I brush red envelopes in the chronology

Chapter 127 I, Su Daji, Came to Find King Zhou

Chapter 127 I, Su Daji, Came Back to Find King Zhou
"You old comrade, why can't everything you say be separated from the oppression of women?
Now is a new society, and the new country has equality between men and women, and the three mountains that oppress women have already been pulled down.

And according to what you mean, our women are worse than before. Women in the past didn't go out to earn money to support their families!

Now women have to earn money to support their families, and the way that the old society oppressed women is still on us, why? "

A little girl with braids quit first.

"Why? Can't you understand what I just said? It looks like you are a sharp-tongued funeral star. Who married you, tsk!"

The lesbian in her fifties squinted and clicked her tongue

"It's okay if you don't want to do those housework and don't want to take good care of your husband and in-laws. After you get married, see if you can bear the beating."

As a result, when the old woman said something, an educated man who was reading the newspaper couldn't help but say, "This lesbian, as a man, I also disagree with your point of view.

When you become a woman, how can you be so hostile towards you lesbians?

I think what the young man did just now was quite right. Naturally, this daughter-in-law should be treated well when she gets married, as you said. "Originally a trivial topic, but it caused everyone to argue endlessly.

Mo Ziye was a little helpless, the train environment was such that everyone would have a tired wife, and they couldn't sleep for a while, obviously it was already 1 o'clock in the morning.

"Hey, why are you closing your eyes and pretending to sleep, young man?" The old woman didn't know what was wrong, so she focused on Mo Ziye.

"Just like you, I really feel aggrieved for your old lady.

You little daughter-in-law, with such white skin, such tender face, and her little hands are so tender that you can pinch water. It seems that you treat her as an ancestor!
As a man, as a son, you should be more filial to your parents, not the one who raised you up to be filial to the one who can sleep with you.

As an elder, I would like to advise you, don't be that kind of white-eyed wolf who married his wife and forgot his mother. "

"You lesbian, you are fine, why don't you go to the hospital?

I really can't understand what you are thinking?They are all women, why are you so hostile towards women?

My wife is an accountant of the tax bureau. I don't need to do farm work, so naturally my hands won't grow calluses.

And what are you talking about? Does treating your wife well as a man means not being filial to your parents? "

Mo Ziye frowned subconsciously, but he regretted it after saying this!
When the hell is he willing to talk about such boring questions with this kind of old woman.

"That's not so bad, even if the family is separated, then your wife should cook for your parents and clean up the housework, and she has to take good care of her sooner or later.

Look at your daughter-in-law's tender hands, so she doesn't do any housework. "

For some reason, the old woman refused to let her go.

Mo Ziye's temper was so violent that he almost reached out to slap the old woman in anger.

My daughter-in-law hurts me, I can't bear to let her work, it's none of your business.

As a result, Mo Ziye hadn't had time yet, "This lesbian, I feel sorry for your daughter-in-law and daughter all of a sudden, tsk tsk, they are so pitiful when they meet you."

A student, a lesbian in his thirties who wore glasses, suddenly frowned and spoke in an extremely shrill voice.

Well, to put it bluntly, it was this old woman who disturbed people's rest.

"It seems that lesbians like you really need to be re-educated." It was the same person who adjusted his glasses, and his tone became more serious.

Han Yalan was finally woken up: "You old comrade, I know what you think.

You should have been bullied by your mother-in-law very badly, so you see that women in our new countries and the new era have a good life, and you feel unbalanced. "

As soon as Han Yalan said this, the old lady was stunned, and she was speechless immediately.

"Besides, you old comrade, I think you have a lot of opinions on the southern women's equality policy that our country is vigorously advocating and implementing!
This is also on the train, otherwise I will report you to the relevant department!This kind of speech that blatantly opposes national policies and incites social disharmony and family disharmony. "

Mo Ziye held back his laughter, but his little daughter-in-law was sharp-tongued, it's a good thing she didn't play tricks on her old lady.

In other words, if you really want to fight with your own mother, your own mother may not be an opponent, and someone who can get on the line as soon as you talk is better than your own father.

It seems that this dead girl has definitely read the newspapers a lot lately, she has a set of words.

"That's right, I think what this little comrade said makes sense. You, a lesbian, should be well educated for your ideological consciousness! Reporting must be reported!"

All the chatter was to attack the old woman, making her face flushed, but she dared not speak anymore.

Although her point of view can be learned from the rural areas or older women in No. [-] Middle School, after all, most of the people who can get out by train are young people.

Even if a man wants to oppress a woman, he dare not say it in this public place.

Even to put it harshly, in this day and age who can take the train to go out, even if they are a woman, their family status basically cannot be lowered.

So this one didn't find a crowd to support her, and being here made her full.Having realized this, if a cultural person scolds you with words, it will make you even more speechless.

"Everyone, please be quiet, the other guests should rest."

The flight attendant finally came to stop it.

Han Yalan also breathed a sigh of relief, it's really annoying, but it's quiet.

It's just quiet, and you can't rest in this compartment, after all, there are too many people and smells, and you can only sit.

Didn't he just bump into Brother Ziye after falling asleep?

Obviously it's okay when everyone is extremely sleepy, but this older woman just can't stand it.

I don't understand, there are many women, especially older ones, who can't see that this woman can live well.

Then Han Yalan, who was very annoyed but also knew that she couldn't disturb the rest of the passengers around her, closed her eyes and went to Shuiqun.

Although you can't send red envelopes, you can also look at other people.

It's just that everyone should rest at this time, and there are very few people cultivating immortals in the water group.

She waited for a full two minutes, when she was about to step back and rest

That ten thousand years of not bubbling [I, Su Daji, came back to find King Zhou] threw red envelopes into the group.

Han Yalan used her thoughts directly

Didi [Han Yalan in the 70s] received the red envelope sent by [I, Su Daji, came back to find King Zhou], Meiguo*1
Immediately afterwards, other friends in the group were also blasted out, and they all came out to grab it.

[Interstellar Lord]: "By the way [I, Su Daji, came back to find King Zhou] you haven't erupted in 10 years, right? What do you think of today?
I thought you were picked up by some old-fashioned old man again. "

[I, Su Daji, have come back to find King Zhou]: "I've been in seclusion, just came out, and saw a few friends in the group again!

Dear friends, I hope you can take the magic fruit as soon as possible!Guaranteed that after taking it, your friends will be more and more rare of you, the kind that you can't live without!

Not only can you beautify your skin, but it can also make your side stronger.

As for women, they will always be the same as before. I believe those who understand people and things will understand what it means! "

[Little monk of Tianji Sect]: "@【I Su Daji is back to find King Zhou】Old man, you poisoned me in the middle of the night!

But this charm fruit..."

[I, Su Daji, have come back to find King Zhou]: "Little monk, you can also use it. I know that your monks in the cultivation world have never cultivated purely. I heard that you have taken a fancy to that demon girl from the Acacia Sect!"

(End of this chapter)

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