I brush red envelopes in the chronology

Chapter 133 Demon City! !magic city

Chapter 133 Demon City! !magic city
Mo Guofeng coughed lightly, "I'm sorry, you two, there is a meeting in the county, and I have already rushed back as much as possible.

How about this, it's getting late now, the two of you have a light meal at home, and we'll talk about the children slowly. "

"Look, old Zhao..." Han Fengzhi had no idea at this moment.

In fact, what she wanted was to take Han Yalan away in the car, and then try to get the two of them to divorce.

But the student from the Mo family said that Han Yalan and his youngest son went on a business trip, and even went to Yangcheng thousands of miles away, isn't that nonsense?
I seriously suspected that they must have heard the news that I was coming, and let that kid hide my family Lan Lan.

"Mr. Mo, our husband and wife know that you are very prestigious in this village, and even know that you are quite prestigious in this area.

So please, it is better to hand over Han Yalan.

Han Yalan's child is relatively young, I don't think she is ready for marriage at all.

I think she should go to school instead of getting married and having kids and raising a family. "

What Han Fengzhi said was actually quite blunt.

Mo Guofeng waved slightly to his family, smiling like a Maitreya Buddha.

Suddenly those angry families, people immediately calmed down.

"Han Fengzhi, maybe there is some truth in what you said!

But the fact is that Han Yalan is now married to our Mo Ziye.

Whether it is prepared or not, raw rice is now cooked rice.

Besides, Han Yalan's school status has been preserved by my youngest son, and he can still take the graduation certificate examination when the time comes.

And as for you saying that you don't believe that this kid and my son are on a business trip, you can inquire about it!
It looks like you have a lot of information about your husband and wife!Can't you find out which unit my son works in?There is also a record of going on a business trip.

As for Han Yalan's request for leave, there was also a report of asking for leave, not to mention that I, the village head, did not write the letter of introduction alone.
There is also the mayor, so you husband and wife, I hope you will use your brains when you talk.

Of course, my old man knows that I am a village head to put it bluntly. To put it bluntly, I just bring the whole village together to find a way to complete the tasks assigned by the state. To put it bluntly, I am just an old farmer.

As for the two of you, if you look at the dress and the car, you are a big leader. How can we ordinary people afford to provoke you?

But you said that you let the two children divorce, don't you think you are blatantly violating the laws of our country?
Nowadays, what the law advocates is the freedom of marriage. It does not mean that if you want him to divorce, he will leave it. "

"Ahem, old comrade Mo Guofeng, don't you think it's illegal to collect a bride price for a wedding?
If it wasn't for the high price gift of 100 yuan from your family, would Han Yalan's child be forced by his parents to marry your youngest son? "

Han Fengzhi wanted to say some nasty words, whether your son is a second-timer or a second-marriage, you are not good enough for my sister, Han Yalan who was raised by gold and jade.

This child Han Yalan is good-looking, good at studying, and good-natured enough, how could she be married off so casually.

"But the law does not stipulate that this man is not allowed to give a bride price when he marries his wife!

Jurisprudence is nothing more than human feelings. The two children are living a good life together. I don't know what the purpose of your husband and wife is to break up.

Han Yalan did go on a business trip with my son, as for when you will come back, you can wait, these two can't never come back forever.

When Han Yalan comes back, you can tell her in person. If Han Yalan insists on going with you, if she wants to divorce my son, I, Mo Guofeng, will definitely not stop her. "

"Okay. You are the one who said what Village Chief Mo said. Don't scare Han Yalan back when your family threatens and lures her.

This child is pitiful enough, she has been wronged so much, and she can't be stimulated a little bit more. "

In fact, she wanted to talk about the Mo family taking advantage of the fire, but she was kicked severely by her man.

Yes, how do you say this, after all, the young couple is already married.

Although there was no wedding, there was a bride price and a marriage certificate, and no matter how many times Han Yalan was wronged from the beginning to the end, she never complained to the relevant departments.

It's even like what a rough guy yelled, if Han Yalan really doesn't like it.

He shouted when he received the marriage certificate, could Mo Ziye force her to sign it?
Although I think that the child must have been frightened by the couple, and because he was afraid of being beaten, he signed the letter tactfully.

But there are only two words of evidence, there is no evidence, what can I do?

"Daughter-in-law, let's find a place to rest first, and we will transfer to the train tomorrow."

It is said that there is no direct train to Yangcheng in this era. It is said that these two have already made two trips, and this time they have arrived in Shanghai.

"Brother Ziye, don't worry, I think this place is pretty good."

Mo Ziye smiled helplessly: "Yeah, Shanghai is pretty good, let's find a place to rest first, then we have a day to go shopping, and take the train tomorrow night."

"Okay!" Han Yalan didn't feel tired in an instant.

"But daughter-in-law, let's rest first! You don't know how tired you look."

It's just that when a certain man brought Han Yalan to the tall guest house, Han Yalan was shocked

Forgive me for being a country bumpkin, but I also know that in this day and age, it must cost a lot of money to come to this kind of guest house that is comparable to a hotel

"Come in, daughter-in-law, you are so tired, how can I let you not have a good rest? It's just a small room."

Mo Ziye's expression was calm, but Han Yalan clearly saw the aura of a big boss in this guy again.

The waiters in the hostel also treated men very well, and Han Yalan clearly saw some foreigners coming in and out.

And with a dazed face, she was really ashamed of the post-21s.

She was dazed until she was dragged into the room by the man. The man had a single room, but unfortunately the bed was not big, it looked like a single bed.

"Daughter-in-law, go wash up, they provide hot water here."

Han Yalan didn't react until she was pulled in by a man to take a shower.

"Brother Ziye, it's very expensive here, don't make a mistake! In fact, I don't need to live in such a nice place, I just need a place to stay if I'm tired of traveling.

It's even okay to sit on a chair at the train station like those people did. "

"You silly bastard, I really feel sorry for money at this time!" Mo Ziye cursed with a smile, and turned on the shower.

"Don't tell me? You just listen to me. If I give you something to eat, you can eat it. You can live wherever you are told. As a woman, there is so much nonsense."

Hou, the more this guy Mo Ziye goes out, the more domineering he looks.

"You hate me and you..."

"Daughter-in-law, you can have a special drink ticket in your hand, so why can't I live here...

Be obedient, let's take a good rest after taking a shower. After rest, I will take you to play tomorrow.

You come out with me so recklessly, isn't it just for fun? "

A certain man nodded the little woman's nose, and served the little woman arrogantly and considerately.

 Sorry, everyone will update here first, the visit from my aunt is really terrible.

(End of this chapter)

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