I brush red envelopes in the chronology

Chapter 197 Virtual Classroom

Chapter 197 Virtual Classroom
Mo Ziye chuckled, tightened his grip on the person in his arms, and closed his eyes.

His physique is indeed good enough, but he is not made of iron, and he will also be tired.

It's time to rest for a while, everything that needs to be explained has been explained, let that person toss about it?
I have a strong family background, and I got what I deserved early, which is not bad.

Han Yalan suddenly felt a small cool thing touching her.

It should be said that the man hung a small jade pendant around her neck.

"Daughter-in-law, this pendant is made of dragon stone. It is the best for your women's health. You should wear it for a long time. Be careful not to show it! If this thing is exposed, you will find trouble."

"Well, I heard that if it's true, it will be very valuable. Maybe you can buy several houses. If you just give it to me like this, you won't be afraid that I will lose it to you." Han Yalan looked at the man a little narrowly. Laughed.

"Encountering this kind of jade depends on fate, if it is really lost, it means that we are not destined.

Besides, don't I know you yet?You are careful about the high value! "

"Hee hee..." Han Yalan smirked, found a more comfortable position, hugged the man's neck and fell asleep.

"Daughter-in-law, can we be more honest? Don't forget that I am a man. If I can't help but shoot and fire, you will be the one to suffer!"

There was a trace of strangeness in the man's hoarse voice.

Han Yalan didn't even utter a sound, breathing evenly as if she really fell asleep.

The man's embrace is so warm and cozy, she feels drowsy when she leans on it, this is happiness!

Mo Ziye sighed slightly, so is Han Yalan really used to me?
"Daughter-in-law, I will tell them that you will study at home and no one will disturb you.

There is everything you can eat at home, you don’t need to go out to buy it, you can simply cook a little.You don't have to make dinner, I'll bring it back for you. "

The main thing is to tell the family, lest they say Han Yalan is lazy.

"Well, I listen to you, then you should take a good rest in the dormitory at noon!
By the way, be honest when you are in class, and don't sneak glances at those beautiful and fashionable female colleagues, understand? "

"Oh! What do you mean, daughter-in-law, if you don't look beautiful or fashionable, you can look at it casually, and it's okay to do whatever you want!"

"You dare, what do you dare to take? You see, I won't abolish you, I will let you die for the rest of your life? Hmph!"

The night was too deep and too silent, and the two of them fell silent after a few words of argument.

In the middle of the night, the little girl's arms were exposed, and when she felt a little shivering in the cold air, the man quickly covered her with the quilt, and hugged her tightly again.

How can my daughter-in-law leave me?You can't leave me for a while, and you can't sleep honestly.

Without me, I would have caught a cold. It seems that I have to think of a solution quickly. It will be even colder after a while. How can my daughter-in-law stand it!

But the man didn't know that his daughter-in-law was physically strengthened, and her physical condition was amazing.

Cough cough, of course women's physical problems don't count, every woman will suffer mental damage, it has nothing to do with her physical condition, that's because she played off.


When Han Yalan woke up again, the man really left.

The kang was hotter than last night, and it seemed that the small pot that someone helped to build was still smoking yesterday afternoon.

Han Yalan opened it and saw that porridge was boiled underneath, two big steamed buns were warmed on top, and there was also a small bowl of very fragrant braised pork.

Han Yalan stuck out her tongue, her mother-in-law had to be more careful when she saw it.

Hurriedly brought these to the house, and finished the food sent by [Heidi's Little Wife], and then started to gobble it up.

With a mutated body and the addition of psychic powers, Han Yalan now eats more than that idiot.

I'm afraid of eating too much when I'm with a man, and every time I secretly drink a tube of interstellar nutrient solution.

Otherwise, I won't be able to withstand the hunger. I don't know why Han Yalan feels that no matter what, this real meal is still better than nourishing leaves!It tastes better than that Bigu Dan.

Suddenly Han Yalan smiled slightly, and sent the untouched food to [Star Lord].

By the way, I also took the exclusive red envelope that I sent over yesterday.

It's a tiny little chip the size of a card reader.

The function of pinching this small chip in the palm of your hand can be automatically read in your mind, and the contents inside are simply not too convenient.

It's still video teaching, and I don't know what the other party did, but it's the same as the language of this era.

[Star Lord] When she was about to destroy the food, she called back and sent another exclusive red envelope.

[Star-Lord]: "Thank you little sister in the 70s for your hospitality, these meals are delicious.

I know that food is also scarce in your age, so I will give you a box of nutrient solution in various flavors, so you can eat it in different flavors.

Here’s a suggestion, these nutrient solutions are all super concentrated, just like our mecha warriors, one tube a day is enough, you can use half a tube a day, plus the food of your era can meet your body’s needs up. "

【Han Yalan in the 70s】Click to receive in an instant: "(⊙o⊙) Wow, thank you, thank you, it has solved my urgent need!

You don't know that I am now a rice bucket among rice buckets, and I am too embarrassed to eat so much.

Although I don't lack food, we are friends in the group, and we always send all kinds of food, especially the meat of [Werewolves in ancient times].

But there are really many sincere people who dare not let our side see it. "

[Star Lord]: "I totally understand, who put you at the bottom of your society!

In fact, if I was not in this position in Interstellar, I would be able to do everything with my hands and feet.

Work hard, kid, when you reach a certain position, you won't have such worries anymore. "

[Han Yalan in the 70s]: "Yeah, you're right, I will work hard."

The other party went offline, Han Yalan touched her stomach which was not very full, sent the new one over, squeezed out a third of the nutrient solution into her stomach.

A strong sense of satiety came over, the most important thing is that the taste of this is still her favorite mangosteen flavor.

The sweet and sour taste of mangosteen lingered in La's mouth for a long time, Han Yalan squinted her eyes and felt happy for a while before closing her eyes.

Start to consolidate knowledge, it is worth mentioning that stick the chip between the eyebrows.

Beep, beep, "Do you want to activate the latest interstellar learning machine? Yes! No!"

Han Yalan: "Yes..."

Reading chip...

After ten seconds, the picture in my mind came out, and the knowledge in it could be clicked and read according to the idea, which is not too convenient.

These can be spoken in more detail than those of the current learning machines, and they are more comprehensible, some of which are in Russian.

Han Yalan, who was studying with her eyes closed, felt that she was in that virtual classroom.

An amiable blonde, real-life teaching, and she can read along with her thoughts, and can solve oral problems such as foreign languages.

This kind of learning is simply getting twice the result with half the effort, coupled with the effect of focusing on the nutrient solution.

Not only did she memorize it completely, but she could also fully understand any meaning in it after a while, and she could make inferences from one instance, no problem at all.

The knowledge from elementary school to junior high school is simple enough, but because the amount is large enough, everything is consolidated and fully memorized.

It was almost noon, and Han Yalan's head started to hurt a little, but it felt okay and he could bear it.

At this time, those people who went to the ground have not returned yet, Han Yalan felt that the kang was a little cold, and thought that he couldn't always take advantage of everyone
(End of this chapter)

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