I brush red envelopes in the chronology

Chapter 213 007 With Self-Awareness

Chapter 213 Zero Seven With Self-Awareness
Han Yalan used the robot that the interstellar sent her just now, ordered him to dig the soil, and sighed involuntarily.

The power of this technology is really powerful, especially the small device in the space kitchen, which also has the function of space storage.

It looks like it's only one square meter in size, but in fact, several tons of soil have probably been thrown in, and it can still be filled in.

Han Yalan was also very greedy, and decided to fill up all the soil-filling devices in the kitchen in that space.

Who would have thought that the soil would shrink endlessly after entering the device. There is a lot of land in this area, and the device will not show energy until the water source is dug out of the land, and it can no longer hold it.

But even so, when she was still able to dig the soil, she ordered the robot to dig out all the soil that could be dug here and sent a red envelope to the interstellar person privately.

[Star Lord]: "The quality of these soils is really good, but you have to be careful, don't be discovered by others"

[Han Yalan in the 70s]: "Don't worry, I'm in an undeveloped place deep in the mountains, and there's no way for people to cross the mountains to plant here.

Your robot is so awesome, it looks like it is only one meter in size, but his digging speed and reaction are really amazing.

Do you still want this soil?It's getting wetter and wetter, and there are water sources. "

[Star Lord]: "Of course, if you don't mind the trouble, you can even send me the underground water.

I have just detected that the water has many beneficial substances. "

[Han Yalan in the 70s]: "Okay, as long as the robot is powerful enough, I'll just wait on the rock next to me. If I can't dig here anymore, I'll go to another place to have a look! I'll go out for a while." It's not easy!"

[Star Lord]: "Thank you, thank you, you can keep this robot for use!

Although it is relatively ordinary, it can be regarded as omnipotent for you.Usually, just put it in the space kitchen, it can automatically absorb oxygen and solar energy to work.

Of course, if you want, put more pure natural soil in the small device on its back, and its work efficiency will be better. "

[Han Yalan in the 70s]: "So the device behind it also implies space folding technology, and it can also hold a lot of soil."

[Star Lord]: "You are getting smarter!"

[Han Yalan in the 70s]: "Hey...don't laugh at me!"

After the robot dug out a small river here.

Han Yalan just left here, and found another small place with hints of soil with her mental strength. This place is not big, and there are many rocks.

But the robot said that the soil quality here is very good, so Han Yalan naturally stopped here to let the robot replenish its own energy.

The big eyes of the robot rolled around several times to form a simplified pattern of a smile, and the movement was extremely hard.

Han Yalan saw that under the action of the robot, the rocks were thrown in one place in an orderly manner, while the soil fell at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Master, this energy is very good, I have detected that there is also such a good energy soil 60 meters ahead, can I still go?"

Han Yalan...

"Okay, okay, you can fill up all the energy you need first, and if you have time, you can get me some more, and I will send it to your former master."

The robot turned around excitedly: "Master, you are my only master, but I will obey your orders."

Han Yalan suddenly felt that the robot seemed to have some self-awareness.

"It doesn't make sense to call you a robot all the time, so how about it, I'll call you Zero Zero Seven from now on!"

Zero Zero Seven is very satisfied with the new name: "Thank you, Master, for naming it!"

It was originally just a very ordinary housekeeping robot in Interstellar, but it accidentally came into contact with a new energy source during production to make it self-aware.

Fortunately, it was not detected that he developed self-awareness at the beginning, and when it was detected for him, the higher-ups immediately wanted to destroy it for him.

Speaking of robots with self-awareness, human beings will pose a huge and destructive danger.

Fortunately, at the moment when it was finally destroyed, it was taken away by the leader.

In fact, he is just an ordinary housekeeping robot, and his attack power is also very weak.

There is also no such powerful intellectual brain that allows it to develop various powerful offensive weapons.

And to copy a robot that is exactly like him and has intelligence.

Han Yalan could only watch Zero Zero Seven digging faster and faster, but suddenly stopped, and moved a dark stone in front of her.

"Master, this stone is rich in powerful wood energy, which is very good for your body."

"Really?" Han Yalan bent down to observe the dark stone with great interest.

"Is this the gambling stone that those people often talk about? Emerald rough?"

Zero Zero Seven: "Master, if you want, you can give me some knowledge about gambling stones and rough emeralds, then I can tell you the difference."

Han Yalan said with doubts: "But how can I input it for you? Well, can I go and find those electronic products that have introductions? If it is the ordinary paper introduction, can you also identify it?"

Zero Zero Seven froze and turned around several times: "Master, if possible, any form of knowledge, Zero Zero Seven can receive it."

Then he worked even harder. Originally, he was charging himself with energy, so he naturally compressed it to the maximum, and he had to fill it all up.

After all, what the master meant was that he didn't always have time, and he could just let him pretend to be energy.

"Master, I still have a storage bracelet, can I use it to hold dirt? I'm worried that when you don't have time to bring me to replenish energy."

Han Yalan snorted happily, "Okay, you can put it on. I also have a storage ring in the shape of a thimble here. You can also use it to hold the soil, and store it after you set it up."

She said and threw the storage ring to Zero Zero Seven.

Zero Zero Seven began to work more cheerfully now. After its energy was full, it filled the storage ring with mud even more crazily.

Hahaha, with these, there is no need to replenish energy for hundreds of years.

What Han Yalan didn't expect was that [-] would be addicted to stuffing these soils, so-so.

Even after searching for a dozen places, the soil was completely compressed to the minimum and filled with storage rings.

Han Yalan just smiled helplessly. After all, in the deep mountains, there will always be various animals passing by.

Fortunately, Han Yalan can deal with it, as long as he encounters it, he will use his mental power to lock him up and throw him into the space.

Of course, if they encounter Zero Zero Seven who is more difficult to deal with, they will directly attack and kill those wild animals.

Therefore, in the process of digging the soil, the two can be regarded as full of water.

After Zero Zero Seven filled the two storage devices compressively.

Remembering the master's order, she dug a lot more, Han Yalan was sure he didn't need it before giving it, and the one from StarCraft sent it again.

Only now did Han Yalan understand why she sent [-].

This is not a housekeeping robot, this is obviously a human being, and a very smart human being.

And this kind of person is extremely smart. If there are too many robots with human consciousness, wouldn't they rob humans of their jobs?

But it doesn't matter, the country still needs a long time to develop, with [-] here, it can make the country even stronger in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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