Chapter 13
Hehe, that's why I'm still a little bit lucky. This zombie crystal nucleus is indeed useful, but it's too powerful, which scared the man like this.

"Han Yalan, just obediently look at your attitude when reading a book. This book is not cheap. It cost me twenty cents!"

Mo Ziye looked at his wife while reading the quotations, and suddenly became very detached.

What happened to this silly daughter-in-law?Could it be that he said too much just now and made this silly daughter-in-law feel bad?
Forget it, I still need to be coaxed, although it's useless, I look pleasing to the eye, and I can still keep a warm bed.

"Daughter-in-law, I was joking with you just now, don't take it to heart, I have absolutely no reason to dislike you.

I'm worried about you, you will get into trouble if you talk out loud. "

"Yeah." Han Yalan nodded absent-mindedly, her mind had been out of here for a long time.

With this photographic memory and ability, I am so excited!
That is, my stomach is still very hungry, and a certain man won't let me eat more.

Now I just hope that this man will leave quickly.

"Daughter-in-law, where did you buy that bowl of meat? The craftsmanship is really good, but the meat looks a little strange!"

"How strange, isn't it wild boar?"

"No, this meat is tenderer than wild boar, and it's more tender than domestic meat. But the craftsmanship is really good.

You, don't do business with others behind my back in the future, grab this right now.

If you are caught by those people and locked up for a few days, do you think you can keep your little life? "

"Okay, I'll listen to you, but this is not the kind of private trading market you mentioned.

I just bought it from a sneaky woman on our doorstep. "Han Yalan is an explanation.

: "So that's the case, those people are so courageous that there is no limit."

Mo Ziye twitched the corner of his mouth stiffly, this damn girl was definitely not telling the truth.

"Those people must have no other choice, but this wild pork is delicious!" Han Yalan snickered.

"It's just because you have a strange taste this time. Who doesn't know that the smell of wild pork is the strongest and the worst! Anyway, if you like it, let's buy some when the right time comes."

Mo Ziye said casually, this woman looks pleasing to her eyes and is still her own wife, so she has to be pampered no matter what.

: "Daughter-in-law, can you cook? We have food and vegetables at home, you have to learn a little bit, even if I'm a temporary worker, I have to follow all over the country.

We can't go out to buy and eat every day, no. "

"Anyway, I can almost cook the food." Han Yalan looked at the great man's quotations, but spoke in an extremely aggrieved tone.

Poor me, although I am used to suffering and I have been eating canteens for a long time, but I really don't know how to cook.

And the original owner didn't do anything, although the grandma died and was forced to do housework, but to be honest, she didn't do very well, especially the original owner's mother didn't allow her to do the cooking.

"If you can do it well, if you don't suddenly faint, you won't be able to see me now, and I should be on the way to Beijing again."

"Why did you go there?" Han Yalan was so surprised that she stopped reading and stared at the man in front of her curiously.

Isn't it hard to go out now?It is necessary to issue a letter of introduction and various procedures.

"Didn't I tell you that the temporary worker I'm looking for is doing purchases?

Those who do purchases naturally have to travel all over the country. Right now, there is a shortage of food, and I don't know how many places I have to travel to! "

Finding food sources was easy for Mo Ziye, but he had to act like he had put in all his effort to complete the task.

"Shopping is a good job, but looking for food!" Han Yalan herself was worried about a certain man.

It's not that I can't help to find it, but how should I explain it!
For the sake of it, this man treats me pretty well.

I really can't find this man, so I'm talking with my friends in the group!

Find a way to get the food out and have a reasonable excuse.

: "Daughter-in-law, if your problem is not serious, then I will be on a business trip tomorrow.

How about I send you back to the countryside and let my mother take care of you.

By the way, is there anything you want to buy?Tell me if you have anything you want to buy, this big city has ample supply of all kinds of goods! "

Mo Ziye was a little worried about his wife. After all, this woman was in a coma for two days as soon as she fell into a coma, which really scared him.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I don't want to, I don't want to go back to the countryside.

I don't even know your mother well, and there are so many sister-in-laws in your family. I dare not go back without you, I'm afraid! "Han Yalan shook her head like a drum.

What I am most afraid of is getting along with a large family. I am really afraid of the disgusting eyes of those people.

Whether it's me or the original body, I'm the one rejected by my family, so I don't want to look at those supercilious eyes.

I heard people say that when my mother just married my father and conceived me, the grandmother was also pregnant and still a son, and then my father felt that my mother's family was a bottomless pit, so he insisted on a divorce.

I heard that my mother knew that her natal family's conditions were not good, and she had to raise her brother, who was younger than the baby in her belly, so she couldn't leave her life and death.

And my father was so ruthless that he completely disregarded his reputation as a man and his little connection with women, so he abused his mother domestically. It is said that his mother was abused very badly back then.

Then my mother couldn't bear it when I was 7 months old and went to induce labor, but the irony is that I, who should not have existed, lived.

Then the only condition for my mother to propose a divorce with my father is not to take me with me, or I will die in my father's house if I die, and I will not divorce.

Later, although my father didn't want to support me as an oil bottle, but in order to get rid of the bottomless pit of my grandmother's house, I had no choice but to agree to my mother's conditions.

So I have never seen what my mother looks like since I was a child, and my father also hates that I was thrown into the care of my grandparents.

Sometimes I think that I am a girl fortunately, and the conditions in my father's family are not bad.

When I was 5 years old, my father married my stepmother. It is hard to imagine that when my father divorced my mother, the well-known domestic violence man was very kind to my stepmother.

Not only has he never committed domestic violence against his stepmother, he is also sweet-mouthed and can coax his wife, and all the money earned from housework is also given to his stepmother.

As for myself, I can't tell what they are, at least they have not been beaten or scolded by their parents or stepmothers, nor have they been beaten or scolded by their grandparents.

But the very young ones can feel their dislike and alienation from themselves.

I was sent to boarding school when I was in the small class of kindergarten, and I seldom went home.

And when the school closed during the Chinese New Year and had to come back, I nestled in grandma's house like a mouse.

Even when the family had a reunion dinner together, I didn't go there. I knew that I was disgusted with my father.

Of course, my mother has never seen me. Grandma said that my mother has never given me a penny of support.

But it's normal, my little uncle is 4 months younger than me, and my mother's life is not easy.

Because there was a very young brother-in-law, and my grandparents didn't make any money, so my mother had a miserable life that day.

It is said that she did get married later, but the conditions of that family were very bad, and she was more than 20 years older than her own mother, so I didn't know it later.

And when I was in junior high school, I occasionally wrote some web articles secretly, and occasionally I was lucky enough to be signed and earned a little pocket money.

And my own parents, stepmothers, and even my grandparents don't care about my petty actions at all. Anyway, it's tuition fees, and living expenses are paid as they should. Of course, it is the local minimum standard, and then there is nothing else.

So my classmates sometimes say that there are really very few children like me who have not learned bad things and have always studied so obediently!
"Okay, I'll see you for one more night, if you're okay tomorrow, I'll leave and I won't send you back.

Why do you feel that marrying a wife is like giving birth to a baby, and you have to worry about everything. "

Mo Ziye cursed secretly, stretched out his hand and hooked Han Yalan, before he could recover, Han Yalan was embraced by this man.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing?" Han Yalan's thoughts were interrupted by the man's words and actions, and her face turned pale with fright.

"What am I doing? Don't forget that you are my wife." Mo Ziye's voice was hard.

"I'm not such a beast. You are so sick. How could I have such an idea? But you have to remember, you are my wife, and you belong to me."

Han Yalan was startled again by the man's domineering tone, and just about to speak to her, but didn't know what to say.

"Don't move around and give me a hug, whose daughter-in-law won't give me a hug!

Go to sleep, I'll follow you for a while too, in order to take care of you, I haven't slept all this time! "

Mo Ziye didn't let go of her hand, he leaned back slightly and pulled the quilt to cover both of them.

Han Yalan was surprisingly well-behaved and didn't struggle at all. Speaking of which, she had never been hugged since she was a child.

A certain man, the soft snoring followed, and he no longer found it so annoying.


When Han Yalan woke up again, it was already dawn, and there was no sign of a certain man by her side.

Food and some money tickets were already set up on the small table in the room. It seemed that this man should have been gone for a long time.

Han Yalan yawned lazily and covered herself with her hungry stomach.

Climb down the kang, go outside to wash up before coming back, ready to have a big meal.

After all, my stomach has already been flattened by hunger, right?This time the man cooked rice pancakes with Erhe noodles, a large plate of fried bacon with cabbage, and a small pot of stick porridge. This amount is enough for an adult to eat for several days.

Han Yalan blinked, found the plates and bowls that [Heidi's Little Wife] had sent her, and divided the food in front of her.

First, I picked out one of each item for 【Hei Di Xiaojiao Wife】 and sent an exclusive red envelope.

Then others came to a group...

Only then did Han Yalan take out the food she had stored from the storage ring, and began to feast on it.

The food made by Mo Ziye is considered good in this day and age, so let them remember the bitterness and sweetness by sending it out to the big guys!

Besides, although these foods may not taste particularly good, they are absolutely natural.

Isn't that right, once this red envelope is sent out, it will explode in the group.

【Hei Di Xiaojiao Wife】: "(⊙o⊙) Wow, Han Yalan hasn't eaten such pure natural and fresh food for a long time.

Although it is a little rough, it tastes very good. If you guessed right, it must be made by your family! "

[Han Yalan in the 70s]: "Yes, yes, I am the only one at home now, and I am desperately eating the food you sent me, do you know? I don’t know what’s wrong, I feel like I’m so hungry that I can eat a whole head Cattle."

[Vampire Sir]: "I can't imagine why you humans like such food."

[Female in Doomsday Space]: "You guys, you are born in the blessings and don't know the blessings. If we can eat these every day here, we must be very happy.

These are absolutely natural enough, whoever doesn't like it can send it to me privately, I don't want too much. "

(End of this chapter)

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