?" Yang Cuifen noticed something wrong with the man and asked worriedly

"It's gone, don't worry about nothing, think about it now, you really failed as a man.

I can't settle down well for my wife and children, and my relationship with my brothers and sisters is also very bad.

Through this incident, I also feel the touch in my heart...

Why do you think I am so useless?Every day I think about not tiring myself.

But why didn't you think of giving us a better life, even if you take a little risk!
Look at how well the fifth child takes care of his little wife.

What kind of tricks does this old five have?I am afraid that if there is, I should not tell you the man. "

Yang Cuifen looked at Mo Laosi, dragged her chin, pondered those dangerous ways, and said bitterly: "The head of the family doesn't need to compare with Lao Wu, we just live our own lives.

The life of the fifth child does look good, but I feel that it will be very dangerous. We all have children, so let's be more stable! "

Yang Cuifen is actually not stupid, she can guess many things, but she is pretending to be stupid.

It is said that everyone saw thieves eating meat, but no one saw thieves being beaten, but in fact, who doesn't know what's going on?

It's just that they don't want to think about it, they just rush to envy those who live better than them, and don't think about what those people have paid for it.

"Head of the family, now that you think about it, your fifth younger brother is pretty good. Something is going to happen. The fifth younger brother's family is better than those!"

"You're a real woman, just a little bit of noodles for ten yuan, and a little bit of brown sugar bought you?
Do you know how much my other brothers paid for my affairs?
Without them you men I might have gotten in, and I might have even gotten shot!
If I really get shot, aren't you quite relieved? "Fourth Brother Mo gritted his teeth, seeing that a fight was about to start.

But now Yang Cuifen is cowardly, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be talking nonsense, but when someone came to me later, didn't I also say that I was lying because I was arguing with you?

It's over, let's just let it go, don't think about it anymore!I was wrong, I was so wrong! "

"Huh! You woman, you have always been very cunning!" Brother Mo snorted coldly. In fact, he didn't know that he was not a good guy!
In fact, every scumbag knows that he is a scumbag, but whether he is willing to admit it is another matter.


Han Yalan, who was sleeping soundly in Mo Ziye's arms, was suddenly very restless, her body was shaking uncontrollably, and her eyes were crying.

"What's wrong with you, daughter-in-law? Did you have a nightmare? Did you have a nightmare? Come wake up wake up!"

Mo Ziye patted her gently, but Han Yalan showed no signs of waking up, and her whole body twitched because of crying.


In the county hospital, in a very clean white double ward with decent specifications.

The girl with a pale face and all kinds of tubes stuck in her body closed her eyes tightly, as if she was about to fall into a deep sleep all the time.

A man with a vicissitudes of life sat in front of the girl, his expression was extremely painful.

"Master, don't be like this! Lan Lan knows that you are so sad and sad, and she will be unstable."

A middle-aged woman with a slightly fierce appearance was also wiping away tears.

"My wife, are you a man and I am too a jerk? I have never been kind to this child. She is obviously my own daughter, but I have ignored her so far.

I didn't know that I still had a daughter until someone really had an accident, but I wanted to take good care of her, but it was too late. "

The fierce and burly man covered his face, but the people next to him could easily see the crystal clear liquid overflowing from between his fingers.

"Master, if you want to open it up, none of us would.

Who would have thought that Lan Lan would have a sudden myocardial infarction and cerebral hemorrhage! "

If a person really dies, he will die, but he is so immortal.

The man had already thrown most of his belongings into the hospital, not to mention the business at home stopped the moment Lan Lan fell into a coma.

How can I live in the days to come?The stepmother worried about her daughter.

It's not necessary to say how sincere it is, it's just that having a dog at home will have feelings, not to mention that Han Yalan has been working silently at home, without making noise, and will not make anyone angry.

"This can only be blamed on me as a father. The doctor said that it is because of the child's long-term poor rest, lack of sleep, lack of nutrition, high nitrite in the body, and long-term psychological depression. .

Obviously, I have never suffered from this kind of problem no matter how many generations have passed, and the child's mother's family is also like this.

It's still my fault that the father didn't take good care of this child!As long as you give your child a little more care and attention, it won't be the case! "

The old lady in the next bed was infected by Han Yalan's father, her eyes were a little red.

"The one next door, don't be too sad, this healthy person has to continue to live.

You are just too sad and sad, isn't this child still like this?
With this time, you might as well manage your family well and earn more money so that you can send your children to hospitals in big cities, or even to advanced hospitals abroad.

This child has been in a coma for so long, and he has spent a lot of money in it. I guess the cooperative medical treatment will not reimburse you much! "

To say that an ordinary family, even if it is a little richer, wants to send their children abroad for treatment, that is a fantasy.

Although this place is a county hospital, it really paid a high price to invite famous experts from all over the country to see it, but no matter who they are, they can't do anything about Han Yalan's vegetative state.

"Old lady, what you said is right, it has been half a year, and the cooperative medical service has applied for a batch, but we also...

But, as long as Lan Lan can wake up, as long as Lan Lan can be well, even if it means ruining everything, it will be worth it! "

This stepmother is also smart, especially when she feels his man's deep guilt towards Han Yalan.

She didn't dare to stop her and refuse to give him treatment.Of course, it's useless to object, the money is earned by her man.

In addition to giving her pocket money in daily life, a large amount of money is held in the hands of men.

"Son, go back and have a look, I'm the only big guy who got into a fight at school again and broke my head.

Lan Lan's mother is watching, don't worry! "

Grandma Han Yalan came over panting.

Han Yalan saw grandma at a glance. She was 20 years older than she remembered, with gray hair and deep wrinkles on her face, just like that octogenarian woman.

"Dad, Mom, Grandma!" Han Yalan called the three of them countless times, but unfortunately none of them responded.

"If this bastard fights, let's fight, then go back and have a look at your wife, I want to spend more time with Lan Lan.

As you said, our life must continue. I have to go out in a few days, and I don’t know when I will be back. "

In fact, I was worried that if I came back late, the child would leave me so quietly and forever.

I can't see it even if I'm so asleep.

Feeling her father's pain, Han Yalan cried too, heart-piercingly.

"Father, I may really not be able to wake up, just give up!"

"Daughter-in-law, wake up, wake up!" Han Yalan felt that Mo Ziye was calling her extremely anxiously, but she...

(End of this chapter)

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